The Madill Report 6-20-19

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The Madill Record

Oklahoma medicaid expansion reconsidered in new petition
By M. Scott Carter and aid expansion continues. don’t expect everyone to have a bipartisan health care work- in the legislature continue to freshmen legislators, elected
Madison Connell This year, following the elec- the healthcare they’re going ing group. push the GOP controlled leg- on a centrist, pro-education
Special to the Record and tion of Republican Governor to need.’” Following the passage of an islature to do something. platform, know that Medicaid
Kevin Stitt, many advocates Gordon related it to the initiative petition legalizing House Minority leader Rep. expansion could quickly become
ONF Intern of Medicaid expansion believed concept of free transportation. medical marijuana, state law- Emily Virgin, D-Norman, said the next hot button issue of the
A few years back, in 2012, Stitt might move in their direc- “It’s kind of like using trans- makers formed a committee not accepting federal Medicaid 2020 campaign cycle.
then-Governor Mary Fallin tion. And earlier this year, Stitt portation loosely. Everyone is to develop laws and rules to funds based on what might And the time to act, one
said ‘no’ to the idea of expanding hinted that he would. going to get transportation, but implement the new law. Rep. happen in the future with legislator said, is now.
Medicaid coverage. Expanding During an Associated Press now everyone gets a bicycle,” Toni Hasenbeck, R-Elgin, said another governing body was a “We need to do something,”
Medicaid, the governor said, forum in January, Stitt said he he said. a similar group could use the ridiculous idea. said state Rep. Trey Caldwell,
would cost the state $475 mil- was open to the idea of Medicaid However, Gordon believes same approach for Medicaid “If the governor is against R-Enid. “We need to be proac-
lion by 2020 and those expenses H[SDQVLRQEXWZDQWHGÁH[LELO- that anything that can pro- expansion. expanding Medicaid, he should tive and not reactive.”
would only increase. ity for the state. vide some level of healthcare Other lawmakers are look- own it and offer a different vi- Caldwell said he supports
Additionally, Fallin said she “I’m going to be very careful to his patients and to the rest ing at alternative proposals, sion for insuring the 200,000 some type of Medicaid expan-
expected the federal govern- where I don’t put Oklahoma of Marshall County is better such as expanding the Insure Oklahomans that the expan- sion – but he wants any new
ment, at some point, to rein in a tough situation ... where WKDQQRWKLQJWRWKHRQHLQÀYH Oklahoma program, which sion would cover,” Virgin said policy to be thoughtful and
back the program and make the we’re stuck providing more citizens that are not insured. provides subsidies for private this spring. well crafted.
states pay more. The governor’s government services and a health insurance plans. With almost 600,000 Okla- “I think the best situation is
Republican supporters praised billion-dollar price tag,” Stitt Proposals debated One such proposal, authored homans uninsured and many that we create a system where
her for standing tough. Progres- said in January. Since then, pressure to ex- by Ada Senator Greg McCort- UXUDOKRVSLWDOVIDFLQJÀQDQFLDO we can apply for waivers. We
sives criticized the governor’s “We’ve got to be very careful, pand Medicaid has increased. ney, a Republican, would create problems or already closing, don’t want it to be like the early
decision. but absolutely.” Today, Oklahoma’s rank as the an Oklahoma Plan to expand pressure to address the issue version of medical marijuana,
Mandated under the original By February, though, things second most uninsured state in coverage. of health care will continue to where it was just a one-page
Patient Protection and Afford- had changed. Stitt used his the nation has become a central McCortney’s bill, however, grow. That message isn’t lost bill. We need to get out in front
able Care Act, the law required state of the state speech squelch theme for those seeking to ex- failed. In addition, Democrats on some lawmakers. Many of this thing.”
states, beginning in January talk of Medicaid expansion. pand coverage.

2014, to expand their Medicaid “The estimated $150 million To get there, some support-
systems to cover people younger price tag today for Oklahoma to ers are following the playbook
than 65 with income below 133 expand Medicaid could leave used by advocates for medical
percent of the federal poverty us down the road fronting marijuana – the initiative and
level. more than $1 billion when the referendum process.
However, a series of federal government pulls back on its In April, attorneys with
commitment,” the governor &URZH 'XQOHY\ODZÀUPÀOHG

down portions of the ACA, said. “They’ve done it before, an initiative petition that would
including the clause that penal- and they will do it again.” amend the state’s constitution
ized states for not expanding and put Medicaid expansion
Medicare. The resulting court Marshall County Impact to a public vote. Supporters
ruling allowed state govern- In Marshall County alone, need to gather about 178,000
ments to decide on a case-by- the Census Bureau estimates signatures to put the proposal

case basis. 22.9 percent of citizens are un- on the ballot.
Fallin said she was wor-
ried that Oklahoma would be
insured. Additionally, in 2013
through 2017, 21.5 percent of
But the petition has drawn
opponents. It’s what’s on
reliant on federal money “that
may or may not be available in
citizens are disabled compared
to 11.5 percent of the rest of
the conservative-leading think the Inside
problems facing the federal
Oklahoma, according to the
Census Bureau.
Ely Gordon, an internal
tank the Oklahoma Council
for Public Affairs asked the
Oklahoma Supreme Court to
that Counts Design & Accents
medicine and pediatrician in overturn the petition and pre-
Progressives countered that
the governor’s action would Madill, worries about the pos- vent it from going to the ballot. 11464 Hwy 70 ~ Madill, OK
sibility of Medicaid expansion. The group’s lawsuit said the
leave thousands of Oklahomans
His concern is that even though Medicaid expansion initiative (inside Landscape & More)
without health care coverage.
One group, the Oklahoma Marshall County has a high petition would “constitution-
Policy Institute, disputed Fal- disabled population, because alize a massive entitlement

lin’s cost estimates, releasing Marshall County has very few program” and would give the
a report which said Medicaid specialists, most of the money federal government, not Okla-
expansion would ultimately might go towards big cities, homa, the authority to control
only cost the state between $28 like Oklahoma City and Tulsa. eligibility and the cost borne to
and $37 million by 2020. As to the quality of care that Oklahoma.
Fast forward seven years. the expansion would provide, “There is no authority to
Barack Obama retired as presi- Gordon is skeptical. support states delegating core
dent and, even now, maintains “When you’re a physician legislative power to the federal
you want to provide the patient government,” the OCPA said.
“Chronic Knee Pain Gone In Weeks,
consistently high approval
rankings. Fallin, however, care every time,” said Gordon. Lawsuits aside, public pres-
ÀQLVKHG KHU VHFRQG WHUP DV “But we have to be realistic sure continues to build for some
74 percent disapproval ranking
and think, where’s the money
coming from? And that’s where
the politician comes in and
form of Medicaid expansion.
islative session, House Speaker
With Amazing New Technique.”
according to the data technol-
ogy company Morning Consult. says, ‘you want everyone to Charles McCall, a Republican
~Madill, OK. I’m going to ask time I’ve seen all kinds of knee “My knee started out hurting
And the debate over Medic- have healthcare? Sure! But IURP$WRNDÁRDWHGWKHLGHDRI
you a simple question. pain. for a few hours at a time, then
Sometimes it’s a young boy it just progressively worse. I tried

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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