2017 MTAP 6 Answer Key

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2017 Metrobank MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge

1.) What is the value of 7 × 8 + 4 × 25 – 48 ÷ 3?

Answer: 140

2.) If 16 is added to one-third of a number, the result is three times the number. What is the number?
Let x=the number.
Then 16+1/3x=3x
Multiply both sides by 3.
Subtract x from each side.
Divide each side by 8.
The number is 6.

3.) If my pet runs 300cm/sec and a bird flies 300m/sec, then the bird travels ______ times as fast as my pet.
Answer: 100

4.) If n = 0.3, what is the value of 1/n?

1/0.3 = 3.33

5.) A class of 20 students averaged 66% on an examination. Another class of 30 students averaged 56%. What
is the averaged percentage for all students?
66% +56% /2 =61%

6.) Paula spent 5% of her money on a magazine, 30% of it on a skirt, 25% of it on a bag and 10% of it on a T-
shirt. If she had ₱1600 at first, how much did she have left?
5% + 30% + 25% +10% = 70% so ₱1600 x 30% = ₱ 480.00

7.) Alvin saved P 1 600 in May. He saved P2 000 in June. What is the percentage increase in Alvin’s savings
from May to June?
₱2000 - ₱ 1600 = ₱ 400 so ₱400 / 1600 = 0.25 or 25%

8.) Robert has 30% as many marbles as Anthony. Anthony has 90% as many marbles as Aldwin. If Aldwin has
400 marbles, how many marbles does Robert have?
Work backward : 400 * 0.9 = 360 , 360 * 0.3 = 108

9.) The average length of 4 rods is 2.33m. The lengths of 3 rods are 1.88 m, 2.67 m and 2.4 m. What is the
length of the fourth rod?
2.33 * 4 = 9.32 so 1.88 + 2.67 + 2.4 = 6.95 then 9.32 – 6.95 = 2.37

10.) A fax machine can fax 36 letters in 6 minutes. How many letters can it fax in 10 minutes?
(36/6)10 = 60

11.) A worker can pack 45 boxes of shirts in 3 hours. How long does it take him to pack 255 boxes of shirts?
(255/45)3 =17 hrs.

12.) Alex has 50% more money than Bob, and Carl has 25% more money than Bob. Altogether, they have a
total of P 3 750. How much does Alex have?
Let 'x' be the money of Alex
'y' be the amount that Bob has
'z' be the money of Carl
since Alex has 50% more money than Bob then you'll have the equation:
x = y + 0.5y
x = 1.50y ----equation 1
Carl has 25% more money than Bob
z = y + 0.25y
z = 1.25y ----equation 2
altogether they have 3,750
x + y + z = 3,750 ------equation 3
substitute equations 1 and 2 to equation 3
x + y + z = 3,750
1.5y + y + 1.25y = 3,750
3.75y = 3,750
y = 1,000
substitute y=1,000 to equation 2
z = 1.25y
z = 1.25(1000)
z = 1,250
substitute y=1,000 to equation 1
x = 1.5y
x = 1.5(1000)
x = 1,500
therefore Alex has 1,500
Bob has 1,000
Carl has 1,250

13.) The total surface area of a cube is 54 square centimeters. How long is its edge?
54/ 6 = 9cm2 so its edge is 3cm

14.) At a rate of 80km/hr, how many kilometers can I run in 18 minutes?

(80/60)18 = 24km

15.) If 2 mangoes weigh as much as 3 oranges and 2 oranges weigh as much as 30 grapes, how many mangoes
weigh as much as 90 grapes?
2 mangoes = 3 oranges , 2 oranges = 30 grapes , 90 grapes = 6 oranges, so 6 oranges = 4 mangoes

16.) A bag contains 40 marbles of which 39 are green and 1 is blue. A marble is chosen from the bag. What is
the probability that the marble is green?

17.) A container has 6 blue balls and 6 green balls. One ball is randomly selected. What is the probability that it
is a green ball?
½ chance

18.) The number 1 is both a square of an integer and the cube of an integer. What is the next larger integer
which is both a square and a cube of a positive integer?
26 = 64 , 2 x 3 = 6, 64 is both cube and square of a number 82 = 64 , 43 = 64

19.) If each letter in the word MATHEMATICS was written on a card and placed in a hat, what would be the
probability of drawing a vowel?

20.) In a card game, Matt’s scores on each of the first five games are +13; -10; -20; +16; -10. At that time, the
sum of the five scores of Paul is 25. How many points is Matt behind Paul?
13+(-10)+(-20)+16+(-10) = -11 so 25 – (-11) = 36

21.) If A # B = (A × B) ÷ (A + B), calculate 8 # (5 # 5).

(A x B) = 8# (5x5)
A=B 5+5
8 # 2.5 =
(8*2.5)/(8+2.5) =
20/10.5 =

22.) Ric jogs along a road. Starting from the station, he jogs 4 m/s due north for 20 minutes, then 5 m/s due
south for 15 minutes, and finally 3 m/s due south for 10 minutes. Find her final position from the station.
23.) A motorist made a 60-mile trip driving at an average speed of 20 miles per hour. On the return trip, the
motorist drove at an average speed of 30 miles per hour. What was the motorist’s average speed for the entire
Total distance for the trip = 60+60=120 miles
Total time taken for the trip = 60/20+60/30=3+2=5 hours.
So the average speed = 120/5=24 mph.

24.) A train is travelling at the rate of 1 kilometer in 1 minute and 20 seconds. If the train continues at this rate,
how far will it travel in one hour?
1min and 20 seconds=1+1/3=4/3 min
=180/4 km/hr
=45 km
how many kilometer will train travelled in 1hour= 45km

25.) A square and a regular octagon have the same perimeter. if the area of the square is 36 sq. cm., what is the
length of a side of a regular octagon? Note: All the sides of a regular octagon are equal.
√36 = 6 so 6 x 4 = 24perimeter of square so 24 / 8 = 3cm

26.) You are given one hour to complete a contest. What fraction of the hour remains for you to complete the
contest after thirty-fie minutes have elapsed?
Remaining time = original time minus time used = 60 -35 =25 minutes
Percentage of original time = (remaining/original) X (100) = (25/60) X 100 = (5/12) 100 = 42 % (approx).

27.) What is the value of 3/4 + 5/2 × 3/4?


28.) In a class of 30 students, 12 are boys. If 6 more girls join the class, what fraction of the class is now
30 students- 12 boys = 18 girls
Total no of girls before joining =18
Total no of girls after joining = 18+6=24
Total no of students after joining =36
Fraction of girls =24/36= 2/3= 0.66
Fraction of boys = 12/36= 1/3= 0.33

𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
29.) What is the value of the product(𝟏 − 𝟐) (𝟏 − 𝟑) (𝟏 − 𝟒) (𝟏 − 𝟓)?
(1–1/2)* (1–1/3) * (1–1/4) * (1–1/5)
Taking LCM for all the values
((2–1)/2) * ((3–1)/3) * ((4–1)/4) * ((5–1)/5)
1/2 * 2/3 * 3/4 * 4/5
On multiplying we get ,
On simplifying we get,
1/5 (In ratio form)
(1 – 1/2) x (1 – 1/3) x (1 – 1/4) x (1 – 1/5)
= (1/2) x (2/3) x (3/4) x (4/5)
= (1 x 2 x 3 x 4)/(2 x 3 x 4 x 5)
= 4! / 5!
= 4! / (4! x 5) [ since n! = n x (n - 1) ]
= 1/5

30.) It requires 12 hours to fill 3/5 of a swimming pool. At this rate, how many hours is required to fill the
remainder of the pool?
It takes 12 hours to fill the pool to 60% (3/5 * 100).
That means it fills it at a rate of 5% per hour (60/12).
To fill it completely, it’ll take 100/5 hours, which is 20hours
So 20 hours – 12 hours = 8 hours
31.) Two equal circles are placed in a rectangle, as shown. The distance between the centers of the circles is
12cm. What is the area of the rectangle?

So, if there is a rectangle that has the width of a circles diameter, and the length of twice the diameter, then you
could fit exactly 2 of these circles in the rectangle.
knowing this, the distance between the centers would be the radius twice which is just the diameter again.
so we already know the rectangle is now 12 cm by 24 cm.
12x24 = Area = 288 cm2

32.) A star is light-years away. How many light-years are there in half this distance?
8 8
4.8 x 10 = 2.4 x 10
33.) Of the numbers 0.5129, 0.9, 0.89, and 0.289, what is the sum of the smallest and the largest?
0.9 + 0.289 = 1.189

34.) What is the value of ?

- 190 , 192 , 194 , 196 , 198

200, 202, 204 , 206 , 208 so -50 /10 = -5
-10 -10 -10 -10 -10

35.) Each number in a sequence is obtained by adding the two previous numbers. The 6th, 7th, and 8th numbers
of the sequence are 29, 47, 76. What is the third number in the sequence?
_ , _, _, 29, 47, 76
3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
So 76-47 = 29, 47-29 =18 , 29 – 18=11 , 18-11 = 7

36.) A square piece of paper is folded in half to form a rectangle. This rectangle has a perimeter of 18cm. What
is the area of the original square?
let the side of square be x
when you fold it one side becomes x/2
and the other remains as x
perimeter = 2L +2W
= 2*x+2*x/2
Area of original square is 6*6 = 36 sq. cm

37.) The sides of a cube are doubled in length to form a larger cube. How many original small cubes will fill
this larger cube?
Let's say we have a cube of sidelength x. We double it, and the second cube has sidelength of 2x. Well, the
volume of the first cube is x^3, while the second cube has a volume of 8x^3. When we divide the second cube
by the first, we will get how many cubes fit in the big one, which is 8.

38.) A rectangular box has volume 15cm3. If the length, width, and height are doubled, what is the volume of
the resulting box?
Original volume is lwh
New volume is 2l.2w.2h = 8 lwh
Volume increases 8 times the original.
8 x 15 = 120cm3

39.) If each edge of a cube is increased by 150%, what is the percentage increase in surface area?
Increase in 150% results in 250%.
250%^2 -100% = 625%-100% = 525% increase in surface area

40.) A rectangular 4 × 3 × 2 block has its surface painted red, and then is cut into cubes with each edge 1 unit.
How many cubes have exactly one of its faces painted red?
Number of cubes one face painted are:
From 4x3 faces = 2+2=4
From 3x2 faces =0+0 =0
From 4x2 faces =0+0=0
Total =4

41.) The sum of fifty consecutive even integers is 3 250. What is the largest of these integers?
Sn = n/2 [2a + (n-1) d]
3250 = 50/2 [2a + (50-1) (2)]
3250 = 25 [2a + 49 (2)]
25 25
130 = 2a +49 (2)
2 2
65 = a+ 49
65 – 49
50th term = a + 49d
= 16+49x2
= 16+98

42.) The three digit number 2A4 is added to 329 and gives 5B3. If 5B3 is divisible by 3, what is the largest
possible value of A?
Now, 5B3 is divisible by 3. So sum of its digits is divisible by 3.
(5 + 3 + B) = (8 + B) should be divisible by 3.
So possible values of B are 1, 4 & 7
So, my possible numbers are 513, 543, 573.
For these numbers (513, 543, 573) as sum, the values of 2A4 are 184 (Not possible), 214 (Possible), 244
Thus, largest possible value of A is 4. (Answer)

43.) What number is obtained when the difference 14.2 and 1.69 is divided by 0.03?
14.2-1.69 = 417
44.) What is the radius of a circle having a circumference of 6𝜋 cm?
the circumference of a circle can be calculated using:
From the above formula the radius can be calculated as:
r= C2π
So in this situation we have:
r=6π / 2π = 3

45.) The arc lengths of three semicircles are as shown. What is the area of the shaded region?

6π x 6π = 36π

46.) The numbers in the sequence 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, … increased by fives. The numbers in the sequence 3, 10, 17,
24, 31, … increased by sevens. The number 17 occurs in both sequence. What is the next number which occurs
in both sequence?
Answer: 17, 52, 87, 122, 157, 192, 227, 262, 297, 332
The 2 sequences continue as follows:
2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, 32, 37, 42, 47, 52, 57, 62, 67, ...
3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 38, 45, 52, 59, 66, 73, 80, 87, 94, ...
Since 5 and 7 have no common factors, the only values the sequences have in common are 17, plus multiples of
47.) If , what is the value of x?
For the case of (2/3)*x = 0.6, then: x = 0.6 * (3/2) = 0.9

48.) When half a number is increased by 15, the result is 39. What is its original number?
( x+ 15 = 39 )2
X= (39-15 )2
x = 24 x 2 = 48

49.) Three cuts are made through a larger cube to make eight identical smaller cubes. The total surface area of
the smaller cube is
(a) one-eight of the surface are of the larger cube
(b) one-half of the surface are of the larger cube
(c) double the surface are of the larger cube
(d) eight times the surface are of the larger cube
(e) the same as the surface are of the larger cube

50.) Caloy multiplies a number by 4, adds 8 to the product, and then divides the sum by 3. If the final result is
28, what is the original number?

28 x 3 = 84, 84 – 8 = 76 , 76 / 4 = 19

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