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Colegiul Agroindustrial ,,Gheorghe Răducan” din

s.Grinăuți r-nul Ocnița

Disciplina: Limba străină de afaceri

Tema: Cum să organizăm o întîlnire

personală și de afacere

Elaborat: Grușevschi Cristin

Grupa TPAP-4

Coordonat: Blaghinin Vladimir

Grinăuți 2018
1. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and coffee

Business lunch is no longer tightly conditioned by the midday meal. The term was monetized a few years ago, when business
was completed in a "working-class" atmosphere, from 9 to 5 (17.00); Forever, entrepreneurs have closed business at lunch.

We are currently active 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. When did you last only 8 hours a day? To pick up the one who ...
Traditional lunch has turned into a meal or a break.

2. Agenda and objectives

Often, when we put food on the table, people forget why they got together. Apart from the delicious appetizers in the dish,
we must not forget why we are there: to end a business. When you attend a business meeting, you need to keep in mind the
professional agenda of the meeting and define the goals you want to meet.

3. It's just business. It's nothing personal

Food could induce a sense of relaxation, comfort. When we are too relaxed, we lose focus; takes this into account during the
business meeting. You can discuss some minimal personal issues, but do not deviate from the agenda. You have goals and
means. Do not disclose personal information, except in situations where you can get something in return.

4. No alcohol

Nothing removes our bargaining instincts more than a "paharel" in the middle of the day. You have to be responsible.
Drinking affects your senses and reason. Do you really want to be "dizzy" during the business meeting? What image will you
offer? Not. Alcohol-free!

5. Be careful how you behave

Behavior can determine the success or failure of a business negotiation. Have you ever shared dinner with an entrepreneur
who behaved like the man in the cave? They eat while talking and talking as they get wet, dirty on food and who knows what
they do. Moreover, he might lean on your plate and take something, wondering if you "intend to eat that piece of roast" ...
Terrible, but true. If you are worried about your manners (should not, as long as you have enjoyed the "7 years of home"),
consult a specialized guide.

6. Determine them to speak

We do not like people who only talk about them. People love the dialogue, those who listen to them and feel like you care
about them, when you listen carefully to what they tell you. Listen and then speak. You can generate a connection with the
person next to you that is so useful in business.

7. Who pays?

In general, the business organizer pays. If you initiated such an event, you must pay. If the other insists on paying a portion
of the consumption, it does not deny that desire.
Colegiul Agroindustrial ,,Gheorghe Răducan” din
s.Grinăuți r-nul Ocnița

Disciplina: Limba străină de afaceri

Tema: Planificarea agendei

Elaborat: Grușevschi Cristin

Grupa TPAP-4

Coordonat: Blaghinin Vladimir

Grinăuți 2018
The need for the agenda in business
In a society in which we all live at a rapid pace, we try to establish a
hierarchy, the agenda is not an option but a daily necessity.
Whether we choose different color agendas, simple invoices,
outdated or undelivered calendars, phone applications or different
programs that synchronize between a computer and a laptop, we all
need to note what we can not forget .
Because we live in the era of advanced technology, let's start with the
digital agenda. Its main advantage is the organization of time and the
tracking of events or scheduled times in a reactive form by receiving
notifications. Another asset is that we can not miss it. Most of us are
aware of smartphone addiction, so most of the time we have a mobile
phone rather than a pen.
Custom Classic Agenda
It is perceived as essential. Why Not only from the emotional point
of view (for the pleasure of writing, the new perspectives of empty
pages, a clearer vision thanks to the ideas of the sheet), but also from
the point of view of utility, with the following advantages :
• lack of distractions, being exclusively for notes,
• accessibility
• the diversity and richness of ideas that you can write and that you
want to turn into reality: quotes, personal thoughts, business
strategies, planning different projects or events, recipes, etc.,
• ease of note taking during meetings.

The agenda must above all correspond to the personality of the

person who uses it. This is an aspect that many omit, preferring a
drawing of images and texts that speak of the activity of the
company, to the detriment of its usefulness for the person for whom
it is intended.
Interview mode thematic competitions;

• meetings with specialists;

• round tables;

• conferences, seminars;

• video cassettes, documentaries;

• interactive games;

• practical training;

• simulation exercises;

• demonstration practice

• participate in the training of the local training center;

• excursions, thematic hikes;

• realization of projects, themes, communications, work in the field of civil protection


• Visit exhibitions on specific themes

Colegiul Agroindustrial ,,Gheorghe Răducan” din
s.Grinăuți r-nul Ocnița

Disciplina: Limba străină de afaceri

Tema: Cererea de ofertă.

Scrisoare de motivație

Elaborat: Grușevschi Cristin

Grupa TPAP-4

Coordonat: Blaghinin Vladimir

Grinăuți 2018
Commercial Company ..

Social headquarters ..

The city .

Tel./fax/e-mail Data. ..

Dear Sirs, On the occasion of a visit to the fair, we found out that you were producing ...
and we had the pleasure and interest to visit the stand with the products exhibited by your
company. From the variety of products exhibited we reminded:

- the exact listing of the products requested.

. - technical parameters requested. .

- quality parameters requested. .

- quality documents and required warranties.

. Because we intend to contract these products please let us know by the date of. a
detailed offer about products, prices, quality, assortments, warranties, delivery
conditions, etc., accompanied by samples / catalogs / prospectuses etc., which you can
send to the address .. In the hope of good collaboration, please receive our distinguished

Regards, Manager,

Name and surname L.S.

Cover letter

Strongly interested in obtaining student status Franche Compte
Bensanson I decided to apply to the scholarship competition offered
by the Erasmus Program.
At present I am a student at Agroindustrial College Gh.Răducan in
Grinăuţi village
During my studies I showed determination, dynamism and team
spirit, especially for the realization of the work I was involved in.
Participating in the various projects, I realized that excellence in a
particular area does not only mean rich and profound knowledge, but
also communication skills and a strong ability to motivate and
motivate others.
On the other hand, studies in French gave me the chance to better
understand the differences and similarities between cultures, the
course of French civilization in which I participate helping me a lot.
In my first year of study, I discovered the great importance of being
able to know how to manage time and pursue goals for my
professional training and I gained a broader perspective of today's
society, in the context of globalization and globalization.
unprecedented development of technology.
In the future I would like to take advantage of a variety of new
opportunities, but also to enrich the knowledge already acquired.
The possibility of evolving in an environment such as the one offered
by corresponds perfectly to my objectives and study interests.
Please accept
Sir / Madam the expression of my distinguished feelings.
Colegiul Agroindustrial ,,Gheorghe Răducan” din
s.Grinăuți r-nul Ocnița

Disciplina: Limba străină de afaceri

Tema: Limbajul mesajului de afacere

Elaborat: Grușevschi Cristin

Grupa TPAP-4

Coordonat: Blaghinin Vladimir

Grinăuți 2018
1. The EMI is the one who initiates communication and builds the message. He can choose both
the means of communication and the language of communication so that the receiver
understands the message correctly.
The broadcaster has the advantage of choosing the receiver with which he intends to

2. MESSAGE is the form in which the transmitter encodes the information it wishes to transmit
to the receiver. In general, a message may have one or more of the objectives: information,
impressing, persuasion, amusement, getting action from the receiver / receivers.
In the initialization, transmission, reception, and understanding phases, the message undergoes a
coding and decoding process: the transmitter is the one that encodes the sent message and the
receiver decodes it.

3. THE MESSAGE OF COMMUNICATION or the communication channel is the path of the

message from the transmitter to the receiver.
The means of communication can be formal or informal.
The means of formal communication (which respects the organization's hierarchical structure)
includes meetings, official correspondence, by telephone, fax, and intenet.
The means of informal communication generally includes informal human-to-human
discussions between people.

4. LANGUAGE OF COMMUNICATION can be: verbal, non-verbal, paraverbal

5. The RECEIVER is the person who receives the message transmitted by the transmitter, but
receiving the message is as important as transmitting it.

6. The context of communication is also very important for the success of the process; the same
words will sound differently in a protocol room than on the street or in a restaurant.

If the message has not been properly compiled, if we have not taken into account the
requirements and the level of understanding of who we are addressing and the factors that may
disrupt communication, the exact interpretation / understanding of what we wanted to transmit
will be partially or totally deformed .
The message is what we mean. It consists of several types of languages, namely:
The verbal language - consists of the written words and spoken words
Non-verbal language - materializes by gestures, mimics, glances, graphics, distances, clothing,
silence, body language

Paralimbage - complements verbal language spoken and is represented by elements of tone,

voice stamps, volume, intensity and speed of words, diction.

It has to be underlined and understood that communicating effectively means not only having
native skills but also how to adapt, how to express yourself at a certain time and place,
everyone's meaning and how to you are continually improving your communication skills.

Highlights for internal and external communication

Internal Communication - Some Tips:

Explain clearly the responsibilities and role of each employee within the firm and make sure
they can use your help when it comes to problems
Understand the expectations of each member and identify what it would do to be more efficient
It creates a beneficial working atmosphere, so that everyone can feel free to express their
opinion. You can do it by organizing formal and informal meetings - where all members of the
team can express themselves freely
Delegate certain activities to demonstrate your trust in subordinates
Be close to the employees, finding a good word for each one
Encourage and praise, when appropriate
Be patient as an employee is in a deadlock
Manages conflicts in the organization through an objective and constructive approach
When making reprimands, it highlights not only the shortcomings, but also proposes viable
solutions to correct
Do not overlook personal successes and thank each employee for the whole team
External communication
Communicating effectively with people outside the organization is one of the basic elements
that ensure business success. You can earn long-term partners' trust, create and maintain a
favorable business image. In order to succeed in your efforts, however, it is necessary:
to be clear (it operates with languages that are right for your interlocutors, argues convincingly,
gives concrete examples to illustrate what you mean)
to know the rules and forms of business correspondence
to double messages from direct meetings through other channels: sending newsletters, emails,
other useful information, etc.
learn how to be a good negotiator
Do not forget to send greeting cards on different occasions
Communicating with customers is of utmost importance, since their views are directly reflected
in the situation and success of your business. You can create a good image using traditional
means. Authentic communication skills will be visible and particularly useful and necessary
especially in crisis situations.
Colegiul Agroindustrial ,,Gheorghe Răducan” din
s.Grinăuți r-nul Ocnița

Disciplina: Limba străină de afaceri

Elaborat: Bîlba Mihai

Grupa TPAP-4

Coordonat: Blaghinin Vladimir

Grinăuți 2018

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