Face To Face Preintermediate Test Tests 35699

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Pre-intermediate level Date: 22nd May 2012

Written exam 3
Score: 83/ ____
Name: ___________________ Surname: __________________

1. Define these words/phrases or explain in your own words. (8)

a. Get sacked - __________________________________________________________________________
b. Get promoted - ________________________________________________________________________
c. Damage - ____________________________________________________________________________
d. Weird - ____________________________________________________________________________
2. Illustrate the meaning of these words/phrases by using examples (in a sentence). (8)
a. Owe money to sbd - ____________________________________________________________________
b. Lend money - _________________________________________________________________________
c. A fitting room - ________________________________________________________________________
d. A receipt - ____________________________________________________________________________
3. Illustrate the difference of these words by using examples (in a sentence). (8)
a. To burgle, to rob
b. thief, theft

4. Fill in the gaps with these verbs. Use the Present Perfect and just, yet and already. (12)
leave start have read buy hear

a. A: Can I speak to Marko, please?

B: I’m sorry, but he __________________________. (already)
b. A: They got married a few years ago.
B: _____________ they _____________ any children _____________? (yet)
c. A: Do we have to run?
B: Yes! The film __________________________. (already)
d. A: Do you like this group?
B: Yes, but I __________________________ their new CD _____________. (yet)
e. A: Do you like the book I gave you?
B: Yes, but unfortunately I __________________________ it. (already)
f. A: Have you got any coffee?
B: Yes, I __________________________ some. (just)

5. Complete the sentences with who, which, that or where and end it in your way. (6)
a. This is the man ______ _______________________________________.
b. This is the park ______ _______________________________________.
c. This is the house ______ ______________________________________.
d. These are the things ______ ____________________________________.
e. This is the bar ______ _________________________________________.
f. This is the button ______ _______________________________________.

6. Translate. (8)
a. Skakati padobranom ________________________________
b. Rukavice ________________________________
c. Potpiši ovdje ________________________________
d. Ograda ________________________________

e. Try on ________________________________
f. An unconscious person ________________________________
g. Severe ________________________________
h. Damage ________________________________

7. The 2nd Conditional. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (8)
a. If I ___________ (not have to) get up early, I ______________ (go out) tonight.
b. If my parents ___________ (live) nearer, I ______________ (see) them more often.
c. If he ___________ (not work) so hard, he ______________ (not be) so tired.
d. If my father ___________ (be) here, he ______________ (know) what to do.

8. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb from the box. Then rewrite these sentences using the passive voice.
(Present Simple or Past Simple Passive) (10)
manufacture write grow direct publish

a. Every year Ford ________________ six million cars.

b. Cambridge University Press first ________________ this book in 2005.
c. Brazil ________________ twenty percent of the world’s sugar.
d. Ian Fleming ________________ the James Bond books.
e. George Lucas ________________ the Star Wars films.
9. Translate these sentences about shopping in the UK in the 1930s using the correct form of used to. (8)
a. Većina ljudi bi pila čaj a ne kafu.
b. Trgovine nisu radile nedjeljom.
c. Ljudi bi kupovali hranu svaki dan.
d. Ljudi nisu imali kreditne kartice.

10. Read about Gianni Versace. Fill in the gaps with a, an, the or - . (7)
Gianni Versace was born in 1946 in a town called ______ Reggio Calabria. Even when he was ______ child
he loved ______ clothes. When he was 25 he decided to go to ______ Milan and become ______ fashion
designer, and in 1982 he won his first award for being ______ best designer of ______ women’s clothes.

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