Species of Homo: S S Sapiens

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Species of Homo - In the case of Asia, assumed that a large

the very first brain would

The term Homo was taken in a Latin word which means “man” evidence of a correspond to the
Homo erectus was development of
- It is believed that the homo species had a large cranium size relative to the the so-called “Java complex thinking
australopithecines and was definitely bipedal. Man,” discovered processes, which is
by the Dutch turn enable humans
Based on the fossil there are three known species of Homo today; doctor Eugene to improve their way
Dubois in Trinil, of life such as by
- Homo habilis Java, Indonesia in working with tools.
- Homo erectus 1891. Dubois
- Homo sapiens pegged the dating - Archaic Homo
of his fossil to sapiens live about
Homo habilis Homo erectus Homo sapiens about 700,000 500,000-200,000
- Also known among - It name was - The last species in the years old. years ago in the
physical derived from its human evolutionary continent of Africa,
Anthropologist as the distinct feature path is the Homo - In 1920 another Europe and Asia.
“able man” or the which is ability to sapiens or the so- Homo erectus
“Handy man” because walk in an upright called “thinking man” fossil was found in - Meanwhile, the
it was the first to posture. cave in Homo
manufacture stone - Fossil evidence Have several types Zhoukoudian in nearthenthalensis
tools. suggest that it had China. (Neanderthals) is
existed between Archaic Homo sapiens believed to have
- It had a large brain 1.8 – 300,000 Homo heidelbergensis - The Human roamed Europe and
compared to the million years ago. Homo neanderthalencies remains, known as part of Asia
Australopithecines Homo sapiens-sapiens the “Peking man” sometime 230,000-
and measured three - These Homo dates about 30,000 years ago.
to four feet in height. erectus were - A crucial 420,000 years ago.
discovered in a development in the The fossils - They had a large
- This fossil was wide range of area emergence of the described as brain, which
discovered in Olduvai – e.g. Africa, Homo family was the having a large measures 1,740 cc.
Gorge, Tazania, and China, Java – formation of a large skull and heavy and is larger than an
Lake Turkana in which indicate cranium. brow ridges, average modern
Kenya. that this species which are features human being.
may have been the - Scientist equate typical of any
- They are believed to first early human brain size with erectus found. - There were also
have existed circa 2.5 to go out of Africa. intelligence. For reports of
million years ago. instance, it is - In 1984, an almost discoveries of
complete Homo Neanderthals burial
erectus fossil sites in places such remain of a female
belonging to as Israel, which Homo erectus.
young a male adult suggest that the
was found in Neanderthals may - They named her
Nariokotome in had a sense of Homo Florisiensis
Kenya, Africa. religion. or simply habbit.
This individual, - The modern Homo Excavated in the
named by scientist sapiens emerge only island of Flores,
as the “Turkana about 120,000 years Indonesia, Hobbit
Boy” is believe by ago. was unusual for a
some scientist as Homo erectus
belonging to a - The very first because she only
separate species -- evidence of this kind stood half as tall as
- the Homo was discovered in modern adults.
ergaster. 1868and which is She weighed only
popularly known 55 pounds and her
- The Homo erectus today as the “Cro- brain was only a
in general stood Magnon Man”. third of the size of
taller than the modern human’s.
Homo Habilis - Using they tools, Seven excavated
since it measured they manufactured remains show that
over five feet. fine implements such they were all tiny
as blades fashioned individuals who
- There is also out of stone, bones, lived between
evidence to antlers, ivory, wood 95,000 to 13,000
suggest that this and shells. years ago.
species was the
first in several - Later, Homo sapiens
aspects of sapiens would create The March of Humanity
primitive life’s. works of art such as
They had use of cave paintings clay  Underlying the story behind the march of humanity, is
fire, used caves as sculpture. adaptation. It can be remembered that Darwin explained this
dwelling place and phenomenon in terms of natural selection.
hunted for food.  According to this principle, nature favors the species who adapts
best to a given environment; therefore, those who could not cope
- A recent find, In with the environment would eventually die out and their genes
2004, archeologist would not be preserved for posterity.
excavated an
almost full skeletal
 The period of time covering most of the changes in the human  The brain need a large amount of energy to perform effectively,
evolutionary history spanned different epochs in the last 2 so human must select their food carefully in such a way that it
million to 10,000 years ago. It should be recalled that the will satisfy the energy requirements of the of brain.
environment was not as stable as today so nature itself posed a
great challenge for humanity to solve. Changes in the hand and the Use of Tools
 In the end, the story of evolution tells us how precisely humans
diverged their primate roots. Adapting biologically was man’s
response to the changes in nature.  The hand also underwent changes to adapt to the changing
Bipedalism  The palm and the fingers develop in such a way that it can holds
object better.
 Bipedalism is ability to walk on two feet.  Human develop “opposing thumb”, which enabled them to
precise and power gripping task.
 This feat is largely attribute to humans alone, as primates are
generally quadruped, that is, walking on all fours.  Incidentally, the oldest stone tool is flake tool found in Ethiopia
 Bipedalism was borne out of the need to explore man’s new and dated about 2.5 million years old. Though this particular
changing environment. development is associated mainly with the Homo habilis.
 However, wood does not preserve well there is no evidence of
this kind of primitive tools.
Increase in Cranial Capacity
The Dental Evidence the Canine and Molar.
 The average size of the brain Australopithecus was only about
400-500 cc.
 The size and shape of the teeth tell us something about the diet
 Archaic Homo sapiens’ brains measured about 600-750 cc.
of the ancient early human.
 While the modern Homo sapiens has a 1,500 cc.
 For example, sharp and protruding canines are commonly
 There was an increase in the cranial capacity of human species observed in Australopithecines species such as the A. afarensis.
because natured favored it.
 Meanwhile, the large jaw bone and sagittal crest are often seen
 Those who have bigger brains meant they were able to think in the fossilized remains of A. boises and A. robustos.
better.  They all developed this kind of dental features to enable them to
 There are still many other functions of the brain such as the cut, chew and mince fibrous and raw food sources from savanna.
capacity for symbolic language.  When the Homo line emerge, their set of teeth had a different
 Human are able to decode signs or symbols by created other structure.
members of their group – an ability which can be passed on to  For example, the pre-molar, molar and canine decrease in size.
future generations by way of education.
 There were also no protruding canines.
 The relationship may not obvious, but having a bigger brain
influenced by the way we do things, like eating.  The sagittal crest as well as the strong muscles in the chin
 Overall, the mouth receded in most Homo species, which gave  Therefore, people who inhabit places near the equator developed
this family a better facial appearance. darker skin, while those who live farther from the equator
developed lighter skin.
Africa: Cradle of Evolution  As a whole, man’s physical appearance is a result of adaptation
to the environment, it is not a gauge of intelligence and ability.
 Africa is cradle of human evolution.
 East and South Africa appeared to be the most ideal location
three million years ago because the warmer savanna
environment here was a cry from the cruel cold environs of the
Plio-Pleistocene epoch.
 Recent genetic evidence (mitochondrial DNA evidence) also
point to Africa as the home of the ancestors of all modern Homo
sapiens sapiens living in the world today.
 It is estimated that the Homo sapiens emerge in Africa some
150,000 years ago.
 It is generally accepted among scientist that the Homo was the
first human species to walk out Africa – beginning from the
Homo erectus whose fossil remains were found in Africa, China
and South-East Asia.
 Eventually, the modern Homo sapiens replaced all the others
Homo species and became the only surviving human species in
the world.
 The modern Homo sapiens is presumed to have not only superior
physical attributes compared to the early humans, but they also
had a better cultural adaptation.
 The human race belongs to single human species – Homo
sapiens sapiens. But not all human look the same because
different environmental niches affected their physical
appearance. This is due to adaptation of their part.
 They underwent biological change to enable them to survive in
their respective location in the world. One of these adaptation is
the color of the skin.
 The melanin, the substance in the human body responsible for
the color of the skin, decrease or increase depending on the
skin’s exposure to sunlight that contains ultra violet reaction.

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