Utilization of Mobile Assisted Language Learning in EFL Classroom Teachers' Perception

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Utilization of Mobile Assisted Language Learning in EFL

Classroom: Teachers’ Perception
Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
Attainment of Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Education

Arranged by:
Fajarudin Akbar
A. Background of Problem
Learning nowadays has been developed more into a modern form.
Following the fast evolution of technology, technology has also helped learning
method to improve its quality (Miangah & Nezarat, 2012). Learning has become
more innovated with the help of technology which has more advantage in
developing the students’ potential.
Technology in learning contributes in varieties of way such as visual,
communication, and information which bring the outside world into the
classroom. Also technology has become easier to bring, and almost every kind
of learning needs can be fulfilled by technology.

Mobile learning in this case is a method which technology offers as a

method to make learning be more innovated and efficient because of the fast
spread of mobile device. Smartphone which nowadays is almost a must have
device where almost everyone own it can be also a facility to support mobile
learning. It undeniably that most student owns a smartphone and bring it
anywhere including to the classroom.

Even though there are already so many data of using mobile learning as a
learning method in the classroom, there are still some teacher which doubt to
use it, in this case is in EFL classroom.

By that case, in this research, researcher tries to discover the perception of

teacher towards the utilization of mobile assisted language learning in EFL

B. Limitation of the Problem and Formulation of Research Question The

This research focuses on the perception of teacher towards the utilization of
mobile assisted language learning in EFL classroom.

In conducting this research, the researcher formulate 3 research questions

which is:
1) How does teacher perceive toward utilization of mobile assisted
language learning in EFL classroom?
2) What is the obstacle of utilizing of mobile assisted language learning
in EFL classroom based on teacher perception?
C. Objectives of the Research
Regarding to the problem that has been stated, this research is to find out
the teacher perception toward utilization of mobile assisted language learning
in EFL classroom.

D. The advantages of the research

This research encourages teacher to use mobile assisted language learning
in EFL classroom.
A. Mobile Assisted Language Learning

When, in 1973, the mobile devices were invented for the first time, no one ever
thought some day they would become an important part of routine life. As soon as the
mobile phones became a crucial part of our lives, there felt a need for using them in
language learning tasks. These days mobile devices such as PDAs, phones, and other
handheld devices, are used everywhere for doing everything ranging from voice calling
to making short message, video chat, listening to audio (Mp3, Mp4, Mpeg), web
surfing, shopping, and the like. Apart from these benefits, mobile devices have
increasingly grown toward becoming tools for education and language learning, and
all its users from teachers or students are getting used to this environment to make
education as ubiquitous as possible. Moreover, the emerging of internet made open and
distance learning a means of receiving education from all parts of the world. In a short
period, the attractiveness of distance learning led to the realization that various mobile
devices provide a very effective resource for education. This way, many researchers
tried to make mobile devices a rich resource for teaching and learning. It was, in fact,
a challenging affair to cover learning tasks by a mobile phone.

MALL deals with the use of mobile technology in language learning. Students do
not always have to study a second language in a classroom. They may have the
opportunity to learn it using mobile devices when they desire and where they are. As
learning English is considered a main factor for professional success and a criterion for
being educated in many communities, providing more convenient environment for
people to learn English is one of the strategic educational goals towards improving the
students' achievement and supporting differentiation of learning needs.

There are many researches and developments towards the use of wireless
technology for different aspects of language learning. In the following lines it has been
tried to demonstrate the benefits of using mobile phones in learning English as a second
language. Areas of mobile-based language learning are diverse among which the most
common ones are vocabulary, listening, grammar, phonetics, reading comprehension,

B. EFL Classroom
English is taught and used as a foreign language in Indonesia. The fact that
English is one of the most essential international languages for communication
has been acknowledged by the Indonesian government since its independence,
therefore, the government has recommended that English become a compulsory
subject in secondary schools (Nurkamto, 2003). Furthermore, Lie (2007) also
argued that “the maintenance of English as a foreign language has been steady
as it is officially taught throughout the secondary schools” (p. 2). Lie also stated
that there has been a rising tendency in several big cities in Indonesia to teach
English starting from the lower grades of primary schools and even from

The aim of teaching English in schools is based on the Decree of the

Minister of Education and Culture No. 060/U/1993 dated 25th February 1993
and the 1989 Constitution on the System of National Education that the final
goal of the English subject at the schools is to enable the students to functionally
proficient in English in the globalization era (Rachmajanti, 2008). Meanwhile,
Nurkamto (2003) asserted that “the aim of the teaching of English in the schools
has been to develop the students’ communicative competence that would help
the students in their university education” (p. 287).

However, these aims have never been satisfactorily achieved. Although

English is officially taught throughout secondary schools, competence and
proficiency in this foreign language among high schools are generally low (Lie,
2007; Nurkamto, 2003). Learners find English difficult particularly when they
are instructed to state their opinion in English (Nurkamto, 2003). Only few
students who are able to learn English further, especially those who come from
the middle and upper socio-economic classes. Such students have “the easy
access and opportunity to enhance their English proficiency through private
courses, computer-aided language instruction, and exposure through Western
influences, TV channels, and foreign movies” (Lie, 2007, p. 3). In addition, Lie
added that outside the academic and professional worlds, English has never
been widely used as the lingua franca of the majority of the population. This is
because the geographic position of Indonesia is far away from English-speaking
countries as well as several particular cultural values, to some extent, cannot
motivate students to study English (Nurkamto, 2003).

A. Research Design
The aims of this present research is to discover the perception of teachers
towards the utilization of MALL in EFL classroom. Depend on the objectives
proposed above, the qualitative approach with the design of ethnographic study
is applied to conduct this study due to the result of this study will be the
description and interpretation of overall analysis.

B. Research Subject
An English teacher who has utilized the MALL in EFL classroom, and an
English teacher who has not utilized MALL in EFL classroom in one of senior
high school in Karawang will be the participant of this study due the focus of
this present research is the teacher.

C. Instrument and Data Collection Techniques

In conducting this research, the researcher uses some instrument for
collecting the data such as observation and interview. The observation will be
conducted toward two English teachers and their classes in one of senior high
school at Karawang. In doing the observation, the researcher focuses on the
utilization of MALL. To get more accurate data, the researcher also will
interview the teachers about their perception toward MALL.

D. Data Analysis
The data collected will be analyzed through the interpretation from the
documentation and the result of the interview.
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