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SBL/SDL Program Assessment 4: Final Internship Evaluation Rubrics for Internship -

ELCC 1.3
Student Name: Clay Nolan

Dates of experiences: February 2019-June 2019

ELCC District Level Standard Element Scor

ELCC Standard Element 1.1: Candidates understand and can collaboratively develop, articulate, implement, and steward a shared vision of learning for a district. 4

Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element

Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
knowledge of this standard element of this standard element regarding: the of this standard element regarding: the of this standard element regarding: the
regarding: the importance of working importance of working collaboratively; the importance of working collaboratively; the importance of working collaboratively; the
collaboratively; the role of creating a role of creating a vision; methods for role of creating a vision; methods for role of creating a vision; methods for
vision; methods for involving others in involving others in decision making; the involving others in decision making; the involving others in decision making; the
decision making; the process for process for developing a district process for developing a district process for developing a district
developing a district improvement plan; improvement plan; and how vision guides improvement plan; and how vision guides improvement plan; and how vision guides
and how vision guides future decisions in future decisions in a district. future decisions in a district. . future decisions in a district.
a district.. B)The candidate experienced an B)The candidate experienced a somewhat B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
B)The candidate experienced a highly authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in
authentic, substantial field experience this standard element. this standard element. this standard element.
and practice in this standard element. C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were not
C)Leadership activities selected were consistent with the standard and element; somewhat consistent with the standard consistent with the standard and element;
highly consistent with the standard and and the candidate required some support and element; and the candidate required and although the candidate received
element; and the candidate required or support or guidance in mostly achieving significant support or guidance, they did
minimal support guidance in achieving this element. this element. not
or guidance in fully achieving this element. achieve this element.
SBL/SDL Program Assessment 4: Final Internship Evaluation Rubrics for Internship -
ELCC 1.3
ELCC District Level Standard Element Scor
ELCC Standard Element 1.2: Candidates understand and can collect and use data to identify district goals, assess organizational effectiveness, and implement plans to achieve district 4
Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element
Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
of this standard element regarding: being of this standard element regarding: being of this standard element regarding: being of this standard element regarding:
able to select appropriate data to analyze able to select appropriate data to analyze able to select appropriate data to analyze being able to select appropriate data to
student and district performance; develop student and district performance; develop student and district performance; develop analyze student and district performance;
district improvement processes and district improvement processes and district improvement processes and develop district improvement processes and
strategies based upon assessment data; and strategies based upon assessment data; and strategies based upon assessment data; and strategies based upon assessment data; and
develop goals based upon student and develop goals based upon student and develop goals based upon student and develop goals based upon student and
district needs. district needs. district needs. district needs.
B)The candidate experienced a highly B)The candidate experienced an B)The candidate experienced a somewhat B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
authentic, substantial field experience authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in
and practice in this standard element. this standard element. this standard element. this standard element.
C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were not
highly consistent with the standard and consistent with the standard and element; somewhat consistent with the standard consistent with the standard and element;
element; and the candidate required and the candidate required some support and element; and the candidate required and although the candidate received
minimal support or guidance in fully or guidance in achieving this element. support or guidance in mostly achieving significant support or guidance, they did
achieving this element. this element. not
achieve this element.
SBL/SDL Program Assessment 4: Final Internship Evaluation Rubrics for Internship -
ELCC 1.3

ELCC District Level Standard Element Scor

ELCC Standard Element 1.3: Candidates understand and can promote continual and sustainable district improvement. 4

Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element

Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
of this standard element regarding: change of this standard element regarding: change of this standard element regarding: change of this standard element regarding: change
theories; the role of professional learning theories; the role of professional learning theories; the role of professional learning theories; the role of professional learning
communities in creating and supporting communities in creating and supporting communities in creating and supporting communities in creating and supporting
district improvement; and how to design district improvement; and how to design district improvement; and how to design district improvement; and how to design
and deliver effective professional and deliver effective professional and deliver effective professional and deliver effective professional
development that enhances professional development that enhances professional development that enhances professional development that enhances professional
practice and learning. practice and learning. practice and learning. practice and learning.
B)The candidate experienced a highly B)The candidate experienced an B)The candidate experienced a somewhat B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
authentic, substantial field experience authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in
and practice in this standard element. this standard element. this standard element. this standard element.
C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were not
highly consistent with the standard and consistent with the standard and element; somewhat consistent with the standard consistent with the standard and element;
element; and the candidate required and the candidate required some support and element; and the candidate required and although the candidate received
minimal support or support or guidance in mostly achieving significant support or guidance, they did
or guidance in fully achieving this element. guidance in achieving this element. this element. not
achieve this element.
SBL/SDL Program Assessment 4: Final Internship Evaluation Rubrics for Internship -
ELCC 1.3

ELCC District Level Standard Element Scor

ELCC Standard Element 1.4: Candidates understand and can evaluate district progress and revise district plans supported by district stakeholders. 4

Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element

Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content leadership skills in and content leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
knowledge of this standard element knowledge of this standard element of this standard element regarding: being of this standard element regarding: being
regarding: being able to identify tools and regarding: being able to identify tools and able to identify tools and strategies that able to identify tools and strategies that
strategies that promote monitoring of strategies that promote monitoring of promote monitoring of district progress; promote monitoring of district progress;
district progress; create instrumentation district progress; create instrumentation create instrumentation and processes to create instrumentation and processes to
and processes to evaluate district and processes to evaluate district evaluate district progress; and how to evaluate district progress; and how to
progress; and how to communicate goal progress; and how to communicate goal communicate goal progress to communicate goal progress to
progress to constituencies. progress to constituencies. constituencies. constituencies.
B)The candidate experienced a highly B)The candidate experienced an B)The candidate experienced a somewhat B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
authentic, substantial field experience authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in
and practice in this standard element. this standard element. this standard element. this standard element.
C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were not
highly consistent with the standard and consistent with the standard and element; somewhat consistent with the standard consistent with the standard and element;
element; and the candidate required and the candidate required some support and element; and the candidate required and although the candidate received
minimal support or guidance in fully or guidance in achieving this element. support or guidance in mostly achieving significant support or guidance, they did
achieving this element. this element. not
achieve this element.
SBL/SDL Program Assessment 4: Final Internship Evaluation Rubrics for Internship -
ELCC 1.3

ELCC District Level Standard Element Scor

ELCC Standard Element 2.1: Candidates understand and can sustain a district culture and instructional program conducive to student learning through collaboration, trust, and a 4
personalized learning environment with high expectations for students.
Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element
Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
of this standard element regarding: building of this standard element regarding: building of this standard element regarding: building of this standard element regarding: building
a positive district learning environment a positive district learning environment a positive district learning environment a positive district learning environment
through role modeling, high expectations through role modeling, high expectations through role modeling, high expectations through role modeling, high expectations
for and fair treatment of everyone; and an for and fair treatment of everyone; and an for and fair treatment of everyone; and an for and fair treatment of everyone; and an
understanding of human development and understanding of human development and understanding of human development and understanding of human development and
adult learning theories. adult learning theories. adult learning theories. adult learning theories.
B)The candidate experienced a highly B)The candidate experienced an B)The candidate experienced a somewhat B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
authentic, substantial field experience authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in
and practice in this standard element. this standard element. this standard element. this standard element.
C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were not
highly consistent with the standard and consistent with the standard and element; somewhat consistent with the standard consistent with the standard and element;
element; and the candidate required and the candidate required some support and element; and the candidate required and although the candidate received
minimal support or guidance in fully or guidance in achieving this element. support or guidance in mostly achieving significant support or guidance, they did
achieving this element. this element. not
achieve this element.
SBL/SDL Program Assessment 4: Final Internship Evaluation Rubrics for Internship -
ELCC 1.3

ELCC District Level Standard Element Scor

ELCC Standard Element 2.2: Candidates understand and can create and evaluate a comprehensive, rigorous, and coherent curricular and instructional district program. 4

Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element

Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding:
understanding and selecting multiple understanding and selecting multiple understanding and selecting multiple understanding and selecting multiple
teacher assessment models; utilizing teacher assessment models; utilizing teacher assessment models; utilizing teacher assessment models; utilizing
various instructional observation various instructional observation various instructional observation various instructional observation
techniques; and developing an articulated techniques; and developing an articulated techniques; and developing an articulated techniques; and developing an articulated
district curriculum based upon student district curriculum based upon student district curriculum based upon student district curriculum based upon student
needs and results. needs and results. needs and results. needs and results.
B)The candidate experienced a highly B)The candidate experienced an B)The candidate experienced a somewhat B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
authentic, substantial field experience authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in
and practice in this standard element. this standard element. this standard element. this standard element.
C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were not
highly consistent with the standard and consistent with the standard and element; somewhat consistent with the standard consistent with the standard and element;
element; and the candidate required and the candidate required some support and element; and the candidate required and although the candidate received
minimal support or guidance in fully or guidance in achieving this element. support or guidance in mostly achieving significant support or guidance, they did
achieving this element. this element. not
achieve this element.
SBL/SDL Program Assessment 4: Final Internship Evaluation Rubrics for Internship -
ELCC 1.3

ELCC District Level Standard Element Scor

ELCC Standard Element 2.3: Candidates understand and can develop and supervise the instructional and leadership capacity of district staff. 4

Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element

Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding:
implementing appropriate tools and implementing appropriate tools and implementing appropriate tools and implementing appropriate tools and
strategies to observe and improve strategies to observe and improve strategies to observe and improve strategies to observe and improve
instruction; be able to design or select instruction; be able to design or select instruction; be able to design or select instruction; be able to design or select
district instructional materials; and align district instructional materials; and align district instructional materials; and align district instructional materials; and align
professional development based on teacher professional development based on teacher professional development based on teacher professional development based on teacher
needs and student data in the district. needs and student data in the district. needs and student data in the district. needs and student data in the district.
B)The candidate experienced a highly B)The candidate experienced an B)The candidate experienced a somewhat B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
authentic, substantial field experience authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in
and practice in this standard element. this standard element. this standard element. this standard element.
C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were not
highly consistent with the standard and consistent with the standard and element; somewhat consistent with the standard consistent with the standard and element;
element; and the candidate required and the candidate required some support and element; and the candidate required and although the candidate received
minimal support or support or guidance in mostly achieving significant support or guidance, they did
or guidance in fully achieving this element. guidance in achieving this element. this element. not
achieve this element.
SBL/SDL Program Assessment 4: Final Internship Evaluation Rubrics for Internship -
ELCC 1.3

ELCC District Level Standard Element Scor

ELCC Standard Element 2.4: Candidates understand and can promote the most effective and appropriate technologies to support teaching and learning in a district environment. 4

Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element

Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
of this standard element regarding: the of this standard element regarding: the of this standard element regarding: the of this standard element regarding: the
effective use of appropriate technology to effective use of appropriate technology to effective use of appropriate technology to effective use of appropriate technology to
enhance district instruction; the challenges enhance district instruction; the challenges enhance district instruction; the challenges enhance district instruction; the challenges
and need for appropriate and reliable and need for appropriate and reliable and need for appropriate and reliable and need for appropriate and reliable
infrastructure; and the use of technology to infrastructure; and the use of technology to infrastructure; and the use of technology to infrastructure; and the use of technology to
analyze data results and target areas for analyze data results and target areas for analyze data results and target areas for analyze data results and target areas for
improvement in the district. improvement in the district. improvement in the district. improvement in the district.
B)The candidate experienced a highly B)The candidate experienced an B)The candidate experienced a somewhat B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
authentic, substantial field experience authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in
and practice in this standard element. this standard element. this standard element. this standard element.
C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were not
highly consistent with the standard and consistent with the standard and element; somewhat consistent with the standard consistent with the standard and element;
element; and the candidate required and the candidate required some support and element; and the candidate required and although the candidate received
minimal support or guidance in fully or guidance in achieving this element. support or guidance in mostly achieving significant support or guidance, they did
achieving this element. this element. not
achieve this element.
SBL/SDL Program Assessment 4: Final Internship Evaluation Rubrics for Internship -
ELCC 1.3

ELCC District Level Standard Element Scor

ELCC Standard Element 3.1: Candidates understand and can monitor and evaluate district management and operational systems. 4

Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element

Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content leadership skills in and content leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
knowledge of this standard element knowledge of this standard element of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding:
regarding: assessing the work and regarding: assessing the work and assessing the work and operating processes assessing the work and operating processes
operating processes of the district to operating processes of the district to of the district to identify challenges and of the district to identify challenges and
identify challenges and opportunities for identify challenges and opportunities for opportunities for improvement and opportunities for improvement and
improvement and efficiency; and develop improvement and efficiency; and develop efficiency; and develop long range goals efficiency; and develop long range goals
long range goals and plans to address and long range goals and plans to address and and plans to address and improve overall and plans to address and improve overall
improve overall operation of the district. improve overall operation of the district. operation of the district. operation of the district.
B)The candidate experienced a highly B)The candidate experienced an B)The candidate experienced a somewhat B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
authentic, substantial field experience authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in
and practice in this standard element. this standard element. this standard element. this standard element.
C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were not
highly consistent with the standard and consistent with the standard and element; somewhat consistent with the standard consistent with the standard and element;
element; and the candidate required and the candidate required some support and element; and the candidate required and although the candidate received
minimal support or support or guidance in mostly achieving significant support or guidance, they did
or guidance in fully achieving this element. guidance in achieving this element. this element. not
achieve this element.
SBL/SDL Program Assessment 4: Final Internship Evaluation Rubrics for Internship -
ELCC 1.3

ELCC District Level Standard Element Scor

ELCC Standard Element 3.2: Candidates understand and can efficiently use human, fiscal, and technological resources to manage district operations. 4

Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element

Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding:
understanding how to align fiscal, human understanding how to align fiscal, human understanding how to align fiscal, human understanding how to align fiscal, human
and facility resources to efficiently support and facility resources to efficiently support and facility resources to efficiently support and facility resources to efficiently support
learning in a district; developing budgetary learning in a district; developing budgetary learning in a district; developing budgetary learning in a district; developing budgetary
plans including long range fiscal plans including long range fiscal plans including long range fiscal plans including long range fiscal
projections; and utilizing technology tools projections; and utilizing technology tools projections; and utilizing technology tools projections; and utilizing technology tools
to project needs in the school district. to project needs in the school district. to project needs in the school district. to project needs in the school district.
B)The candidate experienced a highly B)The candidate experienced an B)The candidate experienced a somewhat B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
authentic, substantial field experience authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in
and practice in this standard element. this standard element. this standard element. this standard element.
C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were not
highly consistent with the standard and consistent with the standard and element; somewhat consistent with the standard consistent with the standard and element;
element; and the candidate required and the candidate required some support and element; and the candidate required and although the candidate received
minimal support or guidance in fully or guidance in achieving this element. support or guidance in mostly achieving significant support or guidance, they did
achieving this element. this element. not
achieve this element.
SBL/SDL Program Assessment 4: Final Internship Evaluation Rubrics for Internship -
ELCC 1.3

ELCC District Level Standard Element Scor

ELCC Standard Element 3.3: Candidates understand and can promote district-based policies and procedures that protect the welfare and safety of students and staff in the district. 4

Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element

Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding:
establishing and maintaining a safe, establishing and maintaining a safe, establishing and maintaining a safe, orderly establishing and maintaining a safe, orderly
orderly learning environment through orderly learning environment through learning environment through establishing learning environment through establishing
establishing district crisis procedures and establishing district crisis procedures and district crisis procedures and expectations district crisis procedures and expectations
expectations for behavior; by enforcing expectations for behavior; by enforcing for behavior; by enforcing student for behavior; by enforcing student
student discipline in the school; and student discipline in the school; and discipline in the school; and monitoring discipline in the school; and monitoring
monitoring and evaluating district monitoring and evaluating district and evaluating district processes. and evaluating district processes.
processes. processes. B)The candidate experienced a somewhat B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
B)The candidate experienced a highly B)The candidate experienced an authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in
authentic, substantial field experience authentic field experience and practice in this standard element. this standard element.
and practice in this standard element. this standard element. C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were not
C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were somewhat consistent with the standard consistent with the standard and element;
highly consistent with the standard and consistent with the standard and element; and element; and the candidate required and although the candidate received
element; and the candidate required and the candidate required some support support or guidance in mostly achieving significant support or guidance, they did
minimal support or guidance in fully or guidance in achieving this element. this element. not
achieving this element. achieve this element.
SBL/SDL Program Assessment 4: Final Internship Evaluation Rubrics for Internship -
ELCC 1.3

ELCC District Level Standard Element Scor

ELCC Standard Element 3.4: Candidates understand and can develop district capacity for distributed leadership. 4

Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element

Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content leadership skills in and content leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
knowledge of this standard element knowledge of this standard element of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding:
regarding: understanding the value of regarding: understanding the value of understanding the value of distributed or understanding the value of distributed or
distributed or shared district leadership; distributed or shared district leadership; shared district leadership; being able to shared district leadership; being able to
being able to identify and encourage staff being able to identify and encourage staff identify and encourage staff to assume identify and encourage staff to assume
to assume roles in decisions; and to assume roles in decisions; and roles in decisions; and implement shared roles in decisions; and implement shared
implement shared decision making implement shared decision making decision making processes for the district. decision making processes for the district.
processes for the district. processes for the district. B)The candidate experienced a somewhat B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
B)The candidate experienced a highly B)The candidate experienced an authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in
authentic, substantial field experience authentic field experience and practice in this standard element. this standard element.
and practice in this standard element. this standard element. C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were not
C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were somewhat consistent with the standard consistent with the standard and element;
highly consistent with the standard and consistent with the standard and element; and element; and the candidate required and although the candidate received
element; and the candidate required and the candidate required some support support or guidance in mostly achieving significant support or guidance, they did
minimal support or guidance in fully or guidance in achieving this element. this element. not
achieving this element. achieve this element.
SBL/SDL Program Assessment 4: Final Internship Evaluation Rubrics for Internship -
ELCC 1.3

ELCC District Level Standard Element Scor

ELCC Standard Element 3.5: Candidates understand and can ensure teacher and organizational time focuses on supporting high-quality school instruction and student learning. 4

Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element

Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding:
strategies to increase instructional time and strategies to increase instructional time and strategies to increase instructional time and strategies to increase instructional time and
time for teacher collaboration; be able to time for teacher collaboration; be able to time for teacher collaboration; be able to time for teacher collaboration; be able to
develop district schedules that maximize develop district schedules that maximize develop district schedules that maximize develop district schedules that maximize
time teaching and planning; and work to time teaching and planning; and work to time teaching and planning; and work to time teaching and planning; and work to
reduce non-teaching duties of teachers in reduce non-teaching duties of teachers in reduce non-teaching duties of teachers in reduce non-teaching duties of teachers in
the district. the district. the district. the district.
B)The candidate experienced a highly B)The candidate experienced an B)The candidate experienced a somewhat B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
authentic, substantial field experience authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in
and practice in this standard element. this standard element. this standard element. this standard element.
C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were not
highly consistent with the standard and consistent with the standard and element; somewhat consistent with the standard consistent with the standard and element;
element; and the candidate required and the candidate required some support and element; and the candidate required and although the candidate received
minimal support or guidance in fully or guidance in achieving this element. support or guidance in mostly achieving significant support or guidance, they did
achieving this element. this element. not
achieve this element.
SBL/SDL Program Assessment 4: Final Internship Evaluation Rubrics for Internship -
ELCC 1.3

ELCC District Level Standard Element Scor

ELCC Standard Element 4.1: Candidates understand and can collaborate with faculty and community members by collecting and analyzing information pertinent to the improvement 4
of the district’s educational environment.
Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element
Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding:
collaboratively using evidence based collaboratively using evidence based collaboratively using evidence based collaboratively using evidence based
research to collect district and community research to collect district and community research to collect district and community research to collect district and community
information; understand how to include information; understand how to include information; understand how to include information; understand how to include
staff and community members in reviewing staff and community members in reviewing staff and community members in reviewing staff and community members in reviewing
information; and how to share district information; and how to share district information; and how to share district information; and how to share district
information within the larger community. information within the larger community. information within the larger community. information within the larger community.
B)The candidate experienced a highly B)The candidate experienced an B)The candidate experienced a somewhat B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
authentic, substantial field experience authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in
and practice in this standard element. this standard element. this standard element. this standard element.
C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were
highly consistent with the standard and consistent with the standard and element; somewhat consistent with the standard not consistent with the standard and
element; and the candidate required and the candidate required some support and element; and the candidate required element; although the candidate
minimal support or support received significant
or guidance in fully achieving this element. guidance in achieving this element. or guidance in mostly achieving this element. support, they did not achieve this element.
SBL/SDL Program Assessment 4: Final Internship Evaluation Rubrics for Internship -
ELCC 1.3

ELCC District Level Standard Element Scor

ELCC Standard Element 4.2: Candidates understand and can mobilize community resources by promoting an understanding, appreciation, and use of diverse cultural, social, and 4
intellectual resources within the school community.
Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element
Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding:
identifying and accessing the varied identifying and accessing the varied identifying and accessing the varied identifying and accessing the varied
community, agency, business and religious community, agency, business and religious community, agency, business and religious community, agency, business and religious
resources that can support the district’s resources that can support the district’s resources that can support the district’s resources that can support the district’s
mission; and be able to mobilize these mission; and be able to mobilize these mission; and be able to mobilize these mission; and be able to mobilize these
many groups to support the goals of the many groups to support the goals of the many groups to support the goals of the many groups to support the goals of the
district. district. district. district.
B)The candidate experienced a highly B)The candidate experienced an B)The candidate experienced a somewhat B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
authentic, substantial field experience authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in
and practice in this standard element. this standard element. this standard element. this standard element.
C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were not
highly consistent with the standard and consistent with the standard and element; somewhat consistent with the standard consistent with the standard and element;
element; and the candidate required and the candidate required some support and element; and the candidate required and although the candidate received
minimal support or guidance in fully or guidance in achieving this element. support or guidance in mostly achieving significant support or guidance, they did
achieving this element. this element. not
achieve this element.
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ELCC 1.3

District Level Standard Element Scor

ELCC Standard Element 5.1: Candidates understand and can act with integrity and fairness to ensure a district system of accountability for every student’s academic and social success. 4

Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element

Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
of this standard element regarding: the of this standard element regarding: the of this standard element regarding: the need of this standard element regarding: the
need to advocate for every child by need to advocate for every child by to advocate for every child by ensuring need to advocate for every child by
ensuring high expectations for all children ensuring high expectations for all children high expectations for all children and staff; ensuring high expectations for all children
and staff; leading with a sense of fairness; and staff; leading with a sense of fairness; leading with a sense of fairness; and acting and staff; leading with a sense of fairness;
and acting with a high degree of integrity and acting with a high degree of integrity with a high degree of integrity to promote and acting with a high degree of integrity
to promote full accountability for everyone to promote full accountability for everyone full accountability for everyone on local to promote full accountability for everyone
on local and state measures of student on local and state measures of student and state measures of student learning in on local and state measures of student
learning in the district. learning in the district. the district. learning in the district.
B)The candidate experienced a highly B)The candidate experienced an B)The candidate experienced a somewhat B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
authentic, substantial field experience authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in
and practice in this standard element. this standard element. this standard element. this standard element.
C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were not
highly consistent with the standard and consistent with the standard and element; somewhat consistent with the standard consistent with the standard and element;
element; and the candidate required and the candidate required some support and element; and the candidate required and although the candidate received
minimal support or guidance in fully or guidance in achieving this element. support or guidance in mostly achieving significant support or guidance, they did
achieving this element. this element. not
achieve this element.
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ELCC 1.3

ELCC District Level Standard Element Scor

ELCC Standard Element 5.2: Candidates understand and can model principles of self-awareness, reflective practice, transparency, and ethical behavior as related to their roles within 4
the district.
Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element
Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding:
articulating impact of ethical principles on articulating impact of ethical principles on articulating impact of ethical principles on articulating impact of ethical principles on
district leadership; understand the legal district leadership; understand the legal district leadership; understand the legal and district leadership; understand the legal and
and ethical context of district decisions; and ethical context of district decisions; ethical context of district decisions; and ethical context of district decisions; and
and support the ethical principles of and support the ethical principles of support the ethical principles of various support the ethical principles of various
various school leadership associations. various school leadership associations. school leadership associations. school leadership associations.
B)The candidate experienced a highly B)The candidate experienced an B)The candidate experienced a somewhat B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
authentic, substantial field experience authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in
and practice in this standard element. this standard element. this standard element. this standard element.
C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were not
highly consistent with the standard and consistent with the standard and element; somewhat consistent with the standard consistent with the standard and element;
element; and the candidate required and the candidate required some support and element; and the candidate required and although the candidate received
minimal support or guidance in fully or guidance in achieving this element. support or guidance in mostly achieving significant support or guidance, they did
achieving this element. this element. not
achieve this element.
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ELCC 1.3

ELCC District Level Standard Element Scor

ELCC Standard Element 5.3: Candidates understand and can safeguard the values of democracy, equity, and diversity. 4

Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element

Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding:
supporting a district culture that embraces supporting a district culture that embraces supporting a district culture that embraces supporting a district culture that embraces
democratic values of participation and democratic values of participation and democratic values of participation and democratic values of participation and
fairness; equitable distribution of fairness; equitable distribution of fairness; equitable distribution of resources; fairness; equitable distribution of
resources; and procedures that ensure resources; and procedures that ensure and procedures that ensure children have resources; and procedures that ensure
children have full opportunity for success children have full opportunity for success full opportunity for success in a district. children have full opportunity for success
in a district. in a district. B)The candidate experienced a somewhat in a district.
B)The candidate experienced a highly B)The candidate experienced an authentic field experience and practice in B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
authentic, substantial field experience authentic field experience and practice in this standard element. authentic field experience and practice in
and practice in this standard element. this standard element. C)Leadership activities selected were this standard element.
C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were somewhat consistent with the standard C)Leadership activities selected were not
highly consistent with the standard and consistent with the standard and element; and element; and the candidate required consistent with the standard and element;
element; and the candidate required and the candidate required some support support or guidance in mostly achieving and although the candidate received
minimal support or guidance in fully or guidance in achieving this element. this element. significant support or guidance, they did
achieving this element. not
achieve this element.
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ELCC 1.3

ELCC District Level Standard Element Scor

ELCC Standard Element 5.4: Candidates understand and can evaluate the potential moral and legal consequences of decision making in the district. 3

Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element

Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding:
ensuring that district policies and ensuring that district policies and ensuring that district policies and ensuring that district policies and
procedures provide guidance in matters procedures provide guidance in matters procedures provide guidance in matters procedures provide guidance in matters
related to ethics and law; understanding related to ethics and law; understanding related to ethics and law; understanding related to ethics and law; understanding
legal and moral implications of a decision; legal and moral implications of a decision; legal and moral implications of a decision; legal and moral implications of a decision;
and making sound district decisions that and making sound district decisions that and making sound district decisions that are and making sound district decisions that
are both legal and highly ethical. are both legal and highly ethical. both legal and highly ethical. are both legal and highly ethical.
B)The candidate experienced a highly B)The candidate experienced an B)The candidate experienced a somewhat B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
authentic, substantial field experience authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in
and practice in this standard element. this standard element. this standard element. this standard element.
C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were not
highly consistent with the standard and consistent with the standard and element; somewhat consistent with the standard consistent with the standard and element;
element; and the candidate required and the candidate required some support and element; and the candidate required and although the candidate received
minimal support or guidance in fully or guidance in achieving this element. support or guidance in mostly achieving significant support or guidance, they did
achieving this element. this element. not
achieve this element.
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ELCC 1.3

ELCC District Level Standard Element Scor

ELCC Standard Element 6.1: Candidates understand and can advocate for district students, families, and caregivers. 3

Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element

Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding:
recognizing the district school implications recognizing the district school implications recognizing the district school implications recognizing the district school implications
of various laws and regulations; of various laws and regulations; of various laws and regulations; of various laws and regulations;
understanding the connection between understanding the connection between understanding the connection between understanding the connection between
poverty and student achievement; and poverty and student achievement; and poverty and student achievement; and poverty and student achievement; and
being able to advocate for the needs of being able to advocate for the needs of being able to advocate for the needs of being able to advocate for the needs of
children and families within the district. children and families within the district. children and families within the district. children and families within the district.
B)The candidate experienced a highly B)The candidate experienced an B)The candidate experienced a somewhat B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
authentic, substantial field experience authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in
and practice in this standard element. this standard element. this standard element. this standard element.
C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were not
highly consistent with the standard and consistent with the standard and element; somewhat consistent with the standard consistent with the standard and element;
element; and the candidate required and the candidate required some support and element; and the candidate required and although the candidate received
minimal support or guidance in fully or guidance in achieving this element. support or guidance in mostly achieving significant support or guidance, they did
achieving this element. this element. not
achieve this element.
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ELCC 1.3

ELCC District Level Standard Element Scor

ELCC Standard Element 6.2: Candidates understand and can act to influence local, district, state, and national decisions affecting student learning in a district environment. 3

Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element

Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
of this standard element regarding: being of this standard element regarding: being of this standard element regarding: being of this standard element regarding: being
able to advocate for equitable learning able to advocate for equitable learning able to advocate for equitable learning able to advocate for equitable learning
opportunities for the district children opportunities for the district children opportunities for the district children opportunities for the district children
through influencing various levels of through influencing various levels of through influencing various levels of through influencing various levels of
government legislation; and informing government legislation; and informing government legislation; and informing government legislation; and informing
various district constituencies of school various district constituencies of school various district constituencies of school various district constituencies of school
policies, laws, etc. policies, laws, etc. policies, laws, etc. policies, laws, etc.
B)The candidate experienced a highly B)The candidate experienced an B)The candidate experienced a somewhat B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
authentic, substantial field experience authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in
and practice in this standard element. this standard element. this standard element. this standard element.
C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were not
highly consistent with the standard and consistent with the standard and element; somewhat consistent with the standard consistent with the standard and element;
element; and the candidate required and the candidate required some support and element; and the candidate required and although the candidate received
minimal support or guidance in fully or guidance in achieving this element. support or guidance in mostly achieving significant support or guidance, they did
achieving this element. this element. not
achieve this element.
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ELCC 1.3

ELCC District Level Standard Element Scor

ELCC Standard Element 6.3: Candidates understand and can anticipate and assess emerging trends and initiatives in order to adapt district -based leadership strategies. 4

Internship Final Evaluation Criteria for District Level Standard Element

Distinguished - 4 Points Proficient – 3 Points Novice – 2 Points Unsatisfactory – 1 Point
A)Always demonstrated exemplary A)Consistently demonstrated very good A)Periodically demonstrated good A)Infrequently demonstrated any
leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge leadership skills in and content knowledge
of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding: of this standard element regarding:
anticipating future external trends or anticipating future external trends or anticipating future external trends or anticipating future external trends or
initiatives that may affect the district; initiatives that may affect the district; initiatives that may affect the district; initiatives that may affect the district;
promoting adaptive strategies to meet promoting adaptive strategies to meet promoting adaptive strategies to meet promoting adaptive strategies to meet
changing demands or needs, and changing demands or needs, and changing demands or needs, and anticipate changing demands or needs, and anticipate
anticipate need for changes in leadership anticipate need for changes in leadership need for changes in leadership strategies. need for changes in leadership strategies.
strategies. strategies. B)The candidate experienced a somewhat B)The candidate lacked experiencing an
B)The candidate experienced a highly B)The candidate experienced an authentic field experience and practice in authentic field experience and practice in
authentic, substantial field experience authentic field experience and practice in this standard element. this standard element.
and practice in this standard element. this standard element. C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were not
C)Leadership activities selected were C)Leadership activities selected were somewhat consistent with the standard consistent with the standard and element;
highly consistent with the standard and consistent with the standard and element; and element; and the candidate required and although the candidate received
element; and the candidate required and the candidate required some support support or guidance in mostly achieving significant support or guidance, they did
minimal support or guidance in fully or guidance in achieving this element. this element. not
achieving this element. achieve this element.
SBL/SDL Program Assessment 4: Final Internship Evaluation Rubrics for Internship -
ELCC 1.3
SBL/SDL Program Assessment 4: Final Internship Evaluation Comments for Internship

During his internship, Clay took on over 90% of the responsibility for our region’s regional scoring efforts for all NYS assessments from March –
June. His work began by preparing documents, planning, and communication with districts as well as communicating expectations and logistics
with staff. He was responsible for knowing state expectations regarding test security and getting others on the team to understand and abide by
state regulations and expectations. Clay developed staffing schedules, organized the preparation of materials, and worked with our registrar to
communicate registration and teacher confidentiality sign-offs.

As part of the logistics, Clay—in tandem with our purchasing agent--drafted the RFP for our scoring venues. He then reviewed the submitted
proposals and made the recommendation to our Board of Education for approval. This was time and resource intensive because it meant
reviewing the fine print of multiple proposals and determining the best proposals to suit our needs while also staying within our budget for

Throughout his internship, Clay was able to effectively communicate with our professional and support staff team. He handled last-minute
scheduling changes, registration logistics, and communication with districts as well. During this time, he upheld our BOCES vision and core values
while balancing the confidentiality and security demands of the New York State Testing Program with the over 16,000 state assessments we
processed from 22 component school districts.

Clay was also responsible for surveying all teachers involved to determine the quality of our service to districts and to seek ways to continuously
improve on our regional scoring efforts.

While much of the steps of this project are reflected in his logs, I feel the need to express that I have very high expectations for the success of
regional scoring for our component districts. I do not hand over these responsibilities lightly, but Clay earned my full confidence in being a step
ahead on the many details involved with regional scoring. He frequently checked in with me, our team, and districts to ensure a well-organized
and well-executed regional scoring season. His personality, his organization, and his frequent communication of expectations instilled confidence
in our entire division and districts in our region.

Overall Comments on Internship Performance During the Field Internship Experience

SBL/SDL Program Assessment 4: Final Internship Evaluation Rubrics for Internship -
ELCC 1.3

June 24, 2019

Evaluator: Date:

June 24, 2019

Intern: Date:
SBL/SDL Program Assessment 4: Final Internship Evaluation Rubrics for Internship -
ELCC 1.3

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