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Aeff62o|d(5 RonNo

First Term Examination

Class: - Sft Sems (B. Tech) Code: - ETEC- 303
Subject: - Digital Communication Time: - 1:30 hr
Branch: - ECE/CSE Max. IVIark: - 30
Note: - Question One is Compulsory. Attempt any two from the rest of'the Questions.

Q1 (2xs-10)
a) Explain the terms
i Probability ll. Random Process
b) Discuss the variance and standard deviation of random variables
c) What is probability of error
d) Discuss the Gaussian Process
e) What is scrambling

Q2 (10)
Dr w the different Line Code Waveforms for the data '001 101 10'
1. I\IRZ bipolar code
11. RZ unipolar
111. AMI
lv Manchester coding
Differential Manchester coding
b) Explain the PDF and CDF and derive the relationship betneen CDF and PDF.

Q.3 (5 + 5: 10)
a) Discuss in detail modulation and demodulation in adaptive data modulation.
b) A signal having bandwidth equal to 4 kllz is sampled, quantized and coded by a PCM
system. The coded signal is then transmitted over a transmission channel of supporting a
transmission rate of 100 K bits/sec. Determine the maximum signal to noise ratio that can
value of 0.4 V. , '

a) Discuss the Binomial Distribution and derive expression for PDF and CDF of Binomial
b) Discuss the physical significance of PSD and its different properties. Also explain
Central Limit Theorem.

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