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DOI: 10.7589/2018-06-162 Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 55(2), 2019, pp.

Ó Wildlife Disease Association 2019

Mycoplasmosis of House Finches (Haemorhous mexicanus) and

California Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma californica) in a Wildlife
Rehabilitation Facility with Probable Nosocomial Transmission
Krysta H. Rogers,1,4 David H. Ley,2 and Leslie W. Woods3 1
Wildlife Investigations Laboratory, California
Department of Fish and Wildlife, 1701 Nimbus Rd., Suite D, Rancho Cordova, California 95670, USA; 2Department of
Population Health and Pathobiology, Mycoplasma Diagnostic and Research Laboratory, College of Veterinary Medicine,
North Carolina State University, 1060 William Moore Dr., Raleigh, North Carolina 27607, USA; 3California Animal Health
and Food Safety Laboratory System, University of California, Davis, 620 W Health Sciences Dr., Davis, California 95616,
USA; 4Corresponding author (email: Krysta.Rogers@wildlife.ca.gov)

ABSTRACT: We describe an investigation of an with none of the adult finches present, the
outbreak of conjunctivitis in juvenile House facility admitted nestling to near-fledgling
Finches (Haemorhous mexicanus) and California
finches. The majority had normal eyes at
Scrub-jays (Aphelocoma californica) at a central
California, US wildlife rehabilitation facility. In intake; the few with conjunctivitis at intake
late May 2015, the facility began admitting were euthanized upon admission. Apparently
juvenile finches, the majority with normal eyes healthy juvenile finches developed conjuncti-
at intake. In June, with juvenile finches already vitis 6–10 d (mean 6 SE: 6.361.2; n¼7) after
present, the facility admitted juvenile scrub-jays, admission; early in the outbreak some were
all with normal eyes at intake. In July, after
conjunctivitis was observed in increasing numbers
treated with gentamicin ophthalmic solution
of juvenile finches and scrub-jays, carcasses were prior to euthanasia. Between June and July
submitted for postmortem examination. Histopa- 2015, the facility admitted nestling to near-
thology of five finches and three scrub-jays fledgling California Scrub-jays (Aphelocoma
identified lymphocytic infiltrates in the ocular californica), all with normal eyes at intake, and
tissues. Conjunctival swabs from 87% (13/15) housed them in a multispecies nursery that
finches and 33% (4/12) scrub-jays were PCR-
positive for Mycoplasma gallisepticum. One finch included the juvenile finches. Juvenile scrub-
and two scrub-jays were PCR-positive for Myco- jays developed conjunctivitis 5–46 d
plasma synoviae. Additionally, gene sequencing (24.863.6; n¼12) after admission. In total,
(16S ribosomal RNA and 16S-23S intergenic the center admitted 286 finches and 270
spacer region) identified Mycoplasma sturni from scrub-jays between January and December
33% (3/9) scrub-jays. This outbreak of conjuncti-
vitis suggested that M. gallisepticum-infected
2015. Ultimately, all birds exhibiting conjunc-
juvenile finches admitted to and maintained in a tivitis were deemed nonreleasable and were
multispecies nursery likely resulted in transmis- euthanized.
sion within the facility to healthy juvenile finches In July 2015, after observing increased
and scrub-jays. Evidence of other Mycoplasma incidence of conjunctivitis in juvenile finches
spp. in finches and scrub-jays indicates that these and scrub-jays in their nursery, the facility
species are susceptible to infection and may act as
carriers. This outbreak highlighted the need for submitted frozen (20 C) carcasses of 15
effective triage and biosecurity measures within finches and 12 scrub-jays to the California
wildlife rehabilitation facilities. Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Wildlife
Key words: California Scrub-jay, House Investigations Laboratory (WIL; Rancho Cor-
Finch, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Mycoplasma dova, California). Of these, five finches (A–E)
sturni, Mycoplasma synoviae, wildlife rehabilita-
and three scrub-jays (A–C) were thawed
tion facility.
overnight at 4 C and submitted to the
California Animal Health and Food Safety
A wildlife rehabilitation facility in central Laboratory (Davis, California) for postmortem
California, US, admitted 8–10 adult House examination. Gross lesions in the five finches
Finches (Haemorhous mexicanus) with con- included conjunctivitis, dark-pink wet lungs,
junctivitis between February and April 2015. and red-tinged fluid in the trachea; sex was
In late May and continuing through July 2015, not determined. Histopathology on three of

these finches (A–C) identified multifocal shipped overnight on cold packs to the
lymphocytic infiltrates subtending the muco- Mycoplasma Diagnostic and Research Labo-
sal epithelial conjunctiva of the eyelids. ratory, North Carolina State University (Ra-
Conjunctival and tracheal swabs were tested leigh, North Carolina) for molecular
by real-time PCR (qPCR) for Mycoplasma diagnostics. At the Mycoplasma Diagnostic
gallisepticum (MG) and Mycoplasma synoviae and Research Laboratory, swabs were stored
(MS) using Idexx MG DNA and Idexx MS overnight at 4 C. Swabs from each bird were
DNA kits (Idexx Laboratories, Westbrook, pooled and inoculated into 0.8 mL of
Maine, USA), respectively, according to the phosphate-buffered saline. The DNA was
manufacturer’s instructions; sequencing for extracted from 0.2 mL of each pooled
the detection of other Mycoplasma spp. was phosphate-buffered saline sample and puri-
not performed. Molecular diagnosis for MG fied (QIAamp DNA Mini Kit, Qiagen, Valen-
and MS was based on quantification cycle cia, California, USA). Real-time PCR for MG
(Cq) according to the manufacturer’s instruc- and MS was performed using Idexx MG DNA
tions where reaction with Cq¼,40 was and Idexx MS DNA kits (Idexx Laboratories),
positive, Cq¼40 was suspect, and no Cq was respectively, according to the manufacturer’s
negative. Finches C, D, and E were positive instructions. Real-time PCR for Mycoplasma
and A and B were suspect for MG; all were spp. was performed using primers to the 16S
negative for MS (Table 1). Aerobic bacteria by ribosomal RNA gene and 16S-23S intergenic
culture, Chlamydophila spp. by florescent spacer region (Ley et al. 2012). Amplicons
antibody, and Salmonella spp., West Nile were sequenced (Eton Bioscience, San Diego,
virus, and avian influenza by PCR were not California, USA) and compared with 16S
detected. ribosomal RNA and nucleotide collection
Gross findings for the three scrub-jays (A– sequences, respectively, in GenBank.
C) included wet periocular feathers, unilateral Finches typically had bilateral conjunctivitis
swollen eyelids, wet lungs, and enlarged livers, with a mean eye lesion score (left eyeþright
spleens, and bursas of Fabricius. Scrub-jay A eye) of 360.3 (n¼10) while scrub-jays had
was male; B and C were females. Microscop- unilateral conjunctivitis with a mean eye
ically, there were necrotic submucosal lym- lesion score of 260.3 (n¼9; Table 1). Myco-
phoid tissue infiltrates in the eyelids. The plasma gallisepticum was identified from all
spleen of scrub-jay A and the vascular lumina 10 finches and four of nine scrub-jays; four
of scrub-jay C contained numerous leukocytes scrub-jays were suspect for MG (Table 1).
with intracellular protozoa (presumptive Leu- Also identified were MS and Mycoplasma
cocytozoon spp.). All three scrub-jays were sturni (Table 1).
negative for MG; scrub-jay A was positive and Conjunctivitis caused by MG first emerged
B and C were negative for MS (Table 1). in 1994 in free-ranging House Finches in their
Enterococcus faecium was detected by aerobic introduced range in eastern US (Ley et al.
bacterial culture of a lung swab from scrub-jay 1996) and, by 2004, MG had been isolated
B. Chlamydophila spp., Salmonella spp., West from House Finches in their native western
Nile virus, and avian influenza were not range (Ley et al. 2006). Since emergence, MG
detected. outbreaks have been recognized annually in
Of the remaining 10 finches (F–O) and nine House Finch populations (Hartup et al. 2001),
scrub-jays (D–L) retained at WIL, the car- and MG has been isolated from a diversity of
casses were thawed overnight at 4 C and eye wild bird species (Ley et al. 2016). In the MG
lesions scored 0–3: 0¼normal, 1¼mild, outbreak investigated here, admissions of
2¼moderate, and 3¼severe (Sydenstricker et juvenile finches did not overlap temporally
al. 2006). Three swabs per bird (left and right with adults in the rehabilitation facility; as
conjunctiva, choana) were collected with such, it is probable that at least some juveniles
flocked nylon swabs (FLOQSwabs, Copan were infected by their parents in the nest
Diagnostics, Murrieta, California, USA) and prior to admission (Hartup and Kollias 1999).

TABLE 1. Eye lesion scores and Mycoplasma spp. identified from House Finches (Haemorhous mexicanus) and
California Scrub-jays (Aphelocoma californica) during a conjunctivitis outbreak in a wildlife rehabilitation facility
in central California, USA, between May and July 2015. Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae
were identified by species-specific real-time PCR (qPCR), where quantification cycle (Cq): ,40¼positive,
40¼suspect, no Cq¼negative. Sequencing for the detection of other Mycoplasma spp. was performed at the
MDRL using primers to the 16S ribosomal (r)RNA and 16S-23S intergenic spacer region. Molecular diagnosis
was based on the combination of qPCR and sequence results.

Eye lesion
scorea Mycoplasma diagnosisb

Left, Diagnostic MG MS 16S rRNA ISR Molecular

Species ID right labc qPCR qPCR sequence sequence diagnosis

House Finch A ND CAHFS Suspect Negative ND ND MG suspect

B ND CAHFS Suspect Negative ND ND MG suspect
C ND CAHFS Positive Negative ND ND MG
D ND CAHFS Positive Negative ND ND MG
E ND CAHFS Positive Negative ND ND MG
F 3, 1 MDRL Positive Negative MG MG MG
G 1, 1 MDRL Positive Negative ND MG MG
H 1, 2 MDRL Positive Negative MG MG MG
I 1, 2 MDRL Positive Suspect MG MG MG/MS suspect
J 2, 1 MDRL Positive Suspect MG MG MG/MS suspect
K 0, 2 MDRL Positive Positive MG MG MG/MS
L 3, 2 MDRL Positive Negative MG MG MG
M 2, 2 MDRL Positive Negative MG MG MG
N 1, 1 MDRL Positive Negative MG MG MG
O 1, 1 MDRL Positive Negative ND MG MG
California Scrub-jay A ND CAHFS Negative Positive ND ND MS
B ND CAHFS Negative Negative ND ND Not determined
C ND CAHFS Negative Negative ND ND Not determined
D 1, 1 MDRL Suspect Negative ND PQ MG suspect
E 1, 1 MDRL Positive Negative Mst MG MG/Mst
F 1, 1 MDRL Suspect Negative ND PQ MG suspect
G 3, 0 MDRL Positive Negative ND MG MG
H 0, 2 MDRL Suspect Negative Mst MG MG/Mst
I 1, 0 MDRL Suspect Negative ND PQ MG suspect
J 1, 0 MDRL Negative Negative Mst pq Mst
K 1, 0 MDRL Positive Negative ND MG MG
L 1, 3 MDRL Suspect Positive MS PQ MG suspect/MS
Eye lesion score: 0 ¼ normal; 1 ¼ mild; 2 ¼ moderate; 3 ¼ severe; ND ¼ not done.
ISR ¼ intergenic spacer region; ND ¼ not done; MG ¼ M. gallisepticum; MS ¼ M. synoviae; PQ ¼ poor quality; Mst ¼ Mycoplasma
CAHFS ¼ California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory (Davis, California); MDRL ¼ Mycoplasma Diagnostic and Research
Laboratory (Raleigh, North Carolina).

The lack of clinical signs at intake prompted European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) were
rehabilitation personnel to place the juvenile housed. In the nursery, up to six similar-aged
finches in the nursery where juvenile House juveniles of a single species were contained in
Sparrows (Passer domesticus), scrub-jays, a plastic mesh enclosure (56341325 cm) on
American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos), shelving along two near-perpendicular walls.
Yellow-billed Magpies (Pica nuttalli), North- Enclosures were stacked four-high and two-
ern Mockingbirds (Mimus polyglottos), Amer- wide for each of the species, which helped
ican Robins (Turdus migratorius), and expedite the multiple feedings required each

day. Each enclosure was disinfected with a et al. 1992), although the findings presented
quaternary ammonium compound between here suggested some passerine species may be
groups of juveniles and separate food and susceptible. Mycoplasma synoviae was identi-
feeding utensils were assigned to each group. fied in one finch and two scrub-jays with
However, the juveniles within each species conjunctivitis; however, one finch and one
were fed consecutively, always beginning with scrub-jay were coinfected with MG. It is
House Finches. Transmission of MG has been unknown if MS infection alone would result in
demonstrated to occur through direct contact conjunctivitis or if finches and scrub-jays may
(Farmer et al. 2002), aerosol (Beard and act as subclinical carriers. Although MS was
Anderson 1967), and fomites (Dhondt et al. identified in a single scrub-jay with conjunc-
2007a). The multispecies nursery would have tivitis, the presence of mycoplasmas other
allowed many opportunities for the transmis- than MG was not evaluated in this individual.
sion of MG from infected juvenile finches to The use of species-specific PCR for MG and
uninfected juvenile finches (Dhondt et al. MS, combined with Mycoplasma genus PCR
2007b) and scrub-jays, and possibly to other and gene sequencing, is important for the
species. Although the rehabilitation facility detection of multiple Mycoplasma spp. Ex-
has biosecurity protocols to minimize trans- perimental infection of disease-free birds may
mission of pathogens between groups of then help identify their roles as pathogens.
juveniles and among the different species, the The outbreak of conjunctivitis in this
placement of multiple species into a single rehabilitation facility highlights the need for
room likely increased the probability of cross- best management practices such as those
species transmission and disease outbreak. outlined in the Minimum Standards for
Ideally, species at high risk for MG, such as Wildlife Rehabilitation (Miller et al. 2012).
House Finches, should be housed separately These practices should include effective triage
from other avian species. When possible, new and isolation procedures, cleaning and disin-
admissions should be isolated for 30 d (Dhondt fection protocols, knowledge of species at risk
et al. 2008) before placement with the general for infections, and prompt investigation and
population. In situations where birds cannot be diagnosis when a disease outbreak occurs.
effectively isolated, to prevent nosocomial Instituting these practices may be challenging
infections euthanasia should be considered for facilities operating with minimal personnel
for species at high risk for MG infection. on limited budgets; however, they are vital to
Conjunctivitis was not observed in the other maximize patient care. Since refining their
avian species housed in the nursery, although management practices, including the com-
no sampling was conducted. Thus, the source plete isolation of House Finches from other
of the M. sturni and MS remains undeter- avian species, the rehabilitation facility has
mined. Mycoplasma sturni has been isolated experienced no further conjunctivitis out-
previously from crows, robins, and starlings breaks even though WIL continues to docu-
with and without conjunctivitis (Forsythe et al. ment annual mycoplasmosis outbreaks in free-
1996; Wellehan et al. 2001). During the ranging wild birds in California.
outbreak in the rehabilitation facility, M. sturni We thank the wildlife rehabilitation facility
was identified from three scrub-jays. The fact staff for alerting us to this outbreak and their
that the scrub-jays had clinical signs suggests willingness to collaborate both during and
they are susceptible to infection; however, two after the investigation. This work was partially
were coinfected with MG. Research is needed supported by a National Institutes of Health
to determine if clinical M. sturni infections grant 5R01GM105245.
occur in free-ranging scrub-jays.
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