Math II Unit V Lesson 13

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Unit Name: Unit 5: Similarity, Right Triangle Trigonometry, and Proof

Lesson Plan Number & Title: Lesson 13: Trigonometric Ratios

Grade Level: High School Math II

Lesson Overview:
Students expand their understanding of similar triangles to develop an understanding of the trigonometric
ratios. Students develop an understanding of the relationship between the sine and cosine of
complementary angles. Students apply their understanding of the trigonometric ratios and the
Pythagorean Theorem to solve problems in which right triangles can be found. Students apply similarity in
right triangles to understand right triangle trigonometry, with particular attention to special right triangles
and the Pythagorean Theorem. This lesson is designed for approximately 90 to 120 minutes, but time
may vary depending on the background of the students.

Focus/Driving Question:
How are trigonometric ratios derived from the properties of similar triangles?

West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards:

Use congruence and similarity criteria for triangles to solve problems and to prove relationships in
geometric figures.
Understand that by similarity, side ratios in right triangles are properties of the angles in the triangle,
leading to definitions of trigonometric ratios for acute angles.
Explain and use the relationship between the sine and cosine of complementary angles.
Use trigonometric ratios and the Pythagorean Theorem to solve right triangles in applied problems.

Manage the Lesson:

Through exploration and investigation, students expand their understanding of similar triangles to develop
an understanding of the trigonometric ratios. Students explore the relationship between the sine and
cosine of complementary angles. Students apply their understanding of the trigonometric ratios and the
Pythagorean Theorem to solve problems in which right triangles can be found.

Academic Vocabulary Development:

 cosine
 sine
 tangent
In previous lessons and courses, students understand that in similar triangles, the ratio comparing two
sides of one triangle is equal to the ratio comparing the two corresponding sides in a second triangle. In
the lesson launch, students examine similar right triangles and are introduced to the vocabulary that
describes the ratio of two sides of a triangle: sine, cosine, and tangent. Student understanding of
vocabulary related to right triangles (adjacent side, opposite side, hypotenuse) that has been previously
introduced is reinforced.
Distribute 13.1 Tree Height and provide student groups to access to a variety of materials, including grid
paper, protractors, compasses, rulers, etc., from which to choose as they approach the problem situation.
Challenge students to find a way to determine the height of a tree. Students are given the distance that
an observer is from the tree and the measure of the angle between the horizontal and his line of sight.

Distribute unlined paper to the class and ask students to use a protractor and create a large right triangle
ABC with the measure of angle A = 200, the measure of angle B = 700, and the measure of angle C = 900.
Ask students to carefully measure segments AB, AC, and BC to the nearest millimeter.
Create a class spreadsheet for students to enter their data. After all students have entered their data,
enter the formulas to determine the following ratios: opposite/hypotenuse or sine; adjacent/hypotenuse or
cosine; and opposite/adjacent or tangent.
Students should notice that the ratios opposite/hypotenuse or sine, adjacent/hypotenuse or cosine, and
opposite/adjacent or tangent, appear equivalent (or approximately so). Students should notice that the
ratios appear equivalent even though the measures of the sides of their individual triangles differ.
Observe that because the triangles satisfy the AA criterion, corresponding side ratios are equal. Explain
that because these ratios remain constant in similar right triangles, these ratios have been given standard
names: sine, cosine, and tangent.
Create a class sketch of the 20-70-90 right triangle (see diagram included in 13.2 Class Spreadsheet),
identifying angle A as the 20 degree angle, angle B as the 70 degree angle, and angle C as the 90
degree angle. Ask students to first focus on angle A. Identify side AB as the hypotenuse and explain that
terms need to be developed for the two legs of the triangle.
Explain that the side opposite angle A is often identified with a lower case a; the side opposite angle B is
often identified with a lower case b; and the side opposite angle C is often identified with a lower case c.
Ask students to focus on angle A and the first ratio, BC/AB. Explain that term sine is used to identify this
constant ratio. Define sin A as opposite/hypotenuse and a/c and record these ratios on 13.2 Class
Spreadsheet. Ask students to again focus on angle A and the second ratio, AC/AB. Explain that term
cosine is used to identify this constant ratio. Define cos A as adjacent/hypotenuse and b/c and record
these ratios on the 13.2 Class Spreadsheet. Ask students to again focus on angle A and the third ratio,
BC/AC. Explain that term tangent is used to identify this constant ratio. Define tan A as opposite/adjacent
and a/b and record these ratios on 13.2 Class Spreadsheet. Lead students to connect the tangent ratio
with the concept of slope and with the slope triangles from previous courses. (The vocabulary related to
angle A and the trigonometric ratios is included in blue on the 13.2 Class Spreadsheet.)
Now ask students to change their focus to angle B. On the Class Spreadsheet, create the trigonometric
ratios sin B, cos B, and tan B. Ask students to identify the side opposite angle B and to create the ratio sin
B (AC/AB or b/c). Include these in the Class Spreadsheet and create a formula for determining sin B.
Similarly, ask students to create the ratio cos B (BC/AB or a/c) and the ratio tan B (AC/BC or b/a). Include
these in the Class Spreadsheet and create a formula for determining cos B and tan B. (The vocabulary
related to angle B and the trigonometric ratios is included in red on 13.2 Class Spreadsheet.)
Ask students to use a calculator to find sin A (sin 20 degrees), cos A (cos 20 degrees), tan A (tan 20
degrees), sin B (sin 70 degrees), cos B (cos 70 degrees) and tan B (tan 70 degrees). Ask students to
compare the class ratios with the trigonometric ratios found with the calculator.
Distribute 13.3 Trigonometric Ratios of Complementary Angles. Ask students to use a calculator to find
the sine, cosine, and tangent of pairs of complementary acute angles, angle A and angle B. In a class
discussion, ask students what observations they can make about the trigonometric ratios. Lead students
to discover that the sines and cosines of complementary angles are equal to one another. Lead students
to conclude that the sin A = cos B because the side opposite angle A is the side adjacent to angle B and
to similarly conclude the cos A = sin B because the side adjacent to angle A is the side opposite angle B.
Explain that the “co” in cosine refers to the “sine of the complement.”
Lead students to discover that tan A and tan B are reciprocals. This relationship is true by definition, since
a/b and b/a are reciprocals (if a ≠ 0 and b ≠ 0). Lead students to also observe that, as the size of the
acute angle increases, sines and tangents increase while cosines decrease.
Introduce students to the first of two problem situations presented in 13.4 Trigonometry and Trains. In a
whole class discussion lead students to apply their developing understanding of trigonometric ratios in
problem situations. In the first problem situation, students investigate of the feasibility of a possible
invention that prevents train collisions by allowing one train to pass over another. A second problem
situation challenges students to determine the effects of a hot summer day on the expansion of railroad
tracks. Lead students to understand how trigonometric ratios can be used in addressing these problem
In 13.5 Indirect Measurement, students will use a clinometer (a protractor-like tool used to measure
angles). Several websites with directions on how to make and use a clinometer are provided in the
section titled Materials. It would be advantageous for students to make and practice using their
clinometers in advance of this investigation. When using a clinometer, the horizontal is not always at
ground level. Indirect measurement with a clinometer often involves adding the height from the ground to
the viewer’s eye level.
A similar problem situation is explored in Algebra Lab, Classic Real World Examples of Trigonometric
Ratios – Angle of Elevation, at In this
example, students use clinometers to determine the height of a tree.
Distribute 13.5 Indirect Measurement and ask students to record their findings on the worksheet. In small
groups, students use their clinometers to determine the approximate height of the flag pole (or other
identified object). Encourage student groups to work together to determine the necessary measurements.
Provide students with trundle wheels or measuring tapes so that they can determine their distance from
the flag pole. After student groups have recorded their measurements (viewing angle, height of the
observer’s eyes, and distance from observer to flag pole), in a whole class discussion, ask students if
they can see a right triangle anywhere in their diagram that could be used in determining the height of the
flag pole. The base of the right triangle should extend from the eyes of the observer to the flag pole. Ask
how the height of the observer’s eyes affects the calculations.
Lead students to realize that the two pieces of data that they have found (the length of the base of the
right triangle and the measure of adjacent angle) are sufficient to create an equation involving the tangent
of the angle. Solving this equation introduces the concept of inverses of trigonometric functions. Connect
the use of inverse trigonometric functions to the students’ prior work with inverse functions. If necessary,
provide supplementary materials to better develop student understanding of inverse functions.
Create a sketch of a triangle with a 30 degree angle and an adjacent side of length 35. Ask students to
create a trig function relating the information in the sketch. Students should create the equation tan 30
degrees = x/35. Ask students how they would solve this equation. Students should determine that one
can solve for x by multiplying both sides of the equation by 35. Record this and ask students to use a
calculator to find 35(tan 30 degrees). Students should determine that side opposite the 30 degree angle
has a length of approximately 20.
Ask students to work in their groups to determine the height of the flag pole. Again remind students how
the height of the observer’s eyes affects the calculations.
Students are also asked to use similar triangles and shadows to determine the height of the flag pole.
This second method is replicates student work from a previous investigation from Lesson 9 (9.05 Me and
My Shadow). Students should determine that if the measurements are taken at the same time of day that
similar triangles are created by the meter stick and its shadow and the flagpole and its shadow.
Therefore, the ratio comparing the height of the meter stick to the length of the meter stick’s shadow is
equivalent to the ratio comparing the height of flag pole to the length of the flag pole’s shadow. Students
should create and solve the proportion height of meter stick/length of meter stick’s shadow = height of flag
pole/length of flag pole’s shadow.
It may be beneficial to ask students to repeat the activity, finding the height of a second object, such as a
football goalpost, a building, or a tall tree.
Distribute 13.6 Determining Measures of a Triangle to student groups. This investigation asks students to
determine the missing measures of a right triangle given the measures of an acute angle and one side, or
given the measures of two sides. Students use the trigonometric ratios and the Pythagorean Theorem to
find the missing measures of the right triangle. Given a right triangle where tan A = 0.75, students are
asked to determine the measures of three different (similar) triangles.
Distribute 13.7 Inverse Functions Examples to student groups. This investigation introduces students to
the use of inverse functions in solving trigonometric equations. In the previous investigation, students
were given the measure of one side and one acute angle of a right triangle and were asked to determine
the measure of a second side. Students are now asked to determine the measure of an acute angle when
given two sides of a right triangle. Introduce students to the idea of an inverse tangent function, sin-1.
Explain that sin-1(sin y) = y and that sin(sin-1 y) = y. Ask students to use calculators to verify this inverse
relationship. Ask students to verify that entering sin-1(sin 25) yields 25 and that entering sin(sin-1 42) yields

13.8 Check Your Understanding asks students to demonstrate their ability to write and interpret
trigonometric ratios. Given a right triangle and the measures of the lengths of its sides, students are
asked to determine the measures of its acute angles.

Clinometers (website directions are provided below)
Grid paper
Meter sticks
Protractors, drinking straws, weights, string, tape (for making clinometers)
Trundle wheel or Tape measures
13.1 Tree Height
13.1 Tree Height - Key
13.2 Class Spreadsheet
13.3 Trigonometric Ratios of Complementary Angles
13.3 Trigonometric Ratios of Complementary Angles - Key
13.4 Trigonometry and Trains
13.5 Indirect Measurement
13.6 Determining Measures of a Triangle
13.6 Determining Measures of a Triangle - Key
13.7 Inverse Functions Examples
13.8 Check Your Understanding
13.8 Check Your Understanding - Key
How to Make a Clinometer
How to Make a Clinometer -
Uses of a Clinometer -
Algebra Lab: Classic Real World Examples of Trigonometric Ratios
Solving Triangles -
Trigonometry Sine and Cosine Ratios
Trigonometry for Solving Problems - This Illuminations lesson offers a pair of puzzles to enforce the skills
of identifying equivalent trigonometric expression and problem situations involving the angle of elevation
and angle of declination.

Career Connection:
As property is bought and sold, accurately determining boundary points becomes essential. Surveyors
use trigonometric relationships to accurately determine the location of points and the distance and angles
between them. Road makers, bridge builders and those whose job it is to get buildings in the right place
all use trigonometric functions in their daily work.

Lesson Reflection:
Students should understand how the trigonometric ratios are derived from the properties of similar
triangles. Students should understand that to solve problems involving right triangles, to determine the
measures of an angle or a side of a right triangle, it is necessary to be given only the measure of two
sides or one side and an acute angle.
In lesson 1, teachers were provided with a guide to aid them in reflecting upon the lesson as they seek to
improve their practice. Certainly, it may not be feasible to formally complete such a reflection after every
lesson, but hopefully the questions can generate some ideas for contemplation.
13.1 Tree Height
13.1 Tree Height - Key
Tree Height - Key

Matthew has been asked to determine

the height of a tree. He measured
the height from the ground to his eye
and found that it was 5 feet. He used
a protractor to measure the angle
between the horizontal and his line of
sight to the top of the tree. He
found that angle to measure 70°.
He also determined his distance from
the tree and found that it measured
12 feet.
Use the information to determine the
height of the tree.

Height of tree is approximately 38 feet.

13.2 Class Spreadsheet
13.3 Trigonometric Ratios of Complementary Angles
Trigonometric Ratios of Complementary Angles
Recall that two angles are complementary if the sum of their measures is 90°.
Use a calculator to complete the following table:
Complement of
Angle A sin A cos A tan A Angle A sin B cos B tan B
(called Angle B)

 As the size of Angle A increases, what do you notice about sin A?

 As the size of Angle A increases, what do you notice about cos A?

 As the size of Angle A increases, who do you notice about tan A?

 What is the relationship between sin A and cos B? Why is this true?

 What is the relationship between cos A and sin B? Why is this true?
13.3 Trigonometric Ratios of Complementary Angles Key
Trigonometric Ratios of Complementary Angles - Key
Recall that two angles are complementary if the sum of their measures is 90°.
Use a calculator to complete the following table:
Complement of
Angle A sin A cos A tan A Angle A sin B cos B tan B
(called Angle B)
7 0.1219 0.9925 0.1228 83 0.9925 0.1219 8.1443
17 0.2924 0.9563 0.3057 73 0.9563 0.2924 3.2709
24 0.4067 0.9135 0.4452 66 0.9135 0.4067 2.2460
30 0.5 0.8660 0.5774 60 0.8660 0.5 1.7321
37 0.6018 0.7986 0.7536 53 0.7986 0.6018 1.3270
45 0.7071 0.7071 1 45 0.7071 0.7071 1
53 0.7986 0.6018 1.3270 37 0.6018 0.7986 0.7536
60 0.8660 0.5 2.1445 30 0.5 0.8660 0.5774
71 0.9455 0.3256 2.9042 19 0.3256 0.9455 0.3443
80 0.9848 0.1736 5.6713 10 0.1736 0.9848 0.1763

 As the size of Angle A increases, what do you notice about sin A?

As the size of Angle A increases, sin A increases.

 As the size of Angle A increases, what do you notice about cos A?

As the size of Angle A increases, cos A decreases.

 As the size of Angle A increases, who do you notice about tan A?

As the size of Angle A increases, tan A increases.

 What is the relationship between sin A and cos B? Why is this true?

sin A = cos B
The side opposite Angle A is the side adjacent to Angle B.

 What is the relationship between cos A and sin B? Why is this true?

cos A = sin B
The side adjacent to Angle A is the side opposite Angle B.
13.4 Trigonometry and Trains
13.5 Indirect Measurement
Indirect Measurement

Record your group’s measurements in the table below:

Calculated Calculated
Name of Height of Distance from Length of Length of
Viewing Height of Flag Height of Flag
Students in Observer’s Observer to Shadow of Shadow of
Angle Pole Pole
Group Eye Flag Pole Meter Stick Flag Pole
(Method 1) (Method 2)


Person Height
of Eyes
Method 1

 Use your clinometers to measure the viewing angle

from the horizontal to the top of the flagpole.

 Measure the observer’s eye height.

 Measure the distance from the observer to the flagpole.

 Place your measurements, including the viewing angle,

on the diagram.

 Create a trigonometric ratio to calculate the approximate height of the object.

 How does the height of the observer’s eyes affect

the calculations?

 Show your work.

Method 2

 Determine the length of the shadow of the meter stick

 Determine the length of the shadow of the flag pole.

 Create a proportion to calculate the approximate height of the object.

 Show your work

13.6 Determining Measures of a Triangle
13.6 Determining Measures of a Triangle - Key
13.7 Inverse Functions Examples
13.8 Check Your Understanding
13.8 Check Your Understanding - Key

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