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Workaround using Macmini 6.1 (i5 - 2.

5 MHz - 16 GB RAM - OS X
Sierra (10.12.6)

SIP MUST be disable!!!!! It didn’t work for me with the “without kext”
!!! Before installing, run the Un-Installer to remove any previous M-Audio
Drivers that you might have installed unless you work with a clean
installation. !!!
Remember that the signed driver requirement of OS X must be disabled.
In recovery mode in El Capitan / Sierra (press CMD+R at boot):
Open a terminal window.
csrutil disable [PRESS ENTER]
at the terminal.
Double click installer. Follow instructions until installed.
On Sierra, then now right here also follow the steps 1-2 from the
README.txt in the respective card's "Sierra driver work-around" zip-file,
gotten from the files section here. Rest of the steps after Machine is shut
down and card connected, as in the following steps here.
Shut down.
Boot up.
Latest M-Audio control panel must be used, get the working (modified
version) one from the FILES section here. Copy it into your Applications
folder, REPLACE the original file that was installed!
Shut Down.
Connect and Power On the unit (connect the unit on your Mac, don’t use
a hub!).
Boot Up.
Now you can run Steps 4 & 5 (load_STAGE_1.command &
Open the M-Audio - If it’s open normally, you’re ok to open
Audio and MIDI Setup (command+u to open utilities folder). I use to
have it on Dock (just drag from the utilities folder to your dock. Same
with M-Audio
On Audio and MIDI Setup select your M-Audio interface.


Note: From now on, the interface MUST be POWER ON. If you boot with
the unit OFF, when you load the “load_STAGE_1.command”, you’ll get a
kernel panic!
Note 2: Double check your Energy Saver and Bluetooth settings on
System Preferences, cos when you load the .command 1&2, usually
those preferences are reseted to default. If you don’t use Bluetooth, turn
it off again. Energy Saver MUST be set to NEVER!!!!!!!

Every time your computer sleeps, when you wake up it'll suffer a kernel

I want to thanks to all that people that work hard to make possible
for us to use our beloved interfaces!!!!!!!!!!!!

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