Irs Delivary June 24 Img - 20190624 - 0003

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,"r*5t Hotice Csncerning Fiduciary Eelationship

if. Novernlerzor4
) Go to www"irs.govfForn5d for instructiEns and the talest inferrnation.
oMB t{o. 1545-S,3
Dep#trnent of the freas.ry
lntsnal Revmue Seryice $*tcrn*l Sl€verue €ode s€c*io*s ffi36 and 63*3)

IEEil Hentification
il=nE *p*rsan? Secadsrt's s€crEitl Eo.
DARRI$ YOUHG, Federal***stee and "Pullic Qfice"
persfifl for whilfir you are e*ting {aumber, street, erd room ar s*ite no.
11'lf c*nstitrrti*n Avenue,$!.!4r{dcrsicite of "Pubjic office "Pursuant to Fed -F. civ. p. r7{b}}
City artowfi, *ate, addrcss, see imtructions.)
l{ashing(en, Districl cf Col*mbia 302tt*;" Uniled SHtes" Distric{ af f,olumhi* As E=*n* in 26 USC FI01 {a}and {g},{{G}
Frducrary's r.rame
Judge James ll( Lamnrey, Adminisfative Ofice of tfie Courts, Clerk ot lhe Criminal Court
ofiduciary {*umbsr, s!r+et" aad roorn or suhe no.}
20'l Poplar Avenue, Suite 519
Ciiy cr tas.!, stat€, alrd AP code
F{emphis,TFl 3St{13

Sectian A. Autharity
A*therity fcr fiduciary relaticnsf:ip. Cl"ieek appli*able box:
a fl ecurt appointme*t *f testate estate {valid willexistsi
b tl Cai*rt appcintrnent sf intestate estate {n<: valid will exists}
e [J f"curt appcintmer$ *s guardian or csnservator
d f Valid trust instrurnent a*d amendrn*nts
€ f Bankru:picy or assignrnent for th* beaefit or ereditors

t I fr other. *es*n'be* -J-t!.1-r.o"r,er""-lirFtJrB-tr1-1:!!.i-1:I-tt-...19"!ll-9.:g-!yp,-*-tp:IgqI_-?s?--

2a lf box 1a cr-lb is checked, enter tte daie sf death F 1s74 -zo1g
tf bex lc- If is *lxcked. enter the date of appint"*erii: Gffij;i?i.ce,
b sr transfer af ass*ts )

$ectien S. ilature of Liahi*ity and T.x hi*ti*es

3 Typesftaxes{cheeka}lthatapply}: E} Insome il em"+ El Estare ffi G*neratian:skittinaitanuie, dem-,ptsy**nt
I fx*se n Other{d*scrtbe}}

Federaltaxformnumber{*heckallthatapply}: aET06series bE7*s c[Jg4* dilsat,g4g.944

effir*+*,1{48-A,*r1G4o:EZ rEra+i gErieo hflother{iisq}-1s3I_ry:-g-1?-:-T-f1,1-ts_ --_-_"-_,.j*.

If your authcrity as a fidueiary does not cayer all years or tax periods, ch*k here > fI
and tist ttrc spific years or p"riads >
For Papsrwork Ftadqciian A*t and Frivafry Act Ha,tics, s€€ *+parale instruciicns, Cat. Na.1s3751 fann56{fiev- 11-2C17J

iuN 2 4 2019

lrT'0, $fi # i,ffi ,t* ii p#hI


Ftrevocation or Terminetion of H*tiee

Seetion A-Tstef Rev**ati*r"l or T*rmination
Check this bax if you are revoking ar ter"ninating all prior **ti*es cor':cerning fiduciary relationship* on fil* with the Internal
Revenue Service for the sarne tax matters and years ar pericds covered by tFris *otiee c*Rseming fiduciary relationship > f,
Reason for termination of fiduciary relaticnship. Cheek applieatrle bcx:
a ] Ccurt srder revokiag fidueiary autharity
b ] Certificate *f dissalutisfi or terminati+n of a business entity
c I Ofher. Describel

Seciion B- Partial *evacatien

7a Check this b*x if you are revaking earlier notices conceming fidnci=ry relati*nships on file with the lntemal Revenue Service
for the same tex ma$ers and ye;*rs ar pericds covered by this n*tice canseming fiduciary relatio*ship > n
Speci{y t* wh*m grant*d, date, and adSress, including Z}P c*de.

Section C-Substitut* Fidu*iary

8 Cheek this hox if a new fidu*iary *r fidueiaries have bee* cr wiil be s*bstituted ior the rev*king or terminating fidueiary and
sprcfu ttre nam{s} ane* addr*ss{e i, inc}uding ZIP code{s}, si the new *dueiary{ics} } tl

tourt afi d Adrnirristrstiye Froc*edings

Name af couri $f ath*r tftar a *surt praeeedi*q, id€fiti{y the type o{ Frtreedng and nalBe cf agencyi proceedrng


Address of court Docket number
20'r PoPr_&R AVEiltrE, SUI.IE 5tS c t8{}0186, tB*8*52
Crty or tcwn, stal*. ffnd 3lP code PlEee of oilter prcce€dings

M=64FHI S, TEhI!*E SsEE 3&{ A3 DlVlSlOt{t 5

I ceftil!" that I nave tlp auihorrty to Ex;cuie this notice concerning frducjary reiaticns';p on Oehaif of the taxsayer
Sign dY;fihffC-" ff'?"' l;;s b ft,)fN;+
Here JUDGE JA'*=S M- LAT$*'=Y
Itie. if appticabfe
Form$S(Bev 11-2017i

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