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A Novel Cryptographic and Steganographic Approach for Secure Cloud Data


Conference Paper · October 2015

DOI: 10.1109/ICGCIoT.2015.7380486

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2 authors, including:

Ankit Dhamija
Amity University


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A Novel Cryptographic and Steganographic
Approach for Secure Cloud Data Migration
Ankit Dhamija, Research Scholar, School of Computer & System Sciences, Jaipur National University, Jaipur,

Prof (Dr) Vijay Dhaka, HOD & Professor, School of Computer & System Sciences, Jaipur National University, Jaipur

Abstract—The flexibility to store unlimited data without any worry issues and it act as a hindrance and it force people to thing
about storage limitations available at our disposal and the freedom to again and again over the decision to move their data and adopt
use it as and when required from anywhere in the world makes cloud the cloud platform or not.
computing the most preferred technology & platform to store and
transfer data. Organizations and individual users are now very much
comfortable to let their all-important data and software reside on the
However, to deal with the major issue of secure data migration
cloud servers and make themselves free from all the concerns of to the cloud servers, the users expect that cloud service
storage and security. However, every flexibility or benefits comes at providers provide them a guarantee that while the data is in
a price and cloud computing too is not an exception. The threat of transit from their organizations on to the cloud servers, its
user’s privacy, data confidentiality & integrity and data safety are confidentiality and integrity won’t be compromised and their
always looming around. Among all of these, the secure transfer of data will get transferred securely. To ensure such high level of
data from organization’s premises to the cloud servers is of utmost data security, the Cloud Service Providers generally use the
importance. So many encryption techniques and algorithms have process of cryptography.
been proposed by researchers in recent times to move data securely
from their end to the servers.
In this research paper, we propose a design for cloud architecture
Cryptography is a method of storing and transmitting data in a
which ensures secure data transmission from the client’s organization particular form so that only those for whom it is intended can
to the servers of the Cloud Service provider (CSP). We have used a read and process it. The term is most often associated with
combined approach of cryptography and steganography because it scrambling plaintext (ordinary text, sometimes referred to as
will provide a two way security to the data being transmitted on the clear text) into cipher text (a process called encryption), then
network. First, the data gets converted into a coded format through back again (known as decryption).There are various flavors of
the use of encryption algorithm and then this coded format data is Cryptography: symmetric key cryptography, which makes use
again converted into a rough image through the use of steganography. of a single key by both sender and receiver, and asymmetric or
Moreover, steganography also hides the existence of the message, public key cryptography systems in which both sender and
thereby ensuring that the chances of data being tampered are
receiver uses two keys: private key that is known to self only
and public key that is made public and is known to everyone.
The message is encrypted using the intended receiver’s public
Keywords—cryptography; steganography; cloud; encryption; key and sent across the network and the intended receiver
private; key; stego; compliment; decrypts the message using their own private key. A lot of
data encryption algorithms are available and proposed by
I. INTRODUCTION researchers with variations. Each of the algorithms has their
Cloud platform offers a plethora of services, concepts and pros and cons. However, in complex systems like cloud,
applications such as storage, processing power, virtualization, where data needs to reside at different geographic locations,
connectivity and sharing. It allows users to have access to across various data centers and may be shared by different
applications delivered as a service from the internet as well as service providers, securing data with only cryptography
the hardware and system software in the data centers that approach might not serve the purpose of data security as
provide such services. No doubt, with so many benefits and cryptography might provoke suspicion on the part of the
plus points, cloud is here to stay and to grow even further in recipient and cryptography cannot hide the existence of data
the coming time but as it happens with every good thing, there from being transmitted on the network.
are issues with cloud too. The user’s privacy and ensuring Another technique that can help in this situation is
secure data migration of their most valuable data is one of the Steganography which ensure that the existence of data remains
major challenges among the list of challenges being posed by hidden. It hides the message so there is no knowledge of the
the cloud platforms. Then, other issues like data integrity, data existence of the message in the first place. It is defined as the
location and relocation, data availability and the issues related art and science of sending hidden messages in such a way that
to storage, backup and recovery are also there which are no no one else, apart from the intended recipient knows the
less than the major issue cited above. When it comes to message’s existence. The message’s text can be hidden into
adopting the cloud platform, all such concerns become huge another media type file such as image, text, sound or video.

978-1-4673-7910-6/15/$31.00 2015
c IEEE 346
For a secure data transmission from the organization’s data was encrypted into a cipher and the cipher will be hidden
premises on to the cloud service provider’s data centres, into a multimedia image file in the encrypted format.
located at various locations geographically, we need a blended
approach of cryptography and steganography because both of Umamaheswari [6] compress the secret message, encrypt it by
them complement each other and they prove to be a very the receiver’s public key along with the stego key, and embed
secure data migration approach when used in a combined both messages in a carrier using an embedding algorithm.
manner. At first instance, cryptography comes into picture by
converting data into coded format to be travelled on the Kandar, and Maiti [7] proposed a technique of well-known k-n
network and then steganography ensure that this coded and secret sharing for color images using a variable length key
converted data travels on the network in an anonymous form with share division using random numbers.
so that it cannot be seen or look unimportant during
transmission. Bairagi [8] describes how such an even-odd encryption based
Both of the techniques will fail, if used without each other [1]. on ASCII value is applied and how encrypted message
Cryptography fails when the intruder on the network is able to converting by using Gray code and embedding of picture that
decrypt the message and Steganography fails when the can secure the message and thus makes cryptanalyst’s job
intruder detects that something secret message is present in difficult.
another media file as a cover. So a combined approach of both
the techniques is essential for ensuring a secure data Sharma & Kumar [9] proposed a steganographic algorithm
transmission in such an unsafe and open network environment. that is used to hide text file inside an image. In order to
In this paper, the authors propose a single approach which is a increase/ maximize the storage capacity, they have used a
blend of cryptography and steganography that ensure stronger compression algorithm that compresses the data to be
security to the data while transmission. The rest of the paper is embedded. The compression algorithm works in a range of
organized as follows: The second section will talk about the 1bit to 8 bits per pixel ratio. By applying this algorithm they
related work and literature studied and the shortcomings had developed an application that would help users to
found. The third section proposes the author’s work. Fourth efficiently hide the data.
section compares the author’s work with the work already
done and the fifth section provides the conclusion. Vishwakarma et al [10] proposed techniques for Information
hiding and image compression using proposed efficient
II. RELATED WORK encoding technique with the main focus being on hiding in the
There has been a continuous rise in the number of data spatial domain. Three information hiding methods are
security threats in the recent past and it has become a matter of proposed based on the encoding technique.
concern for the security experts. Cryptography and
steganography are the best techniques to nullify this threat. Challita and Farhat[11] proposed two techniques to embed the
The researchers today are proposing a blended approach of secret message in the cover object without modifying it; and
both of these techniques because higher level of security is embedding the secret message in more than one cover object.
achieved when both techniques are used together. [2].
All the methods proposed above uses any established
Usha et al., [3] proposed an encrypting technique by algorithm for data encryption which are already known.
combining cryptography and steganography techniques with Therefore, we thought of using a simple approach of data
data hiding. So the message gets encrypted twice instead of encryption using one’s complement method and ASCII values
using a single level of data encryption. Conventional and LSB method for steganography.
techniques have been used for this purpose. Then the coded
data or cipher text remains hidden inside the image in the
encrypted format for further use. It uses a reference matrix for III. PROPOSED SOLUTION ARCHITECTURE
the selection of passwords depending on the properties of the In this section, we propose our architecture which we call as
image. SCMACS (Secure Cloud Migration Architecture using
Bharti and Soni [4] proposed a novel scheme based on Cryptography and Steganography) At first, we’ll present a
steganography and cryptography to embed data in color block diagram of the architecture which will depict the basic
images. This method shows its larger capacity for hiding data functionality of our approach. Then, we’ll propose a sequence
than other methods without loss of imperceptibility integer diagram that focuses on displaying the internal working of the
wavelet transform and Genetic algorithm. The method is very components of the block diagram. Finally, in the last part, we
efficient, especially when applied to those images whose explain the detailed technical methodology for cryptography
pixels are scattered homogeneously and for small data. and steganography.
Marwaha and Paresh [5] used traditional cryptographic
techniques to achieve data encryption and visual
steganography algorithms have been used to hide the
encrypted data. Multiple cryptography proposed where the

2015 International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT) 347
Figure 1 depicts the basic block diagram of SCMACS where
the functionality of client transferring data to the Cloud c. This double layered protected client’s data now
Service Provider’s website is shown. This is explained in the gets uploaded on CSP servers.
following steps:
STEP1: Client or Sender choose a CSP, subscribes to a plan STEP 4: When client is required to use/access the data, the
offered by it and creates his account on their website. reverse process is performed. Firstly, the stego object is
STEP2: Client selects data to be uploaded on the CSP’s removed from the stego image and the data comes in the
website. encrypted form.
STEP3: The CSP server performs a three step process before
finally uploading the data on its servers: STEP5 : Client use his credentials provided by the CSP to
a. It performs data encryption, i.e. it converts the decrypt the data.
original data files of clients into a secret coded
format using a strict encryption algorithm. STEP6: Data is downloaded to the client.
b. Now, this coded data is put behind a stego object
and a stego image is created which hides the
existence of anything sensitive travelling on the

Figure 2 above shows the sequence diagram where this approach is that the value of this Private Key will not
we have categorized the cryptography process into encryption remain static or constant all the time, it will be different or
and decryption part and in between these, the steganography dynamic for every calculation and thus, it proves to be a
works. We propose to use symmetric key cryptography or secure method of performing cryptography. The sender and
Private Key Cryptography in the approach where both sender receiver both agree on using a common Private Key. The
and the receiver share a common secret key. The beauty of sender, while sending the secret message encrypts the message

348 2015 International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT)
using commonly agreed Privatekey. The message now gets
encrypted and then, through the use of a cover image, the 4. For each group of 8 bits, perform a binary subtraction
encrypted message or data is hidden behind that cover image operation. i.e, subtract the 1’s complemented value
which we call now a stego image. This stego image travels from the original group of 8 bits.
across the network and on the receiving side; the actual 5. We’ll get new values for each 8 bit pair where the
receiver firstly removes the cover image from the stego image Least Significant bit may be a 0 or 1. Where it is 0,
and then again uses the commonly agreedPrivate Key to bring ignore it and consider rest of the bits and find out its
back the message in its original form. decimal no. Where it is 1, consider all the bits as
Encryption approach relevant and find its decimal no too.
As the first step is to encrypt the user’s confidential 6. Refer to the ASCII codes (American Standard Code
data files, we present here our data encryption approach. Here, for information Interchange) for each of the values and
we have used a very simple yet effective approach of those ASCII values will make a jumbled set of
encrypting data using ASCII codes and 1’s complement of characters, numbers and special symbols that is
binary values. The approach goes like this: unreadable.
1. Take any data file to be transmitted across the 7. This scrambled data becomes our ciphertext and
network on to the cloud servers. encryption process is completed.
2. Whatever the data may be, a character, numbers or
any special symbols... Convert each of them in 8 bit Example supporting the encryption approach
binary. Consider the following statement as an example data/secret
3. Now, considering first 8 bits as a group, perform 1’s message to be sent:
complement, take next 8 bits as second group and Hello how are you?
perform its 1’s complement and keep on performing the We will use the first word “Hello” as an input data to
same operation till the groups of 8 bits are finished. demonstrate the approach
As a first step, we need to convert every character, number or
any special symbol into their binary values. To do this, we
must know the ASCII values of each. So as per the ASCII

So, as we saw from the above table that gave us a row by row Thus, with this, our encryption part is finished. Now we shall
explanation to each step of the encryption approach mentioned proceed towards the steganography approach.
above, the word “Hello” gets encrypted as “o5ll!”
The full sentence “Hello how are you? will be encrypted as Steganography approach.
o5’’!7/!DC17=ESC57CR’NAKu.. We propose the use of LSB (Least Significant Bit) method.
Similarly, all the words in the secret message or plaintext can The least significant bit (LSB) is the bit that when flipped
be converted into ciphertext or encrypted code which will be a from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0, then no significant change will
very complex jumbled mesh of alphabets, characters and occur on the total value. It's the bit on the rightmost, that when
special symbols and would be very difficult for intruders on flipped, the value will be severely affected. When we try to
the network to crack. hide our data in an image (as in our case), then we need

2015 International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT) 349
enough budget of LSBs to hide our data in. These bits are (00100110 11001001 11101001)
located in the image pixels. Since each pixel has three (11001001 00100111 11101001)
elements (R, G, and B that represent the Red, Green, and Blue In this case, five bits are needed to be changed to insert the
elements of the pixel consecutively, assuming non-transparent character ‘o’ successfully. These changed bits are too small to
image), each of these elements can have a value between 0 be recognized by human eye, so the message gets effectively
and 255. Now, assuming that the image which we want to use hidden.
is of 300 pixels width by 400 pixels height, then we'll have Similarly, other data bits can be embedded in an image and
300 x 400 x 3 = 360000 LSBs. And as each character can be made to travel across the network, unnoticed and
represented by 8 bits, then that image can hide 360000 / 8 = uninterrupted.
45000 characters.
Step by Step Steganography using software-Hide In picture
1. Hiding the text inside the image Hide In Picture is a program that allows you to conceal files
inside bitmap pictures, using a password. The pictures look
x Loop through the pixels of the image. In each like normal images, so people will not suspect there is hidden
iteration, get the RGB values separated each in a data in them. Below is the demonstration of the software in
separate integer. pics. Figure 3 is the home page of the software where we click
x For each of R, G, and B, make the LSB equals to 0. on the icon under File Menu to select an image. Figure 4
These bits will be used in hiding characters. displays the different icons under Image where we can upload
x Get the current character and convert it to integer. a data file to be hidden in the image. In figure 5, we are asked
Then hide its 8 bits in R1, G1, B1, R2, G2, B2, R3, to set encrypted passwords for further security of the data file.
G3, where the numbers refer to the numbers of the
pixels. In each LSB of these elements (from R1 to
G3), hide the bits of the character consecutively.
x When the 8 bits of the character are processed,
jump to the next character, and repeat the process
until the whole text is processed.
x The text can be hidden in a small part of the image
according to the length of that text. So, there must Figure 3: Main window of HiP
be something to indicate that here we reached the
end of the text. The indicator is simply 8
consecutive zeros. This will be needed when
extracting the text from the image.
2. Extracting the text from the image

It's simpler than hiding. Just pass through the pixels

of the image until you find 8 consecutive zeros. As
we are passing, pick the LSB from each pixel
element (R, G, B) and attach it into an empty value.
When the 8 bits of this value are done, convert it
back to character, and then add that character to the Figure 4: Image uploading using HiS
result text we are seeking.

Steganography Example with LSB

We’ll continue with our previous example where we used the
word “Hello” for encryption and whose encrypted cipher text
was o5’’!
As an example, we’ll take the first character o to put in a stego
image. For this, we consider the following grid as 3 pixels of a
24-bit color image:
(00100111 11101001 11001000)
(00100111 11001000 11101001)
(11001000 00100111 11101001)
When the character ‘o’ whose binary value equals to
01101111, is inserted, the following grid results:
Figure 5: Encryption option in HiP
(00100110 11101001 11001001)

350 2015 International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT)
Decryption Approach

After the stego image is removed, the client’s secret data is in V. CONCLUSION
the ciphertext form. To decrypt it and bring back in the In this paper, we proposed an innovative approach to migrate
plaintext form, we need to follow the following approach: data on cloud servers through the combined use of
1. Take the data- an alphabet, number or any special cryptography and steganography. In cryptography process, we
symbol, find its ASCII value and convert it into its make use of very simple yet effective technique for data
binary equivalent. encryption using one’s complement method which we called
2. Use the Private Key i.e. the 1’s complemented value as SCMACS. It used symmetric key method where both
sender and receiver share the same key for encryption and
of the original plaintext and subtract this binary decryption. The strength of the approach lies in the fact that
equivalent value that has just been calculated. the symmetric key method generates a dynamic value for the
3. The resultant value is the binary equivalent of the private Key which makes it very safe because no one can have
original plaintext. Now, convert it into the decimal the private key and even some one gain access to it, it gets
form and refer to the ASCII table, it will be the same changed for each data that needs to be transferred. In
alphabet, number or any special symbol that was Steganography part, we used the LSB method that is used and
mostly preferred. As for future work, we’ll put efforts in
submitted originally.
implementation part of this approach and will try to make
comparison of our approach with similar other approaches
Example to demonstrate the decryption process
proposed by fellow researchers.
We’ll take the same “Hello” example. Its encrypted form was
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