Media and Information Literacy 12 First Periodic Test

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Maligaya National High School

Buenavista, Quezon



Name:__________________________________________ Date:_______________
I- MULTIPLE CHOICES: Read the statements carefully, then write the letter of your choice on the space
provided before the number.
_____1. What is collective communication outlets or tools that are used to store and deliver information?
a. Radio b. newspaper c. media c. television
_____2. Which type of media consist of paper and ink?
a. Digital media b. print media c. broadcast media d. books
_____3. In what age people discovered fire, developed paper from plants and forge weapons and tools with
stone, bronze, copper and iron?
a. Industrial age b. Pre-industrial age c. Electronic age d New age
_____4. Which is NOT an example forms media during the pre-industrial age?
a. Papyrus in Egypt b. Newspaper c. Acta Diurna d. radio
_____5. Which of the following includes the skills of reading, writing, speaking, listening, counting,
calculating, perceiving and drawing?
a. Library literacy b. media literacy c. basic literacy d. computer literacy
_____6. It happens when different (two or more) media sources join together.
a. Media converge b. interconnected network c. facebook d. Instagram
_____7. Which is a place in which literary, musical, artistic, or reference materials (such as books,
manuscripts, recordings, or films) are kept for use but not for sale?
a. Capitol b. library c. museum d. hospital
_____8. Which library serves cities and towns of all types?
a. Academic library b. public library c. special library d. school library
_____9. Which library are in specialized environments, such as hospitals, corporations, museums, the
military, private business, and the government?
a. Special library b. school library c. public library d. academic library
_____10. What ways in which equipment is used to tell the story (camera techniques, framing, depth of
fields, lighting and etc.)?
a. Code b. technical code b. symbolic code d. written code
_____11. What is a law in the Philippines approved on September 12, 2012 which aims to address legal
issues concerning online interactions and the Internet?
a. RA 10175 b. RA 9995 c.
_____12. Which of the following is NOT INCLUDED?
a. Libel b. child pornography c. identity theft d. rubbery
_____13. What is ubiquitous learning?
a. Learning at any time at any place b. learning to live alone
b. Learning to be with others idea d. learning by doing
_____14. Which refers to the criminal activities carried out by means of computers or the Internet?
a. Cyberspace b. cybercrime c. cyberbullying d. cybersex
_____15. Which shows what is beneath the surface of what we see?
a. Technical code b. symbolic code c. written code d. convention
_____16. refers to the practice of modifying or altering computer software and hardware to accomplish a
goal that is considered to be outside of the creator's original objective?
a. Phishing b. hacking c. illegal downloading d. digital piracy
_____17. What is MOOC?
a. Mass Operation On Course c. Masters Of Operation Cases
b. Massive Open Online Course d. Massive Online Open Course
_____18. What is an unprivileged false statement of fact which tends to harm the reputation of a person or
a. Cyber bullying b. cybersex c. cyber defamation d. cyberspace
_____19. Which of the following is NOT INCUDED?
A. Television b. libraries c. Indigenous Media d. Internet
_____20. The invention of the transistor ushered at this age.
a. Industrial age b. electronic age c. new age d. pre-industrial age
_____21. Which includes an understanding of the many different types of media and the purposes for which
they can be used?
a. Visual literacy b. media literacy c. basic literacy d. computer literacy
_____22. Which of the following is NOT INCLUDED?
a. Mobile phones b. satellites c. television d. computers
_____23. What is a virtual sex encounter in which two or more people (connected remotely via internet)
send each other sexually explicit contents or sexually explicit acts?
a. Cyber defamation b. cyber bullying c. cybersex d. cybercrime
_____24. Which allows media texts to be produced and distributed on multiple media devices?
a. Satellites b. media converge c. indigenous knowledge d. transistor
_____25. Which is the use of language style and textual layout?
a. Technical code b. written code d. symbolic code d. convention
_____26. What is the link between Media Literacy and Technology Literacy?
a. Media literacy b. visual Literacy c. basic literacy d. computer literacy
_____27. Which of the following forms of media is NOT INCLUDED during the electronic age?
a. LCD projector b. Television c. radio d. newspaper
_____28. Which is NOT INCLUDED?
a. Google glass b. iPhone watch c. 3d printer d. share it
_____29. What is a form of child sexual exploitation?
a. Child abuse b. child pornography c. child labor d. child harassment
_____30. Violation of a copyright is called ___________
a. plagiarism b. infringement c. cybersquatting d. hacking
_____31. What is an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another
author without authorization?
a. Cybersquatting b. plagiarism c. copyright d.
_____32. How do you call to the excessive use of computers to the extent that it interferes with daily life?
a. Cyber addiction b. Computer addiction c. screen dependency disorder d. technology addiction
_____33. What is the correct or acceptable way of communicating on the Internet?
a. Netiquette b. copyright c. fair use d. virtual self
_____34. What is the role of media in current scenario?
a. Education b. entertainment c. information d. political connection
_____35. Which of the following refers to obtaining files that you do not have the right to use from the Internet?
a. Hacking b. cybersquatting c. illegal downloading d. computer addiction
_____36. Which of the following is a legal downloading site?
a. b. amazon c. YTS. ag d. The Pirate Bay
_____37. What is the practice of illegally copying and selling digital music, video, computer software, etc?
a. Illegal downloading b. Digital piracy c. infringement d. cybercrime
_____38. Which word comes from the French word meaning 'type' or 'class‘?
a. Code b. convention c. genre d. kind
_____39. Which are the generally accepted ways of doing something?
a. Codes b. conventions c. genres d. kinds
_____40. Which of the following is NOT a basic camera shot?
a. Wide shot b. arc shot c. close up d. medium shot
_____41. Which is NOT INCLUDED?
a. High angle b. eye level c. worm’s eye view d. selective focus
_____42. What is RA 9995?
a. Anti-cybercrime law b. anti-voyeurism act d. anti-bullying act d. anti-drugs act
_____43. What are the punishment for violating the anti-voyeurism act?
a. Imprisonment for 12 years c. A fine of P300, 000
b. 3-year imprisonment and fine of P500, 000 d. lifetime imprisonment
_____44. Those individuals who engage in computer hacking activities are typically referred to as______
a. spammers b. phishers c. hackers d. stalkers
_____45. Which is the attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit
card details (and, indirectly, money), often for malicious reasons, by disguising as a trustworthy entity in an
electronic communication?
a. Spamming b. hacking c. phishing d. poking
_____46. Which of the following is an Illegal downloading sites?
a. iTunes b. Yahoo Music c. Netflix d. TorrentDownloads. Me
_____47. What is the deliberate use of someone else's identity, usually as a method to gain a financial
advantage or obtain credit and other benefits in the other person's name, and perhaps to the other person's
disadvantage or loss?
a. Hacking b. identity theft c. spamming d. phishing
_____48. The word internet is a compound word of____________
a. Interrelated network b. interconnected network
b. Indigenous Netizen d. Independent network
_____49. Which is NOT an example of Digital Media?
a. Television b. social media c. computers d. facebook
_____50. Which type of cyber defamation is in a verbal way?
a. Libel b. slander c. harassment d.abuse
_____51. Which of the following is NOT a sample form of media during the industrial age?
a. Typewriter b. telegraph d. telephone d. Mainframe computers
_____52. Which of the following is knowing how to find information, evaluate it, and use it wisely and
a. Media literacy b. computer literacy c. information literacy d. basic literacy
_____53. Which of the following is an indicator of information literate student?
a. Access information contained in those sources
b. Identify the need for information
c. Evaluate the quantity of information obtained
d. None of the above
_____54. When was Facebook created?
a. 2001 b. 2002 c. 2003 d. 2004
_____55. In what age People advanced the use of microelectronics with the invention of personal computers,
mobile devices, and wearable technology?
a. Pre-industrial age b. industrial age c. electronic age d. new age
_____56. What is an economic inequality between groups in terms of access to, use of, or knowledge of ICT?
a. Virtual self b. digital divide c. phishing d. computer addiction
_____57. Which of the following is an advance camera shot?
a. Point of view b. slanted c. wide shot d. low angle
_____58. Which of the following may be defined as forms of media expression conceptualized, produced, and
circulated by indigenous peoples around the globe as vehicles for communication?
a. Broadcast media b. print media c. indigenous media d. copyright
_____59. Which of the following is NOT a form of indigenous media?
a. Direct observation c. oral instruction
b. Record d. all of the choices
_____60. Which of the following should you evaluate information found in the internet?
a. -Authorship -Publishing body -Accuracy and Verifiability –Currency
b. Reliability -Accuracy -Value -Authority –Timeliness
c. Uniformity-conciseness- publication-copyright
d. None of the above

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