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Who AM I?

My name is Frank Rodriguez, I am 37 years old and I live in La Verne California. My wife
Lorena and I have been married for 11 years but have been together for 21 years. We are high
school sweethearts and we have three amazing children, Jocelyn 5, Jacob 2 1/2, Julissa 1, and
our dogs Jager and Stella. I was born in Duarte California and raised in Azusa California. I am
the youngest of 7 and have 4 sisters and 2 brothers. I am the only male to graduate high school
and the only one in my family to earn a college degree.

I am currently the automotive instructor at Azusa High school, which is my Alma Mater.
This year it will be my 10th year teaching and I enjoy every minute of it. Some of the things I teach
the students are basic maintenance of vehicles such as oil changes, tune-ups, rotate tires, and
mount and balance tires. Once you have taken my basic course I have an advanced course where
we dig into the car a bit more such as drivability concerns, check engine lights, suspensions and
brakes systems. I am currently writing curriculum for two new courses, introduction to
hybrids/electric cars and a vehicle construction class. I am also the department chair for Career
Tech Education and I am teaching an overload.

When it comes to technology, I am not the most savvy person, which is why I am in this
course. Technology is changing by the minute and I need to keep up my students and generations
to come. We have just purchased a classroom set of chromebooks and now our books are all
online so I am ready to learn! I know this is going to be challenging but I have a great support
system at home.

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