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New Ulm Safe Routes to School Goals and Action Plan:

Stragegy Category Strategy Lea Partners Action Steps Scheduled to Progress notes
Goal 1: Promote walking and biking to and from school with students, parents and the community
Implementing the SRTS plan 1.1) Appoint a SRTS coordinator and continue safe Need to work on a permanent solution ( had used a
and continuing to monitor Evaluation CASHS Schools routes to school meetings during implimentation 2015-2016 MN Green Corp member for 2015-2016)

Create a routine walking 1.4) Create a walking school bus program to Look at starting a Walking Wednesday program in the
Encouragment SRTS Schools provide adult supervision for children walking to 2017-2018
school bus for each school school spring 2018.

Distribute walking and

biking to school information
at the beginning of the Education SRTS/CASHS Schools 1.5) Create walking and biking information to be 2018 priority Each school does this already independently of each
school year. distributed at the beginning of each school year. other.

1.6) look into programs that are available, Have investigated some programs. Public has a focus
on keeping kids active when they arrive at school.
Create a walking and biking Encouragement SRTS Schools determine cost and feasibilty and identify funding 2017-2018 What about the students that are bused from the
to school incentive program source country?
or contest for individuals or

Goal 2: Improve the bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure about schools and in the surrounding neighborhoods

In Progress:ISD 88 has purchased a paint sprayer for the

purpose of painting the crosswalks at the schools in one
2.1) Improve the visibility of crosswalks through of the mentioned patterns MUTCD guidelines have
Engineering City/Schools SRTS/CASHS stripping techniques such as continental or zebra 2018 priority
stripping been sent to ISD 88 for crosswalk stripping. They will
work with the city to get approval to paint the
crosswalks near all of the schools

improvements throughout
the community to support In progress: this process is onging -1) 4th South Street
safe walking and bicycling has been identified as a location for an RRBF - in front
environments for children, 2.2) Identify areas of improvement for crossing of city council for approval when funding becomes
parents and community Engineering SRTS/CASHS City Broadway Street, Center Street and 5th North 2017-2018 available 2) 5th North Street and N. Washington Street -
members installed a pilot R1-6a sign and will conduct
Street demonstration curb extensions 3) city will conduct a
study at N. Highland Ave. and Oak street for the
installation of a 4 way stop.
parents and community

2.4) Continue collaboration between schools and

Engineering School and CASHS and city staff regarding improving bicycle and 2016-2016 In progress: CASHS meetings and SRTS subcommittee
City Schools pedestrian infrastructure have continued

Goal 3: Create safe and adequate routes and from school

Education/ CASHS and 3.1) Identify, map, and sign primary safe routes to In Progress: Routes identified; approved; maps printed
Encouragement Schools City each school 2015 - 2018 and distributed; pilot wayfinding signs posted
Safe routes for students
walking and biking Enforcement/ 3.3) Create an adult crossing guard program at
SRTS Schools Revisit in 2019 Will revisit after some of the traffic calming measures
identified locations at hazardous crossings away have been adopted.
Encouragement from the school campus

Goal 4: Encourage and educate proper habits, behaviors, and roadway skills for all users

4.4) Create an safe walking and biking information

Skill building and education Education SRTS SHIP/Schools brochure to promote proper skills and behaviors, 2018 priority Not begun
incorporate using shuttles; parent behavior-
crosswalks/stopping 20 ft. from intersection, etc.

Goal 5: Decrease traffic amount and speeds around the schools

5.2) Create a voluntary carpooling program to help Suggested we look at outlying communities first for
Enforcement Schools SRTS connect parents who are interested and able to 2017-2018 carpooling opportunities. Look for a car pooling app
participate that could be used.

5.3) Identify and test remote drop off site for

Encouragement Schools SRTS parents and buses 2016-2017 Not begun

Goal 6: Reduce conflicts between pedestrians/bicyclists and motorists

Enforcement Schools SRTS 6.2) Create a student valet program to assist in 2016-2017 Need to meet with Adam, Julie, Greg to discuss
improving drop off and pick up options.
Conflict Reduction
Enforcement SRTS Police 6.3) Work with Towards Zero Death program to 2018 priority Not begun
Department discourage distracted driving
Complete or on-going
Not begun
In Progress

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