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A Clinical Evaluation of Its Diuretic Action

FUROSEMIDE (4 chloro-N- [2-furyl meth- where they were given a diet of constant composi-
yl] -5-sulfamyl-anthranilic acid) (fig. 1) tion. Metabolic ward techniques and analytic
is a new and potent diuretic compound which procedures for blood and urine have been re-
ported previously.15 In the balance studies pa-
is effective when given either orally or paren- tients had been on a constant diet for at least 4
terally. Structurally it has in common with sub- days prior to administration of diuretics. In
stituted thiazides a sulfamyl-benzene grouping. evaluation of the efficacy of different diuretic
Animal studies have revealed it to be a regimens, at least 1 day intervened between
treatment days. In studies of acid-base balance
most effective diuretic in both rats and dogs, the diet was of fixed composition throughott,
resulting in maximum diuretic effects of up to and the diuretic was administered only after
two thirds of the glomerular filtration rate.1' 2 urinary excretion of hydrogen ion had been stable
Clearance data,3 4 micropuncture studies,5 6 for 2 to 3 days. Urinary hydrogen ion excretion
and stop-flow analyses7 indicate sites of action was calculated as the sum of the urinary excre-
tion of ammonium plus titratable acid minus
in both the proximal and distal tubules, in- bicarbonate. Incremental changes in urine vol-
cluding the ascending limb of the loop of ume and excretion of sodium, potassium, and
Henle. Toxicological evaluation suggests an chloride were calculated by subtracting the mean
extremely wide margin of therapeutic safety.8'9 amount excreted in 24 hours on the control
Clinical studies to date have indicated that day(s) from that excreted on the day of drug
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it is extremely potent and well tolerated.10-14 Renal clearance studies were performed on
The present study was undertaken to in- two normal volunteers on constant normal salt
vestigate the clinical effectiveness of furose- diets. One was studied under hydropenic condi-
mide in various edematous states and to tions, the other during water diuresis. In each
elucidate further the characteristics of its instance furosemide was administered orally in
a single dose of 200 mg after control periods in-
diuretic action. dicated a steady state of urinary flow. Procedures
Methods and calculations involved in clearance studies
have been previously reported.15' 16 Hydropenia
Thirty-nine patients and seven normal volun- was produced by deprivation of water for 15
teers were studied. Their diagnoses appear in hours and antidiuresis was assured by adminis-
table 1. All exhibited abnormal retention of renal tering Pitressin intravenously in a priming dose
sodium and water, and most had proved to be of 5 ,tg/kg and 350 ,utg per hour in the sustain-
refractory to meralluride, thiazides, acetazola- ing infusion at 1 cc/minute. Water diuresis was
mide, and spironolactone administered singly or induced by an oral water load and maintained
in combination. by administration of amounts equal to urinary
Twenty-eight patients were studied on the output.
medical wards of Presbyterian Hospital. The re- Furosemide was supplied in 40 or 50-mg tab-
maining 11 patients and all seven normal volun- lets.* The amount administered ranged from 40
teers were admitted to our metabolism ward mg to 1,800 mg per day. Intravenous furosemide
as the sodium salt in water at pH 9.4 was
From the Department of Medicine, Columbia Uni- supplied in 2 cc ampules containing 10 mg/cc
versity, College of Physicians and Surgeons, the and was administered without dilution in 10 to
Presbyterian Hospital, and the Francis Delafield Hos- 20-mg doses.
pital, New York, New York.
Work was supported by Grants HE-01275 and
HE-05741 from the National Institutes of Health, *Supplied by the Hoechst Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,
U. S. Public Health Service. Cincinnati, Ohio.
910 Circulation, Volume XXXIV, November 1966

Table 1 usually exceeded the sum of sodium and

Patients Studied potassium (fig. 2).
Diagnosis Number
The effectiveness of furosemide declined
when it was administered continuously (fig.
Congestive heart failure
Rheumatic heart disease 9 3), but intermittent administration usually
Arteriosclerotic heart disease 11 restored responsiveness to its natriuretic action.
Hypertensive heart disease 1 Hypokalemia was often observed during diu-
Idiopathic myocardial hypertrophy 2 resis (fig. 3). Ordinarily this could be con-
Constrictive pericarditis 1 trolled by administering the drug intermit-
Chagas heart disease 1
Cirrhosis with ascites 7 tently, by supplementing the regimen with
Nephrotic syndrome 2 oral potassium, or by the simultaneous admin-
Malignant effusions 4 istration of spironolactone.
Essential hypertension 1
Normal subjects 7 Dose-Response Relationships in Edematous
Total 46 Patients
Doses of furosemide employed ranged from
40 mg/day in a single dose to 1,800 mg/day
Results in three equally divided doses. A graduated
Clinical Effectiveness and Individuality of increase in diuretic response was achieved by
increasing doses in patients with a variety
Natriuretic and diuretic responses to furo- of fluid retaining states (table 2). In a nor-
semide were impressive. Figure 2 depicts mal subject (fig. 5) chloride and sodium
increases in urinary excretion rates of sodium, excretion increased in nearly straight line
potassium, and chloride and weight loss in- fashion through the 300-mg dose. Significant
duced over a 24-hour period in nine edema- but smaller increments in natriuresis and
tous patients by oral administration of a chloruresis were observed with doses above
standard dose of furosemide. Increase in
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on March 23, 2019

this level. Potassium excretion increased with

daily excretion of sodium ranged from 26 to increasing dosages at a much slower rate
470 mEq and weight loss from 0.4 to 2.7 kg. until a plateau appeared at levels in excess
The responsiveness of different patients to of 120 mg.
a given dosage of furosemide varied consid-
erably (figs. 2 to 4) and often could not be Special Situations
anticipated from the degree of responsiveness Electrolyte Abnormalities
to prior diuretics. During diuresis sodium was Furosemide produced an effective diuresis
the predominant cation accompanied by vary- in six edematous patients with marked electro-
ing amounts of potassium. Chloride excretion lyte disturbances which included metabolic
acidosis or alkalosis, hyponatremia, hypochlo-
Ci NH -CH2 Cl NvK --C H remia, and hypokalemia.
COOH H2NO2S S02 Azotemia
Diuresis was achieved in four patients with
FUROSEMI DE chronic renal disease in whom the blood urea
nitrogen levels ranged from 51 to 117 mg%.
However, in these patients diuretic responses
were reduced and higher doses were required.
Pulmonary Edema
Figure 1 Furosemide was administered intravenously
Structural formulae of furosemide and related com- to three patients with pulmonary edema. A
pounds. dose of 10 or 20 mg was given and then
Circulation, Volume XXXIV, November 1966



Refractory Congestive Cirrhosis with

500 _ Heart Failure Ascites

400 _ K+
m Na+
X Ci-
mEq/ 24hrs

200 _

100 _

0 UA
I-:--: I I
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on March 23, 2019

A WGT -2
kg /24 hrs
P.E. I.S. M.R. I.S. N.S. CT. M.S. E.H. J.0.

Figure 2
Increments in 24-hour electrolyte excretion and weight change produced by a standard dosage
of furosemide of 40 mg four times daily in nine edematous patients.

repeated in 1 hour if no response was ap- cc every 5 days for relief of dyspnea. Ad-
parent. All three patients responded with ministration of furosemide, 200 mg two to
diureses ranging from 600 cc to 2,500 cc within three times daily on alternate days increased
4 hours. This was accompanied by an im- the interval between thoracentesis to 22 days.
pressive diminution in the clinical signs of
Treatment of Outpatients
pulmonary congestion.
In six patients with congestive heart failure,
Malignant Effusion one with cirrhosis and ascites, and one with
In three patients with effusion due to ma- ascites due to neoplastic disease furosemide
lignant disease (two pleural, one peritoneal) therapy was maintained for periods of 1 to
furosemide retarded fluid accumulation and 8 months. Responsiveness had been deter-
diminished or eliminated the need for thora- mined in each case while the patient was
centesis or paracentesis. One patient with hospitalized, and dosage was adjusted in the
lymphosarcoma and bilateral pleural effusion outpatient clinic according to need. The out-
had required thoracentesis of 1,500 cc to 2,200 patient dosage schedules varied from 40 mg
Circulation, Volume XXXIV, November 1966

o10o .- 150
10 | Refractory Congestive Hoort Cirrhosis with

NO+ 2001 [125 No0+ 9 - | Failure Ascites

mEq/do ioo 100 mEq/L
A UVNo+ 7

-5.0 A UV K+ 6_
K+ 200 4.0 K+ per 24hrs 5

3.0 m Eq/L

10 01 100

C1- 200 F75

m Eq./d 00 50 mEq/L

20 0
Pit.a,,t PE M.R PE WS WN l.S CT CT N S M.S ENb JO
Dose, 150 50 50 200 50 50 200 50 50 50 50 200

65 m,g qsd qid q.i bid qid ,id. ti q.d qid qid qid t5
Figure 4

FUROSEMIDE, mg _ _ ZXUVNe+/AUVK+ and weight loss from a 24-hour

DAYS 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 period of diuresis in patients with refractory conges-

tive failure and cirrhosis with ascites. All patients were
Figure 3 in states of marked sodium retention as indicated by
Diuresis produced by furosemide in a patient resistant control rates of urinary sodium excretion, averaging
to an organomercurial. 5.6 mEq/24 hr (range, < 1 to 18.6 mEq/24 hr). Oral
doses of furosemide varied from 50 mg q.i.d. to 200
twice daily to 300 three times daily
mg mg t.i.d.
administered intermittently on every second
or third day. Edema was adequately con- with a 12-pound loss of weight. But, after
trolled in seven of the eight patients. The discharge from the hospital, fluid reaccumu-
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on March 23, 2019

eighth, an elderly lady with intractable con- lated despite continued therapy. In general,
gestive heart failure, had initially responded dosages required for outpatients were higher

Table 2
Dose-Response in Patients with Edema
Dose Weight loss
Patient Diagnosis (mg) (kg/24 hr)
C.T. Congestive heart 80 t.i.d. 0.5
failure (RHD) 120 t.i.d. 0.9
160 t.i.d. 0.4
200 t.i.d. 0.9
300 t.i.d. 1.2
P.E. Congestive heart 200 single dose 1.8
failure (ASHD) 300 single dose 4.6
B.S. Congestive heart 40 t.i.d. 0.9
failure (ASHD) 80 t.i.d. 1.4
120 t.i.d. 2.3
K.K. Nephrotic syndrome 80 t.i.d. 0.8
120 t.i.d. 0.7
200 t.i.d. 1.0
300 t.i.d 1.1
P.T. Cirrhosis with 50 b.i.d. 0.9
ascites 200 b.i.d. 1.6
Five patients are presented in whom the dose of furosemide was progressively increased
during the course of therapy. One day intervenes between treatment days. Diuretic response is
estimated by weight loss. The steady, gradual increase in response with increase in dose is
Circulation, Volume XXXIV, November 1966

Cf- (200 to 800 mg/day). Combination of furose-

mide with any of the other diuretic agents
resulted in natriuretic and diuretic effects
which equalled or exceeded the sum of re-
sponses observed when the drugs were ad-
ministered singly.
mEq/6hrs 200 Effect on Potassium Excretion and the Urinary
Na/K Ratio
/ In general patients with refractory edema
tended to excrete more potassium per unit of

(00 F
1/ natriuresis than patients who had larger diu-
retic responses. This is apparent from the
K +6 fact that the ratio of sodium to potassium
excreted as a result of diuresis induced by
furosemide was lower in patients who lost
small amounts of weight during less diuresis
100 200 300 400 500 600 than in those who responded with large diu-
SINGLE ORAL DOSE(mg) resis (fig. 4). In 13 studies the ratio of the
Figure 5 increase in urinary sodium excretion to that
of potassium ( AUNa+/AvUK+ ) ranged from
Dose response a normal subject. Furosemide
Xcurve in . r
was administern ed every fourth day in a single dose
0.6 in refractory patients to 12.5 in responsive
at 7 a.m. and the urine output during the 6 hours ones and averaged 3.6. Notwithstanding the
thereafter sepai rated from the balance of the day's favorable Na+/K+ ratios in responsive patients,
24-hour collect,ion and considered to represent the some of this group exhibited a considerable
diuretic effect of the drug. Return to control body 24 hour urinary K+ loss and developed hy-
weight was tak :en as an indication that the patient
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on March 23, 2019

had returned t(o a base line prior to each treatment pokalemia.

Combination with Spironolactone
than those during hospitalization, perhaps due The addition of an aldosterone antagonist
to less rigid control of sodium intake and to the regimen of patients receiving furose-
activity. mide potentiated the natriuretic and reduced
its kaliuretic effect. In four patients with con-
Comparison with Other Agents and Effect of gestive heart failure (fig. 7) AUVNa+/AUVK-
Combined Therapy increased and a fall in the serum potassium
Furosemide frequently produced an effec- was prevented or lessened. In two of the four
tive diuresis in patients previously refractory patients, who were more refractory to diuretics,
to conventional agents. When compared with marked potentiation of both natriuretic and
chlorothiazide (3 g/ day), azetazolamide (750 diuretic effects was observed.
mg/day), and meralluride (2 cc I.M.), furose-
mide, in submaximal doses, was capable of Effect on Acid-Base Balance
inducing considerably greater natriuresis than An acid balance study of a patient with
the maximal doses of these other agents congestive heart failure maintained on a fixed
(fig. 6). Direct comparison with ethacrynic low sodium diet is illustrated in figure 8.
acid indicated that in equal doses furosemide Hydrogen ion excretion increased, especially
was somewhat less potent. However, in four on the first day of drug administration. This
patients with refractory edema, large doses was due to increased urinary excretion of
of furosemide (400 to 1,800 mg/day) pro- both ammonium and titratable acid. Bicarbon-
duced natriuresis of the same order of magni- ate excretion did not change significantly.
tude as that produced by ethacrynic acid Concomitantly blood pH rose from 7.47 to
Circulation, Volume XXXIV, November 1966





- 4'L
FUROSEMIDE, 200mg tid
ETHACRYNIC A.. 200mg tid _
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Figure 6
Effects of furosemide in comparison and in combination with other agents. Data from three

7.50 and serum bicarbonate from 32.7 to 35.2 minutes. Peak diuretic and natriuretic effects
mEq/L. were reached 30 to 90 minutes after drug
Mild extracellular alkalosis was observed in administration, and the action was largely
seven patients studied similarly. Blood pH dissipated in 4 hours.
increased from a mean of 7.43 to a mean of During water diuresis urine flow after furos-
7.48, and serum bicarbonate increased from emide reached a peak of 25.7 ml/min, repre-
a mean of 26.4 mEq/ L to a mean of 29.6 senting a tubular rejection fraction for water
mEq/L. In five of these patients the pH of of 28.8% of the filtered load. The rejection
the urine fell during the first day of therapy; fraction of sodium peaked at 17%. Glomerular
in the other two it increased. In three pa- filtration rate (Cl1n) fell slightly during peak
tients bicarbonate excretion increased slightly diuresis; renal plasma flow (CPAH) did not
in association with a rather large diuresis; in change significantly. The free water clearance
the other four it remained unchanged. decreased by 5.0 ml/min during peak diuresis
and approached zero on the decending limb
Renal Clearances of the diuresis between 150 and 180 minutes
Figure 9 presents results of two renal clear- after drug administration.
ance studies on normal subjects, one during Under hydropenic conditions urine flow
water diuresis and the other under maximal during diuresis reached a maximum of 22.8
antidiuresis. Onset of diuresis after oral ad- ml/ min. The tubular rejection fraction of
ministration occurred within the first 30 water peaked at 32.8%, that of sodium at 27%.
Circulation, Volume XXXIV, November 1966

EFFECT OF ALDOSTERONE ANTAGONISTS antagonists in eight of 21 patients, (2) tran-

ON FUROSEMIDE DIURESIS sient increase in blood urea nitrogen to levels
5 over 30 mg% (14/26), (3) asymptomatic
mEq/L 3_ _
hyperuricemia (levels greater than 5.5 mg%)
39.1z (11/16), (4) anorexia and nausea in two,
20 (5) hepatic precoma following a 1.4 kg diu-
resis in a patient with severe liver disease,
'4 (6) occasional postural hypotension following
massive diuresis, and (7) hyponatremia and
per 24hrs 8

Pt. M. R. 65 0
ASHL2 with CHF

A WGT - _
kg/24hrs -5

HCO - 35 %.- *\4~A

150 50 50
20(10 mE q/ L 30-] L
FUROSEMIDE, F _______ 25-1
mg qid Li * ..: 7.61
50mg qid
Pot ient
pH 75-
Figure 7
Effect of aldosterone antagonists on furosemide
diuresis. In four different patients spironolactone en- URINARY EXCRETION
hanced natriuretic and retarded kaliuretic effect of
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on March 23, 2019

furosemide. 1001
NH +
Glomerular filtration rate (CI0) was low mm/do--
50- ----

during control period (av. 66.6 cc/min) de-

............. .................

spite the lack of evidence of overt renal TA 25

disease. However, it rose moderately during Eq/dm OJ ......
diuresis reaching a maximum of 28% above
control. Renal plasma flow (CPAHI) increased
mm/do oJ
markedly at the onset of diuresis but there-
after returned to or slightly above control 7.0-
levels. The capacity for water reabsorption pH 6.0-
(TeHw,o ) became negative during peak diuresis 5.0 - . .........................
....... ...

and remained so until the end of the study.

H+ 50i
Toxicity mm/do 01 ......

No true toxic effects were observed. White 601 ...................

blood cell counts, urinalyses, liver function WGT 55-

tests including serum glutamic oxalacetic kg 50

transaminase and alkaline phosphatase, and

fasting blood sugar levels were unaffected. FUROSEMIDE _ 50qid
Hematocrit values frequently increased fol- DAYS l l l l
lowing diuresis.
Side effects included (1) hypokalemia of Figure 8
sufficient degree to require potassium sup- Effect of furosemide on urinary acid excretion in a pa-
plementation or the addition of aldosterone tient with congestive heart failure.
Circulation, Volume XXX1V, November 1966

WATER DAURESIS Indeed, the combination of furosemide with

125 either thiazides or carbonic anhydrase inhibi-

cc /min.
tors produced unusually beneficial effects

which at times appeared more than additive.

700- The rapidity of onset of its diuretic action,
3 to 5 minutes when administered intraven-
ously, and less than 30 minutes when ad-
25 E
Volume ministered orally, makes furosemide useful
20 Cit2 in the treatment of acute situations such as
15 pulmonary edema. The relatively brief dura-
C os/m
COJ tion of its natriuretic action, 1 to 2 hours
cc /min.

0 when given intravenously, and 4 to 6 hours

when given orally, allows induction of diuresis
HYDROPENIA & ANTIDIURESIS which is easily controlled by adjustment of

dose and by the frequency of administration.
Responsiveness to a given dosage of furos-
emide varied considerably from patient to
patient. It is therefore important in initiating
cc/min. 500 treatment to begin with a small dose, for
example 40 mg, and adjust this upward step-

wise over a range of 40 to 600 mg one to three
20-F T20 times daily until the desired response is
VOLUME achieved. The gradual and predictable in-
and COSM


crease in response which can be achieved with

cc/min. increase in dosage over an unusually broad
therapeutic dose range when considered to-
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on March 23, 2019

Control 0 40 80 120 160 200 240

t' TTIME IN MINUTES gether with its unusual potency points to a
Furosemide 200 mg Po broad spectrum of clinical usefulness for
Figure 9 furosemide in the management of edematous
Influence of furosemide given orally on renal hemo- Like other diuretics the effectiveness of
dynamics, solute, and water excretion in two normal
subjects. furosemide diminishes with continuous ad-
ministration. Intermittent therapy, when the
hypochloremia in two patients maintained on drug was given 1 to 3 days consecutively,
a regimen of spironolactone supplemented by proved more efficacious in mobilizing edema
intermittent furosemide. fluid than continuous therapy and was less
likely to produce electrolyte or acid distur-
Discussion bances. Observations in outpatients indicated
This study of 39 edematous patients and that furosemide retains its effectiveness over
of seven normal volunteers extends earlier prolonged periods and is well tolerated.
reports'0-14 of the effectiveness of furosemide During a furosemide diuresis sodium and
as a natriuretic and diuretic agent. Our data chloride were the predominant ions excreted.
indicate that this agent is often effective in However, at times appreciable potassium ex-
patients refractory to other diuretics. In maxi- cretion was also induced and hypokalemia
mal doses the potency of furosemide ap- often resulted. The hypokalemia induced by
proaches that of ethacrynic acid,'7 and it furosemide could be controlled by intermit-
exceeds the potency of thiazides, mercurials tent therapy, by the addition of potassium
or acetazolamide. Furthermore, its effects ap- supplements, and by combination with an
pear to add to those of the other diuretics. aldosterone antagonist. The latter regimen has
Circulation, Volume XXX1V, November 1966
the advantage of potentiating natriuresis in Acid-base balance studies indicate that the
refractory patients. extracellular alkalosis following furosemide
The ability of furosemide to produce an administration results both from an increased
effective diuresis in more resistant patients total hydrogen ion excretion, most prominent
with a variety of electrolyte disturbances on the first day of drug administration, and
which included metabolic alkalosis, acidosis, from potassium loss. The drug increased the
hyponatremia, hypochloremia, hypokalemia, excretion of both titratable acidity and am-
and azotemia is a characteristic similar to that monium, but bicarbonate excretion was little
reported for ethacrynic acid and points up the affected, thus verifying'8' 19 that furosemide
distinctly greater potency of these two newer has little or no carbonic anhydrase-inhibiting
diuretics. This characteristic of these two activity. The unusual potentiation of furose-
agents portends their special usefulness in mide diuresis by carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
patients with refractory or complicated supports this view.
edema. However, greater potency clearly in- Renal clearance studies failed to indicate
creases the hazard of producing overdiuresis any consistent effect of oral furosemide on
or iatrogenic electrolyte disturbances which renal hemodynamics, a finding which differs
develop not as toxic effects but as pharma- from the significant increases in filtration rate
cological consequences of excessive diuretic and renal blood flow reported by others when
action. Especially during the initial phases of the drug was given intravenously3'20,21
therapy with these drugs the patient should During maximal water diuresis administration
be carefully followed and serum electrolytes of 200 mg of furosemide to our normal vol-
frequently checked. Stepwise increases in dos- unteer resulted in a tubular rejection of water
age and intermittent rather than daily therapy of 28.8% of glomerular filtrate and under
are advisable at least at the beginning. maximal antidiuresis 32.8%. The respective
Stop-flow studies7 suggest that the kaliure- fractions of filtered sodium excreted during
sis following furosemide occurs primarily be- diuresis in these studies were 17% and 27%.
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on March 23, 2019

cause of an increased distal tubular secretion. Vorburger,20 in administering the drug intra-
The importance of endogenous aldosterone venously to patients with renal functional
activity as a determinant of the magnitude impairment, found tubular rejection of water
of diuretic-induced K+ loss has been docu- to reach 60% and that of sodium 48% of the
mented in studies of ethacrynic acid."7 The filtered load. Since the extent of these natri-
view that distal Na+-K+ exchange induced uretic and diuretic effects exceeds what would
by furosemide is likewise augmented by a be expected (according to current concepts)
secondary or underlying increase in aldoster- to result from inhibition of sodium reabsorp-
one secretion is suggested by ( 1 ) the increased tion in the loop of Henle and distal tubules,
tendency for hypokalemia to occur during a prominent site of action in the proximal
diuresis in those clinical situations character- tubule is implied. That both CH2O and
ized by elevated aldosterone secretion such TC112o decreased during furosemide diuresis
as cirrhosis or refractory cardiac edema and agrees with findings of Buchborn and Ana-
(2) by the ability of spironolactone to in- stasakis3 and Suki and associates4 and points
crease the Na + /K + ratio during furosemide to a site of action in the ascending limb of
diuresis. The occurrence of hypokalemia in the loop of Henle as well as in more cortical
patients, despite a favorable urinary Na + / diluting segments of the distal tubule. Hence
K + ratio, suggests that the magnitude of furosemide appears to differ in its mode of
the sodium load delivered to ion exchange action from thiazide diuretics which have
sites in the distal nephron during a furose- been demonstrated16 22 to inhibit CH20 but
mide diuresis is another major factor deter- have no effect on TCH20. Micropuncture stud-
mining the amount of K+ loss induced by ies5 6 and stop-flow analyses7 suggest that
the drug. furosemide has effects on both the proximal
Circulation, Volume XXXIV, November 1966
and distal nephron, and Hook's observa- from 40 mg once daily to 600 mg three times
tion23 in dogs that furosemide abolishes the daily. At the higher dosages furosemide was
normal medullary sodium gradient lends fur- significantly more effective than conventional
ther support to an effect on the loop of Henle. thiazide diuretics and exhibited an order of
In dogs furosemide is capable of increasing potency which can be achieved with ethacry-
the saliuretic response to maximal doses of nic acid.
hydrochlorothiazide but to a degree which In many of its diuretic properties furose-
is less than additive.24 When superimposed mide resembled thiazide agents. The natri-
on a maximal ethacrynic acid diuresis, furose- uresis and diuresis which it produced was
mide produced only small, inconsistent in- associated with a disproportionate loss of
creases in sodium excretion.24 These results chloride and potassium and the consequent
suggest that furosemide has sites of action production of degrees of hypokalemic alkalo-
additional to those of hydrochlorothiazide but sis.
similar to those of ethacrynic acid. In our However, physiological studies indicate that
study the fact that furosemide was able to furosemide is qualitatively and quantitatively
produce a significant increase in the sali- more similar to ethacrynic acid than to thia-
uretic and diuretic responses to ethacrynic zide agents. Thus, furosemide, like ethacrynic
acid when administered concomitantly with acid and unlike thiazide diuretics acted to
it can probably be attributed to the sub- interfere with both urinary concentration
maximal doses of both agents employed. (TCH20) during antidiuresis and to block
Chloride excretion after furosemide always urinary dilution (CH20) during water diuresis.
exceeded that of sodium in both the clear- It also caused a negative urinary hydrogen
ance and balance studies. This might suggest balance during diuresis.
a primary action of the drug to block chloride The data suggest that furosemide acts to
reabsorption. While this hypothesis cannot block sodium chloride reabsorption in the
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on March 23, 2019

be excluded, the facts that sodium plus po- ascending limb of Henle's loop and in more
tassium outputs exceeded chloride in many cortical distal diluting segments. The magni-
studies and that K+ and H+ excretions were tude of its effects suggests that it also may
accelerated by the drug, and the lack of interfere with proximal sodium chloride re-
any precedent for primary chloride inhibition absorption. Ion exchange sodium reabsorptive
by diuretics make it seem far more likely mechanisms appear unaffected and become
that furosemide blocks sodium reabsorption. overactive during drug administration there-
Primary inhibition of sodium transport in the by accounting for the observed increases in
proximal and distal nephron, interference with potassium and hydrogen ion excretions.
passive chloride reabsorption as a consequence Because of its properties furosemide was
of the effects on sodium, and subsequent especially useful intravenously as an adjunct
exchange of some of the rejected sodium for in the treatment of acute pulmonary edema
potassium and hydrogen ions would explain and for oral maintenance therapy in the
the pattern of urinary excretion observed. treatment of difficult or refractory edematous
patients, many of whom exhibit associated
Summary electrolyte derangements or azotemias. In
The physiological effects of furosemide, a these difficult situations, for maximum diure-
new diuretic agent chemically related to thia- sis and to avoid problems associated with K+,
zide diuretics, have been evaluated in seven H+ and Cl- depletion, intermittent therapy
normal subjects and in 39 patients with edema added to a maintenance schedule which uti-
of varied origin. lizes aldosterone antagonists or chloride and
The compound exhibited an unusually potassium supplements appears advisable.
broad dose-response curve so that increasing Furosemide, also like ethacrynic acid, was
diuresis could be induced with oral doses of capable of adding to the natriuretic action of
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Circulation, Volume XXXIV, November 1966

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