Nouns + Prepositions

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Level B1 +
Unit 2
Module 6
Nouns with Prepositions

Some nouns, particularly abstract nouns,

have to be followed by a prepositional
phrase in order to demonstrate what they
relate to. They cannot just stand by
themselves. There is usually only one
possibility of preposition which must be
used after a particular noun. Occasionally
alternatives are possible. But in either
event it is a matter of learning which
prepositions can be used with which nouns.
Nouns with Prepositions
Nouns followed by 'to‘

access to addiction to allusion to
response to
contribution to damage to devotion to reference to
relevance to resistance to solution to threat to

 The court ordered that access to his children would be

restricted to alternate Sundays.
 It was his contribution to molecular biology that won him the
Nobel prize.
 Addiction to alcohol is perhaps as serious as addiction to drugs
in this country.
 The damage caused to his house was colossal after the
 Her devotion to her husband was unqualified.
 There is no solution to this problem.
 His answer/response/reply to his neighbour's accusation
ofdamage to the fence that divided them was to seek the
advice of a solicitor.
 Although there are thousands of squirrels in the wood, they
areno threat to the environment.
Nouns with Prepositions
Nouns followed by 'for'
admiration for bid for cure for demand for recipe for

respect for responsibility room for search for thirst for


• I have nothing but admiration for the way he handled a very

difficult situation.
• There is no known cure for this type of snake bite.
• The demand for this new generation of mobile phone cannot
be satisfied.
• I have a wonderful recipe for a simple pasta dish that I must
give you.
• She is a thoroughly spoilt child and has no respect for her
• The search for the missing teenager was called off as darkness
• The children in this deprived area show a real thirst
for learning.

• It is sometimes the case that nouns with a similar meaning are

followed by the same preposition. Thus appetite, craving,
hankering, hunger, desire, longing, passion are all synonyms
of thirst and they are all followed by the preposition for:
Nouns with Prepositions
Nouns followed by 'with‘
date with dealings with meeting with
link with quarrel with sympathy with

• I've got a dinner date with Tommy on Saturday. ~

That's nice. How romantic!
• I've got a meeting with the architects this
afternoon, so I shall be home late.
• His dealings with Grenville Engineering were
suspended and all links / connections with the
organisation were severed.
• I have no quarrel with his teachers. I think they did
all they could to deter him.
I have every sympathy with his family. They must
be so upset that he is now in prison.
• Note that all of these nouns imply some sort of
relationship with people or things and they all
have the linking preposition with.
Nouns with Prepositions
Other nouns - other prepositions

ban on grudge anger at bond excerpt

against between from
awareness of grasp of control over authority hold on

• There is going to be a complete ban on fishing in the North

Atlantic. The fishing stocks are so depleted.
• They bore a grudge against their neighbours and hadn't
spoken to them for two years.
• His anger at the way the refugees were being treated was
clear to see.
• The bond between mother and child is one that can never
be broken.
• There was an excerpt from Verdi's Aida on the Radio Three
last night.
• His grasp / understanding / awareness of mathematics
left a lot to be desired.
• She no control over her emotions.
• She has some sort of authority over him and he has ahold
on her. They are well-matched.
• Note that although related adjectives and verbs are often
followed by the same preposition (awareness of / aware
of - reference to / refer to), this is not always the case:
• I have no intention of resigning.
• I do not intend to resign.
Nouns with Prepositions
Certain nouns - choice of preposition
agreement about / on debate about / on decision about / on
difficulty with / in love of / for transition from / to
need of / for

reason for / to arguments for / case for / against


• There was no agreement about / on the shorter working

week and the decision on / about employee benefits was
deferred until the next meeting.
• I'm having difficulty with the steering. It just won't go
where I want it to go.
• I'm having difficulty in steering this trolley. It just won't
go where I want it to go.
• His love of / for tennis is such that he queued all night for
a ticket for the tournament.
• The transition from a controlled to a market economy
was not easily achieved.
• No reason was given for the changes to the schedule.
You have no reason to change the schedule like that.
• Although the case against him was strong, his lawyer put
up a good case for leniency.
Let´s practice
Now use the correct combinations to make your own example

1. I really need a BREAK ___ drinking alcohol!

• from
• of
• At
2. Her skin has a really bad REACTION __ the sun.
• with
• to
• at
3. There has been a huge RISE ___ food prices recently.
• in
• with
• At
4. I think I have an ADDICTION ___ chocolate.
• to
• with
• about
5. I have huge RESPECT ___ my teachers at school, now I know
how hard it can be!

• in
• for
• with
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Nouns with Prepositions
Brush Up

Unit 2
Module 6
Word order
verb + object + place + time
Word order
verb + object + place + time
Place and time

Usually the verb and the place (where?) go together:

go home, live in a city, walk to work etc.

If the verb has an object, the place comes after the

verb + object:
take somebody home, meet a friend in the street

Time (when?/how often?/how long?) normally goes

after place:
Tom walks to work every morning. (not 'Tom walks
every morning to work')
She has been in Canada since April.
We arrived at the airport early.
Place and time
Study these examples. Notice how time goes after

* I'm going to Paris on Monday. (not 'I'm going on

Monday to Paris')
* They have lived in the same house for a long time.
* Don't be late. Make sure you're here by 8 o'clock.
* Sarah gave me a lift home after the party.
* You really shouldn't go to bed so ate.

It is often possible to put time at the beginning of

the sentence:
* On Monday I'm going to Paris.
* Every morning Tom walks to work.

Some time words (for example, always/never/often)

usually go with the verb in the middle of the
Aspects to bear in mind.
Aspects to bear in mind.

* Definite expressions of time can also

go at the beginning of the sentence if they
are not the main focus in the sentence. If
you are in doubt – put it at the end of the
sentence – it is more likely to be right.
Let´s practice
Put the parts of the sentence in
the right order.
1. (the party/very much/everybody enjoyed) _
Everybody enjoyed the party very much.
2. (we won/easily/the game)
3. (quietly/the door /I closed)
4. (Diane/quite well /speaks/German)
5. (Tim/all the time television/watches)
6. (again/please don't ask/that question)
7. (football/every weekend/does Ken play?)
8. (some money/I borrowed/from a friend of mine)
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Brush Up
Thanks a bunch and remember.
Practice makes perfect

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