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Detailed Scheduling Planning Board Technical Help

Important OSS Notes .................................................................................................................................... 2
Profiles of DS Planning Board ....................................................................................................................... 3
Overall Profile ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Planning Board profile .............................................................................................................................. 3
Standard Planning Board Profiles: ............................................................................................................ 3
Application Toolbar ................................................................................................................................... 4
Toolbar Control ......................................................................................................................................... 4
BAdIs ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
User Exits....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Tips & Tricks .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Predefined Break-Points (Transaction SAAB) ............................................................................................... 5
Debug-Tool.................................................................................................................................................... 5
Additional Documentation............................................................................................................................ 6
Important OSS Notes
 Note 2387278 - /SAPAPO/OM17 Operations check: "Operation of a planning version
without order in liveCache"
 Note 1751142 - DS Planning Board on 27'' screen; or on 2 screens
 Note 1750807 - Maximal number of Graphic Objects in DS Planning Board
 Note 1675296 - Change default settings of the DS Planning Board
 Note 1296446 - Resource utilization in planning board and reporting
 Note 1154736 - Enhancement spot for determination of environment
 Note 1096062 - More objects after you update det. scheduling planning board - pilot note;
 Note 823322 - Hiding overlapping layer in Operations Chart
 Note 780665 - Layering of SNP and PPDS orders
 Note 761472 - More objects in network view after update
 Note 718819 - Display of negative product stocks
 Note 664022 - Setting of performance functions; XM-Buffer / XM-Layer
 Note 660113 - Performance: Setting up DS planning board for Release 4.0
 Note 627361 - Name of the reports generated from the decision tables
 Note 620031 - Displaying PI phases in detailed scheduling planning
 Note 592465 - Tips for using the DS Planning Board
 Note 571265 - Receipts/Requirements are displayed incorrectly
 Note 564693 - Deactivating multiple loading display
 Note 559785 - Products repeatedly in the product chart
 Note 532018 - Resource alerts are not displayed in planning board
 Note 510193 - Resource loads in non-working hours
 Note 460431 - More objects in network view after rescheduling
 Note 453864 - Firming/fixing logic in APO (documentation)
 Note 379567 - Performance: Creating the detailed scheduling planning board
 Note 374819 - Not all graphical objects are displayed
 Note 374307 - Object display in the detailed planning board
 Note 198852 - Performance: Creation of the planning board
 Note 183052 - Reset changed values of time scale
 Note 178337 - Performance: Network presentation orders/operations
 Note 1824503 - Save settings in the planning board profile
Profiles of DS Planning Board
Overall Profile

 DS Strategy Profile - DS Planning Strategy for DS actions (like scheduling and rescheduling)
 PP Strategy Profile - PP Planning Strategy for PP actions (like order creation, change order
quantity etc.)
 Planning Board Profile - Defines the graphical objects representation (for more
information regarding to objects displaying, please check this wiki)
 Work Area - Determines selection of resources, locations, products
 Time Profile - Determines display and planning period
 Optimization Profile - Used for optimization functions
 Heuristic Profile - Defines available heuristics for interactive planning
 PP/DS Alert Profile - Defines which alerts will be displayed in the planning board in the
Alert Monitor
 Propagation Range - Authority checks, specifies which resources and products you or the
system can plan
 Key Figure Schema - Used for plan monitor
 Customizing ID - System searches for a profile with Customizing-ID = User Name

Planning Board profile

 General settings - Table section width, Marking color, Marking Type,

 Charts - Chart Object (Resource, Product, Order, and Operation), Displayed Objects
(Order, Operation, Network, and Curves), Field Selection, Sort sequence, Visibility, Height,
Row Formats)
 Evaluation Table for tabular part - determines row format for each row
 Evaluation Table for graphical objects - determines graphical object
 System creates reports using the evaluation tables, see note 627361
 Graphical Objects - Field selection, Text
 Graphical Elements - Displayed Object (Setup, Process, Teardown, Queue time, Total
Operation, Total Order), Form
 Toolbar - to define icons / buttons available in toolbar (empty = default)
 Context menu - to define menu items (empty = default)

Standard Planning Board Profiles:

SAP001 – Standard DS
SAP002 – Orders for PP
SAP003 – DS dispatch / deallocate, 2 Charts
SAP004 – Vehicle Scheduling
SAP005 – DS dispatch / deallocate, 3 Charts
SAP006 – Standard DS, including Fill-level-Chart
SAP_PCM – Production Campaign
SAP_PCM1 – Production Campaign
SAP_REM – Product planning table

Application Toolbar

Defined in GUI status (fix)

Toolbar Control

Defined in planning board profile (can be changed)

Embedded in splitter, see function group /SAPAPO/CDPS_PRESENTATION, subroutine

 /SAPAPO/CDPS_DSPB - Changing the Determination of Environment; Enhancement spot;
also used to change other default settings
 /SAPAPO/CDPS_FC_CDAT - Changing Curve Data for Fill Level Chart
 /SAPAPO/CDPS_MC_CDAT - Change to Curve Data for Product Stock Chart
 /SAPAPO/CDPS_RC_CDAT - Change Curve Data for the Resource Utilization Chart
 /SAPAPO/CDPS_AMOFILT - Data Filter for Alert Monitor Called from DS Planning Board
 /SAPAPO/CDPS_BLKDATA - Change Data for Block Planning
 /SAPAPO/CDPS_OPRDATA - Reading Additional Operation Data
 /SAPAPO/CDPS_ORDDATA - Reading Additional Order Data
 /SAPAPO/CDPS_PCMBAR - Change visualization of campaign bar in DS Planning Board
 /SAPAPO/CDPS_FDISHEU - Change Data Before and After Executing a Function
 Important note: Note 1819722 - Customer own functions in toolbar and/or context menu

User Exits
 APOCDPS0 - Customer Exit for APO Planning Table
 APOCDPS3 - Determining Color Type and Form Type in the Planning Board
 APOCDPS4 - User Exit for Determining Graphical Representation in PB
 APOCDPS6 - Modification of Column Headings in the APO Planning Board
 APOCDPS7 - Subsequent Functions for DS Planning Board Functions
 APOCDPS8 - Selection Function in Detailed Scheduling Planning Board

Tips & Tricks

 The graphic tool used to implement the DS Planning Board is the Bar Chart. For more
information use the link.
 In DS Planning Board enter ok-code 'break' to reach the Break-Point in Form
 In the ok-code field you can enter a global-table-name, e.g. G_OPERATION_TAB, to view
the according table. For possible entries see Debug tool.
 To enable UNDO after running a DS-Heuristic set global variable g_undo_heu
 For analyzing performance issues set user parameter /SAPAPO/CDPS_PERF = 1 and check
the list you get leaving the DS Panning Board, see Note 664022
 For analyzing the XM-Layer set user parameter /SAPAPO/CDPS_PERF_X = 1; for more
detailed info set /SAPAPO/CDPS_PERF_X = 2 or /SAPAPO/CDPS_PERF_X = 9.

Predefined Break-Points (Transaction SAAB)

 /SAPAPO/CDPS_GRAPH - Graphic Functions for the DS Planning Board
 /SAPAPO/CDPS_GRAPHB - DS Planning Board: Determination of the Graphical
 /SAPAPO/CDPS_INIT - Detailed Scheduling Planning Board: Initialization
 /SAPAPO/CDPS_NETWORKCHART - Detailed Scheduling Planning Board: Network
 /SAPAPO/CDPS_PLANFKT - Detailed Scheduling Planning Board: Planning Functions
 /SAPAPO/CDPS_SCHED - Detailed Scheduling Planning Board: Scheduling
 /SAPAPO/CDPS_XM_ADMIN - Detailed Scheduling Planning Board: XM-Layer Settings
 /SAPAPO/CDPS_XM_DATA_READ - Detailed Scheduling Planning Board: Read XM-Layer

In the DS Planning Board enter the following ok-codes to view a list of the according internal table
of function group /SAPAPO/CDPS_PRESENTATION (see Debug-Tool, available as of Rel. 5.0):

 G_CAPREQ_TAB [including change of time]
 G_CHART_OBJECT_TAB [including nested table(s) and change of time]
 G_NODE_OBJECT_TAB [including nested table(s) and change of time]
 G_OPERATION_TAB [excluding the nested table]
 G_ORDER_TAB [including nested table(s) and change of time]
 G_RESOURCE_TAB [including change of time]
 G_TIME_AXIS_TAB [including nested table(s)* and change of time]

Additional Documentation
DS Planning Board Views
Graphical Objects on the Detailed Scheduling Planning Board

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