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CIA Building A.S. Fortuna St., Bakilid, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines 6014 Tel. +63-32-421-1053

Reading and Writing

Part 1 (PET Test)

Questions 1–5
Look at the text in each question.
What does it say?
Mark the correct letter a, B or C on your answer sheet.


0 A Karl needs Jack to lend him a

Jack, can you bring the_______
bicycle you borrowed to my bike.
house today?__________________ B Jack has to return the bike that
Karl lent him.
_ C Jack is invited to meet Karl at his
house and go cycling.

Answer: 0 A B C

1 A it will be 20 minutes before a city

BUSES TO THE center bus leaves from this stop.
LEAVE THIS BUS B you can get buses to the center -from
here every 20 minutes.
MINUTES C it takes 20 minutes to get to the city
center by bus from here.

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CIA Building A.S. Fortuna St., Bakilid, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines 6014 Tel. +63-32-421-1053

2 Harry is contacting Tom to

A tell him to provide some music for
My mum forgot to get us any tonight.
snacks! Can you bring some
B invite him to Harry’s house
when you come to my house
tonight? Jake’s bringing lots of tonight.
CDs! C ask him to take food with him

3 Ciara is texting Ben to

A warn him he’ll be late for the film
I’m at the cinema B ask him to contact her about the
– film.
where are you? C confirm the time the film begins.
Film starts in 2

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CIA Building A.S. Fortuna St., Bakilid, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines 6014 Tel. +63-32-421-1053

4 What is Mum reminding Billy to do?

Billy, A make sandwiches for his lunch

B take his lunchbox out of the fridge
Your sandwiches are in the fridge-
C add his sandwiches to his lunchbox
put them in your lunchbox.

Don’t forget!


5 PUPILS SHOULD A Pupils are late paying for the school

BY FRIDAY AT THE B Pupils have until Friday to pay for the
LATEST school trip.
C Pupils should bring money to spend
during Friday’s school trip.

6 A Andy would prefer to go sailing

with Julia on Saturday rather than
on Sunday.
B Andy can go sailing with Julia on
Friday if she’s not free on Saturday.
C Andy wants to go sailing with Julia
on both Saturday and Sunday if possible.

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CIA Building A.S. Fortuna St., Bakilid, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines 6014 Tel. +63-32-421-1053

7 The note tells Sarah she

A can buy new games now at a special

B can get new and used games in the

current sale.

C can sell her used games to the shop.

8 The advertisement says

A the babysitter should call Sue about

weekly transport to her house.
babysitter for regular work,
two evenings per week – B the jobs the babysitter is responsible
generally Monday and
Wednesday, but this could for will change each week.
change in future. Own
transport essential; call Sue C the babysitter might work on
to discuss duties and pay different days each week.

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CIA Building A.S. Fortuna St., Bakilid, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines 6014 Tel. +63-32-421-1053

Part 2 (PET Test)

Questions 9-13

The teenagers below all want to visit a museum exhibition in their city.
On the opposite page there are descriptions of eight different exhibitions to visit.
Decide which exhibition would be the most suitable for the following teenagers.

For questions 6–10, mark the correct letter (A–H) on your answer sheet.

9 Sarah likes inventing useful things and finding out

how new inventions are designed and produced.
She’s good at using computers, and wants to see how
they can be used in design.

10 Jake is keen on large vehicles and machines, and

would like to go somewhere he can have experience
of one actually working. He’d also like to take some
good photos.

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CIA Building A.S. Fortuna St., Bakilid, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines 6014 Tel. +63-32-421-1053

11 Marta is doing a project on the environment and the

effects of waste products we throw away. She wants
to learn more about the problem and what
individuals can do about it.

12 Tom likes animals and wants to understand more

about them. He wants to go somewhere he can take
part in activities and buy a souvenir to make at home.

13 Karina is keen on art and photography. She likes

exploring areas of the city to see what things she can
find for her art, and then put them into her work.

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CIA Building A.S. Fortuna St., Bakilid, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines 6014 Tel. +63-32-421-1053

A Smithson Museum B The Willis Centre

Come along and see this exhibition of Come and join the museum’s
everything to do with animals – from guided walks along the river bank.
unusual animal prints to the latest You’ll collect objects that have come
computer designs of cartoon animals from the river, such as interesting
for films. Try designing a new and stones and old pieces of wood and
fantastic film creature on the machines. And then try making
computer – you might even see it pictures with what you’ve picked up!
appear in a film!
D Park Pavilion
C Railton Museum
Art galleries not usually for you? Then
A visit to this museum all about the visit this Art in the Park exhibition –
city’s river includes a 40-minute ride young people’s art and photography
in a huge boat along the water – at about problems in our environment.
great speed! You can also have your There’s everything, from art produced
photo taken during the trip – but on computers to teenagers’ wildlife
don’t even think about trying to take photos. Come and put some of your
your own. You’ll be too wet! work in the display!

E The Allen Centre F Hampton House

Got a great idea to share? Come and
take part in this exhibition about how This technology museum is full of
machines are made, from the idea to models of engines – and a big wheel!
the finished product. See how IT can Climb on, sit down and be taken up
help with plans for models. And come high enough to see over the rooftops!
and work on your idea here – the best And don’t forget your camera – you’ll
ones will go into the display!

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CIA Building A.S. Fortuna St., Bakilid, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines 6014 Tel. +63-32-421-1053

get some amazing pictures! Model H Camford Museum

engines are on sale in the gift shop.
The exhibition here is based around
G Bedford Lock large models showing how living
creatures use their amazing skills in
Come down to the river bank and take the wild. Dress up like a jungle
photos of this temporary exhibition – creature to discover how they deal
200 kilos of plastic rubbish, collected with a changing environment. Or help
from our river! Get ideas about how build a model of a giraffe – and even
we can each help to tidy up our world get one from the shop to take away!
– but also don’t miss the display of
useful plastic items such as computer
and machine parts.

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CIA Building A.S. Fortuna St., Bakilid, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines 6014 Tel. +63-32-421-1053

Part 3 (FCE)

Questions 14-23. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.
There is an example given at the beginning (0). (1 point for each question)

0 A B C D

The Price of Fame

Charlotte Church looks like a (0) ..............................….teenager, but she is far from average. She has an
amazing voice. Her fans stand in (14) .................................... for hours to get tickets for her concerts and
she is often on television. Charlotte’s singing (15)............................. began when she performed on a TV
show at the age of 11. The head of a record company was so impressed by her voice that he
(16)................................ her up on the spot. Her first album rose to number one in the charts. Charlotte
still attends school in her home town when she can. (17) …………………………, she is often away on
tour for weeks at a time. She doesn’t miss out on lessons, though, because she takes her own tutor
with her! She (18) ………………........ three hours every morning with him. Her exam results in all the
(19) ………………........ she studies are impressive.

But how does she (20) ............................ with this unusual way of life? She (21)............................. that she
has the same friends as before. That may be true, but she can no longer go into town with them
because everybody stops her in the street to ask for her (22)............................. . It seems that, like most
stars, she must learn to (23) ............................ these restrictions and the lack of privacy. It’s the price of

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CIA Building A.S. Fortuna St., Bakilid, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines 6014 Tel. +63-32-421-1053

0. A normal B usual C ordinary D natural

14. A rows B queues C ranks D files

15. A profession B job C labour D career

16. A signed B wrote C made D picked

17. A Although B While C For D However

18. A takes B utilizes C spends D uses

19. A titles B materials C subjects D lessons

20. A cope B adjust C bear D tolerate

21. A denies B refuses C insists D complains

22. A signature B autograph C sign D writing

23. A look down on B make do with C put up with D run out of

21. A denies

22. A signature

23. A look down on

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CIA Building A.S. Fortuna St., Bakilid, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines 6014 Tel. +63-32-421-1053

Part 4 (FCE)

Word Formation. For questions 24 – 33 read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the
end of each line to form a word that fits in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
(1 point for each question).

Skyscraper? No, “water-scraper”!

Each year, EV magazine hosts a skyscraper

design (0) ………………………. . Most entrants COMPETE
imagine giant buildings taller than anything
under construction today. However, the most
(24) ……………… entry this year went the IMPRESS
opposite route. Malaysian designer Sarly Adre
bin Sarkum’s (25) ………………………. To the SOLVE
problem of conceiving a different kind of
development was to drop his building straight
downwards into the sea. He deliberately
designed it to contrast with the skyscrapers that
make up most of the entries, and to high
sustainable (26) ………………….. . ARCHITECT

His self-sufficient “water-scraper” would be similar in

(27) …………………………. To the Empire State Building, HIGH
but with a couple of storeys above the sea’s surface.

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CIA Building A.S. Fortuna St., Bakilid, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines 6014 Tel. +63-32-421-1053

Wind, solar, and wave power would provide energy and

a green space containing forests and (28) ………………………. AGRICULTURE
areas at the top would provide food and oxygen. Living
and work areas would be below the sea’s surface. The
structure would be kept level by giant tentacles. The
tentacles would also generate electricity through
the ocean (29) ………………………. . MOVE

No one is building anything like this now but it is

(30) ……………………….. to be certain of what our future POSSIBLE

(31) ………………………. needs will be. Land will become ACCOMMODATE

scarcer as population (32) …………………………. accelerates GROW

and, since approximately 70% of the Earth’s surface is ocean,

cities in the sea may one day be a (33)……………………….. . NECESSARY

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CIA Building A.S. Fortuna St., Bakilid, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines 6014 Tel. +63-32-421-1053

Part 5 (CAE)

Read the article below containing five managers’ advice about asking for a pay rise.
For questions 34-43, choose the correct manager.
The managers may be chosen more than once.

Which manager gives the following advice about getting a pay rise?

Take the company’s current financial situation into account before 34

making your request.

Demonstrate how increasing your pay will be cost-effective for 35

the company.

Be brief when outlining your achievements to your boss. 36


Be prepared to consider an alternative to an increase in salary. 37

Use evidence from others to support claims about your 38


Ensure your boss is able to argue your case to higher authorities.

Be patient and show a willingness to wait if necessary. 40

Bear in mind the company culture regarding salary increases. 41

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CIA Building A.S. Fortuna St., Bakilid, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines 6014 Tel. +63-32-421-1053

Allow your boss the opportunity to consider your request prior to

your initial meeting.

Avoid trying to draw on sympathy when appealing to your boss. 43

How to get a pay rise

Do you feel you’re worth more than your company is paying you? We asked a group of
managers for some advice on how to go about asking for a pay rise.

Manager A

Try asking yourself a series of questions in order to establish whether you deserve a pay rise. If you
were in charge, would you award a pay rise to someone like you? What financial benefits have you
brought to the company? How have you helped with the smooth running of your department? Have
you introduced any new ideas or working practices? Use your answers to provide the facts that will
allow your boss to justify your increase to senior management. You should be able to outline what
you hope to achieve in the next 18 months and how you could improve your work. Exercise some
caution, however. Think about the effects on your work-life balance before you pledge to double
your workload, or your family may never forgive you!

Manager B

Whatever you do, don’t go to your boss with sob stories about debts or the fact that you need a new
car. Pleading for more money on emotional grounds will invariably lead to a negative response.
Confrontation isn’t advisable, either. Trying to ‘blackmail’ your boss by claiming that a rival
company has offered you a better deal, then saying you’ll walk out unless the company matches it, is
a sure way to get shown the door. On the other hand, you can’t expect your boss to offer a pay rise
as a matter of course. If you keep a low profile in the company, your achievements are unlikely to be
recognized. You need to convince your boss that your services are worth more than you’re

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CIA Building A.S. Fortuna St., Bakilid, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines 6014 Tel. +63-32-421-1053

currently being paid. Even better, show how your future services will make the company more
money than it spends on the financial package you’re requesting.

Manager C

An ex-colleague of mine once hired a consultant from a very expensive firm to do a job comparable
to his own, and then ‘noticed’ that this person earned considerably more than him. He subsequently
arranged a meeting with his boss in order to bring the discrepancy to her attention and request
adequate compensation. I don’t know that I’d recommend this approach to everyone, but it’s
definitely worth finding out what people in comparable roles within your firm or in rival firms earn,
and using this in your negotiations. You may not get what you want immediately – your boss may
have to review the budgets, or seek the opinions of others. You can, however, agree how you intend
to take things forward and set a time for a pay review in the future.

Manager D

From talking to my colleagues, the consensus seems to be that it’s best to address the issue head on
and have a frank face-to-face chat with your immediate superior. Make sure you give some idea in
advance about what you want to talk about, though. Simply turning up outside your boss’s office
after a particularly bad day is likely to lead to a quick brush-off. Preparation is key. Have a clear
idea of what you want and how you’re going to get it. Obviously, the idea is to prove how
indispensable you are, but keep it succinct. Make sure you can present your successes clearly and
simply, and stick to the most recent. Your boss is a busy person; don’t bore them with an endless
list of your triumphs. Proof is also important; wherever possible, provide testimonials from happy
clients or senior managers in the company.

Manager E

Most firms deal with pay rises and promotions in a standard way. If annual pay reviews are the
norm where you work, you will have to have a good reason for wanting your salary looked at as a
special case. If you decide it’s worth trying, timing is crucial. Turning up just before a board meeting
or just after your company has issued a profit warning is unlikely to be a good idea. If possible, your

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CIA Building A.S. Fortuna St., Bakilid, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines 6014 Tel. +63-32-421-1053

meeting should coincide with the completion of a specific project, especially if you were heavily
involved. And remember that pay is only one part of the job package. Your boss may refuse a pay
rise but offer you an improved pension deal, an enhanced bonus package or share options.

Part 6 (CPE)

For questions 34 – 38, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and
eight words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).


0 Do you mind if I watch you while you paint?

Do you …………………………………. you while you paint?

0 Have any objection to my watching

Write only the missing words on the separate answer sheet.

44 It’s impossible to predict how long it will take to do this job.


There is ……………………………………………… will take.

45 Not many people buy that particular product these days.


There ……………………………………………… that particular product these days.

46 For me, his skill as a negotiator was most impressive.

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I was most ……………………………………………… negotiator he was.

47 Nobody expected Natalia to resign.


Natalia’s ……………………………………………… everyone.

48 The area was completely devoid of vegetation.


There ……………………………………………… the area.

49 When he was at his most successful, the President had enormous influence


At ……………………………………………… , the President had enormous influence.

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CIA Building A.S. Fortuna St., Bakilid, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines 6014 Tel. +63-32-421-1053

Part 7 (KET)

Questions 50-54

Read the sentences about going camping.

Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space.

For questions 6-10, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet.


0 Adrian and Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . school last week.

0 A B C

A studied B went C finished

50 They . . . . . . . . . . . . to go camping for their holiday.

A decided B thought C felt

51 They wanted to . . . . . . . . . . . . somewhere near the sea.

A stand B put C stay

52 It . . . . . . . . . . . three hours to drive to the camp-site.

A had B took C got

53 They put their tent in a . . . . . . . . . . . . of the field.

A centre B corner C back

54 They . . . . . . . . . . . . some postcards to their friends.

A bought B chose C sent

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Part 1 (PET)

Question 1-5
You have just been to the town centre to spend some birthday money on a book. Write an email to
your English friend, Sam. In your email you should:

• say what kind of book you bought

• say why you chose the book
• suggest when you can show your friend what you bought.

Write 35–45 words on your answer sheet.

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CIA Building A.S. Fortuna St., Bakilid, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines 6014 Tel. +63-32-421-1053

Part 2 (FCE)

Write an answer to one of the questions 2-3 in this part. Write your answer in 140-190 words in
an appropriate style on the separate answer sheet. Put the question number in the box at the top of
the answer sheet.

A group of British teachers is going to visit your college for two days. The aim of their trip
is to learn about how technology is used in education in your country.

You have been asked to write a report for the group leader. Your report should:
 include information about how technology is used to teach different subjects
 recommend which lessons the teachers should watch to see technology being

Write your report.

3 You see this announcement on an English-language website:

Articles wanted


When do you listen to music? How do you choose what to listen to at different times?
Write us an article answering these questions.
The best articles will be posted on our website.

Write your review

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