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I know that we all love Disney cartoon, and we all really want to make a Disney cartoon movie someday.

But if you think you can just get up one morning and say “HEY! I’m going to make a movie for Disney!”
And 3 years later it comes out… No! Not true, I have do a small research and I found out that there are
some certain...rules that must be followed in order to do so…and they will be explained in this thing.     

Note 1: The Disney Movies Emperors New Grove and Atlantis are excluded from this list cuz their really
strange movies….
Note 2: These rules only apply for animated Disney movies

1. There must be a plot; Disney makes nothing that is just fun and insane.
2. You must always learn some sort of stupid lesson. You can’t make a Disney movie without learning
something totally pointless!
3. There must always be some sort of hero.
4. The hero must ALWAYS win. It’s a Disney fact that a Disney movie can’t be made without the hero
winning in the end.
5. There must always be a villain(s)
6. If it is a female villain, she must be either incredibly sexy or really fat.
7. If the villain is a male he must always be an asshole!
8. If the villain is a male, he also must always act cooler than the hero (If the villain is played by Chance
Crawford , or Robert Pattinson they must be the best damn villain is Disney history!)
9. There must always be part where it makes you totally ball your eyes out. You have to leave the
theater with red eyes…it’s a rule.
10. There must always be some sort of animal in it. It might not be a main character or cute, but there
has to be one in it.
11. The hero must always sing a song. (If the hero doesn’t actually sing one, he must be in a song, or
there must be a song about him sung by someone else)
12. There has to be some sort of love.
13. Hero’s (if they are guys) must always wear funny clothing.
14. All (main) females must have beautiful voices.
15. The hero (female or male) must always be the underdog.
16. The hero (or his lover) must always almost die.
17. You’re little brother or sister must talk while the most touching and wonderful part of the movie is
going on. (Oh wait...that's only for me....)
18. The hero must always be under 30.
19. There must always be some sort of idiot in the Disney movie…either good or bad, he must be as
sharp as a marble.
20. And lastly, there must always be a Blue Castle at the beginning of the movie.

Well, that’s my list. So, now upon thinking about Chance Crawford, I’m going to go watch some Gossip
Girls, then I’m going watch the Hunchback of Notre Dame and laugh while yelling ‘MEGABYTE SINGS
OPERA!!!’ Then fall asleep high off Twilight. (Either that or go play “Meet Joe Black” for about 2 hours
straight completing it for the 26th time)

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