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Jane Kyla L.

Grade XI- Cranium

and Writing
Note: To exemplified this task, I used narrative writing to make my passage as a
connected discourse. In a narrative essay you tell a story, often about a personal
experience, but you also make a point. So, the purpose is not only to tell an entertaining
tale but also show the reason for the story and the importance of the experience.

It was 5:00 a.m. in the morning when the delegates from Chinju University arrived in
Pasig City Science High School. I walked toward them wearing summer attire and
carrying a hiking backpack. “Brace yourselves, we are going to go back to time!” I told
them as I put my things inside the school’s private shuttle. “Today, we’ll be exploring
mother Philippines’ hidden beauty. Our first destination, Manila.”

The shuttle brought us in the

hearts of Manila. “You have
probably have had heard a
lot about the Philippines for
how beautiful the
country and beaches are. It
is also famous for its tourist
spots like historic monuments,
churches, and amusement
parks, there are a lot more to
discover in this capital city! A
lot of the locals speak English
well, but it is always good to
pick up a few phrases to say
in Tagalog.Once you go to Manila, you will probably be amazed with how the city has
urbanized and yet has kept its old grandeur. The humongous buildings, various shopping
malls, historic sites and buildings will surely captivate your eyes. Long with that,
the delicious filipino food, warm people, and the contagious smiles of the natives will
make you fall in love with the city. But more than that, Manila has a lot more to offer
because behind the city’s urban beauty lies many interesting things to see and know
about Manila.” With that
little introduction I told
them, their eyes instantly
glittered and they all look
thirsty to learn. From
what I know, Koreans
before admire our
country because of its
magnificent structures
and they are wishful to
have a country we have.
The Philippines also
helped Koreans during
the Korean War. Military
relations between the two countries started during the Korean War when the Philippine
Government sent their troops to enforce Allied Campaign against the communist North
Korea. South Korea is an active arms supplier for the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
They donated some of their F-5A/B fighter jets to the Air Force. They also donated some
of their T-41 trainer planes. The SOKOR have sold different small arms to the
Philippines.Recently, SOKOR agreed to sell 12 FA-50 Fighting Eagle multi-role fighters
to the Philippines. The Philippines received some ships from South Korea. Meanwhile,
Sehun, one of the Korean delegates walked toward one Philippine Marine Corps Army.
“Who are they?” asked Sehun. “They are the armed service from Philippine Marine
Corps who fought in Mindanao before they are assigned to march in the historical places
in Manila. They are holding a M1 garand rifle with them.” Sehun looked amazed with the
weapons the armies are using. “Did you know that the name Manila came from a flower?
There are many hear says about Manila’s origin but what most Filipinos believe in is the
folk story about beautiful flowers which is very simple. According to the story, there were
beautiful white and yellow flowers that grew in the newly built walls of Intramuros which
were called by natives as ‘Nilad.’ However, there was a time that a woman couldn’t
explain where she got those white and yellow flowers so she just told her neighbors “Sa
mga may Nilad”. Since then, locals started to call that area ‘Sa may Nilad’ and after a
while it already became ‘Sa Maynila’ or Manila.” They nodded at me as they trace their
fingers into the walls of Intramuros. Like the birth of Manila’s name, truly, the walls are
covered with beautiful flowers.

The sun is about to set and it

can be seen in the horizons of
Manila Bay and as we leave
Manila, we watched the sun
sets as the urban sight
changed into a rural one.We
already reached our second
destination, the mountains of
Montalban. We’re still able to
witness the sun sets behind the
two mountains of Bernardo
Carpio. “What is this place? It is
really breathtaking” asked
Hyuna as she gaze at the land
forms near her. “Where at
Rodriguez, Rizal. You see those mountains? They are called Mt. Pamitinan and Mt.
Binaacay and filipinos believed that there is a man in the middle of the two mountains
that causes earthquakes. Would you like me to tell more about it?” Right away, they
nodded at me and they unrolled their place mats. We all sat on the rocks above Wawa
Dam and appreciate the view. It’s almost 6:00 pm and the sky is becoming dreamy. The
wind is also delicate as if talking to us as it kisses both our cheeks.

“Once upon a time, there was a

couple who lived in one of the many
mountains of Rizal. The man and the
woman were very poor and led a very
hard life. But one day, a midst all their
poverty and hardships, came a bundle
of joy and happiness. The man and
the woman were given the gift of the
birth of a big, beautiful, and healthy
baby boy. They named their newborn
son Bernardo Carpio and he became
his parents’ most precious
treasure.Like any other kid, Bernardo loved to play. But something was noticeably very
different about Bernardo. Unlike the other kids, Bernardo had the power of extraordinary
strength.It was said that when Bernardo was still a baby crawling on all fours, all the
floorboard nails that he hooked with his tiny fingernails were pulled out from their very
places. When Bernardo was still learning how to walk, any railing that he used for
support was destroyed and splintered into pieces. And anytime Bernardo’s parents gave
him a new toy to play with, the toy would break and become crushed in the palms of his
small hands.As Bernardo grew up to be a handsome young man, his power doubled and
increased even more. He soon became renowned not only for his power of extraordinary
strength, but also for his dashing good looks. Furthermore, Bernardo possessed great
courage and bravery that were second to none. Everyone knew that Bernardo could
easily beat any man so no one would dare face Bernardo Carpio in a match of strength
and bravery.Not like other typical guys, Bernardo was not interested in merriment, social
gatherings, and other festivities. The loveliness of all the beautiful young women in his
town did not appeal to him. What really captivated Bernardo was the forest.Bernardo
found his real happiness in the forest. The part where the trees were the thickest and the
densest is where he often stayed. There is where he spent time with and sought the
company of his close friends, the animals of the forest.

In the forest that Bernardo frequented lived an enchanted creature. This enchanted
creature was a very big and a very strong male. However, the creature also had the ugly
manner of envying and causing harm to others. The enchanted creature had seen
Bernardo many times during the innumerable visits that he had made to the forest.It did
not take long before the begrudging and hateful enchanted creature got wind of
Bernardo’s fame for his extraordinary strength.The enchanted creature was sure that the
young man would be no match against his own power and strength. One day, the
enchanted creature waited for Bernardo to come into the forest. As soon as he saw
Bernardo, he immediately challenged him to a duel.
Bernardo was not one to back down from any fight
so he accepted the challenge right away. And so
the two fought. This was followed by many
different battles in which both of them made use of
their power of great strength. And in every single
one of them, the enchanted creature lost.They
separated after a long and arduous battle. The
enchanted creature left but not without hatred in
his heart for the one that defeated him. He waited
for the right time and the right opportunity to exact
revenge on Bernardo for the loss and shame that
he had suffered in his hands.When the enchanted
creature was able to chance upon Bernardo once
again, he invited him to a hidden area of the forest.
In that area were two enormous slabs of stone that
were positioned on either side of the place. In the
middle of those two stone slabs was where the
enchanted creature dwelled. The creature told
Bernardo to go ahead and enter the place. As
soon as Bernardo reached the spot right in the
center of the two stones, the enchanted creature vanished into thin air. And suddenly,
the two stone slabs started to fall towards Bernardo. Using his extraordinary strength,
Bernardo fought against the stones’ massive weight and size to prevent them from
crushing him.

According to the elders, Bernardo Carpio is still in the same place, holding those two
stones. And every time an earthquake occurs, it is said that it is because of Bernardo
Carpio moving and wishing to break free. And that is the legend of Bernardo Carpio.
Good night, delegates!”

I was awaken by the strong slapdash of water on the ground plus the rays coming from
the sun is very refreshing. We were also fueled by the spine shivering landscapes of
Rizal and the number of people who visits the place is very overwhelming. We started to
pack because our next itinerary would take hours to travel. “Don’t eat a lot because there
still more to eat on our way to Catarman, Camiguin.” Yes, you heard it right. I’ll be taking
them to Mindanao and I can take you with me.

When we arrived at the place the delegates

are all happy but it seems like they are not
thrilled because all they can see is a plain
island with a crucifix in the middle. “We all
have secrets deep within us, right? The
same is through this island. It is full of
secrets. Now, I wanted you to wear all your
goggles because we are about to unveil it”
They did what I asked them to do and we
ride a small native boat to reach the crucifix
in the middle. “Are we going to dive?” I
nodded at Jennie as I guided them one by
one to dive in. “Come on! There’s more to
see!” The delegates are aghast of what they’ve seen underneath and when they already
landed onshore they are all speechless. “There is a cemetery underneath? How terrific!”
exclaimed Jennie. “Yes, there is. The ’Sunken Cemetery’ which is the remains of Mount
Vulcan 1871 eruption lies 20 ft underwater in Barrio Bonbon,
Catarman, Camiguin, Philippines. History has it that Mount Vulcan or locally known as
the Old Volcano had four historic eruptions. One was in 1827 but records of this
particular eruption were not important. Second was in 1862 which claimed 326 lives
when thick ashes flowed and caught people who were fleeing towards the sea. The third
one was in 1871 which caused the whole capital of Camiguin along with its cemetery
sunk under the sea.The years after the destructive eruption of Mount Vulcan,the Sunken
Cemetery was visible during low tide. But Mount Vulcan erupted again in 1948 until
1953 sinking the whole area deeper. To mark the community cemetery, a large cross
was built on the solidified lava in 1982.Today, the Sunken Cemetery is one of those most
visited tourist spot in Camiguin and is one of the most unique diving sites. One can see
coral encrusted tombstones when snorkeling and diving in the area.Sunken Cemetery is
just five to ten minutes away from Camiguin Walkway were one can also see the view of
the cemetery on top of the old volcano. It’s also ten minutes away from the old spanish
church which was also destroyed by the 1871 eruption. On the month of November, a
fluvial procession usually organized by the townsfolk of Barangay Bonbon is held in
honor of the sunken graves of their forefathers. They would bring flowers and candles
as an offering.” After we ate
dinner we lit candles along
the shorelines so that the
light from the candle will
reflect the sky to the water
and doing this is just so
magical. We also threw
sampaguita petals in the
water and the whole place
was filled by an aroma of
both joy and sorrow. This
place is our last itinerary and
this place will always remind
us the bittersweet history the
Philippines experienced.

It was 5:00 a.m. in the morning when the delegates from Chinju University arrived in
Pasig City Science High School. I walked toward them and bid farewell. “Brace
yourselves, it’s time to go home” I told them as I fold my hands above my arms. “Today,
you’ll be leaving Philippines and I hope I did a very good job” it’s obvious that these
delegates still yearns to explore more the country but there’s no time left. “ You did a
great job Ms. Kyla. Till we meet again!” There’s still more to explore here in the
Philippines. Truly, our country is the pearl of the world.

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