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Professor: Atty. Albert R.


Marc Roby de Chavez (MARX)

ADR2 provider? What is the distinction between an ADR provider

and ADR practitioner?
A and B entered into a contract were it was stipulated that in ADR providers are institutions accredited by the
the event of a dispute arising in that contract they are going government to provide ADR services for an ADR. Like
to refer the case to the RTC in manila, will that document be a in QC.
subject of an ADR?
No Are the practitioners a part of the providers? Are there
practitioners who were provided by ADR providers?
So, if they stipulate that it can be solve by the RTC of Manila The parties or the institution themselves may
thru an ADR, will it be alright? provide the practitioners.
No, because the dispute covered by the ADR is to be
resolve by an impartial 3 party who is not a judge If there is an institution that provides ADR, can the parties go
and such 3 party is not an agent of the government there and obtain a settlement?
as well. So if it is the court that resolves the dispute, Yes
such resolution is excluded in the ADR.
Once they obtain a settlement, what can the parties do to
Does the constitution favor that the parties can go an ADR complement the functions of the provider? Can they
among themselves? What does the Constitution provides? recommend for accreditation their own arbitrators?
Art XIII, Sec. 3 par. 3 of the Constitution provides Yes, they can recommend for accreditation their
that The State shall promote the principle of shared own arbitrators
responsibility between workers and employers and
the preferential use of voluntary modes in settling Thru what means is an ADR implements?
disputes, including conciliation, and shall enforce • Arbitration
their mutual compliance therewith to foster • Mediation/Conciliation
industrial peace. • Mini-trial
• Early Neutral Valuation
The employers and employees are encouraged to go ADR
under the Constitution for the purpose of obtaining industrial Who determines the use of these particular means when the
peace. parties decide to go to an alternative dispute resolution?
The parties can implement the kind of dispute
How about in the Civil Code, what does Article 1306 provides? resolution that they would like to avail of.
Does it encourage the parties to go to ADR?
If they have elected, let say arbitration, is it necessary for the
What can the parties provide? Can they have a clause or parties to agree to the arbitrator that will be the one to
provision? resolve the dispute?
The Civil Code provides as well that the parties may Yes
provide clauses or provisions in their contract to
encourage to come into an outside settlement of What is the most important ingredient of the kind of
their dispute for as long as it is not against the law. availment of the means of arbitration?
Agreement of parties
Who are these parties referred to under the Civil Code?
Debtor-creditor in the event of an obligation
Obligor-obligee in the event of a contract Can there be an appointment of arbitrator or conciliator of
the parties having disagreed to it?
Under the ADR, who is supposed to provide the services of an None
ADR provider Can the court come in to appoint an arbitrator or conciliator?

Who are the people who are supposed to practice them? As a rule, who creates an appointment of arbitrators and
ADR practitioners conciliators?
The parties, the consent of the parties are of primary
How would we consider a party who is designated as an ADR importance when it comes to arbitration or
provider? Is it an ordinary person who provide an ADR service conciliation, because without such consent, the
or there is an appointment of that person? Who is an ADR parties are not bound by the acts of an arbitrator or

conciliator, neither will the court respect if the Is there a possibility that whatever settlement there is
parties did not elect thru their consent the between the parties in mediation/conciliation an award
appointment of arbitrators or conciliators. would come out?
Yes, the parties may agree in the settlement
Parties A and B are heirs of X, they agreed in their contract agreement that the mediator shall become a sole
that both of them shall have equal division of the properties arbitrator for the dispute and shall treat the
that they will inherit from X. after they have signed the settlement agreement as an arbitral award which
contract, B refuses to respect that contract because he argue shall be subject to enforcement under Arbitration
that he should receive more than A. As a consequence of a Law. A mediator cannot render an award but the
dispute the parties went to arbitration or conciliation. Is that parties may agree that they shall treat the
possible? settlement agreement as an arbitral award.
No, because section 6 provides Exceptions to the In mediation, after the parties reached to an
Application of ADR. Future legitime cannot be a agreement, agree now that their settlement
subject of ADR despite the fact the parties agreed. agreement be considered as an award.

What are the other exceptions? What is the advantage of converting a settlement agreement
a) labor disputes covered by the Labor Code to an award?
b) the civil status of persons; If there was a conversion, such converted award will
c) the validity of a marriage; be a subject of execution, because a settlement
d) any ground for legal separation; agreement cannot be enforced unless it was
e) the jurisdiction of courts; converted to an award and become a subject for
f) future legitime; execution.
g) criminal liability; and
h) Those which by law cannot be compromised. If there is an award as a consequence of the agreement of the
parties in making their settlement agreement into an award,
What is the difference between Arbitration and Mediation? if one party do not agree to enforce the award, the other
Arbitration means a voluntary dispute resolution party may go to court and file a petition for execution of the
process in which one or more arbitrators, appointed award.
in accordance with the agreement of the parties, or
rules promulgated pursuant to this Act, resolve a The mediator will advise the parties to convert the settlement
dispute by rendering an award agreement to an award
Mediation means a voluntary process in which a
mediator, selected by the disputing parties, There is a court proceeding between A and B, the issue in
facilitates communication and negotiation, and that particular case is an accounting of claim of A to B, the
assist the parties in reaching a voluntary agreement accounting will depend on the ___ of what is determined
regarding a dispute. from a volume of accounting records, can the court direct the
In mediation/conciliation the third person merely parties to go to an ADR, in order to determine whether that
facilitate and assist the disputing parties to the particular claim of A is true with respect to the true
communicate and negotiate. The amount that A owe to B?
mediator/conciliator merely brings the parties Yes, if the court is having difficulty in determining
together to come to an agreement while in the actual amount which A owes B and that will
Arbitration, the arbitrator acts as a judge where he mean accounting, it is called "Court-Annexed
can receive evidence and render an award. Mediation".

If the parties elected to go to arbitration, how many When can a court do that (Court-Annexed Mediation)?
arbitrators they opt to have? Once it has obtain jurisdiction over the case and of
One or more the parties, then the court can direct the parties to
go to mediation to an annex court
If the parties elected to go to mediation, how many mediators
they opt to have? Who is going to be the mediator in that situation?
Only one Judge of an annex court

Can a judge be a mediator in that case?

Yes, as long as the judge is not the same judge to
which the case was first filed and the court in which

the judge sits belongs in the same category or of of the award, the court may allow the party-
equal level applicant to present evidences apart from the
previous evidences presented.
Let say there are 2 RTCs, one is the court where the complaint
is filed, can this court now direct the order court to conduct In a separate case that existed between A and B, who has a
mediation? case in that court that directed them to go to arbitration,
Yes, provided that the annex court belong in the they needed evidence as well in that separate case involving
same category other issues, can any of these parties serve a request for
discovery (mode of discovery)? Can anyone of the parties file
Purpose of a court-annex mediation (to unclog the docket of a petition to take deposition of any of the parties with respect
the court) to the testimony they have given before the arbitrator/during
• To shorten the proceedings arbitration proceedings
• To help in the evaluation of elements No, they are considered confidential
• To bring the parties to settlement
How about the records presented by the parties as
A and B enter into an agreement that in the event of a documentary exhibits in that arbitration?
dispute they will resolve it thru arbitration. There was a It is included as confidential
breach of obligation in that contract, and A now, filed an
action in court against B, during the hearing B did not present How about the pleadings?
the document containing the agreement that they will go to It is included as confidential
arbitration, and in the course of the proceeding the court
found out the existence of an arbitration clause in the Those testimonies, records and pleadings in the arbitration
agreement, what will the court do if it knew the existence of proceedings cannot be used in a separate proceeding
that agreement? Is there an exception?
• The court will suspend the proceedings Yes, if the parties agreed to waive the confidentiality
• And direct the parties to go to ADR on the basis of of the evidence presented.
their contract or agreement
• After the ADR proceedings, and rendering an award, Who are the parties that will agree?
the arbitrator will refer the award to the court for The disputing parties, the non-participating party in
the parties to comply connection of the information is provided by such
nonparty participant.
Such situation is called Court-Referred Mediation
SEC. 11. Exceptions to Privilege. -
Court-Referred Mediation means mediation ordered by a
court to be conducted in accordance with the Agreement of (a) There is no privilege against disclosure under Section
the Parties when as action is prematurely commenced in 9 if mediation communication is:
violation of such agreement
(1) in an agreement evidenced by a record
The court accepts the case, the court may not be aware of authenticated by all parties to the
the fact that the parties had previously agreed to go to agreement;
mediation, in the course of the hearing, the court discovered (2) available to the public or that is made
that there is a arbitration clause in the agreement by the during a session of a mediation which is
parties, the court can refer the parties to arbitration with the open, or is required by law to be open, to
consent of such parties pursuant to their agreement. the public;
(3) a threat or statement of a plan to inflict
During the court-referred mediation/arbitration, the parties bodily injury or commit a crime of violence;
presented their evidence to the arbitrator and as a (4) internationally used to plan a crime,
consequence of the presentation of that evidence, there is an attempt to commit, or commit a crime, or
award. After the award was rendered and such award was conceal an ongoing crime or criminal
referred to the court, one of the parties questioned the activity;
validity of the award. Can the party asked the court to allow (5) sought or offered to prove or disprove
him to present additional evidence apart from the evidence abuse, neglect, abandonment, or
they have presented? exploitation in a proceeding in which a
Yes, because the court has still jurisdiction, if court public agency is protecting the interest of
found out that there was irregularity in the rendition an individual protected by law; but this

exception does not apply where a child Is there any qualification for the participation of the lawyer
protection matter is referred to mediation during the mediation or arbitration?
by a court or a public agency participates in If there is no prohibition or limitation imposed by
the child protection mediation; the parties to the lawyers, the lawyers can act for
(6) sought or offered to prove or disprove a the interest of his client in the same way he would
claim or complaint of professional act in a civil case.
misconduct or malpractice filed against
mediator in a proceeding; or If there is mediation, and the parties were persuaded by the
(7) sought or offered to prove or disprove a mediator to conclude and settle the case, who is going to
claim of complaint of professional prepare the settlement agreement?
misconduct of malpractice filed against a A settlement agreement following successful
party, nonparty participant, or mediation shall be prepared by the parties with the
representative of a party based on conduct assistance of their respective counsel, if any, and by
occurring during a mediation. the mediator.

(b) There is no privilege under Section 9 if a court or What should be stated in that settlement?
administrative agency, finds, after a hearing in The parties and their respective counsels, if any,
camera, that the party seeking discovery of the shall sign the settlement agreement. The mediator
proponent of the evidence has shown that the shall certify that he/she explained the contents of
evidence is not otherwise available, that there is a the settlement agreement to the parties in a
need for the evidence that substantially outweighs language known to them.
the interest in protecting confidentiality, and the
mediation communication is sought or offered in: Duty of the mediator/conciliator
To certify that he/she explained the contents of the
(1) a court proceeding involving a crime or settlement agreement to the parties in a language
felony; or known to them.
(2) a proceeding to prove a claim or defense
that under the law is sufficient to reform or ADR3
avoid a liability on a contract arising out of Is there a difference between early neutral evaluation and
the mediation. mini-trial?
• Early Neutral Evaluation means an ADR process
(c) A mediator may not be compelled to provide wherein parties and their lawyers are brought
evidence of a mediation communication or testify in together early in a pre-trial phase to present
such proceeding. summaries of their cases and receive a nonbinding
(d) If a mediation communication is not privileged under assessment by an experienced, neutral person, with
an exception in subsection (a) or (b), only the expertise in the subject in the substance of the
portion of the communication necessary for the dispute
application of the exception for nondisclosure may • Mini-Trial means a structured dispute resolution
be admitted. The admission of particular evidence method in which the merits of a case are argued
for the limited purpose of an exception does not before a panel comprising senior decision makers
render that evidence, or any other mediation with or without the presence of a neutral third
communication, admissible for any other purpose. person after which the parties seek a negotiated
Suppose an information was given in a mediation by the non-
participating party (witness) who testified in that proceedings The difference lies is in ENE, there is a nonbinding
done in public, suppose there was an objection on the part of assessment while in MT there is a negotiated settlement.
the parties against the opening of the evidence the public but The resolution in ENE is not binding upon parties.
the non-participating party waived that evidence and the
privilege of communication, is that proper waiver? What is the purpose of the nonbinding assessment?
Yes, the evidence presented by the non-participating A guide for the parties not to proceed anymore with
party can be waived as evidence the case in court

Can the parties agree to appoint their own lawyer during the In the case of Mini Trial, the resolution is binding upon parties
mediation proceedings? and it is enforceable upon them. Both parties requested and
Yes, both of them can appoint the mini trial is conducted, then it may result to negotiated

settlement. The parties will negotiate on the basis of advice (5) any persons hired or engaged in connection with the
given to them or on the basis of the decision of the experts mediation as secretary, stenographer, clerk or
assistant; and
In ENE, the resolution is merely an advice, the parties may (6) any other person who obtains or possesses
take such resolution or not, hence, not binding, in mini trial, it confidential information by reason of his/her
is a decision and from that decision the parties are compelled profession.
to go a mediated agreement, it will result in the termination
of the mediation, hence, binding. Suppose a lawyer of one of the mediating parties, who
negligently left his attaché in a table which contains the
The parties agreed in a settlement between them in writing, records of the case, such attaché was taken by a hotel boy or
that they will submit their dispute to a mediation, but they attendant, he opened such attaché and learned a lot of things
have filed a case in court, then the court saw the agreement from the records, then such attendant ask a journalist to
of the parties, can the court motu propio direct the court for publish what he had known, is the attendant covered?
mediation? No, the disqualification provided for by law refers to
No, because the court has no basis in doing so. The acquisition of the knowledge thru an exercise of one
parties must invoke first the mediation agreement. profession in relation to mediation proceedings
Failure to invoke such mediation agreement it will
deemed a waiver of such mediation agreement. Can the parties waived the confidentiality or the privilege
attach to the information acquired in mediation?
The parties can directly ask the court to direct them to go to Yes.
mediation as they have agreed upon on or before the pre-
trial conference. With request of the parties, the court now is Under what situation that they can waive the privilege?
justified in directing them to go to mediation or arbitration on If one party discloses such information to the court
the basis of the request of the parties in their agreement. If
there is a waiver of such agreement, the parties jointly may Who can waived this confidentiality or privilege?
revive such agreement by requesting to the court to direct • The parties in dispute
them to mediation or arbitration. It is also known as Court- • Mediator
Referred Mediation • Non-party participants

Court-Referred Mediation means mediation ordered by a Suppose a lawyer of one of the parties who participated in the
court to be conducted in accordance with the Agreement of mediation proceedings, submit to the court during the court
the Parties when as action is prematurely commenced in proceedings a documents or exhibit gathered in mediation
violation of such agreement; proceedings but there was a timely objection by the other
party contending that it cannot be submitted because it is a
The invocation of the mediation agreement must be done on record coming from the mediation proceedings hence
or before pre-trial conference, failure to timely invoke results confidential and privilege, is the court confined to sustain such
to a waiver, but such waiver may be revived during the pre- objection?
(Comment: in arbitration the parties may revive their agreement even after the pre-
trial. Yes
trial provided that the parties jointly requested for it, will it be applicable to mediation?)

When is a document or exhibits be considered as a part of the

The information that is gathered in mediation is confidential records that is affected by the confidentiality or privilege?
and privilege, meaning to say it cannot be a subject of When there is no objection on the part of the other
disclosure. party, which is deemed a waiver

What are the 2 modes of disclosure in this case? If an evidence is acquired during mediation, and such
• Discovery- Modes of Discovery evidence will be made to apply to inflict injury to someone
o Depositions either oral or written else, is that evidence covered by the confidentiality?
o Request for admission No
• Presentation of records and testimonies
If an evidence falls under the exceptions provided for by law,
Who are the persons affected by this privilege? there is no need for timely objection. It automatically forms
(1) the parties to the dispute; part of the evidence or record and cannot be excluded by the
(2) the mediator or mediators; confidentiality
(3) the counsel for the parties;
(4) the nonparty participants;

(1) in an agreement evidenced by a record the consequence of that statement of the mediator which
authenticated by all parties to the agreement; was unfinished, if u were the judge, will u allow the mediator
(2) available to the public or that is made during a to continue his testimony?
session of a mediation which is open, or is required I will allow the continuation of the testimony for the
by law to be open, to the public; purpose of complete understanding of the
(3) a threat or statement of a plan to inflict bodily injury previously disclosed communication given by the
or commit a crime of violence; mediator.
(4) internationally used to plan a crime, attempt to
commit, or commit a crime, or conceal an ongoing The mediator cannot be subpoenaed to bring the records of
crime or criminal activity; the mediation proceedings
(5) sought or offered to prove or disprove abuse,
neglect, abandonment, or exploitation in a The neither of the parties can be subpoenaed to bring the
proceeding in which a public agency is protecting the records of the proceedings
interest of an individual protected by law; but this
exception does not apply where a child protection The nonparty participants cannot be subpoenaed to bring
matter is referred to mediation by a court or a public the records of the proceedings
agency participates in the child protection
mediation; The parties agreed to appoint a mediator, what should the
(6) sought or offered to prove or disprove a claim or mediator suppose to do?
complaint of professional misconduct or malpractice Before accepting a mediation, an individual who is
filed against mediator in a proceeding; or requested to serve as a mediator shall:
(7) sought or offered to prove or disprove a claim of (1) make an inquiry that is reasonable under the
complaint of professional misconduct of malpractice circumstances to determinate whether there
filed against a party, nonparty participant, or are any known facts that a reasonable individual
representative of a party based on conduct occurring would consider likely to affect the impartiality of
during a mediation. the mediator, including a financial or personal
interest in the outcome of the mediation and
There is an on-going mediation proceedings, as a any existing or past relationship with a party or
consequence of that proceedings, a party filed a case in court foreseeable participant in the mediation; and
which involve the same issue, same parties that is the subject (2) disclosure to the mediation parties any such fact
of mediation. Then the parties subpoenaed the mediator as a known or learned as soon as is practical before
witness to testify about the mediation proceedings, can the accepting a mediation.
mediator testify?
No Suppose that the proposed mediator did not disclose any of
the matters that he is supposed to disclose, and as a
Can the mediator voluntarily testify? consequence of that, he was appointed as a mediator,
No, because such situation will violate the rules on immediately the parties knew such failure to disclose in the
confidentiality middle of the mediation proceedings, what can the party do?
The party can remove the mediator and substitute
If a party has been prejudiced in that situation, the recourse another one
will be an objection as to the presentation of evidence that is
privilege Failure of the party to remove the mediator means there is a
Suppose the court did not sustain the objection, and allow the
mediator to continue his testimony, what will be the party’s Can the parties ask the mediator to establish his
recourse? qualification?
• The court may allow the party the right to respond At the request of a mediation party, an individual
and repudiate whatever testimony that was given by who is requested to serve as mediator shall disclose
the mediator (right to rebut or counter-testimony) his/her qualifications to mediate a dispute.
• File an action for damages
Suppose in the course of giving of testimony of the mediator, Who should determine the qualifications of the mediator?
the adverse party objected, the objection was sustained, but The parties on their agreement
the other party objected to the act of sustaining the objection
of the other party on the ground that the mediator should be
allowed to continue because he does not understand what is

Suppose the mediation has been agreed upon by the parties petition, in accordance with such rules of procedure
to settle their dispute by a mediator, what is the job of the as may be promulgated by the Supreme Court.
mediator in the proceedings?
To facilitate the communication and negotiation of ADR4
the parties
What will be the ground of the parties for the enforcement of
In the midst of mediation could the mediator be removing as the mediation settlement?
a consequence of his acts being impartial to one of the Failure to comply with such mediation settlement
parties? will give the right to the parties to go to court for the
He can be removed enforcement of that mediation settlement.

Supposing that even there is a ground of impartiality but the

parties continue the proceedings, can the parties remove the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ARBITRATION AND MEDIATION
No, the parties deemed waived that ground of Mediation Arbitration
impartiality Resolution Mediation settlement- Arbitral award
As a rule a mediator
Where should be the place of mediation? cannot make an award
The parties are free to agree on the place of but the mediation
mediation. Failing such agreement, the place of settlement can be an
mediation shall be any place convenient and award provided that it
appropriate to all parties. is reduced into writing
signed by the parties
Who will prepare the mediation settlement? and their counsel and
A settlement agreement following successful the mediator. Such
mediation shall be prepared by the parties with the mediation agreement
assistance of their respective counsel, if any, and by can be an award when
the mediator. there is a failure of the
parties to comply with
Who should sign the mediation settlement? the mediation
The parties and their respective counsels, if any, settlement. Such
shall sign the settlement agreement. failure to comply with
such mediation
What should the certification of the mediator contain? settlement will give the
The mediator shall certify that he/she explained the right to the parties to
contents of the settlement agreement to the parties go to court for the
in a language known to them. enforcement of that
mediation settlement.
In the absence of certification, would there be a completed
mediation settlement? Appointment Appointed by the Appointed by the
None of ADR parties parties, when the
practioners situation falls to
Is the absence of the signature of the mediator in mediation an agreement that
settlement invalidates such mediation settlement? only one
No, for as long as the parties signed the mediation arbitrator to settle
settlement. their dispute, but
in case where the
What should the parties do with the mediation settlement? parties agrees to
If the parties so desire, they may deposit such appoint each
settlement agreement with the appropriate Clerk of arbitrator of their
a Regional Trial Court of the place where one of the own choice, then
parties resides. Where there is a need to enforce the the 2 appointed
settlement agreement, a petition may be filed by arbitrator will
any of the parties with the same court, in which appoint he 3
case, the court shall proceed summarily to hear the arbitrator

Number of Only 1 1 or more, Suppose A and B executed a contract, wherein B admitted

ADR normally the that he owes A 5000php, there is a failure to pay A. A would
practitioners maximum is 3 want to go to arbitration on the basis of that agreement
arbitrators where B admitted that that latter owes the former. Could that
Intervention There is no need for The court has to be a subject of arbitration?
of the court the affirmation of the affirm the arbitral No, because there was no actual controversy, there
court award are no conflicting claims between the parties

Elements of Arbitration In that case, B denies that he owes A, is that a subject of

• The parties have mutually agreed to submit their arbitration?
dispute to selected persons whose determination is Yes, because there is now a conflicting sides
to be accepted as a substitute for the judgment of a
court What are the disputes that cannot be arbitrated?
• There is an actual dispute or matter in controversy (a) labor disputes Labor Code
• The dispute or matter in controversy is capable of (b) the civil status of persons;
being referred to arbitration (c) the validity of a marriage;
(d) any ground for legal separation;
The parties agreed to go to arbitration in their contract in the (e) the jurisdiction of courts;
event that a dispute would arise between them, there is that (f) future legitime;
particular clause in the agreement of the parties to go to (g) criminal liability; and
arbitration, what do u call that clause? (h) those which by law cannot be compromised.
Arbitration Clause
The elements required in arbitration are also required in
Upon the rise of the dispute the arbitration clause becomes mediation but the difference lies in their procedure.
enforceable. The parties can invoke the arbitration clause
upon the existence of the dispute arising from their contract. A and B agreed to go to arbitration, and they have that
arbitration clause in their contract. Under the arbitration
Suppose there a dispute already between the parties, and clause, it was stipulated that they will settle their dispute only
they agreed to go to arbitration, is there a need for them to thru arbitration and nothing else. Is that a valid stipulation?
draft contract an arbitration clause so that they can go to No, such stipulation that the dispute will be resolve
arbitration? thru arbitration only is against public policy. Such
No need, the parties may submit to the arbitration stipulation will deprive the court to inquire in such
of one or more arbitrators any controversy existing issue on questions of law arising from the questions
between them at the time of the submission and of facts.
which may be the subject of an action. It is called
submission agreement Wahl vs Donaldon

Submission agreement is when the parties immediately Facts: Wahl and Donald Sims Co. entered in a lease contract
submit in writing their dispute to arbitration that particular whereby Wahl leased to Donaldon, Sins Co. a certain ship for
issue between them had arisen already. the term of six months, under which contract the Wahl
claimed that Donaldon Sims Co. were indebted to them a
Arbitration clause refers to future controversies arising from balance of a certain sum in money.
the contract they executed. Suit was instituted but the defendants failed to
answer the complaint. A judgment was rendered by default
A contract to arbitrate a controversy thereafter arising against the defendants in favor of the plaintiffs.
between the parties, as well as a submission to arbitrate an The defendants made an application to the Court of
existing controversy shall be in writing and subscribed by the First Instance for a new trial. Motion for a new trial was
party sought to be charged, or by his lawful agent. granted by the Court of First Instance, and the judgment by
default against the defendants was set aside. After the
What should have the particular character that has arisen granting of the motion for a new trial a demurrer was made
between parties? by the defendants to the complaint which presented the
It must an actual controversy between the parties question of the competency of the Court of First Instance to
arising from a previous contract or relation between try the case. The objection was based upon the grounds that
them. there was a provision contained in the contract that should
arise any difference of opinion between the parties to the

contract, whether it may be with reference to the principal of fraud or breach of any of the conditions or because the
matter or in any detail, this difference shall be referred for claimant has by some other means waived his rights under
arbitration. the policy) shall be referred to arbitration of some person to
be selected by agreement of both parties….
Issue: whether a provision of this character is invalid as being
against public policy. Issue: whether there has been such waiver of arbitration or
Held: where there is a stipulation that all matters in dispute
are to be referred to arbitrators and to them alone, such Held: the plaintiffs were fully justified in bringing the action
stipulation is contrary to public policy because it is attempted at once, without seeking any arbitration because the
to prevent any right of action accruing at all. assurance company had waived the arbitration when the
Agreements to refer matters in dispute to arbitration agent of the assured company said on its final interview that
alone have been regarded generally as attempts to oust the it could go no further with the case. It was a sufficient
jurisdiction of the court, and are not enforced. evidence to show that it did not intend to pay.
The mere silence of the company would not amount
We reach the conclusion that the Court of First to a waiver of its right to insist upon the condition of
Instance should have entertained jurisdiction in this case, arbitration but when it placed its determination upon the
notwithstanding the clause providing for arbitration above grounds stated in the correspondence, which were such as
referred to. could not be submitted to arbitration under the provisions of
The application of the defendants, upon which the the policy, it must be held to have waived the condition
judgment was set aside, appears to be defective and not requiring arbitration and especially is this so where the
sufficient to have justified the setting aside of the judgment assured would be misled to their prejudice into bringing suit
by default. upon the policy without first having obtained an award.
After the application to set aside the judgment had
been granted, instead of presenting this defense, a demurrer Chan Linte vs Law Union
is presented to the petition, based upon the purely technical
grounds that under the contract the parties had agreed to Facts: Chan Linte insured 30,992.5 kilos of hemp against fire
settle the matters in dispute by arbitration at Hongkong. If to Law Union. The property insured was destroyed by fire.
the answer had been prepared by the defendants and Chan Linte notified Law Union about he loss but the
presented to the Court of First Instance at the time of the insurance company refused to pay Chan linte which led to a
granting of the order, the Court of First Instance must have commencement of an action against the insurance company.
concluded that the defense was based upon a technicality insurance company requested that its liability should be
and the application must have been overruled. But, as stated submitted to arbitration, in accord with the provisions of the
before, this view is not concurred in by the majority of the policy, and that " Chan Linte acceded to the requirement
court. made by said defendant as aforesaid, but not that the award
of arbitration should be conclusive or final, or deprive the
Chang vs Royal Exchange courts of jurisdiction, and by agreement of both Chan Linte
and Law Union Frank B. Ingersoll was named sole arbitrator,
Facts: Chang insured his property against fire to Royal and both parties informally presented evidence before him
Exchange. The property insured was destroyed by fire. Chang and he made return of arbitration to the effect that said Chan
notified the agent of the Assurance Company of the loss but Linte had only seven bales of hemp destroyed in the fire of
the company informed Chang that the proof was insufficient. April 10, 1918, as hereinbefore set forth, with which return
A number of interviews about the loss but still the Company the said plaintiff is dissatisfied, and comes to this court for
refused to pay the loss and it didn’t gave any indication as to proper action.
what other proofs should be furnished. On one of the Law Union in its answer alleges that claiming a loss under the
interview, it offered to settle a claim for an amount of 3k but policy, the plaintiff made a claim against the defendant for
such offer was refused. In the final interview the agent of the P5,000, that a difference arose between them as to the
company that it cannot go on to the case anymore which led amount of the alleged loss, and that, under the terms of the
to the plaintiff to commenced an action without seeking to policy, an arbitrator was agreed upon and selected by the
arbitration. The assurance company requested in writing to mutual consent of both parties, for the purpose of deciding
settle the case thru arbitration in accordance with the terms the alleged difference; that on December 28, 1918, the
and conditions. arbitrator found that only seven bales of hemp of the grade
The arbitration in the contract says that: in case of "ovillo" were destroyed. In its supplemental answer, it alleges
disagreement arising between the corporation and the that on July 8, 1919, the arbitrator filed a supplemental
assured (unless the corporation shall deny liability by reason report and award wherein he finds from the evidence

submitted that the local value of the seven bales of plaintiff's

hemp destroyed by fire on April 10, 1918, was P608.34; that Discussion: there is nothing wrong when the parties go first
in addition to the defendant's policy, the same property was to arbitration (condition precedent) before the can go to
covered by two other fire insurance polices, by each of which court. The SC recognizes the right of the parties to obtain an
the property in question was insured to the value of P5,000 arbitral award before enforcing it to court in the event that if
against the loss; that defendant has offered and is now willing one of the parties failed to respect the arbitral award.
to pay plaintiff its one-third of the loss in full satisfaction of its Arbitration is considered as a mode of settling a dispute.
liability. The other insurance companies are Tokyo Marine
Insurance Co., Ltd., and the Chine Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., What are the advantages of going to an ADR?
The trial court rendered a decision in favor of the Insurance • Convenience
companies that any liability arising out of the fire should be • Less expensive
borne by the defendants in equal parts; that each of them has • The ADR practioners are experts in technical matter
offered in writing to pay the plaintiff its one-third of the as compare to judges of court who have less
amount of the plaintiff's loss, as ascertained by the arbitrator. knowledge in the technical know-how to resolve
In this case, The plaintiff contends; First, that the arbitration economic and technical issues
clauses are null and void as against public policy; second, that • There is privacy in settling the dispute as compare to
the award of the arbitrator of December 28, 1918, without going to court whereby it is open to the public
finding the value of the property destroyed, was final, and • In ADR, it prevents rupture of relationship between
that on July 8, 1919, he had no authority to make a parties as compare to courts where the environment
supplemental finding as to the value of the property; and, of having lawyers and judges tends to rupture the
third, that upon the evidence the court should have found for relationship between parties
the plaintiff.
In ADR, such proceedings are not bound by the strict Rules of
Issue: Court specifically exclusionary rules of evidence. The basis of
Whether the award of the arbitrator of December 28, 1918, the resolution or judgment provided by the ADR practioners
without finding the value of the property destroyed, was final is on the ground of equity, fairness and justice.

Whether he had no authority to make a supplemental finding Suppose the ADR practitioners committed a serious legal error
as to the value of the property in his judgment, what is the remedy of the parties?
The parties are allowed to appeal in cases of legal
Held: Hence the award on the question submitted was not errors submitted by the ADR practitioner
complete or final. In the finding of the actual value of the
hemp, there was no change or revision of any previous When we speak of commercial arbitration, what particular
finding. It was simply the completion by the arbitrator of an aspect are we referring?
unfinished work. No formal notice was served on the An arbitration is "commercial" if it covers matters
arbitrator, and he was not removed or discharged, and until arising from all relationships of a commercial nature,
such time as his duties were fully performed, or he was whether contractual or not.
discharged, he would have the legal right to complete his
award. The plaintiff, having agreed to arbitration after the If a business transaction dispute was submitted to arbitration
action was commenced and submitted his proof to the there will economic consequences
arbitrator, in the absence of fraud or mistake, is estopped Relationships of a transactions extends to:
and bound by the award. Where a plaintiff has commenced • any trade transaction for the supply or exchange of
an action to recover upon an insurance policy, and then goods or services;
voluntarily submits the amount of his loss to arbitration, he • distribution agreements;
cannot ignore or nullify the award and treat it as void upon • construction of works;
the ground that he is dissatisfied with the decision. • commercial representation or agency;
• factoring;
Freedom to contract for arbitration to this extent, imports no • leasing,
invasion of the province of the courts, and there is no ground
• consulting;
upon which a right so essential to the convenient transaction
• engineering;
of modern business affairs can be denied," nor is such
• licensing;
agreement objectionable as being against public policy. In
• investment;
order to give effect to such an agreement it must of course
appear that the matter proposed to be referred is a • financing;
difference, within the meaning of the agreement. • banking;


• insurance; proceedings who are lawyers but not member of the

• joint venture Philippine Bar?
• other forms of industrial or business cooperation; Yes, there is no prohibition, because they are not
• carriage of goods or passengers by air, sea, rail or acting as lawyers they are acting as arbitrators. A
road. foreign arbitrator is allowed in our arbitration
proceedings, foreign arbitrators are allowed, but
What law will govern in cases of International Commercial they cannot act as lawyers.
Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration The timely objection must be raised when a foreigner
(the "Model Law") adopted by the United Nations appearing as a lawyer in an arbitration proceeding or in any
Commission on International Trade Law quasi-judicial hearing as well as judicial hearing. The reason
why they are allowed to continue acting as lawyers even not
What law will govern in Domestic Arbitration? a member of a Philippine Bar if there is no timely objection is
Republic Act 876 because of the waiver of that ground.
If there is deficiency in Republic Act 876, such deficiency may
be referred to the Model law Failure to object on the ground that he is disqualified to act
as a lawyer not being a member of the Philippine Bar
In international arbitration conducted in the Philippines, a behooves that ground to object and that justifies his
party may be represented by any person of his choice. appearance in court.
Provided, that such representative, unless admitted to the
practice of law in the Philippines, shall not be authorized to But it is different to arbitrators, even if they are lawyers of
appear as counsel in any Philippine court, or any other quasi- foreign ancestry and not being a member of the Philippine
judicial body whether or not such appearance is in relation to Bar because arbitrators are not acting as lawyers, they act as
the arbitration in which he appears. judges in a quasi-judicial proceeding.

ADR5 Are information in the arbitration confidential?

A and B entered into an agreement to have their dispute Yes, they are confidential
arbitrated and they agreed that all their arbitrators are going
to come from abroad. All arbitrators, that the venue agreed is What matters are covered by these confidential matters
in the Philippines. Each of them selected 1 arbitrator each and during arbitrations?
the 2 selected arbitrators selected another foreign arbitrator. records, evidence presented and the arbitral award
In the course of the arbitration, the parties also obtain
lawyers from abroad to represent them. Can those lawyers Can they be waived?
appear in the arbitration proceedings in representation of the Yes, with the consent of the parties, or for the
parties? limited purpose of disclosing to the court of relevant
Yes documents in cases where resort to the court is
allowed herein.
Can they (foreign Lawyers) present evidence? Can they submit
arguments in arbitration? How can the parties consent?
They can only represent but not appear as counsel. If there is no objections in the disclosure or by
They can only represent but they cannot act as a express consent of the parties during the hearing
lawyer because the nature of arbitration
proceedings is a quasi-judicial body. Foreign lawyers Who can give their express consent?
who are not member of the Philippine Bar are not • The parties themselves
allowed to appear. • Arbitrators
• Non-participating party
Suppose during the presentation of evidence, the lawyers • witnesses
participated and no one objects, are their acts considered
legitimate? How about the witnesses in the arbitration proceedings?
If there are no timely objections they are allowed to Suppose the parties presented evidence, the parties did not
appear because there is a waiver of that objection. object to the confidentiality, can the witnesses object?
Yes, because the witnesses are the party themselves.
If the parties agreed to appoint foreign arbitrators who are The law does not distinguish.
lawyers at the same time and not members of the Philippine
Bar, can those lawyers-arbitrators appear in arbitration

In the course of presentation of evidence in arbitration Suppose the testimonies that is presented before the judge
proceedings, what measure can the parties take to protect who is covered by the ___ agreement is necessary to resolve a
the confidentiality of the records, evidence or the dispute in that court proceedings, can the court utilized that
proceedings? information?
Filing a petition or a motion for securing a protective Yes, for the limited purpose of disclosing to the court
order from the court of relevant documents in cases where resort to the
court is allowed. In that particular case, the court
Is the other party entitled to a notice of such petition or can issue an order for the production of certain
motion? documents that will provide the non-disclosure of
Yes the consent of the parties except for the court to
know the relevance of the contents of the
Which court? documents to the issue in the case.
Regional Trial Court on the place where the parties
resides What is the difference between arbitration clause and
submission to arbitration?
If the one of the parties resides in Bicol and the other one • Arbitration clause- future dispute that will arise from
resides in Metro Manila, which of the 2 RTCs have jurisdiction their particular relation
over that arbitration, what is the determining factor? • Submission to arbitration- present dispute
The deposit of the arbitration agreement confirms
the jurisdiction of the court. The clerk of court Suppose A and B executed a document to settle their future
receives the deposit and the parties confirm the disputes thru an arbitration agreement/clause, A disregard
jurisdiction of that court. the arbitration clause and filed a case against B, during the
presentation of evidence, the court then saw the arbitration
The signing of the Arbitration agreement or submission to clause and ordered the parties to submit themselves to
arbitration in the place signifies the parties’ acceptance of the arbitration, is the court correct?
jurisdiction of the court. The parties confirm that they accept No, the parties must invoke first the arbitration
the jurisdiction by the deposit it to the clerk of court. clause
The significant acts of the parties acknowledging the
jurisdiction of the court: What should be the motion to be submitted in court?
• Where the parties reside Motion to suspend the court proceedings then the
• The depositing to the clerk of court court will direct the parties to go to arbitration

For instance, one party resides in metro manila and other At what stage that motion be raised?
party resides in Bulacan, we determine now which of the • if at least one party so requests not later that the
court does the agreement was deposited by the parties, was pre-trial conference
it deposited in the RTC of bulacan or was it deposited in the • upon the request of both parties thereafter, in other
RTC of metro manila where one of the parties reside. If that is words even after the pre-trial conference both
done, that will confer the jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal parties can go and ask the court to direct them to go
and that confers also the jurisdiction of the court. The to arbitration because of the arbitration clause
election of the deposit of the arbitration let say in RTC of
Metro Manila excludes the jurisdiction now of the RTC in If none of the parties invoke that arbitration clause, can the
Bulacan because RTC of Manila acquired first the jurisdiction court directly order them to go to arbitration?
over the arbitration agreement. So the deposit of the No, because it is deemed waived. The consent to
agreement to the clerk of court in a particular RTC where one arbitration is deemed waived.
of the party resides determines which court that will acquire
jurisdiction over the arbitration proceedings. If the court did waive without the consent of the parties, can
the parties object to the order of the court that direct them to
A party filed an application to the court having jurisdiction arbitration?
over the arbitration for an interim order of protection, what Yes, because the parties did not give their consent to
kind of protection does the court will provide on matters that go to arbitration, the court is bound by that.
are mention in the proceedings or the evidence when it
concerns technical matters like medical formula which are
trade secrets of the parties?
An order prohibiting disclosure of what is contained
in those documents.

What if the court said “regardless of your consent, this court What is the consequence when the arbitrator either de jure or
direct the parties now to go to arbitration pursuant to the de facto did not perform his functions?
arbitration clause” is there an abuse of discretion? His mandates terminate/ his actions may be
Yes, there is abuse of discretion. The parties can withdrawn from the records or the parties may
object because arbitration is based on the express request for his termination.
consent of the parties. There is already a waiver of
that particular clause. E.g when the de jure officer fails to perform his acts based to
the procedure in arbitration
How about in submission to arbitration, is there a need for the
parties to expressly raise their consent that they should be De facto vs De jure
directed to go to arbitration? • De facto- a person who took over the arbitration
No, because such submission to arbitration is their proceedings as arbitrator without an express
express consent that they will submit themselves to consent of the parties. If without objection by the
arbitration, there is no need for a movement or act parties, the actions of the de facto arbitrator will be
independently raised by the parties because the sustain but if the parties objected to it his action will
document itself is their consent to arbitration. be withdrawn.
• De jure- one who is legally appointed by the parties
How should the ADR act be interpreted?
In interpreting the Act, the court shall have due If the parties did not agree to the actuation of a person acting
regard to the policy of the law in favor of arbitration. as arbitrator he is acting as de facto officer because the
In other words, the court should favor arbitration. parties did not agree to his actuation and therefore the
parties has to object to his actuation and as a consequence
What are the 3 three grounds for which referral to arbitration the de facto officer must be removed as arbitrator, but if the
should not be permitted? parties did not object at the proper time then they agreed to
when the arbitration clause is: validate the result of the acts of that particular arbitrator.
• null and void
• inoperative A and B appointed each arbitrator ion accordance with their
• incapable of being performed agreement and the 2 arbitrators appointed the third
arbitrator, when will be the arbitral tribunal be constituted?
If an arbitration agreement is between a person of age and The arbitral tribunal is deemed constituted when the
the other who is a minor, is that arbitration operative? third arbitrator accepted the appointment with the
Yes, provided that the minor is represented by his knowledge of the parties. The parties must receive
legal guardian or guardian ad litem. Without such the acceptance by the third arbitrator, if not, the
guardian it will be inoperative. arbitral tribunal is not deemed constituted.

When we speak of appointing authority under the ADR act, Why is it necessary that the notice of acceptance is received
what personality is referred here? by the parties?
Natural persons and institutions. Appointing Because to give a chance to the parties to object to
Authority as used in the Model Law shall mean the the appointment of the 3 arbitrator. Failure to
person or institution named in the arbitration received a copy of that acceptance will mean that
agreement as the appointing authority; or the the arbitral tribunal is not yet deemed constituted.
regular arbitration institution under whose rules the
arbitration is agreed to be conducted. In comparison to mediation or conciliation, is there a
necessity for the parties have a notice of acceptance by the
Institutions engaged in arbitration can appoint arbitrators mediators or conciliators before mediation?
with the consent by the parties. None, because mediators facilitate the transfer of
communication and they do not render an award.
Natural persons who act as appointing authority are those
persons named by the parties as appointing authority in their During the arbitration proceedings, one of the parties wanted
contract, they appoint arbitrators. In the absence of an a court intervention to issue an interim measure of protection.
arbitrator or an arbitrator is disqualified, the appointing Then the party must file an application, what must be allege
authority appoints because the parties named as the in the application?
appointing authority in their contract. • Describing in appropriate detail the precise relief,
• The party against whom the relief is requested,
• The grounds for the relief,

• Evidence supporting the request. If the party is one of the parties in arbitration who is going to
issue the interim measure?
Upon application of A of an interim measure of protection, The arbitral tribunal, because the arbitral tribunal
the court order party B to prohibit the disclosure of certain has jurisdiction over the parties.
documents that has been presented during the arbitration
proceedings, what should party B do about the order of the Where should an arbitration proceeding be held?
court? Is the party against whom the interim measure is The parties are free to agree on the place of
ordered be entitled to a copy of that order? arbitration. Failing such agreement, the place of
The party against whom the interim measure is arbitration shall be in Metro Manila, unless the
ordered is entitled to a copy of such order and the arbitral tribunal, having regard to the circumstances
party is expected to obey such order because it is of the case, including the convenience of the parties
binding upon him. If he does not comply with the shall decide on a different place of arbitration.
order shall be liable for all damages resulting from
noncompliance, including all expenses, and Can the court set the place for arbitration?
reasonable attorney's fees, paid in obtaining the Only in cases where there is no exercise of that
order's judicial enforcement. designation by the arbitrator

The arbitral tribunal can issue an interim measure of With respect to the place of arbitration, should it be within
protection provided that it is within its jurisdiction. the any of the parties resides or it could be in other place?
Place convenient to the parties no necessarily where
If the arbitral tribunal has jurisdiction to a particular case with the parties resides
respect to the purpose in which a requests for an interim
measure of protection sought by the parties then it can issue May the arbitrators set a place apart from the place of
such interim measure of protection. arbitration where they could discuss the issue in the
arbitration proceeding with respect to the witnesses, experts
If the arbitral tribunal is operated in Manila, it cannot issue an etc?
interim measure of protection for a performance of an act The arbitral tribunal may, unless otherwise agreed
outside Metro Manila, because it is beyond its jurisdiction. So by the parties, meet at any place it considers
the parties must go to court. But if it is within the jurisdiction appropriate for consultation among its members, for
of the arbitral tribunal then the parties should go first to the hearing witnesses, experts, or the parties, or for
arbitral tribunal and receive that interim protection. inspection of goods, other property or documents.

An interim protection issued by the arbitral tribunal may be What language should the parties adopt in the arbitration
corrected by the courts. If an arbitral tribunal issue an order proceedings?
frustrating an act against party for which such interim The parties are free to agree on the language or
measure was issued, such party may present his objection in languages to be used in the arbitral proceedings.
a court which has jurisdiction in that arbitration proceedings. Failing such agreement, the language to be used
shall be English in international arbitration, and
In what form be the interim measure of protection be issued? English or Filipino for domestic arbitration, unless
• preliminary injunction directed against a party, the arbitral tribunal shall determine a different or
• appointment of receivers or detention, another language or languages to be used in the
• preservation of property, proceedings. This agreement or determination,
• inspection of property that is the subject of the unless otherwise specified therein, shall apply to any
dispute in arbitration written statement by a party, any hearing and any
award, decision or other communication by the
If the party against whom the interim measure of protection arbitral tribunal.
is to be issued is not a party in an arbitration proceeding, who
is going to issue the interim measure? Can they adopt a language that is not known between the
The courts. If the matter to be restrained is with two of them?
respect to an act of a third party/ who is not a party No
in an arbitration proceeding, the court will issue the
interim measure Can they adopt a language that is known by only one of the


Must the language be known by the parties and arbitrators? the court who are supposed to constitute the arbitral
Yes, because it is required that the language should tribunal. So arbitrators (3 arbitrators) duly appointed by the
be known by the parties and arbitrators. parties by the court, they will constitute the arbitral tribunal.
And that arbitral tribunal will conduct the arbitration and
ADR6 render the award. The other process of conducting
How do we choose an arbitrator? arbitration is thru an institution which is what we call an
It will depend on the nature of the dispute institutional arbitration. We have that now in our jurisdiction
under the ADR, we have institutional arbitration Section. The
E.G parties may avail the services of the institutional arbitration
If the dispute concerns interpretation of the contract for a fee and the institution will provide the parties with the
which is based in a legal issue, then the qualification arbitrator of their choices. Normally they have a list of
of an arbitrator who is required to be appointed is arbitrators who are qualified as arbitrators depending on the
that of a judge, because it involves interpretation of nature of the controversy.
the contracts, or a lawyer as the case may be
But if the issue involves technical matters like In foreign countries especially in the U.S., there are 2 kinds of
construction or accounting of financial matters what institutional arbitration commission
is required is an engineer or an architect or a CPA or • I.C.C.- International Chamber of Commerce
an account that matter. • A.A.A.- American Arbitration Association

So those are the measures in selecting the arbitrators, it will So, if u are in the U.S. or possibly even the parties are in the
depend on the nature of the dispute. Philippines may agree to submit their arbitration either to the
I.C.C. or A.A.A.
How are the arbitrators appointed?
Under the domestic law, the arbitrators are The appointment of the ICC or AAA as the arbitral
appointed by the parties, first if the parties agreed to institutional arbitration commission will depend on the
submit a submission agreement. In which case the choice of the parties.
parties have agreed that for a certain issue between
them, they have agreed to appoint a sole arbitrator So if the parties agree to submit their dispute to any of these
in that submission agreement or they have agreed institutional arbitration, the ICC or AAA will submit to the
that each one of them will appoint an arbitrator, and parties a list of arbitrators for them to choose the arbitrators
the 2 appointed arbitrator will elect the third of their choice.
The Rule under the ICC, the parties may each select their own
If it is simply an agreement with an arbitration arbitrators of their choice from the list submitted by the ICC
clause, when the parties may agree later on when and the 3 arbitrator is appointed by the ICC. The reason for
the dispute arose, for the specific appointment of the participation of the ICC in the appointment of the 3
arbitrator although they don’t mention in that arbitrator is for the institution to be able to take control of
arbitration clause, each of them will elect his own the proceedings.
arbitrator and the 3 elected arbitrators will elect the
third arbitrator. In the case of AAA, they simply submit a list of arbitrators
that they will suggest and the arbitrators to arbitrate the
In the absence of the parties’ appointment of an controversy between the 2 parties and the parties are given 7
arbitrator in either case, either in the arbitration days to select their own arbitrators. If they don’t return the
clause or submission agreement, then the parties list within 7 days, the parties are deemed to have accepted
may ask the court to appoint an arbitrator. the list of arbitrators noted in that particular list by the AAA.

When it is the court that is ask to appoint an arbitrator, the The qualification of the arbitrator is not material in so far as
qualification of an arbitrator depends on the discretion of the ICC and AAA are concerned. The reason is that they take
courts because it is the courts that is being asked by the it upon themselves the guaranty or warranty that the
parties to appoint an arbitrator, and the court cannot be used arbitrators listed on their list are qualified and are impartial.
as an appointing power but it is given a discretion to select
the kind of arbitrator that is meant in that proceedings. In our particular case, our domestic arbitration law prescribes
qualification for an arbitrator in our jurisdiction, some of
In arbitration, the arbitration proceeding is either conducted which require that he is of legal age, with full enjoyment of
thru the arbitrators appointed by the parties or appointed by their civil rights and they are able to read and write. They

should not be related by marriage or blood in any of the • The arbitrator must be able to persuade the other
parties involve in the case or involve in arbitration within the arbitrators to adopt his position.
6 degree and those arbitrators should be free from any
fiduciary or financial interest in the controversy between the As we can see that in arbitration proceedings, the arbitrators
2 parties and that is to prevent any partial act on the part of themselves clash against each other, they have a dispute, and
the arbitrators. Such requirements are not required under that is the reason why there is a need for an umpire or a 3
the AAA or ICC. arbitrator because if both of them had disagreed then there is
an unresolved situation hence the role of a 3 arbitrator is
The citizenship is not a requirement. The arbitrator need not important in order to adopt a majority opinion in the
be a Filipino; it is upon the choice of the parties. But it that resolution of the case. The only exception here is if the
arbitrator is a foreigner or even a foreigner who is a lawyer, parties require that there should be a unanimous decision.
that particular foreign lawyers may act as an arbitrator
without necessarily prohibited under our present law that he The fees of the arbitrators under our jurisdiction, the
cannot act as a counsel in a judicial or quasi-judicial arbitrator are not paid Php50. The parties will stipulate in the
proceedings because the role of an arbitrator is not the role arbitration that one party will select an arbitrator and as to
of the lawyers who appear and protect the interest of the a how much that particular arbitrator be paid by him. The other
party in an arbitration proceedings. But even in arbitration party will do the same with the arbitrator that he chose. The
appoints an arbitrator who is a lawyer it does not matter at problem arise when to the fee of the third arbitrator because
all, because he is deemed to act as an arbitrator not as a if both parties now will agree on how much on the 3
lawyer of any of the parties. arbitrator suppose to pay and what would be his
participation. Normally it’s 50-50. And the amount to be paid
How is a party supposed to determine a good arbitrator in our is going to be agreed upon by the parties.
jurisdiction? Guideline on how to elect/select their own
arbitrator. There are 3 particular aspects/measure. What are the pleadings that are to be submitted in cases of
• That arbitrator must be one that is persuasive. arbitration most especially in commercial arbitration?
During arbitration proceedings that the cause of the • Complaint or petition
party to have elected the arbitrator, should be able • Copy of submission of agreement to arbitrate the
to receive a favorable consideration at the end of matters disputed by the parties. That particular copy
the arbitration proceedings. He should be persuasive should contain:
in his acts, arguments. So if the arbitrator elected by o Name and addresses of the parties
the party could hardly communicate, read, write, o Nature of the dispute
etc.. he could never be a persuasive arbitrator and o Amount involve (if there is any)
therefore he does not acquire the first qualification. o Agreed procedure on the appointment of
Persuasiveness is innate to a person. arbitrator
• The arbitrator selected by the parties must be a truly o Signature of the parties on the document
aware what he had been elected by one of the o Reservation- refers to a situation when the
parties to be arbitrator in order to help resolve then parties reserve the right to terminate the
dispute and therefore he must be one who has arbitration proceedings jointly, if they feel
signed, read, cited, analyzed and determined the that the purposes for which they had
validity of the cause of the party who elected him as sought to avail in the arbitration
an arbitrator. In such a case he must be an proceedings may not be obtain after all. So
arbitrator, who has fully accepted the cause of the if there is a reservation of the parties to
party who elected him, he must be convinced that terminate the arbitration proceedings at
the cause of the party who elected him as an any stage the parties may terminate the
arbitrator should be upheld in that arbitration. same. If there is no reservation, once the
Although the law says that an arbitrator cannot act arbitration has begun in a case of
as a counsel of a party who could approved the submission agreement then the arbitration
cause of that particular party. Nonetheless the proceedings would have to be finished and
second measure of a true arbitrator is one who has terminated.
fully adopted the cause of the party who has o Relief sought
accepted him to act as an arbitrator. He must be • Demand letter for arbitration, the dispute between
truly convinced that particular cause of a party who the 2 parties. If that demand filed in the court will
elected him as the arbitrator should be the same in turn out to be a complaint or a petition, most
the award after the proceedings. especially in when the party demand with the other
party to go to arbitration and there was a refusal to

accept the demand. Under our rules, the party had been terminated. So it depends on particular
(applicant) can go to court and file the demand in stage of the arbitration proceedings with respect to
court and ask the court to direct the parties to go to where to file ur pleadings. Normally it is filed with
arbitration then that demand when it was filed in the arbitral tribunal but if the matter are of the
court becomes a complaint or a petition. In a normal court, then the court will hear the party and received
court proceeding, a petition or complaint would evidence.
have to be answered by the other party. If there is
no answer after the lapse of 15 days upon the return What dispute should be submitted to arbitration?
of the summons the party will be declared in default. Any controversy between the parties, the parties has a
In arbitration, the other party who received the choice onto what issue should be the subject of
demand need not answer if that is his choice. He can arbitration except:
just wait on whatever is the consequence of that (a) labor disputes covered Labor Code
arbitration proceeding without his active (b) the civil status of persons;
participation. What is the consequence is arbitration (c) the validity of a marriage;
if there is no answer? If there is no answer coming (d) any ground for legal separation;
from the other party who had received the demand (e) the jurisdiction of courts;
for as long as he was served a copy of that demand (f) future legitime;
or an order of the court, but he did not file answer (g) criminal liability; and
or a reply or a response and neither did he appear in (h) Those which by law cannot be compromised.
the arbitration proceedings that particular refusal to
file an answer is tantamount to a repudiation of the Is the court bound to accept a particular issue elected by the
claim of the other party in that demand. In other parties that would be a subject of arbitration in the event that
words, he does not accept whatever is laid against the party (applicant) who make a demand for arbitration and
him because in arbitration the filing of an answer is the other party refuse to such demand and the party
not mandatory, it is permissive. Failure to answer (applicant) goes to court and ask the court to direct them to
will result in a repudiation of all allegations of the go to arbitration, is the court bound to order to the issue of
other party as if he had answer. In that particular these parties to be a subject of arbitration?
case, the issues are joined because there is Yes, as long as such issue do not fall under the
repudiation. If he answers, he can offer all kinds of exceptions above
defenses, special and affirmative defenses, he can
even file a counterclaim and specific relief from the What are the other grounds that the court may use to refuse
other party on the basis of that counterclaim. to allow the parties to go to arbitration?
• The parties may be required to submit an arbitration When the arbitration is:
memorandum after the presentation of their • Null and void,
evidence. And that brief will make the arbitrators to • Inefficacious or
be able to determine and hand down a valid arbitral • Incapable of being performed
award. The arbitration brief is not mandatory, the
parties may submit the entire evidence they had Is an issue concerning an evaluation of claim for a sum of
presented or documents simply after they have been money a matter that is covered by arbitration?
marked as exhibits and identify during the Yes
arbitration proceedings. Once they have been
identified and marked as exhibits that will be How about with respect to whether or not the claim is
sufficient for the arbitration to consider in rendering commercial or not, let say, an agreement was signed by
an arbitral award. parties A and B, and B refuse to accept the agreement later
on and he said that the agreement concerns a commercial
Where do u file the pleading? relations between them, can that be a subject of arbitration?
The pleading during the arbitration proceedings is to A determination of the commercial nature of that transaction
be filed with the arbitral tribunal. If the matter have between the parties?
been submitted to the court for a resolution for a Yes
certain disputes arising during the arbitration
proceedings like an issue challenging the Should it be contractual all the time?
qualification of an arbitrator then the pleadings No, it may be contractual or not for as long as such
connected with that issue should be filed in court issue does not fall within the exceptions
and the arbitration proceedings in that instance will
be suspended until such time the court proceedings

A and B entered into a contract, B is a minor, at the signing of • Together with a true copy of the contract providing
the consummation of the contract, A knew that B was a for arbitration
minor. Nonetheless A makes a demand for arbitration, can A • If there is an agreement with respect to the
claim later on his demand for arbitration should not be appointment of a single arbitrator, the demand shall
considered because B is of legal age? be set forth a specific time within which the parties
No, A cannot make a claim later on demanding that shall agree upon the arbitrator
the arbitration should not be considered because B • If there is an agreement with respect to the
is a minor because he knew upon the consummation appointment 3 arbitrators, one to be selected by
of the contract that B was still a minor. It is only B each party, the demand shall name the arbitrator
who can make use of such defense of incapacity appointed by the party making the demand and shall
(being a minor). require that the party upon whom the demand is
made shall within fifteen days after receipt thereof
What if the claimant (A) did not knew that B is a minor? advise in writing the party making such demand of
Then A can raise an issue that B was incapacitated the name of the person appointed by the second
(minor) to block the arbitration proceedings party; such notice shall require that the two
arbitrators so appointed must agree upon the third
In what form of arbitration agreement should the submission arbitrator within ten days from the date of such
of agreement to arbitration be? notice.
It shall be in writing and subscribed by the party
sought to be charged, or by lawful agent. If the party upon whom the demand is made and within 15
days he did not respond neither he respected the arbitration
If the parties agreed orally that their present dispute should agreement, what will be his remedy?
be submitted to immediately to arbitrate, is that binding to The demanding party may file a motion for the court
both parties? to direct them to arbitration
No, the law requires that it should be in writing and
subscribed by the parties, as if there is no agreement May the demanding party file a motion to declare the other
constituted by the parties. party in default?
Suppose both parties now agreed to submit their present
dispute to arbitration, they agreed in that particular contract, If the other party did not respond to the request to go to
what is the effect of that agreement? arbitration and to appoint his own arbitrator, the demanding
The making of a contract or submission for party may ask the court to direct them to go to arbitration,
arbitration, providing for arbitration of any can the court hear that particular demand of the demanding
controversy shall be deemed a consent of the parties party that the other party be directed to go to arbitration?
to the jurisdiction of the Court. The signing of the May the court act on it right away?
document confers jurisdiction of the court (RTC) of No, In the event that one party defaults in answering
either parties where they deposited such document. the demand, the aggrieved party may file with the
Clerk of the Court of First Instance having jurisdiction
How do the parties confer that agreement to accept the over the parties, a copy of the demand for
jurisdiction of the court? arbitration under the contract to arbitrate, with a
By the act of depositing of agreement to the clerk of notice that the original demand was sent by
court where one of the parties resides registered mail or delivered in person to the party
against whom the claim is asserted. The other party
How is the Arbitration agreement initiated by the parties? is entitled to notice.
In case of arbitration agreement, by the service by
either party upon the other of a demand for Supposing that the issue arising from that agreement is
arbitration in accordance with the contract. questionable, is the court bound to act on the petition to
direct the parties to go to arbitration?
When should such demand be available? No, the court should determine first the validity of
When the dispute arises the issues.

What should the demand consist of? When the court is able to determine the validity of the
• Nature of the controversy agreement, can court act on the request of the demanding
• Amount involve (if any) party to direct the other party to direct him to arbitration?
• Relief sought Yes

Can the court motu propio order the parties to go to

Will the court require the demanding party to present arbitration without any of the parties invoking the arbitration
evidence regarding the validity of his claim against the other clause?
party? No, because failure to invoke the arbitration clause
No is deemed a waiver of that arbitration clause, then
the court should proceed with the case.
Which body should determine the issue, since there is no
arbitral tribunal was established because the failure of the Why is it the court is powerless to direct the parties to go to
other party to accept the order of the court to go to arbitration unless the one of the parties invoke the arbitration
arbitration neither appoints his own arbitrator, which body clause?
will determine the claim of A? Because the arbitration is based on the agreement
The arbitral tribunal, because upon the default of of the parties.
the other party in accepting the order of the court to
go to arbitration nor appoints his own arbitrator, the The court cannot compel the parties to go to arbitration if the
court will appoint the arbitrator parties do not wish to do so.

After the appointment of the arbitrator, what is deemed The rule says that the court can stay the civil case for as long
constituted? as the party moving for the arbitration is not in default, what
The arbitral tribunal that was created by the order of is the meaning of that?
the court. That the applicant, for the stay is not in default in
proceeding with such arbitration means that the
Suppose the parties despite of execution of account, an party asking the court to direct them to arbitration
arbitration agreement and despite the fact that the issues had must invoke it on or before pre-trial conference,
arisen, instead of demanding for arbitration A went to court failure to invoke such arbitration clause means the
and file a case against B, utilizing their agreement where court will have no power to direct them to
there is an arbitration clause as well as documentary arbitration therefore he cannot stay the civil case
evidence, the court has able to peruse the provision of the but such civil case must proceed to the proceedings.
arbitration agreement and found out that there is a real issue
that the dispute should be in arbitration, can the court issue Under what circumstances will the court appoint the
an order to stay the civil case and direct the parties to arbitrator?
arbitration? (a) If the parties to the contract or submission are
If any suit or proceeding be brought upon an issue unable to agree upon a single arbitrator; or
arising out of an agreement providing for the (b) If an arbitrator appointed by the parties is unwilling
arbitration thereof, the court in which such suit or or unable to serve, and his successor has not been
proceeding is pending, upon being satisfied that the appointed in the manner in which he was appointed;
issue involved in such suit or proceeding is referable or
to arbitration, shall stay the action or proceeding
until an arbitration has been had in accordance with (c) If either party to the contract fails or refuses to
the terms of the agreement name his arbitrator within fifteen days after receipt
of the demand for arbitration; or
What is the meaning of stay? (d) If the arbitrators appointed by each party to the
Suspend, the court can suspend the proceeding and contract, or appointed by one party to the contract
direct the parties to arbitration. The court issues 2 and by the proper Court, shall fail to agree upon or
orders, one order is directing the parties to go to to select the third arbitrator.
arbitration in accordance with the arbitration clause (e) The court shall, in its discretion appoint one or three
and the other is to suspend the civil action arbitrators, according to the importance of the
commenced controversy involved in any of the preceding cases in
which the agreement is silent as to the number of
When should the civil proceedings commenced again? arbitrators.
After the termination of the arbitration proceedings (f) Arbitrators appointed under this section shall either
and rendering of the arbitral award. Such purpose of accept or decline their appointments within seven
going back to court is to confirm or contest the days of the receipt of their appointments. In case of
arbitral award. declination or the failure of an arbitrator or
arbitrators to duly accept their appointments the
parties or the court, as the case may be, shall

proceed to appoint a substitute or substitutes for Suppose the parties stipulated in their agreement that they
the arbitrator or arbitrators who decline or failed to will add more arbitrators, is the agreement allowed?
accept his or their appointments. Yes, Where a submission or contract provides that
two or more arbitrators therein designated or to be
If both parties did not appoint any arbitrators and supposing thereafter appointed by the parties, may select or
that in the agreement of the parties each will appoint an appoint a person as an additional arbitrator, the
arbitrator, can the court motu propio appoint the arbitrators selection or appointment must be in writing. Such
when the parties requested such court to appoint their additional arbitrator must sit with the original
arbitrators in their own behalf? arbitrators upon the hearing.
No, the court cannot appoint an arbitrator without
any of those circumstances occurring prescribed by If the parties find it necessary to appoint more than 3
law arbitrators, they can provide additional arbitrators in their
agreement provided that such agreement is in writing and
On what basis will the court appoint an arbitrator for the subscribe by the parties.
contending parties?
If one party fails to appoint an arbitrator within the What are the normal qualifications of arbitrators?
prescribed time and upon the request of the party • must be of legal age,
demanding for arbitration. • in full-enjoyment of his civil rights
• know how to read and write.
If there is a failure of both parties to appoint their own • No person appointed to served as an arbitrator shall
arbitrator, can the court appoint an arbitrator upon the be related by blood or marriage within the sixth
request of both parties in their behalf? degree to either party to the controversy.
No, because both of them breached the contract • No person shall serve as an arbitrator in any
they cannot ask the court to appoint an arbitrator in proceeding if he has or has had financial, fiduciary or
their behalf. Both of them are in default. The other interest in the controversy or cause to be
arbitration is deemed waived by not appointing their decided or in the result of the proceeding, or has any
own arbitrator. personal bias, which might prejudice the right of any
party to a fair and impartial award.
If the party to whom the demand was made did not appoint
his own arbitrator and neither participate in the proceedings, What is the primary obligation of an appointed arbitrator in
then the court appoints an arbitrator, will the arbitration relation to qualifications?
proceeds despite of the absence of such? if, after appointment but before or during hearing, a
Yes person appointed to serve as an arbitrator shall
discover any circumstances likely to create a
Can there be a judgment of default? presumption of bias, or which he believes might
None disqualify him as an impartial arbitrator, the
arbitrator shall immediately disclose such
The arbitral tribunal will continue the proceedings and render information to the parties.
an award on the basis of the evidences presented by the
party who demanded such arbitration. Obviously the award What are the duties of the parties as soon as the arbitrator
will be in favor of the party who filed the complaint and disclosed that kind of information?
presented his evidence, but if the evidence is not adequate, The parties may agree in writing:
the arbitrator has the right to deny the complainant for an (a) to waive the presumptive disqualifying
award, it may dismissed the action. circumstances; or
(b) to declare the office of such arbitrator vacant.
The mere fact that the party whom the demand was made Any such vacancy shall be filled in the same
did not defy the arbitral tribunal to proceed and render an manner as the original appointment was made.
award. But the failure of such party to appear is not an
admission of its liability to the other party because there is no Chung Fu Industries vs Court of Appeals
default in the arbitration proceedings.
Facts: Chung Fu and Roblecor entered to a construction
If both parties did not present their evidence, the arbitral agreement, where it was agreed that Roblecor was
tribunal cannot exercise its discretion to determine/resolve committed to construct and finish an industrial factory for
the issue. So the arbitral tribunal will dismiss the arbitration Chung Fu. In the event of disputes arising from the
proceedings performance of subject contract, it was stipulated therein

that the issue(s) shall be submitted for resolution before a excess of jurisdiction on the part of the voluntary arbitrator is
single arbitrator chosen by both parties. clearly shown. For "the writ of certiorari is an extra-ordinary
Apart from the aforesaid construction agreement, remedy and that certiorari jurisdiction is not to be equated
Chung Fu and Roblecor entered into two (2) other ancillary with appellate jurisdiction. In a special civil action of
contracts to wit: the construction of a dormitory and support certiorari, the Court will not engage in a review of the facts
facilities; the installation of electrical, water and hydrant found nor even of the law as interpreted or applied by the
systems at the plant site. arbitrator unless the supposed errors of fact or of law are so
respondent Roblecor failed to complete the work despite the patent and gross and prejudicial as to amount to a grave
extension of time allowed it by Chung Fu. abuse of discretion or an exces de pouvoir on the part of the
Claiming an unsatisfied account of P10,500,000.00 arbitrator."
and unpaid progress billings of P2,370,179.23, Roblecor on That voluntary arbitrators, by the nature of their
May 18, 1990, filed a petition for Compulsory Arbitration with functions, act in a quasi-judicial capacity. 24 It stands to
prayer for Temporary Restraining Order before respondent reason, therefore, that their decisions should not be beyond
Regional Trial Court, pursuant to the arbitration clause in the the scope of the power of judicial review of this Court.
construction agreement. Chung Fu moved to dismiss the
petition and further prayed for the quashing of the That petitioners have amply made out a case where
restraining order. the voluntary arbitrator failed to apply the terms and
The parties mutually agree that the arbitration shall provisions of the Construction Agreement which forms part
proceed in accordance with the following terms and of the law applicable as between the parties, thus committing
conditions that “there shall be no further judicial recourse if a grave abuse of discretion. Furthermore, in granting
either party disagrees with the whole or any part of the unjustified extra compensation to respondent for several
arbitrator's award.” items, he exceeded his powers — all of which would have
Arbitrator Asuncion ordered petitioners to constituted ground for vacating the award under Section 24
immediately pay respondent contractor, the sum of (d) of the Arbitration Law.
P16,108,801.00. He further declared the award as final and
unappealable, pursuant to the Arbitration Agreement Reyes vs Balde II
precluding judicial review of the award.
Roblecor moved for the confirmation of said award. The CIAC has original and exclusive jurisdiction over disputes
On the other hand, Chung Fu moved to remand the case for arising from or connected with construction contracts
further hearing and asked for a reconsideration of the entered into by parties that have agreed to submit their
judgment award claiming that Arbitrator Asuncion committed dispute to voluntary arbitration. Here, the presence of the
twelve (12) instances of grave error by disregarding the arbitration clause in the parties’ contract vests jurisdiction on
provisions of the parties' contract. the CIAC on all controversies arising from such contract. The
arbitral clause in the agreement is a commitment by the
Trial Court Affirmed parties to submit to arbitration the disputes covered therein.
CA concur Because the clause is binding, they are expected to abide by it
in good faith.
Issue: whether subject arbitration award is indeed beyond
the ambit of the court's power of judicial review. Fiesta World Corp. vs Linberg Phil

Held: We rule in the negative. It is stated explicitly under Art. It is clear from the records that Fiesta World Corp disputed
2044 of the Civil Code that the finality of the arbitrators' the amount of energy fees demanded by Linberg, However,
award is not absolute and without exceptions. Where the Linberg, without prior recourse to arbitration as required in
conditions described in Articles 2038, 2039 and 2040 the Contract, filed directly with the RTC its complaint, thus
applicable to both compromises and arbitrations are violating the arbitration clause in the contract. The arbitration
obtaining, the arbitrators' award may be annulled or agreement is the law between the parties. Since that
rescinded. 19 Additionally, under Sections 24 and 25 of the agreement is binding between them, they are expected to
Arbitration Law, there are grounds for vacating, modifying or abide by it in good faith. And because it covers the dispute
rescinding an arbitrator's award. 20 Thus, if and when the between them in the present case, either of them may
factual circumstances referred to in the above-cited compel the other to arbitrate. Thus, it is well within Fiesta
provisions are present, judicial review of the award is World Corporation’s right to demand recourse to arbitration.
properly warranted.
The power of judicial review may be invoked thru Moreover, the computation of the energy fees disputed by
under Rule 65 of the Revised Rules of Court. this action will lie Fiesta World also involves technical matters that are better
only where a grave abuse of discretion or an act without or in

left to an arbitration panel who has expertise in those areas. As soon as the time and place has been selected and set for
ADR are encourage by the Courts. arbitration, the parties are entitled to notice, what period of
On what ground do the parties to arbitration challenge an within 5 days after appointment if the parties to the
arbitrator? controversy reside within the same city or province,
An act of bias or partiality on the part of the or within 15 days after appointment if the parties
arbitrator? reside in different provinces.

When such challenge be raised in respect to arbitration As soon as had been given their respective notices of the place
proceedings? and time of the arbitration hearing, what are the parties
The arbitrators may be challenged only for the suppose to do?
reasons mentioned in the preceding section which Attend the hearing, they can be represented by
may have arisen after the arbitration agreement or counsel.
were unknown at the time of arbitration.
A challenge can be raised anytime before, during, As a general rule who are the parties entitled to appear
after the award has been rendered except when the before the arbitration?
award has attain its finality No one other than a party to said arbitration, or a
person in the regular employ of such party duly
Arbitrator X was challenge by party B, in the middle of the authorized in writing by said party, or a practicing
arbitration on the ground that such arbitrator executed acts attorney-at-law, shall be permitted by the
of partiality to the other party which affects his position as arbitrators to represent before him or them any
arbitrator. Arbitrator X refused to yield, what can party B do party to the arbitration. Any party desiring to be
to protect his rights? represented by counsel shall notify the other party
If they (arbitrator) do not yield to the challenge, the or parties of such intention at least five days prior to
challenging party may renew the challenge before the hearing.
the Court of First Instance (now Regional Trial Court) Persons having a direct interest in the controversy
of the province or city in which the challenged which is the subject of arbitration shall have the
arbitrator, or, any of them, if there be more than right to attend any hearing; but the attendance of
one, resides. any other person shall be at the discretion of the
What kind of relief should Party B be asking? As a matter of right, the lawyers have the right to
Arbitrator X should be disqualify as an arbitrator and appear.
therefore be removed thru a court order.
How should the arbitration proceedings proceed?
What will be the consequence in the arbitration proceedings? The hearing may proceed in the absence of any party
While the challenging incident is discussed before who, after due notice, fails to be present at such
the court, the hearing or arbitration shall be hearing or fails to obtain an adjournment thereof
suspended, and it shall be continued immediately
after the court has delivered an order on the What should the arbitrator require for the parties to do in
challenging incident. presenting their evidence? Is there a set of rules to be
followed? What are the parties required to establish in the
An arbitrator was appointed, what should he do in relation to arbitration proceedings?
the procedure of arbitration? The parties are required to summarize the issues of
Subject to the terms of the submission or contract, if their respective dispute. After the issue, present
any are specified therein, are arbitrators selected as their statement of facts of their respective case. But
prescribed herein must, within 5 days after the parties may agree on their statement of facts.
appointment if the parties to the controversy reside After the statement of facts, the parties now are
within the same city or province, or within 15 days allowed to present their evidences.
after appointment if the parties reside in different
provinces, set a time and place for the hearing of the How is the evidence supposed to be presented?
matters submitted to them, and must cause notice Evidences are identified as exhibits
thereof to be given to each of the parties.
Should the identity of the exhibits be established?


Who is supposed to establish? If party A appear but did not present evidence, party B fails to
The party presenting his evidence appear hence he was not able to present his evidence, can
there be an arbitral award?
Who is supposed to determine the materiality and relevancy Yes, the arbitral award is the dismissal of the case.
of the evidence?
Arbitrator Suppose the evidence presented by party A is inadequate,
party B’s evidence is also inadequate, what should be the
Based on what? nature of the award?
Equity, fairness and impartiality, ADR is not bound in Dismissal
the rules of evidence
What is the measure of the arbitrators in decision making in
Why is it the strict rules of evidence are excluded in this case, since the rules of court would not apply?
arbitration proceedings? The guideline in assessing their evidence is based on
Because the Arbitration proceedings is a settlement equity, fairness and impartiality.
of a case done outside of a court
Can they require testimonies of experts?
Can the arbitration proceedings be postponed by the instance Yes
of the parties?
The hearing can be postponed or adjourned by the Can they subpoena evidence on records?
arbitrators only by agreement of the parties Yes

Can the arbitrators postpone the proceedings upon their own Can they require stenographers to take down the
motion? proceedings?
The arbitrators postpone the proceedings upon their Yes
own motion only for a good and sufficient cause
Arbitrators shall have the power to require any person to
Adjournment may be ordered by the arbitrators upon their attend a hearing as a witness. They shall have the power to
own motion only at the hearing and for good and sufficient subpoena witnesses and documents when the relevancy of
cause. the testimony and the materiality thereof has been
demonstrated to the arbitrators.
No adjournment shall extend the hearing beyond the day
fixed in the submission or contract for rendering the award, Are the arbitrators qualified to administer oaths?
unless the time so fixed is extended by the written agreement Arbitrators shall have the power to administer the
of the parties to the submission or contract or their oaths to all witnesses requiring them to tell the
attorneys, or unless the parties have continued with the whole truth and nothing but the truth in any
arbitration without objection to such adjournment. testimony which they may give in any arbitration
hearing. This oath shall be required of every witness
Party B was absent during the arbitration proceedings, it was before any of his testimony is heard.
agreed by the parties that the proceedings should continue
without postponement, the arbitrators proceed with the case Can they administer oaths on themselves?
despite the absence of party, can the arbitrators render a No, Before hearing any testimony, arbitrators must
judgment in favor of party A on the basis of the fact that no be sworn, by any officer authorized by law to
evidence is presented by party B who did not appear in the administer an oath, faithfully and fairly to hear and
proceedings? Will the absence of party B be the basis of the examine the matters in controversy and to make a
judgment? just award according to the best of their ability and
No, the hearing may proceed in the absence of any understanding.
party who, after due notice, fails to be present at
such hearing or fails to obtain an adjournment
thereof. An award shall not be made solely on the
default of a party. The arbitrators shall require the
other party to submit such evidence as they may
require for making an award.


ADR8 In order that a majority vote in that award what should

happened in that case?
Parties A and B appointed 3 arbitrators in their agreement, The 3 arbitrator must be asked to attend and
the first 2 was appointed by each party and the 3 was participate in the deliberation of the awarding of
appointed by the 2 arbitrators. After the Arbitral Tribunal was that arbitration award. Because there can be no
created only 2 arbitrators attended the arbitration majority decision if that 3 arbitrator was not
proceedings up to the time that an award was rendered, is required to attend the arbitration proceedings. He
that a valid arbitration proceeding? All the time only 2 must be required to attend the arbitration
attended hear and receive evidences. Is the arbitral award proceedings so that there could be a majority.
valid when only 2 arbitrators attended and signed the award?
It is valid, because an award by the majority of them Arbitration proceedings has begun, the parties now are
is valid unless the concurrence of all of them is suppose to present evidence, what should be the proceeding?
expressly required in the submission or contract to Arbitrators may, at the commencement of the
arbitrate. hearing, ask both parties for brief statements of the
issues in controversy and/or an agreed statement of
Where should that be found, the concurrence of the three facts.
In the submission agreement or in the arbitration In what form should the issues would be? What should the
clause in their contract parties do with respect to the issue?
The parties will submit their respective issues to that
General Rule: a majority vote makes the award valid particular case.
Exception: unless the parties agreed that there should be a
concurrence of three. In addition to the presentation of issues, what else should the
parties be required to do?
Under that situation, where the parties have appointed 2 Submit the facts of their case
arbitrators but only 2 signed the arbitral award because the
other 1 had not presented in the arbitration proceedings such Suppose the parties vary the facts, meaning the issue of A is
award is still valid, for as long as the parties did not agreed or different from the issue of B, the statement of facts by A is
stipulated in the arbitration agreement or in the submission different from the statement of facts by B, can that be? What
that there should be a concurrence of the 3 arbitrators to will be the procedure? Can the arbitrators consider that as a
validate an award, if there is no such agreement a majority part of the arbitration proceeding?
makes the award valid. Yes, because the parties have their different
positions meaning they differ in their issues as well
Are the arbitrators required to hear all the evidence presented as to their facts.
during the arbitration proceeding?
Yes, All of the arbitrators appointed in any Can they have a joint issue as well as facts?
controversy must attend all the hearings in that Yes, they can have one agreed statement of facts
matter and hear all the allegations and proofs of the
parties After the presentation of issues and facts, what is next?
Thereafter the parties may offer such evidence as
So if only 2 arbitrators out of 3 had been hearing the evidence they desire, and shall produce such additional
and only 2 signed the arbitral award, does that violate the evidence as the arbitrators shall require or deem
provision of the law? necessary to an understanding and determination of
No, because the law requires that an award by the the dispute.
majority of them is valid unless the concurrence of
all of them is expressly required in the submission or Who will present evidence?
contract to arbitrate. Both parties

So in that instance, only 2 attended out of three arbitrators in How is the arbitration board supposed to consider the
the arbitration proceedings, but the 2 arbitrators did not have documentary evidence presented?
a unanimous vote on the award, could there be a valid The arbitrators shall be the sole judge of the
award? relevancy and materiality of the evidence offered or
No, because there is no majority. produced, and shall not be bound to conform to the
Rules of Court pertaining to evidence.


With respect to the documents presented by the parties, how Why is it left in the possession of the clerk of court?
will the arbitrators identify the documents? In the event of a vacation of the award or
Arbitrators shall receive as exhibits in evidence any modification, then it is easier for the court to
document which the parties may wish to submit and determine such vacation or modification.
the exhibits shall be properly identified at the time
of submission. It will be considered and marked as What are the powers of the arbitrators?
exhibits. • to administer the oaths to all witnesses requiring
them to tell the whole truth and nothing but the
What are the parties further required to do with the truth in any testimony which they may give in any
documents? arbitration hearing
The exhibits shall be properly identified at the time • To require any person to attend a hearing as a
of submission. witness.
• To subpoena witnesses and documents (subpoena
Why identification is is necessary? duces tecum) when the relevancy of the testimony
For the determination of relevance and materiality and the materiality thereof has been demonstrated
of the exhibits to the arbitrators.
• Arbitrators may also require the retirement of any
The presentation of evidence during the arbitration witness during the testimony of any other witness.
proceedings is entirely different from the presentation of • To grant interim measure
evidence in a civil case. • To render an arbitral award

In a civil case, concerning a civil claim, the parties are Who is suppose to inquire for that interim measure?
presenting evidence separately, the same as in arbitration The parties
proceedings, where in a civil case there is a presentation of
evidence of the plaintiff and followed by the presentation of Do the arbitrators have the power to cross-examine?
evidence by the defendant. (civil and criminal procedures) Yes

In a civil case, the court is supposed to determine the What is the basis?
relevance and materiality of the evidence based on the rules The duty to determine the relevancy and materiality
of evidence where there are exclusionary provisions. Under of the testimonies. The power to interrogate or to
the rules of evidence, not all documentary and testimonial cross-examine to which for the determination of the
evidence are admissible. truth of the testimony is inherent in the powers of
the arbitrator to the relevancy and materiality of the
In arbitration proceedings, not all rules of evidence are evidence.
attended because arbitrators are given a right to use their
conscience or fairness to determine the relevance and So it is more or less like the court procedure, direct, cross, re-
materiality. direct and re-cross. The parties can interrogate or even ask
permission to ask questions for the purpose of clarifying
During the arbitration proceedings, who should have the matters because that is a part of the procedure to help the
possession of documentary evidence? arbitrators in determining the relevance and materiality of
During the proceedings, the exhibits of the parties the particular evidence.
may remain in the possession of the parties before
they close that evidence during the arbitration. If for What particular matter is not covered by the duty or power of
instance, party A will close his case, his documentary the arbitrator? What can it not do?
evidence will be left in the possession of the He cannot render an award to those issues not
arbitrators but upon the closure of the arbitration submitted by the parties. He must only discuss, point
proceedings the documentary exhibits are left with out and clarify matters during the arbitration
the clerk of court. proceeding which are relevant to the issues
submitted to that body.
Which clerk of court?
The clerk of court of the Regional Trial Court having How should the arbitrators determine that such an issue is
jurisdiction over the arbitration proceedings relevant in the proceeding?
On the basis of the statement of facts and issue
submitted by the parties.


Suppose during the arbitration proceedings party A is Suppose the award is given today, but before the parties
represented by Atty. Gerero and party B is represented by received the copy of the award, they file a petition to vacate
thereafter. When will be the finality of the award?
Atty. Masilungan. Atty. Masilugan objected to the
30 days from the received of the copy of the award.
interrogation of Atty. Gerero. Should the arbitrators sustain
the objection? Can the arbitrators make a ruling in such
In arbitration proceedings, although the law says, the board
objections? Sustain the objection and stop the witness in
of arbitrators is bound to render an award within 30 days
answering the interrogations because the objection is
from the closure of the proceeding. That 30-day period is not
to be determinative of the finality of the award because the
No, because the rules of evidence do not apply in
finality of the award after the lapse of 30 days is to be
arbitration, the arbitral tribunal considers
counted not from the date that the award is issued but from
submission of all documentary evidences regardless
the date that the parties received their copy. The reason for
of they are objectionable or not subject to its
that is the parties have the right to file a petition to vacate
determination of the relevancy or materiality.
the award or to modify the award. And they have 30 days
from the receipt of the award for them to take those acts not
The arbitrators can only make a ruling regarding the
from the time that the arbitral tribunal or board of arbitrators
relevancy and materiality without any reference to the rules
render the award.
of evidence.
30 days from the receipt of the copy, because the law allows
After the submission of evidences of the parties, is the arbitral
the parties to question the award within that period of 30
tribunal bound to render a settlement?
days on the ground of vacating the award or modify the
At the close of the hearings, the arbitrators shall
specifically inquire of all parties whether they have
any further proof or witnesses to present.
What is contained in an arbitration award?
The award must be made in writing and signed and
Suppose the party did not have any further evidences or
acknowledged by a majority of the arbitrators, if
witnesses, what should the arbitral tribunal do?
more than one; and by the sole arbitrator, if there is
Upon the receipt of a negative reply from all parties,
only one.
the arbitrators shall declare the hearing closed
unless the parties have signified an intention to file
When should the 3 arbitrators signed the award?
If there is a stipulation in the arbitration agreement
by the parties, that there is a need for the
So if the parties opted to file their briefs, what should the
concurrence of the 3 arbitrators
arbitral tribunal do?
The hearing shall be closed by the arbitrations after
The award will be invalid if there is no compliance in the
the receipt of briefs and/or reply briefs.
arbitration agreement that there is a need for the
concurrence of the 3 arbitrators, because it is contrary to the
When should a brief be filed?
agreement of the parties. The agreement of the parties
Briefs may filed by the parties within fifteen days
should always be the controlling factor in arbitration.
after the close of the oral hearings
When can an arbitrator be challenge?
When should a reply brief be filed?
At anytime before the finality of the award
The reply briefs, if any, shall be filed within five days
following such fifteen-day period.
Should the award be given orally? Suppose the award is given
orally by the arbitrators at the end of the arbitration
When is the board of arbitrators supposed to render a
proceedings, is that valid?
judgment (award)?
No, it should always be in writing but a decision
From the closure of the hearing
dismissing the case need not be in form of writing
Is that award final after the arbitral tribunal had rendered an
A decision dismissing the case need not be in form of writing
award? When is the finality of the award?
because such decision is not an award.
No, after 30 days after the closing of the hearings or
if the oral hearings shall have been waived
What should the award contain?
The award must be made in writing and signed and
acknowledged by a majority of the arbitrators, if

more than one; and by the sole arbitrator, if there is will be a substitution of the nature of the award,
only one. And any remedy or relief which they deem that will be binding on both parties that requested
just and equitable and within the scope of the for the vacation.
agreement of the parties, which shall include, but
not be limited to, the specific performance of a What are the grounds to vacate?
contract. (a) The award was procured by corruption, fraud, or
other undue means; or
In the course of arbitration and before the arbitral tribunal (b) That there was evident partiality or corruption in the
rendered an award, the parties was able to amicably settle arbitrators or any of them; or
their matter. What should happen now in the settlement? (c) That the arbitrators were guilty of misconduct in
In the event that the parties to an arbitration have, refusing to postpone the hearing upon sufficient
during the course of such arbitration, settled their cause shown, or in refusing to hear evidence
dispute, they may request of the arbitrators that pertinent and material to the controversy; that one
such settlement be embodied in an award which or more of the arbitrators was disqualified to act as
shall be signed by the arbitrators. such under section nine hereof, and wilfully
refrained from disclosing such disqualifications or of
Who should request that it should be considered as an any other misbehavior by which the rights of any
award? party have been materially prejudiced; or
The parties (d) That the arbitrators exceeded their powers, or so
imperfectly executed them, that a mutual, final and
Suppose the settlement of the parties of that particular definite award upon the subject matter submitted to
dispute between them is entirely different from what the them was not made.
arbitrators would have awarded, would that be correct that
the parties would settle amicably between them after the What do we mean by exceeded his powers?
closure of the arbitration proceeding? Can the arbitrator say When the arbitrators rendered an award to those
“we will not admit that as part of the award because that is issues not submitted by the parties.
not our award.”
No, because it is the parties requested so and the One of the most used grounds for the vacation of an award is
arbitrators cannot object because it is the that the board of arbitrators exceeded their powers and that
agreement of the parties that controls in this case is a very controversial issue, because there are collateral
not the decision of the arbitrators. In arbitration issues that is involve in every issue presented or given in the
there is an express agreement of the parties that board of arbitrators to decide. The issue may involve only
control. whether or not party A is entitled to a specific relief but the
It is the will of the parties that should be given board of arbitrators may go beyond that by saying that this
preference rather than the decision of the particular party is entitled to receive a relief and such
arbitrators. The arbitrators should include that following additional relief. The following additional relief is
amicable settlement of the parties that has been not really requested but it is collateral to the relief prayed for.
requested by such parties. That is acceptable, for as long as it is connected with the
relief awarded.
Suppose the arbitrators refused to sign the award, is that an
award? What are these collateral reliefs granted?
Yes, because it is the will of the parties on how to For instance, there is a claim for the delivery of a
resolve their dispute. It is the will of the parties that particular property to party A. the award rendered
should prevail not the objection of the arbitrators by the board of arbitrators says “party B is required
to deliver and return to party A the particular
Can the parties mutually moved that the award be vacated property sought for recovery plus the obligation to
and be substituted with their agreed settlement? make that property in good condition as when
Yes acquired” that is an example of an incidental or
collateral relief.
What will happen if they moved to vacate the award and The SC said that incidental and collateral issues are
consider their settlement between them as the award in place valid for as long as they are connected to the main
of that was vacated? Should that be considered as the issue.
arbitration award?
Yes, the vacated award will be abandoned and the
settlement by the parties will be the award. There

When should be the case be instituted by the parties on application of any party to the controversy which
vacation of the award? was arbitrated:
Notice of a motion to vacate, modify or correct the
award must be served upon the adverse party or his (a) Where there was an evident miscalculation of
counsel within thirty days after award is filed or figures, or an evident mistake in the description
delivered, as prescribed by law for the service upon of any person, thing or property referred to in
an attorney in an action. the award; or
(b) Where the arbitrators have awarded upon a
30 days from the received of the copy of the award. matter not submitted to them, not affecting the
merits of the decision upon the matter
Suppose a party received the award and he instituted this submitted; or
petition to vacate, thirty days after the issuance of the award, (c) Where the award is imperfect in a matter of
can this be done? form not affecting the merits of the controversy,
No, because he already waived his right to file a and if it had been a commissioner's report, the
petition for vacation defect could have been amended or disregarded
by the court.
If he instituted a petition for a vacation of the award, with
what court should the petition be filed? When the award is considered to be imperfect, what does it
The arbitral tribunal mean?
There is ultra vires act on the part of the arbitrator in
If there is a rejection by the arbitral tribunal then the petition deciding an issue, if such an issue is not submitted by
may be filed in the Regional Trial Court having jurisdiction the parties for resolution by the board of arbitrators.
over the arbitration proceedings.
Difference between the ground for vacating an award and
Using the same ground in the petition filed in the arbitral the ground for modifying or correcting an award
tribunal and the same was denied by RTC, what can the party In the first case, when the arbitrators exceeded their
do? powers, they had resolve an issue that was
Appeal, on the grounds of vacation of the award submitted to them by the parties but the resolution
was beyond that issue submitted to them, in the
On what other grounds that the parties can avail apart from second case, they had resolve an issue that was
filing a petition for the vacation of the award? submitted to them.
The parties may file a petition to correct or modify
the award

Within what period?

Within 30 days from the received of the copy of the

In that petition to correct or modify, does the petitioner

acknowledges the fact that there is a valid award rendered by
the arbitrators?

How is that different from the petition to vacate?

In a petition to modify or correct an award the
petitioner acknowledges that there is a valid award
on the other hand, in the petition to vacate the
award there is no acknowledgement that there is a
valid award

What are the grounds to modify or correct an award?

Grounds for modifying or correcting award. - In any
one of the following cases, the court must make an
order modifying or correcting the award, upon the


FINALS Suppose the arbitration proceedings have been concluded and

the records have been submitted to the clerk of court of the
ADR9 RTC in which one of the parties reside, but before they render
an award, the arbitrators demanded for the return of the
Are the arbitrators required to attend the proceedings? records by the clerk of court, what can the parties do to
Yes protect their interest with respect to the records?
Ask for interim measure from the arbitral tribunal
Suppose out of the 3 arbitrators, only 1 attended and the
other 2 did not attend the proceedings, can there be a valid The arbitral tribunal has the right to issue an interim measure
arbitral award? within its jurisdiction, suppose the records have to be summon
None outside their jurisdiction, in what entity should such interim
measure be obtained?
Suppose there are majority signatures, but the 2 arbitrators To the court
did not attend the proceeding, can there be a valid award?
None, because there is a defect in the arbitration What is the purpose of that interim measure of protection?
proceedings To preserve the rights of the parties with respect to
the confidentiality of such records and to secure the
Is that a ground for vacation? What could be the ground? If u safety of the documents against disclosure because
were the counsel and u want to vacate the award? such records are privilege
Defect in the arbitration proceedings due to the
failure to attend the arbitration proceedings, the At the start of the arbitration proceedings, where the
signature of the arbitrators will not validate or cure arbitrators are appointed and the parties are represented by
their failure to attend the proceedings counsels, could the parties waive the presentation of
If there are 3 arbitrators and only 2 signed the award, will Yes
there are a valid award?
Yes, because there is a majority of the arbitrators Should the waiver be done orally?
Yes, during the arbitration proceedings
When should there be, the 2 signatures be void?
If there is a provision in the submission or arbitration Can it be done in writing?
agreement that there is a concurrence of the 3 Yes
arbitrators in the accomplishment or signing of the
arbitration award, the 2 signatures will invalidate the How can the arbitrators decide the case without the
arbitration award, there must be 3 signatures evidence? What should they do be able to lay the necessary
concurring if that is required otherwise only 2 requirement for them to be able to determine the merits of
signatures will be sufficient the arbitration proceedings? What can the arbitral tribunal
requires the parties to do since they waived the presentation
Supposing the parties agreed for a sole arbitrator, who shall of evidence?
sign the award? Ask the parties to submit their written arguments
The sole arbitrator appointed instead having it done orally

Is that a valid arbitration award? How about the facts in the case, since the parties did not
Yes, because the submission agreement or the present evidence?
arbitration clause only provides for a sole arbitrator The parties can submit an agreed statement of facts

Are the arbitrators entitled to have possession of the records How about the issues?
and the evidence presented during the arbitration The parties can submit an agreed statement of
proceedings? issues
Suppose it is insufficient, the agreed statement of facts and
Who should have the possession of such records after the issues, for the arbitrators to resolve the dispute, what will the
arbitration proceedings? arbitrators do?
The clerk of court of the RTC in which one of the If the arbitrators have not resolve the dispute or will
parties reside be useless without particular evidence then they can
require the parties to submit evidence.

If the parties refuse to submit evidence, what will the Can the parties object to the admission of a document which
arbitrators do? according to the arbitrators such documents is relevant to the
The arbitrators will dismiss the arbitration proceedings?
proceedings, on the ground that they are not No, as long as the evidence is relevant and material
capable to determine the case due to the failure of to the issue according to the arbitrators, it is trhe
the parties to submit evidence. Although under the judgment of the arbitrator that will decide
rules the parties may waive the presentation of
evidence, the arbitrators have the final word to Can the arbitrators rule on the objection with respect to the
determine on whether or not the parties should relevancy and materiality of the documents presented in them
submit evidence, and if there is a need for the and rules that it is unfounded or not valid?
arbitrators to demand additional evidence, they can Yes
require the parties to submit additional evidence.
The arbitration proceedings has been closed, who can moved
How should documentary evidence be presented? to reopen?
Arbitrators shall receive as exhibits (marked as The arbitrators and the parties
exhibits) in evidence any document which the
parties may wish to submit and the exhibits shall be On what grounds can the arbitrators reopen the proceedings?
properly identified at the time of submission. After If the evidence presented by the parties are
the marking but before identification, the arbitrators insufficient
can approved or reject the submission.
On what grounds can the parties reopen the proceedings,
If the arbitrators have seen that the documentary evidence of what is that good cause with respect to the parties?
the parties have been marked as exhibits and have been Newly discovered evidence
identified, can the arbitrators ask questions concerning those
documentaries? Can we use the grounds to vacate the arbitral award to
Yes, for clarification purposes, to determine the reopen the case?
relevance and materiality of the documents No, because the grounds to vacate can be used
when there is an award rendered and not in the case
Is it necessary for the arbitrators to conduct an ocular where no award has been rendered yet
inspection if the place of another is a subject of the
arbitration proceedings? When can the motion to reopen be raised?
Yes, the arbitrators may make an ocular inspection After the closure of the arbitration proceedings and
of any matter or premises which are in dispute, but before the rendition of the award.
such inspection shall be made only in the presence
of all parties to the arbitration, unless any party who What is the effect if neither the arbitral tribunal nor the
shall have received notice thereof fails to appear, in parties have moved to reopen?
which event such inspection shall be made in the It will be presumed that the parties have no
absence of such party. objection to the proceedings that had been held. For
the arbitrators, it is now their obligation to render an
In the event of an ocular inspection or a review of the records award.
that is relevant to a material fact from the arbitration
proceedings, are the arbitrators entitled to request the parties When will the arbitral tribunal is required to render an
to produce all documents and exhibits that they have in their award?
possession prior to the rendition of the arbitral award? 30 days after the closure of the hearing
If an award is rendered after the closure, will that arbitration
Who is authorized to determine the relevancy and materiality award become final?
of the documentary exhibits? Not, such award will be final after 30 days from the
The arbitrators receipt of the copy of the award by the parties

Based on what? Suppose the parties receive the copies of the award on the
Based on their sense of equity, fairness and justice same date and 30 days had lapsed, can that be enforce?
Yes, it can be enforce by either one party against the
adverse party


How should it be enforced? What are the grounds to vacate?

Such award should be submitted to the same arbitral Grounds for vacating award. - In any one of the
tribunal who rendered the award following cases, the court must make an order
vacating the award upon the petition of any party to
What does the award contain? the controversy when such party proves
Reliefs prayed for, specific performance, damages affirmatively that in the arbitration proceedings:

Suppose the adverse party refused to comply, how should the (a) The award was procured by corruption,
award be enforced? fraud, or other undue means; or
The prevailing party may go to court to confirm the
award, so the court may issue an order confirming (b) That there was evident partiality or
the award corruption in the arbitrators or any of them;
With that order, can the party now ask the court to enforce
the award? (c) That the arbitrators were guilty of
Not yet, there must be a judgment based on the misconduct in refusing to postpone the
arbitration award hearing upon sufficient cause shown, or in
refusing to hear evidence pertinent and
With that confirming order, the court will issue a judgment material to the controversy; that one or
based of the arbitral award. The court cannot render a more of the arbitrators was disqualified to
judgment without a prior order confirming the arbitration act as such under section nine hereof, and
award? wilfully refrained from disclosing such
No, the arbitral award must be confirmed first disqualifications or of any other
misbehavior by which the rights of any
Why is that necessary? party have been materially prejudiced; or
Because the court can only enforce its own final
judgment (d) That the arbitrators exceeded their powers,
or so imperfectly executed them, that a
Even if the arbitration award was confirmed by the order of mutual, final and definite award upon the
the court, such order cannot be enforced, the court must subject matter submitted to them was not
render first a judgment to that arbitration award. When we made
execute an arbitration award thru the judgment of the court,
we are enforcing the judgment of the court. Suppose the arbitration award was rendered of an issue that
was not submitted by parties for arbitration, is that a ground
If an arbitration award was confirmed today Aug 20, a party to vacate?
can moved for another motion to render a judgment on the yes
arbitration award, and the court 2 days after rendered a
judgment on the arbitration award, when can u enforce the Can the parties agree to consider there private settlement
judgment of the court? during the arbitration proceedings as arbitration award?
15 days after the receipt of the judgment Yes

When should a party file the motion to vacate the arbitration Can they agree that it can be included by the arbitral tribunal
award? as a part of the arbitral award?
30 days after the receipt of the award Yes

Suppose the period of 30 days had lapse, neither of the What would happened if the parties considered their
parties did not file a motion to vacate, what is the settlement as part of the arbitration award? Should that
consequences of that arbitration clause? settlement be a simple settlement or become an arbitral
The award can be a subject of execution by the award?
arbitral tribunal. It will become an arbitral award

If the party against whom the award was rendered complies Should it be enforced after it had been confirm by the court?
with the arbitration award, there is no problem otherwise, Yes, if it has to be enforced by the court it has to be
then that is the time to go to court to enforce the arbitration confirmed
award thru a court judgment

The arbitration award was rendered by the tribunal; If a judgment by the court after the confirmation was
confirmed; and a judgment rendered the award. Such rendered, can the party appeal?
judgment did not only confirm the award but it also require Yes, within 15 days from the service of that
the parties to pay damages, cost and attorney’s fees which judgment
were not obtained in the arbitral award, is the court correct
for adding such damages? If the appeal was denied with respect to the confirmation of
No, the collateral matter that the court can provide the court, can the party still appeal?
must be based exclusively on the body of the arbitral Yes, on the ground of questions of law
award. Attorney’s fees, moral, exemplary damages
are not collateral matters A and B agreed to submit their dispute to arbitration, during
the proceedings, party B died before the rendition of the
As a rule, the court can rendered judgment on the contents award, what should the heirs of party B do?
of the arbitral award otherwise; it will be an ultra vires act on Inform the tribunal about the death of such party,
the part of the court because the parties did not present and the court must appoint an administrator of the
evidence with respect to the award on damages and estate of the deceased. The tribunal shall continue
attorney’s fees the proceedings and rendered an award based on
the evidenced presented by party A
What documents should the counsel of the prevailing party in
the court if the party against whom the award was rendered ADR10
refused to comply?
The arbitration award and the fact that the party A and B have their respective businesses in the Philippines
against whom the award was rendered refused to and they agreed to have their dispute to be resolve by
comply with the award arbitration in the London is that an international commercial
Can the counsel of the party against whom the award was No, because it is required that the place of business
rendered object to that motion for confirmation and of the parties must be in 2 different states
judgment in the arbitration award?
Yes, the counsel of such party can question the What are the ____ for it to be considered as international
validity of the award and object such motion, he can commercial arbitration?
use the grounds in vacating the award as a ground to • The parties to an arbitration agreement have, at the
object to the confirmation of the award time of the conclusion of that agreement, their
places of business in different States
An arbitration award has been rendered; can the party • One of the following places is situated outside the
against whom the award was rendered appeal? State in which the parties have their places of
Yes, by petition for certiorari business
o The place of arbitration if determined in, or
Why petition for certiorari? pursuant to, the arbitration agreement
Because an arbitration proceedings is a special o Any place where a substantial part of the
proceedings and such appeal must be filed within 30 obligations of the commercial relationship
days from the service of the award is to be performed or the place with which
the subject-matter of the dispute is most
If the 30 days period had lapsed, does that mean that the closely connected
arbitral award is final? • The parties have expressly agreed that the subject-
Yes matter of the arbitration agreement relates to more
than one country
Can the party to whom the award was rendered appeal after
the lapse of 30 days? What is the purpose why in international arbitration the
Not anymore arbitration has to be held outside the places of business of the
parties who dispute has to be arbitrated?
If a motion to confirm the award was moved with the court, To attain impartiality or transparency
and such court confirmed the award, can the party against
whom the award was rendered appeal in the confirmation? So that if the arbitration is held in one of the place of business
Yes, within 15 days from the service of the of one of those parties, is that domestic or international?
confirmation of the order Domestic, because the arbitration is held in the
place where one of the parties place of business

Suppose the arbitration is to be held in London and the place

of businesses of the parties are found in the Philippines, is Suppose the place of arbitration is in the Philippines and the
that an international arbitration? law to be applied is the English law, where should the appeal
Yes be filed?
Philippine court, such court will consider whether
Can the parties stipulate on what law it should govern in that that law applied is against public policy, morals, or
arbitration in London? our domestic law. It will determine in accordance
Yes with the our rules

Can the parties do that in domestic arbitration? Suppose the English law was against the Philippine Domestic
No, because the measure of determination in cases law, the arbitration was held in the Philippines, which law
of domestic arbitration is based on sense of fairness, should apply?
equity and justice of the arbitrators Philippine law, because the arbitration was held in
the Philippines
Under the domestic arbitration the parties are not allowed to
stipulate on what law should be governed in the When we speak of commercial Arbitration what does it
determination of the merits of their dispute, whereas in include?
International Arbitration, the parties could agree on what law Arbitration is "commercial" if it covers matters
to apply in the determination of their dispute. arising from all relationships of a commercial nature,
whether contractual or not. Relationships of a
What is the reason why the parties are given the right under transactions: any trade transaction for the supply or
international arbitration? exchange of goods or services; distribution
To prevent partiality of the arbitrators agreements; construction of works; commercial
representation or agency; factoring; leasing,
Under our international commercial arbitration, what law consulting; engineering; licensing; investment;
governs in our jurisdiction? financing; banking; insurance; joint venture and
The Uncitral Model Law other forms of industrial or business cooperation;
carriage of goods or passengers by air, sea, rail or
The nature of the dispute is international. road.

In international arbitration it is of general application, it Suppose the contract involves recruitment of workers who are
cannot be limited to a particular jurisdiction, there is being sent to the Middle east, is that covered?
uniformity. Yes, because it falls under services

Can it be subject to appeal? Please read ADR5 for legal representation of foreign lawyers
Yes, on the ground of errors of law for their clients

If the arbitration is held in London and there is a clear error of Legal Representation in International Arbitration - In
law applied in the judgment of the arbitration, to what court international arbitration conducted in the Philippines, a party
should it be appealed? may be presented by any person of his choice. Provided, that
The court where the parties agreed to what law such representative, unless admitted to the practice of law in
should govern their dispute the Philippines, shall not be authorized to appear as counsel
in any Philippine court, or any other quasi-judicial body
Suppose the parties agreed that the place of arbitration is in whether or not such appearance is in relation to the
London and the law to be applied is English laws, which court arbitration in which he appears.
will determine if there is an error of law in the judgment?
English Court because it is the court where the Is an arbitral tribunal quasi-judicial body?
parties agreed to what law should govern their Yes, because it accepts presentation of evidence
A foreigner can appear as representative of the parties in the
Suppose the place of arbitration is in the Philippines and the Philippine court but not as a counsel unless he is a member of
law to be applied is the Philippine law, where should the the Philippine Bar
appeal be filed?
Philippine Court


Is the Model law is considered now as part of our domestic go to arbitration because arbitration is based on the
law? agreement of the parties.
Yes, under RA 9285
In domestic arbitration, the proceedings are privilege and
Suppose the appearance of a foreign counsel in a court or in a confidential, what about in international arbitration?
quasi-judicial hearing was not in connection with the dispute It is also privilege and confidential.
arose from the arbitration proceedings, could he be allowed
even though he is appearing as counsel but not in connection Confidential of Arbitration Proceedings. - The arbitration
in the subject matter of the dispute? proceedings, including the records, evidence and the arbitral
Foreign counsel who is not a member of a Philippine award, shall be considered confidential and shall not be
bar cannot appear as counsel in Philippine Courts or published except (1) with the consent of the parties, or (2) for
quasi-judicial body regardless in such appearance is the limited purpose of disclosing to the court of relevant
in connection of the arbitration documents in cases where resort to the court is allowed
herein. Provided, however, that the court in which the action
What if the parties set aside the rule in prohibiting foreign or the appeal is pending may issue a protective order to
counsel to appear in Philippine court or quasi-judicial body, prevent or prohibit disclosure of documents or information
there is a joint agreement, is that valid? containing secret processes, developments, research and
No, because such agreement is against public policy, other information where it is shown that the applicant shall
there is a deliberate intent to violate the laws be materially prejudiced by an authorized disclosure thereof.

Remember: in case of failure to object on the participation of What does the confidentiality covers?
a foreign lawyer who is not a member of the Philippine Bar, Records (pleadings)
such case it will only be limited at that instance where he Evidence (testimonial and documentary)
failed to object, he is not stopped all through out the Arbitral award
proceedings, he can object again.
Can the confidentiality be set aside?
Suppose the court hears a case on an issue that arose from an Yes, it can be set aside with the consent of the
arbitration agreement, can the court direct the parties to go parties, for the limited purpose (the court requires a
to arbitration under the Model law? certain fact to be proven in court) of disclosing to
The court cannot motu propio direct the parties to the court of relevant documents in cases where
go to arbitration. One of the parties should invoke resort to the court is allowed herein
such arbitration
What can a party do to protect its interest regarding the
What is the ground of the party invoking the arbitration? confidentiality of the records in the arbitration proceedings?
That there is an arbitration agreement and therefore • Ask the court for a Grant of Interim
the issue that has passed upon the court arose from Measure of Protection to prohibit the
that agreement and they should be directed to go to disclosure
arbitration. • Ask the court for a Grant of Interim
Measure of Protection to prohibit
When should this ground be invoked? dissemination of such information
At any time on or before the pre-trial conference by
one of the parties or at any time thereafter by the 2 Who is suppose to request for an interim measure of
parties protection?
The party whom who seek to protect his interest on
What will happen to the case if this was invoked under the or before the constitution of the arbitral tribunal
Model Law?
It will stay the action and wait for the award to be After the constitution of the tribunal, could a party ask the
rendered tribunal to give such protection?
The court acquires jurisdiction if an action is brought by
either parties on an issue that arose from an arbitration If the tribunal cannot issue such protection because it is not
agreement, and the parties on upon motion to ask the curt to within its jurisdiction, what can the party requesting do?
direct them to go to arbitration on or before the pre trial Ask the court for the protection
conference or at the instance of both parties at any time
thereafter. The court cannot motu propio direct the parties to

Suppose the proceedings are going on before the tribunal Where is the place of arbitration under the law?
renders an award, can the party requesting ask the court or Place of Arbitration - The parties are free to agree
the tribunal for such protection? on the place of arbitration. Failing such agreement,
Yes, the party may request the tribunal provided the place of arbitration shall be in Metro Manila,
such protection is within its jurisdiction, if not, then unless the arbitral tribunal, having regard to the
the party may request it with the court circumstances of the case, including the convenience
of the parties shall decide on a different place of
If the award has been rendered but before the finality of the arbitration.
award, can a party ask for interim protection from the
tribunal itself? The arbitral tribunal may, unless otherwise agreed
Yes by the parties, meet at any place it considers
appropriate for consultation among its members, for
Suppose the arbitral award becomes final but there is an hearing witnesses, experts, or the parties, or for
event that remove the records of the proceedings, can the inspection of goods, other property or documents.
party still obtain an interim measure of protection?
Yes, the court may issue such protection not the Language?
tribunal because the arbitration proceedings have Language of the Arbitration - The parties are free to
been terminated upon the finality of the award. agree on the language or languages to be used in the
arbitral proceedings. Failing such agreement, the
Who should be in possession of the records? language to be used shall be English in international
The arbitral tribunal, the parties after the arbitration, and English or Filipino for domestic
proceedings may ask for the possession of the arbitration, unless the arbitral tribunal shall
records determine a different or another language or
languages to be used in the proceedings. This
If such records were turn over to the court can the parties ask agreement or determination, unless otherwise
the court to turn over the records to them? specified therein, shall apply to any written
Yes statement by a party, any hearing and any award,
decision or other communication by the arbitral
In what form does the protection order be? tribunal.
• in a form of an order to prohibit an act (prohibitory
injunction) The arbitral tribunal may order that any
• in a form of a mandatory injunction documentary evidence shall be accompanied by a
• receiver translation into the language or languages agreed
• order of inspection upon by the parties or determined in accordance
• order of return of the documents with paragraph 1 of this section.

If the orders above were not obtained by the party against to ADR11
whom such order is rendered, what is the remedy?
Payment of damages and expenses incurred The Arbitral tribunal in London granted an award on an issue
concerning civil status of a party. The award was sought to be
In what form of the petition should the counsel of the party enforce in the Philippines. An opposition was made by one of
requesting for such protection be required? the parties on the ground that such award cannot be enforced
It should be in writing and it should contain the relief in the Philippines because the issue (Civil Status) cannot be a
sought to be granted, against whom the protection subject of arbitration. Under the Model law, if u are the judge
is to be rendered, the grounds and supported by would u consider the opposition valid?
evidence Uphold the opposition because the Model the
refusal of the enforcement of an arbitral award if the
The other party against whom the requested order is to be subject matter of the award cannot be a subject of
rendered is entitled to notice because the party has the right arbitration in the place of its enforcement. The State
to oppose such motion under which that arbitral award was rendered
cannot impose its laws on the laws of the state
where such arbitration award is sought to be
enforced. This Law shall not affect any other law of
this State by virtue of which certain disputes may
not be submitted to arbitration or may be submitted

to arbitration only according to provisions other What is the difference between an arbitration clause and
than those of this Law. submission agreement?
Arbitration clause – present dispute
If u are to impose the provisions in the Model Law concerning Submission agreement – future dispute
communications to present from the tribunal to the parties or
from the court to the parties in an arbitration proceedings, In the absence of a written agreement with an arbitration
what are the different aspects under the Model law that will clause or a submission agreement, could the agreement to go
determine receipt of the communication? to arbitration be contained in another form?
Any written communication is deemed to have Yes, arbitration agreement be in writing is met by an
been received if it is delivered to the addressee: electronic communication if the information
• personally or contained therein is accessible so as to be useable
• if it is delivered at his place of business, for subsequent reference; “electronic
habitual residence or mailing address; communication” or a letter
• if none of these can be found after making a
reasonable inquiry, a written If a party write a letter and proposed that the dispute
communication is deemed to have been between him and the other party should be submitted to
received if it is sent to the addressee’s last- arbitration, such letter was received by the other party, is that
known place of business, habitual residence an agreement already between them?
or mailing address by registered letter or Not yet, because there must be a medium of
any other means which provides a record of acceptance of the proposal
the attempt to deliver it;
• Publication What is the nature of that letter?
A letter of confirmation to arbitrate
When an agreement is entered into by the parties, they
conclude that contract in the event that a dispute arises Under the Model law since the 2 parties are living in 2
between them should be submitted to arbitration, should that countries, the issue that arose from their relationship,
be enforced as an agreement? whether contractual or not should be subjected to arbitration
Yes that is what is contained in that letter. Party A will send that
letter to party B in his country, party B now will reply saying
Should it be agreed between he 2 parties? he concurred to the proposal to go to arbitration. A letter of
Yes proposal from party A and a letter of confirmation from party
So that oral agreement itself is a fact that could be the basis
of an arbitration proceeding? The arbitration proceeding is going on and party A is
No, it should be in writing presenting a document as part of his evidence, party did not
raised an objection, under the model law, what is the
In what form could that particular agreement be reduced into consequence of that failure to object?
so that there should be a basis for arbitration? A waiver to object
It should be in a formal form of an arbitration
agreement What is the consequence of this waiver to object?
The document will be accepted as evidence.
Should the arbitration agreement is supposed to have any
statement that the party should go to arbitration? Are the arbitrators compelled to accept such document to be
Yes, it should contain an agreement that in cases of a part of evidence of party A?
disputes arising from their relationship it should be No, because the arbitrators are the sole judge to
solve thru arbitration determine the relevancy and materiality of the
evidence. What had been waived is the right to
What do we call that agreement? object of party B, but the document is simply offered
Arbitration clause as evidence and the arbitrators are not compelled to
accept such document as evidence.
What is the other form?
Submission agreement What if party B objects?
The mere fact that there was an objection that does
not mean that the document is unacceptable, the
arbitrators has still the right to exercise its option

and his measure of judgment in accepting a While the arbitration proceedings is going on, can the parties
document as evidence go to court for an interim measure of protection?
It is not incompatible with an arbitration agreement
There is an arbitration proceedings going on as a for a party to request, before or during arbitral
consequence of an agreement between party A and B. while proceedings, from a court an interim measure of
the arbitration proceedings is going on but before an award is protection and for a court to grant such measure.
rendered, party A instituted a case in court on the same issue (art.9)
that arose between party A and B. is the court bound to wait
for the award in that arbitration proceedings? Suppose the parties went to the arbitral tribunal itself for the
No, both proceedings work separately interim measure of protection, is there any limitation on the
powers of the arbitral tribunal in granting an interim measure
Is the arbitral tribunal bound to wait for the ruling of the of protection?
court? It must be within its jurisdiction
No, both proceedings work separately
Is it important for the parties to determine the nationality of
Is there an instance for the court to direct the parties to go to the arbitrators?
arbitration when the arbitration proceedings had already No, No person shall be precluded by reason of his
begun separately from the civil case? nationality from acting as an arbitrator, unless
While there is an arbitration proceedings that is otherwise agreed by the parties (art.11).
going on and a civil case pending in court, the parties
can ask the court to direct them to go to arbitration If the parties have agreed to go to arbitration, can they agree
under the Model law because both proceedings as well on the number of arbitrators?
operate in different jurisdictions. Yes, the parties are free to agree on a procedure of
appointing the arbitrator or arbitrators (supra)
When should that matter be raised?
Before or at the time of the submission of statement How should the appointment be made?
of claim or before or at the time of submission of Both parties will appoint their own arbitrator and
defense the 2 appointed arbitrators will appoint the 3
Suppose A and B are litigating in court concerning an issue
that arose from an arbitration agreement. A filed a case Who is supposed to determine the qualification of the
against B in court, B filed a case in arbitral tribunal. Both arbitrators?
proceedings render a judgment. Which judgment will prevail? The parties
Arbitral award rendered in the arbitration
proceedings The Model law is silent on the qualification of the arbitrator;
could the parties require a qualification that might be difficult
Suppose the court rendered judgment ahead of the arbitral for the arbitrators to have?
tribunal? The qualifications must be reasonable
Such a case, the finality of the judgment will be the
measure Is the failure of the arbitrators to comply with the required
qualifications a ground to challenge?
If the court judgment becomes final ahead of the arbitral Yes, unless the parties did not set for a qualifications
award, which will be followed? of the arbitrators they cannot challenge because
The court judgment, the finality is the measure of there will be no basis
Within what period should the parties appoint an arbitrator?
If the arbitral award becomes final ahead of the court Within 15 days, each of the parties has to appoint
judgment, which will be followed?
Arbitral award, the finality is the measure of If a party fails to appoint the arbitrator within thirty days of
enforceability receipt of a request to do so from the other party, the
appointment shall be made, upon request of a party, by the
If the arbitral award becomes final ahead of the court court
judgment, what will happen to the court judgment?
Moot and academic

When should the 2 appointed arbitrators appoint the 3 When should it be raised?
arbitrator? A party who intends to challenge an arbitrator shall,
Within 30 days from their appointment within fifteen days after becoming aware of the
constitution of the arbitral tribunal or after
In case of failure of the 2 appointed arbitrators to appoint the becoming aware of any circumstance referred to in
3 arbitrator either parties or both may request the court for article 12(2),
the appointment of the 3 arbitrator within 30 days from the
failure of the 2 appointed arbitrators to appoint the 3 If the parties learned about the circumstances before the
arbitrator constitution of the arbitral tribunal, can they challenge the
If the court failed to appoint the 3 arbitrator, what is the No, it must be after the constitution of the arbitral
remedy of the parties? tribunal
The parties themselves may appoint the 3
arbitrator because they were the one who agreed to Why is it after the constitution of the arbitral tribunal why not
have 3 arbitrators before?
The parties can easily replace the arbitrator
What are the obligations of the arbitrators under the model concerned
law, upon their appointment?
When a person is approached in connection with his Let say that the arbitrators were elected but before the
possible appointment as an arbitrator, he shall constitution of the arbitral tribunal; can the parties if at the
disclose any circumstances likely to give rise to time they acquired knowledge of the disqualification use that
justifiable doubts as to his impartiality or knowledge to challenge the arbitrators during the arbitration
independence. An arbitrator, from the time of his proceedings?
appointment and throughout the arbitral No, if the parties fail to disqualify the arbitrator
proceedings, shall without delay disclose any such concerned it is deemed a waiver
circumstances to the parties unless they have
already been informed of them by him. What are the options of the appointed arbitrators in the event
that there is defect on their qualification or with respect to
When should it be disclosed? their impartiality or independence?
Before or after the constitution of the arbitral The arbitrators may withdraw or not accept the
tribunal challenge

Could it be divulge after the rendition of the award? What are the options of the parties if the arbitrator did not
Yes continue with the arbitral proceedings despite his knowledge
that the parties have such information that affect the
How about after the finality of the award? impartiality and independence of the arbitrator concerned
No that is sufficient to disqualify him?
The parties may op to challenge him with the arbitral
How about the parties themselves, can they raise any tribunal in the form of a request
challenge to the arbitrators?
An arbitrator may be challenged only if If the challenged was commenced by one of the parties during
circumstances exist that give rise to justifiable the arbitration proceedings can the arbitral proceedings
doubts as to his impartiality or independence, or if continue?
he does not possess qualifications agreed to by the It will continue despite of the fact that there was a
parties. (art.12) challenge. The challenged arbitrator is allowed to
participate in the deliberation of the proceedings
What are the grounds under the model to challenge the
arbitrators? What is the option of the party if there is a delay in the
• Impartiality and independence resolution of the challenge?
• Non-possession of qualifications set by the parties. The party may petition to resolve the challenge right

In domestic arbitration, the proceedings are suspended until

the challenge is terminated. In the Model law the
proceedings will continue despite the challenged.

If an arbitrator is challenge on certain affecting his appointment of the arbitrator being replaced. (art.
impartiality or independence or his qualifications, and such 15)
arbitrator withdraws, what is the effect of the grounds that
was used to challenge him? Suppose because of the suspicion that such arbitrator is
The truthfulness of such grounds is not established. partial or not independent, the arbitrator voluntarily removes
Such grounds are also withdrawn because the himself as an arbitrator, what is the consequence of that
arbitrator withdrew withdrawal of that arbitrator in the suspicion of the parties?
An arbitrator withdraws from his office or a party
If the resolution of the arbitral tribunal is to reject the agrees to the termination of the mandate of an
challenge, what is the remedy of the party challenging? arbitrator, this does not imply acceptance of the
To challenge the arbitrator in court by way of appeal validity of any ground referred to in this article.
to the resolution rejecting the challenge (Article 14 par. 2)

What is the consequence of that challenge in court to the What is the basis of the resignation of that arbitrator?
arbitration proceedings? He voluntarily withdraw his mandate
The arbitration proceedings will continue, but the
party challenging may ask the court for interim Does it have any significance on the suspicion of the parties?
measure of protection (prohibition). To prohibit the None, this does not imply acceptance of the validity
challenge arbitrator to participate in the arbitration such ground
In the course of the arbitration proceedings, one of the parties
What is the effect of that prohibition? moved to question the jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal in
Such arbitration will be suspended ipso facto for lack the same arbitral tribunal, questioning the competence or
of quorum jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal, can the arbitral tribunal
rule on that matter considering that its own jurisdiction is
ADR12 being questioned?
The arbitral tribunal may rule on its own jurisdiction,
If an arbitrator was appointed but he failed to perform his including any objections with respect to the
work, what is the remedy of the parties in the arbitration existence or validity of the arbitration agreement.
proceedings? For that purpose, an arbitration clause which forms
If an arbitrator becomes de jure or de facto unable part of a contract shall be treated as an agreement
to perform his functions or for other reasons fails to independent of the other terms of the contract. A
act without undue delay, his mandate terminates if decision by the arbitral tribunal that the contract is
the parties agree on the termination. (art. 14) null and void shall not entail ipso jure the invalidity
of the arbitration clause. (art. 16, par 1)
Suppose the parties like the arbitrator and they did not
initiate the removal of that arbitrator, will that arbitrator be When should the parties question the jurisdiction of the
entitled to remain in the arbitration tribunal despite the fact arbitral tribunal?
that he failed to perform his work de jure or de facto? A plea that the arbitral tribunal does not have
The arbitrator may voluntarily resign jurisdiction shall be raised not later than the
submission of the statement of defense. A party is
Suppose the arbitrator did not voluntary resign? not precluded from raising such a plea by the fact
The arbitrator will remain that he has appointed, or participated in the
appointment of, an arbitrator. A plea that the
If such arbitrator fails to perform his work and he refuses to arbitral tribunal is exceeding the scope of its
resign, what can the parties do? authority shall be raised as soon as the matter
The parties may appoint a substitute arbitrator. alleged to be beyond the scope of its authority is
Where the mandate of an arbitrator terminates raised during the arbitral proceedings. The arbitral
under article 13 or 14 or because of his withdrawal tribunal may, in either case, admit a later plea if it
from office for any other reason or because of the considers the delay justified.
revocation of his mandate by agreement of the
parties or in any other case of termination of his Suppose the claimant had already presented his claim
mandate, a substitute arbitrator shall be appointed whereas the respondent has not yet presented his statement
according to the rules that were applicable to the of defense, at that stage the claimant in addition to the
presentation of his statement of claim also questions the

jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal, is that the proper stage of question or in an award on the merits. If the arbitral
the proceedings where that particular question on the tribunal rules as a preliminary question that it has
jurisdiction should be raised by the claimant? jurisdiction, any party may request, within thirty
Yes, because the law requires before the days after having received notice of that ruling, the
presentation of defense court specified in article 6 to decide the matter,
which decision shall be subject to no appeal; while
Suppose the claimant did not raised that objection and later such a request is pending, the arbitral tribunal may
on, raised that objection after the respondent presented his continue the arbitral proceedings and make an
defense, is that action of the claimant still within the process award.
to question the jurisdiction of the tribunal?
No, because the law requires before the There is a period within which the question of jurisdiction be
presentation of defense, if the question of resolve that is before the submission of the statement of
jurisdiction is raised after the presentation of defense
defense, it is deemed a waiver to question the
jurisdiction Can it be done motu propio by the arbitral tribunal?
No, it is necessary that a party should raised such
On what issues during the arbitration proceedings may the question. The arbitral tribunal is presumed to have
arbitral tribunal exercise discretion in resolving an issue jurisdiction
• Validity of arbitration agreement Thru what ways may arbitral tribunal resolve or exercise its
• Acts beyond its jurisdiction resolution?
• Question of jurisdiction • Decide it as preliminary question
• In the form of an award
Suppose the arbitral tribunal make a rule on the validity of a
particular arbitration agreement submitted by the parties for If the arbitral tribunal resolves the issue as preliminary
resolution, and its resolution was that the arbitration question, is it final?
agreement was null and void, can it include the entire No, the parties may go to court within 30 days from
document? the receipt of such resolution
An arbitration clause which forms part of a contract
shall be treated as an agreement independent of the In that particular case, if the parties do not agree to the
other terms of the contract. (art. 16 par 1) resolution as a preliminary question as decided by the arbitral
tribunal, suppose the court upheld the resolution of the
What is excluded? arbitral tribunal, can the parties file a petition for review to
The arbitration clause is not a part of the arbitration the higher court?
agreement in case the arbitral tribunal declared the No, because the Model Law provides that it shall
arbitration agreement null and void subject to no appeal

Why? Suppose the tribunal did not resolve the issue and rendered
Because the contract itself involves many issues like, an award resolving such issue that it has jurisdiction, can the
place of arbitration, subject matter etc while the parties question that in court?
arbitration clause only one issue the parties have Yes, provided that falls within the grounds to
agreed to go to arbitration question permitted in the arbitration

Suppose there is a ground for the arbitral tribunal or the court What ground?
to consider that the arbitration clause on an issue that is null The arbitral tribunal acted in excess of jurisdiction
and void?
The arbitration clause will be invalidated, while the If an award was rendered resolving that particular issue of
invalidity of the arbitration clause is prefer from the jurisdiction and the parties did not go to court, what is the
invalidity of declaration of nullity of arbitration consequence?
agreement The question on the jurisdiction will become final

When should the arbitral tribunal resolve issues regarding

The arbitral tribunal may rule on a plea referred to in
paragraph (2) of this article either as a preliminary

Under the domestic law, is there a ground to appeal were the Can the parties suggest to what substantive law they may
arbitral tribunal over rule such objection of jurisdiction were resort to under the domestic law?
there is now an award? Yes, although under the domestic law the measure
Yes, it can be questioned on the ground of question of judgment is the sense of equity and fairness of the
law arbitrator, that particular sense should be based also
on the relevant law of the land
If during the arbitration proceedings, the parties are worried
of the safety of their documentary exhibits and other How about under the model law, is that the same measure?
properties which were subjected for inspection, can the The parties may agree to any substantive law that
arbitral tribunal issue a protection order? may be utilized by the arbitral tribunal in resolving
Yes, (art.17) their dispute

Can it issue an order to protect the interest of both parties? Is that required to be used by the parties?
Yes Yes

Can it require a party to post a bond? Suppose there is none?

Yes It shall be the arbitral tribunal that will consult the
substantive law
What is the purpose of that bond?
The bond will answer to any damages incurred by In the absence of any suggestions from the parties, what is
the party against whom the interim protection order next law in line?
was requested The law of the place where the proceedings is being
conducted based on the conflict of laws
Are the parties entitled to notice?
Yes, Immediately after the arbitral tribunal has made If it fails to resolve an issue based on conflict of law, what is
a determination in respect of an application for a the next law in line?
preliminary order, the arbitral tribunal shall give Usage of trade existing in the same area
notice to all parties of the request for the interim
measure, the application for the preliminary order, Article 28. Rules applicable to substance of dispute
the preliminary order, if any, and all other (1) The arbitral tribunal shall decide the dispute in
communications, including by indicating the content accordance with such rules of law as are chosen by
of any oral communication, between any party and the parties as applicable to the substance of the
the arbitral tribunal in relation thereto. (art. 17c) dispute. Any designation of the law or legal system
of a given State shall be construed, unless otherwise
What is the consequence if the parties are not given notice? expressed, as directly referring to the substantive
The parties may set aside whatever action that the law of that State and not to its conflict of laws rules.
arbitral tribunal may held because the parties are (2) Failing any designation by the parties, the arbitral
entitled to equal treatment and they must be given tribunal shall apply the law determined by the
an equal opportunity to present their case conflict of laws rules which it considers applicable.
(3) The arbitral tribunal shall decide ex aequo et bono or
How should the proceedings be conducted? as amiable compositeur only if the parties have
The proceedings may be conducted either orally, expressly authorized it to do so.
written or partly oral partly written. The proceedings (4) In all cases, the arbitral tribunal shall decide in
are controlled by the agreement of the parties accordance with the terms of the contract and shall
take into account the usages of the trade applicable
Is there a difference between the procedures and to the transaction.
requirements under the Domestic law concerning the
resolution of arbitration issues from the model law? If the parties have agreed to submit a substantive law that
Under the domestic law, fairness and equity would resolve the dispute submitted to the arbitral tribunal, is
there an obligation to resolve the dispute based on that
Is the arbitral tribunal under the Domestic law compelled to substantive law?
resort to any law? Yes
No, but the arbitral tribunal may resort to any
substantive law


Can it deviate and instead resolve the issue based on conflict The receipt of the notice by the respondent will commence
of laws? the arbitration proceedings but the arbitration proceedings
No will not commence formally because the arbitral tribunal has
not yet been constituted yet.
What is the difference between the domestic law and model
with respect to the law that will be utilize in the resolution of When should the arbitral tribunal is supposed to be created?
a dispute? When the parties appointed the arbitrators and
• Domestic Arbitration Law – the arbitrators are given when the arbitrators accepted their appointment.
the power to resolve the dispute using their own
sense of equity, fairness and justice, no law is Can the parties agree on the language to be used?
involved; the parties are prohibited suggesting what The parties are free to agree on the language or
law should the arbitrator use languages to be used in the arbitral proceedings.
• Model Law - the arbitrators have to resort to the Failing such agreement, the arbitral tribunal shall
substantive law of the state involve, in the absence determine the language or languages to be used in
of the substantive law conflict of laws, in the the proceedings. This agreement or determination,
absence of both usage of trade; the parties are unless otherwise specified therein, shall apply to any
allowed to suggest that law that should be resorted written statement by a party, any hearing and any
by the arbitral tribunal award, decision or other communication by the
arbitral tribunal. (art. 22)
Where is the place of arbitration under the Model law? The arbitral tribunal may order that any documentary
The parties are free to agree on the place of evidence shall be accompanied by a translation into the
arbitration. Failing such agreement, the place of language or languages agreed upon by the parties or
arbitration shall be determined by the arbitral determined by the arbitral tribunal.
tribunal having regard to the circumstances of the
case, including the convenience of the parties. Should there be always a presentation of evidence under the
Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of Model Law?
this article, the arbitral tribunal may, unless No, the parties can agree that no evidence can be
otherwise agreed by the parties, meet at any place it presented
considers appropriate for consultation among its
members, for hearing witnesses, experts or the How should the arbitral tribunal resolve the dispute if the
parties, or for inspection of goods, other property or parties agreed not to present evidence?
documents. (art. 20) Such resolution will be based on the agreed facts,
points of issues of the parties and oral arguments
When can the arbitral tribunal adopt as a measure to select a
certain place where the arbitration proceedings will be held? Article 23. Statements of claim and defense
• Convenience of the parties (1) Within the period of time agreed by the parties or
• circumstances of the case determined by the arbitral tribunal, the claimant
• convenience for the purpose of shall state the facts supporting his claim, the points
o for hearing witnesses, at issue and the relief or remedy sought, and the
o experts or respondent shall state his defense in respect of
o the parties, or these particulars, unless the parties have otherwise
o for inspection of goods, agreed as to the required elements of such
o other property statements. The parties may submit with their
o or documents statements all documents they consider to be
o arbitral tribunal relevant or may add a reference to the documents
or other evidence they will submit.
When the commencement of the proceedings under the (2) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, either party
Model law? may amend or supplement his claim or defense
Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the arbitral during the course of the arbitral proceedings, unless
proceedings in respect of a particular dispute the arbitral tribunal considers it inappropriate to
commence on the date on which a request for that allow such amendment having regard to the delay in
dispute to be referred to arbitration is received by making it.
the respondent. (art. 21) (The same with domestic


Article 24. Hearings and written proceedings ADR13

(1) Subject to any contrary agreement by the parties,
the arbitral tribunal shall decide whether to hold oral Under the Model law, the parties are given the right to
hearings for the presentation of evidence or for oral stipulate the law that the arbitral tribunal should use in
argument, or whether the proceedings shall be deciding the issue, can the same parties use that right to
conducted on the basis of documents and other indicate the law that will determine their dispute under the
materials. However, unless the parties have agreed Domestic Arbitration law?
that no hearings shall be held, the arbitral tribunal Under the Domestic Arbitration Law, the parties are
shall hold such hearings at an appropriate stage of not allowed to stipulate that the arbitrators should
the proceedings, if so requested by a party. decide on the basis of the law because under the
(2) The parties shall be given sufficient advance notice Domestic Arbitration Law, the arbitrators should
of any hearing and of any meeting of the arbitral decide based on their own sense of equality, fairness
tribunal for the purposes of inspection of goods, and justice.
other property or documents.
(3) All statements, documents or other information On what matters ____ of experts needed under the Model
supplied to the arbitral tribunal by one party shall be Law?
communicated to the other party. Also any expert When the resolution of the issues needs technical
report or evidentiary document on which the arbitral expertise.
tribunal may rely in making its decision shall be
communicated to the parties. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the arbitral
During the arbitration proceedings the claimant failed to tribunal:
appear despite notice, what should the arbitral tribunal do? (a) May appoint one or more experts to report
The claimant fails to communicate his statement of to it on specific issues to be determined by
claim in accordance with article 23(1), the arbitral the arbitral tribunal;
tribunal shall terminate the proceedings or (b) May require a party to give the expert any
dismissed the case; (art 25a) relevant information or to produce, or to
provide access to, any relevant documents,
During the arbitration proceedings the respondent failed to goods or other property for his inspection.
appear despite notice, what should the arbitral tribunal do? (art 26 par. 1)
The respondent fails to communicate his statement
of defense in accordance with article 23(1), the Can the experts be subpoenad to testify after they had been
arbitral tribunal shall continue the proceedings engaged as an expert?
without treating such failure in itself as an admission Yes, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, if a
of the claimant’s allegations; (art 25b) party so requests or if the arbitral tribunal considers
it necessary, the expert shall, after delivery of his
What if the evidence of the claimant is inadequate, what written or oral report, participate in a hearing where
should the arbitral tribunal do? the parties have the opportunity to put questions to
Dismiss the case him and to present expert witnesses in order to
testify on the points at issue. (art. 26 par 2)
What if the claimant appears but did not present evidence,
what should the arbitral tribunal do? How is the arbitral tribunal decide on the issue under the
Dismiss the case Model Law?
In arbitral proceedings with more than one
What if the evidence of the claimant and the defense of the arbitrator, any decision of the arbitral tribunal shall
respondent is inadequate, what should the arbitral tribunal be made, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, by
do? a majority of all its members. However, questions of
Dismiss the case procedure may be decided by a presiding arbitrator,
if so authorized by the parties or all members of the
Both parties did not appear, what should the arbitral tribunal arbitral tribunal. (art. 29)
Dismiss the case, on the ground of lack of interest
and failure to prosecute


In the award that is going to be rendered which contain the Suppose the arbitral tribunal could not determine what is the
majority vote of the arbitrators, should there be a need to usage of trade of that particular country neither can define
indicate the absence of an arbitrator? any law that would determine the issue and neither that the
Yes, the award shall be made in writing and shall be conflict of law of that particular country to determine the law,
signed by the arbitrator or arbitrators. In arbitral can the arbitral tribunal act as amicable compositeur?
proceedings with more than one arbitrator, the Yes, the arbitral tribunal shall decide ex aequo et
signatures of the majority of all members of the bono or as amicable compositeur only if the parties
arbitral tribunal shall suffice, provided that the have expressly authorized it to do so. (art.28 par 3)
reason for any omitted signature is stated. (art. 31)
What is the difference between amicable compositeur from
In determining the issue submitted by the parties to an normal function of arbitral tribunal?
arbitral tribunal, what law should they consult? The amicable compositeur become a negotiating
Article 28. Rules applicable to substance of dispute panel whereby they facilitate the negotiations of the
(1) The arbitral tribunal shall decide the dispute in parties and come up with a resolution based on
accordance with such rules of law as are chosen equity and impartiality
by the parties as applicable to the substance of
the dispute. Any designation of the law or legal During the proceedings the arbitral tribunal was able to
system of a given State shall be construed, convince the parties to settle the matter based on the
unless otherwise expressed, as directly referring principle of equity, impartiality and independence, and the
to the substantive law of that State and not to parties accepted that settlement prior to the rendition of the
its conflict of laws rules. award, what should be the status of that settlement in
(2) Failing any designation by the parties, the relation to the award that the tribunal is suppose to render?
arbitral tribunal shall apply the law determined If, during arbitral proceedings, the parties settle the
by the conflict of laws rules which it considers dispute, the arbitral tribunal shall terminate the
applicable. proceedings and, if requested by the parties and not
(3) The arbitral tribunal shall decide ex aequo et objected to by the arbitral tribunal, record the
bono or as amiable compositeur only if the settlement in the form of an arbitral award on
parties have expressly authorized it to do so. agreed terms. (Art.30 par 1)
(4) In all cases, the arbitral tribunal shall decide in
accordance with the terms of the contract and What is the effect of that settlement on the merits of the
shall take into account the usages of the trade case?
applicable to the transaction. An award on agreed terms shall be made in
accordance with the provisions of article 31 and shall
Which law of the conflict of laws should be used? state that it is an award. Such an award has the same
The law determined by conflict of laws status and effect as any other award on the merits of
the case. (Art.30 par 2)
Suppose the conflict of laws of a particular state did not
determine the law, what law should be used? It ends the dispute of the parties
Usage of trade of the state where the arbitration
proceedings is being held When there is an award that puts finality on the resolution of
the merits of the dispute, does it ends the proceedings?
Are they allowed to state their findings or resolutions of Yes If, during arbitral proceedings, the parties settle
dispute in form of a judgment? the dispute, the arbitral tribunal shall terminate the
Yes, the award is a judgment of that arbitral tribunal proceedings and, if requested by the parties and not
objected to by the arbitral tribunal, record the
Should that be in writing? settlement in the form of an arbitral award on
The award shall be made in writing and shall be agreed terms. (Art.30 par 1)
signed by the arbitrator or arbitrators. In arbitral
proceedings with more than one arbitrator, the Are the parties entitled to the right to enforce immediately
signatures of the majority of all members of the that particular award?
arbitral tribunal shall suffice, provided that the Not yet, there is a need for recognition of the award
reason for any omitted signature is stated. (art. 31) by the court

Are the parties entitled to notice of that?


When there is no need for the award to be recognized and to What other matter that the arbitral tribunal may correct?
be enforced? Interpretations and additional award
When the parties comply with the award
Who should initiate for the interpretation?
Within what period should the parties recognize and enforce Either of the parties
the award?
Within 30 days upon the receipt of the award, a Who should initiate for an additional award?
petition for recognition of the award should be filed The aggrieved party

When an award is rendered before the expiration of the If a party files a motion for an interpretation, of what matter
period of 30 days, is that binding already with the parties? should that be covered?
Yes Issues that have been resolve

Even without recognition and enforcement, the parties are What happens if the parties did not ask for interpretation of
still bound to respect the award an issue?
If there is no interpretation of a certain issue, such
Suppose there are discrepancies or errors committed in the issue should remain as it is.
award, can it be corrected?
Yes The purpose of interpretation is to clarify doubts

Can the arbitral tribunal motu propio correct the error? Who should determine whether the resolution is clear or not?
Yes, the arbitral tribunal may correct any error of the The parties
type referred to in paragraph (1) (a) of this article on
its own initiative within thirty days of them date of Who should claim for additional award?
the award. (art. 33 par 2) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, a party, with
notice to the other party, may request, within thirty
Suppose the tribunal did not correct the error? days of receipt of the award, the arbitral tribunal to
Within thirty days of receipt of the award, unless make an additional award as to claims presented in
another period of time has been agreed upon by the the arbitral proceedings but omitted from the
parties: award. If the arbitral tribunal considers the request
(a) a party, with notice to the other party, may to be justified, it shall make the additional award
request the arbitral tribunal to correct in within sixty days. (art. 33 par. 3)
the award any errors in computation, any
clerical or typographical errors or any errors Is it subject to an opposition by the other party?
of similar nature; Yes, on the ground that the additional award sought
(b) if so agreed by the parties, a party, with was not a part of the resolution of the issue or such
notice to the other party, may request the additional award is not a part of the agreement in
arbitral tribunal to give an interpretation of the agreement to arbitrate which is a subject of
a specific point or part of the award. arbitration or such award is already included in the
If the arbitral tribunal considers the request to be award rendered.
justified, it shall make the correction or give the
interpretation within thirty days of receipt of the Are the parties given the right to question the award?
request. The interpretation shall form part of the Yes
award. (Art. 33 par 1)
Are they given the right to set aside the award?
Aside from the part of the obligation on the part of the Yes
arbitral tribunal if there is a petition by the parties to correct
the errors. In cases of errors in computation of amounts Article 34. Application for setting aside as exclusive
supposed to be awarded to the parties, is that also subject of recourse against arbitral award
correction? (1) Recourse to a court against an arbitral award may be
Yes, correction of errors include typographical, made only by an application for setting aside in
clerical and computations accordance with paragraphs (2) and (3) of this
(2) An arbitral award may be set aside by the court
specified in article 6 only if:

a. the party making the application furnishes suspend the setting aside proceedings for a period of
proof that: time determined by it in order to give the arbitral
i. a party to the arbitration tribunal an opportunity to resume the arbitral
agreement referred to in article 7 proceedings or to take such other action as in the
was under some incapacity; or the arbitral tribunal’s opinion will eliminate the grounds
said agreement is not valid under for setting aside.
the law to which the parties have
subjected it or, failing any What agreement refers in the Model Law that would make
indication thereon, under the law the award invalid and a ground to set aside?
of this State; or The agreement to arbitrate
ii. the party making the application
was not given proper notice of the What are the grounds?
appointment of an arbitrator or of Parties:
the arbitral proceedings or was • a party to the arbitration agreement was
otherwise unable to present his under some incapacity
case; or • the said agreement is not valid under the
iii. the award deals with a dispute not law to which the parties have subjected it
contemplated by or not falling or, failing any indication thereon, under the
within the terms of the submission law of this State
to arbitration, or contains • the party making the application was not
decisions on matters beyond the given proper notice of the appointment of
scope of the submission to an arbitrator or of the arbitral proceedings
arbitration, provided that, if the or was otherwise unable to present his case
decisions on matters submitted to • the award deals with a dispute not
arbitration can be separated from contemplated by or not falling within the
those not so submitted, only that terms of the submission to arbitration, or
part of the award which contains contains decisions on matters beyond the
decisions on matters not scope of the submission to arbitration
submitted to arbitration may be • the composition of the arbitral tribunal or
set aside; or the arbitral procedure was not in
iv. the composition of the arbitral accordance with the agreement of the
tribunal or the arbitral procedure parties
was not in accordance with the
agreement of the parties, unless Suppose, one of the parties raised an issue against the award
such agreement was in conflict butt he court did not find any ground to set aside the award,
with a provision of this Law from can the court motu propio set aside the award based on other
which the parties cannot derogate, grounds?
or, failing such agreement, was not Yes, on the ground of the subject-matter of the
in accordance with this Law; or dispute is not capable of settlement by arbitration
b. the court finds that: under the law of this State or the award is in conflict
i. the subject-matter of the dispute is with the public policy of this State
not capable of settlement by
arbitration under the law of this When is the finality of the arbitral award under the Model
State; or law?
ii. the award is in conflict with the 30 days from the receipt of the award; the parties
public policy of this State. can file a motion for recognition and enforcement
(3) An application for setting aside may not be made
after three months have elapsed from the date on 2 enforcements:
which the party making that application had • Enforced where the arbitral award was rendered
received the award or, if a request had been made • Enforced in the State where the arbitral award is to
under article 33, from the date on which that be enforced
request had been disposed of by the arbitral
(4) The court, when asked to set aside an award, may,
where appropriate and so requested by a party,

Let say the award was rendered in London and it is to be

enforced in the Philippines, when should the receipt of that
award in London file a motion for the enforcement of that
Within 30 days from the receipt of the award

Where should he file such motion?

In the state where the award is to be enforced

If the other party respected that award, is there a need to file

a motion?
No need

Within what period can u file a motion to set aside the

Within 3 months

Under the Model law, he award does not become final under
after the lapse of 30 days, because in the period of 90 days,
the party can file a motion to set aside the award

When is the finality of that award?

After the lapse of 90 days if there is no motion to set

What is the relevance of the 30 day period?

To file a motion for recognition and enforcement

What is the consequence of the failure to file a recognition

and enforcement?
Waiver of the right to file such motion

What is the presumption of failure to file a motion?

The other party complied with the award or the
prevailing party condoned the issue

When there is a motion for recognition and enforcement of

the arbitration award, is the other party entitled to notice?
Yes, because so that the other may oppose such
recognition or enforcement on the ground of
incapacity based on the law of where the arbitration
award was rendered or based on the law where the
award is sought to be enforced on the ground that it
is against public policy.


Where do the convention on the recognition and

enforcement of foreign arbitral awards apply?


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