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Based on the SWOT analysis for each component as described in
Chapter I, this section describes the intercomponent SWOT Analysis. For
convenience, the components are grouped into three categories: (1) input,
which includes vision, mission, target and objectives, students, human
resources, curriculum, finance, facilities and infrastructure. (2) process,
which include governance, leadership, program management, learning
process, academic atmosphere, information system, quality assurance,
community service, and cooperation. (3) output, which include graduates,
theses, publication models, and outcomes of community service. The three
categories of analysis are described, consecutively, in the table below.

Table 2.1. SWOT Analysis

Input Category
strength (S) weakness (W)
Vision, Mission, Target & Objectives: Vision, Mission, Target & Objectives:
a. Vision, mission, objectives and target a. The vision, mission and objectives of the
of the Philosophical Studies Program study program have not been optimally
have been fully formulated and can be disseminated to, and implemented by, the
easily understood by the academic entire academic community, especially
community, graduates and the end educational staff, graduates and the end
users of graduates. users of graduates.
b. The targets have been established in b. The vision, mission, objectives and target
accordance with the objectives, thus have not been fully understood by some of
the former can be implemented the academic community, graduates and the
realistically. end-users of graduates.
c. The Philosophical Studies Program of
UGM has been awarded the A grade
(excellent) under the decree of the
National Commission for Academic
Accreditation and Assessment (BAN-
PT), Number 004/BAN-PT/Ak-SURV-
II/S1/I/2011. The accreditation status
indicates the consistency of our
program in organizing higher
education in compliance with the
established vision, mission, objectives
and target.
Table 2.1. SWOT Analysis
Input Category
strength (S) weakness (W)
Students: Students:
a. The requirements in our student a. The number of prospective students who
recruitment system are similar to those consider Philosophy as their first choice of
of the university's and are consistent major remains limited.
with the provisions applicable at a b. Students' research studies and theses
national level, thus assuring the published in scientific journals remain few.
quality of our students.
b. Students' diverse secondary
educational backgrounds allow for
multidisciplinary approach to the
learning process at our department.
c. Admitted students are those who have
passed the strict and centralized
selection tests.

a. Faculty and education personnel a. Teaching assignments for faculty members
recruitment system is clearly remain unequally distributed.
formulated and consistently b. Education personnel with bachelor's degree
implemented. remain few.
b. Faculty members are highly c. Number and qualification of education
competent and academically qualified. personnel remain less than required.
c. Majority of faculty members are d. Many lecturers currently entering their
actively involved in scientific paper retirement ages.
writing at a national level--some of e. Inadequate effort to improve education
them at an international level. personnel performance.
d. Majority of faculty members hold
master's degree, and some of them
have been pursuing for doctoral
degree, either at home or abroad.
e. The Philosophical Studies Program
has faculty regulations and code of
f. Monitoring and performance
assessment system for lecturers has
been properly implemented.
Curriculum: Curriculum:
a. Our curriculum has been a. Inadequate number of courses that are based
comprehensively devised and on actual application.
recognized nationally and b. Inadequate number of courses in our
internationally (especially for Ethics curriculum that serve to develop and
courses). sharpen the student skills.
b. The courses offered by our department c. The absence of learning method that
have all been designed so as to make effectively adapts the students' basic
Table 2.1. SWOT Analysis
Input Category
strength (S) weakness (W)
our curriculum complies with the knowledge (they've obtained from high
needs of the students, users, and school) to the curriculum of our Program.
c. The courses offered by the
Philosophical Studies Program are
inter- and intra-disciplinarily
Financing: Financing:
a. Course implementation and No increased revenues other than those from
development funds are adequately students' tuition.
a. Five years strategic plan has been
continuously implemented.
Facilities & infrastructure: Facilities & infrastructure:
a. Facilities and infrastructure provide Limited space for reading and discussion
adequate support for learning process. rooms.
b. Adequate financial management
system with information technology
c. Available strategic plan for the next 5
d. Access to the library complete
collection of philosophical studies has
been granted and properly utilized.
e. Electronic journal collections are
available onsite (Cambridge Journal,
Oxford Journal, SAGE Journal, J-STOR,
EBSCO, Proquest, dane-JournalUGM).
f. Internet access available in the area of
the Faculty of Philosophy, including
lecture halls, administration rooms,
faculty rooms and student activities
Table 2.1. SWOT Analysis
Input Category
Vision, Mission, Target & Objectives: Vision, Mission, Target & Objectives:
a. The vision, mission and objectives of the Philosophical As the science and technology develop rapidly, revising the vision,
Studies Program are consistent with the vision of UGM as mission, target and objectives prior to the predetermined time is an
one of the best universities in Indonesia. inevitability.
b. The vision, mission and objectives of the Philosophical
Studies Program are in line with the Science and Technology
Development and the ideal of The Unitary State of the
Republic of Indonesia.
Students: Students:
The interest of prospective students in our Program kept Some of the admitted students choose our Program as the first choice
increasing every year. major.
a. Various types of research grant are available. Lecturers' workload at other universities.
b. Available scholarship from central and regional government
for HRD at home and abroad.
c. Greater applicants' interest in becoming education staff
makes it necessary to adopt strict recruitment standards.
Curriculum: Curriculum:
a. Our curriculum serves as a reference for other universities The curriculum is heavily oriented to meeting the needs of the job
intending to organize similar study program. market and potentially overrides the values of ideal character building
b. Cooperative institutional relationships with our department for scientists, thus deprive students of such values.
encourage further curriculum development.
c. Our curriculum has future-oriented characteristics that
allow our graduates to get easily absorbed in the job sector.
Financing: Financing:
Cooperation is already underway to support scholarship for Revenues other than those from student tuition are limited.
students of Philosophical Studies Program.
Facilities and Infrastructure: Facilities and Infrastructure:
Table 2.1. SWOT Analysis
Input Category
a. Adequate facilities increase prospective students' interest in a. Other universities offered better facilities and infrastructure than
philosophy as their first major. ours.

Table 2.2. SWOT Analysis

Process Category
Governance, leadership, and program management: Governance, leadership, and program management:
a. The governance system is characterized by credibility, a. Internal evaluation runs less optimally.
transparency, accountability, responsibility, and fairness. b. The densely scheduled activities of the faculty board, in this case the
b. Operational leadership runs efficiently in organizing the study program administrator, inhibit the administrator to focus on
study program. developing the study program.
c. Services that are coordinated and integrated into the Faculty
of Philosophy service center.
d. The management system runs effectively, with the support
of adequate plan document and standard operating
e. Quality assurance system has been established, integrating
the university, faculty, and department. The governance
system is characterized by credibility, transparency,
accountability, responsibility, and fairness.
Learning Process: Learning Process:
a. Academic monitoring and evaluation system runs properly a. Evaluation of learning materials that involve end-user of graduate
on an integrated basis at UGM. has not been held periodically.
b. Learning strategies and methods have been effectively b. The use of distance learning facilities (PAKON and eLisa) remains less
implemented to achieve the agreed-upon education goals. than optimal.
c. Student competencies developed by the courses they have
taken are consistent with the actual needs of job sector.
Academic Atmosphere: Academic Atmosphere:
a. A favorable academic atmosphere has been properly a. The number of students who actively pursuing academic activities,
Table 2.2. SWOT Analysis
Process Category
created. such as international conferences, has not been evenly distributed.
b. A Student-Centered Learning (SCL) method has been b. Limited number of students conducting research.
adopted, therefore larger spaces have been provided for
students to explore and improve their personality and
competencies independently.
c. Lecturers are required to involve students in research
Information System: Information System:
a. A host-to-host registration system (Sistem Informasi Registrasi Not all students utilize PAKON and eLisa.
[SIREG]) for students has been in operation.
b. Students plan their learning activities through an online
Academic Information System (SIA) that is integrated to that
of the university. Through SIA, students can monitor their
study progress.
c. All lecturers and education personnel set the performance
target through Human Resource Information System (HRIS)
that, in turn, will be evaluated and assessed at the end of the
d. In support for the learning process, students are provided
with a learning material information system comprising of
PAKON and e-Learning System for Academic Community
Penjaminan mutu: Quality assurance:
Quality assurance system has been established, integrating the Internal evaluation runs less optimally.
university, faculty, and department.

Research and community services: Research and community services:

a. A system has been adopted in the university to encourage a. Limited time the faculty and students have to conduct research.
lecturers and students to routinely conduct research and b. Students' motivation to conduct research remains poor.
community services.
Table 2.2. SWOT Analysis
Process Category
b. A Nusantara Philosophy Laboratory (LAFINUS) has been
established at the Faculty to encourage both lecturers and
students to conduct research and to provide community
c. Allocated research and community services funds constitute
motivating factors for improving the quality of research and
community services at our department.
d. Available scientific periodical in national scope with ISSN at
a Faculty level that serves as a medium to disseminate
lecturers' and students' scientific works.
Cooperation: Cooperation:
Cooperation with national and international institutions has Cooperation networks development has been less than optimal.
been established to support the implementation of Three Pillars
of Higher Education.

Table 2.2. SWOT Analysis

Process Category
Governance, leadership, and program management: Governance, leadership, and program management:
a. Personal development opportunities in leadership and Unpredictable changes in higher education policy in terms of
management are wide open. governance and management of Study Program.
b. The Philosophical Studies Program management has been
known for its good reputation among other universities,
both at home and abroad.
c. Opportunity is open to collectively overcome constraints
and problems between the Faculty and Department
Table 2.2. SWOT Analysis
Process Category
Learning Process: Learning Process:
a. For the purpose of learning, the courses are frequently held, Inputs from the alumni concerning learning method improvement
over the last three years, with participation of foreign remain insignificant.
lecturers and students, especially those participating in SIT-
Study Abroad from American universities—thus allow
students to experience the atmosphere of international class.
b. Learning processes have been adapted to the development
in education.
Academic Atmosphere: Academic Atmosphere:
a. Cooperation in organizing discussion and conducting Minimum involvement from the alumni for improved academic
researches for better academic atmosphere. atmosphere.
b. Great enthusiasm for cooperation in organizing seminars
or scientific discussions with the Philosophical Studies
Information System: Information System:
Wireless Internet access points are available in almost all areas Network issues in the provision of information system remain
of the Faculty of Philosophy. unsolved.

Penjaminan mutu: Quality assurance:

a. Improved quality assurance guidelines developed by the Competition in quality assurance has raised the quality standards.
Ministry of Education and Culture allows for better study
program quality assurance.
b. External supervision is provided to quality assurance.
Research and community services: Research and community services:
a. Considerable research grants from domestic and foreign Majority of lecturers focused on preparing research grant proposal to
institutions. their own university.
b. Research funds are provided by the Faculty, University, or
other institutions.
Cooperation: Cooperation:
Table 2.2. SWOT Analysis
Process Category
a. Being part of UGM as the best university in Indonesia, the Scarcely established cooperation with external institutions in funding
Philosophical Studies Program is facilitated in building for instructional activities.
cooperation with domestic and foreign institutions.
b. Cooperation between the Philosophical Studies Program
and other institutions has positive impact on the realization
of the Three Pillars of Higher Education.

Table 2.3. SWOT Analysis

Output Category
Graduates: Graduates:
a. Our graduates possess competencies relevant to the needs of Limited number of graduates capable of creatively integrating their
their users. expertise with skills required in the job sector, especially foreign
b. Our graduates are highly proficient in self-development language speaking skills, such as English.
skills, thereby highly employable and outstanding in their
own field.
c. Majority of our students complete their degree on time with
relatively high GPAs.
d. Some of our alumni have relatively shorter waiting time
before getting first job.
Thesis and Publication: Thesis and Publication:
a. Majority of theses are supervised by lecturers with relevant a. Number of published theses remains limited.
field of expertise. b. Some of the students spent longer time on their theses.
b. The thesis quality has been guaranteed with Monev system
that has been adopted for years.
c. Available scientific periodical in national scope with ISSN at
a Faculty level that serves as a medium to disseminate
lecturers' and students' scientific works.
Table 2.3. SWOT Analysis
Output Category
Outcomes of community services: Outcomes of community services:
a. Students are capable of implementing their philosophical Discussion on matters that are less fundamental and lacking relevance
studies in the community service activities. with the needs of the community, thereby kept the community service
b. Community service activities help improved our reputation. activities from running swiftly.

Table 2.3. SWOT Analysis

Output Category
Graduates: Graduates:
a. Demand for our graduates has been increasing. End users hold high expectation for our graduate and program
b. Our program has produced graduates currently occupy quality.
positions at major public and private institutions.
Thesis and Publication: Thesis and Publication:
a. Scholarship funds have been sufficiently provided for Rapid development of science and technology and their complexity
degree completion and thesis writing. affects the preferred topics for thesis writing.
b. Some of the students make the most of their scholarship
funds for degree completion and thesis writing.
Outcomes of community services: Outcomes of community services:
a. Public have been familiar with the Philosophical Studies Cooperation with foreign institutions in community services remains
program. limited.
b. Public service implementation has received much
cooperation supports.



1. Vision, mission, objective and target a. Incorporating the vision and mission of Philosophical Studies Program into any
implementation of the Three Pillars of Higher Education. .
b. Disseminating our vision and mission to academic communities, graduates, and users of
c. Periodic evaluation of the vision, mission, objectives and targets of our Program.
2. Management, leadership, management Improving the existing monitoring and evaluation systems.
system and assurance assurance;
3. Students and graduates; a. Increasing skill and soft skill provisions for students to improve their respective areas of
b. To encourages students to conduct research before writing their thesis.
c. To further strengthen and expand the relationship between students and end-users of
4. Human resources; a. To facilitate lecturers to pursue further study.
b. To provide training and development facilities for education personnel.
5. Curriculum, learning process and academic a. To increase the number of courses that requires field practices.
atmosphere b. To strengthen the subjects that teaches integrity, such as professional ethics.
c. To optimize the role of lecturers in thesis supervising.
6. Funding, facilities and infrastructure a. To improve cooperation in fund provision other than that from student tuition.
b. To provide additional facilities and infrastructure.
7. Research, community services and a. To encourage students to conduct research before writing a thesis proposal.
cooperation b. To improve lecturer-student collaboration in the implementation of community services.
c. To improve international cooperation.

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