Notice of Scheduled Power Interruption For June 17-21, 2019

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BENGUET ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, NC. ‘Sou Dive, Baguio Cy NOTICE OF POWER INTERRUPTION Pleeze be infored tht the BENGUET ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. (BENECO) i shading Elcne Sonice Intenueton onthe ftoning dates andi: sua EQUIP REF. OF Fr 4o- OF] upoetivenco novect care | me | 809, | reenen |. EQURTREE.OF [AREAS AFFECTED PURPOSE scons | Names| oH nouee ENERGY ars of aon Wao, Car, Canaang Api, Gsah nasa | BENECO POWER WTERRUPTION ‘pooses2 Pars of Beko Aonct Bana, ina, Sumbee Hill, Ambangot | Replacement of Damaged Pole 7 re Reclooor Anon ae] 1900] anmece | OPx84 Moncey, June| s:004M to | _ Lamut ea ‘7.2018. | “so0pat” | Subetation Garin eae aaa 'BENECO POWER WTERRUPTION roost [lotion ef Seonaary Poe wih Unstale ves | PRO-eD2019 arson ase 185 sa] expenses | Gpxcartaore | cerecton ef Leaning Pale hoi of Bapuo Cy ~ EXGERT Pace Nina Vion Park Gbsaat | NGGP POWER INTERRUPTION Jpuusan Lushai Vilas, Outs ve Liens, County Cub Vilage, | Tecoest he eal hotapet a ures Seino Cave Sout Dine, Par! Cabinet a Teachers Camp Crangay ial pad hese Bt Gacoaest avteh isa oe and tng South rhe), apy vow. OPS Compound, Gresrwatar_|OSOSELITLTR-SAB)LTR aL Tenia SS uate oe rerand eS Oo Or er Lowe encoment SF fr 04 LNLTR- tian | Fewer of Degaen, Hite, Gabi Sian. Camp, Camp 8. Polwen, San Veer, (SAB)LTR at a Tid SS submaton | Feder | cosas fantom, ies onto unaoa, [olan pet Lonan iden, Sub, | Foie opr Lod Era Sth e — di ea emoni PHACForaa Pls Ack ak Loatan apeayeny Loakan [6 No. 52 este serSabian 6SKV Une | oe oqy | 4aes wonton] Fees | creat |A9t Sve scan la, OA DE me ren re ame | Fence 8 POWER INTERRUPTION ‘sbetaton pare of Navy Base, Catv Hi-Teschers Camp, Bakaeng Note Sur Fever eo roca cloning of Lond Break Switch tt satruto bores (Gad Grane, Eagle Crest Morabeo ilge) Bapuo Cy ne" 2 ison Satin 694 Line ‘sone lwhole oft Trinidad - EXCEPT Becieland Parts of Ambion (rear |S*9™™M lam. rowdy, une loi of Suga Ci ~ EXGEBY Foci Wines Wew a Gra — BENECO POWER INTERRUPTION “2018 Pusuean, toch Vlsge Outook Gre Licnab, County CubVaage, | Rerouting of Secondary Lines [uook Dive, Gout Dive, patel Cate Teacher Camp Barangay —|-Relocatn of Pinay Pot rear nd sloeg Sout Ove), Hany Halow, OPS Compound, Greenwaier__|-Replacement/ Retcaton of Sectonlerg \toge tata Caton Sa. Schsen, eau Baro, Upper Degen, ower [Fuse Feeder 03 beet, el, Gentle Sng, Camp 7. Carp 8, Poles, SenVesris, | Corecton of Secondary Une Cerance Sa aea ian | Fender 4 Bete, Kies, Loan vane, Losan Proper akan PaevenBubor, | Repcarent of Roten Plo ‘mmace | PRO-189-2018 oulitan, | Feeseras lene Piesrie, Plot dl la, Ack va Loakan Mogsayey,Lalan — |-Reloston of Peary Pola Reguar Crew | MS-196-2018 ‘ae | Feoderdsh | FeederRectosrs _|Apugen, Sent, Kedecan Vilage. VOR DENR Area Relocation of Pol sfected by DPWH Project Erpencabes | 0PK559-2018 atte | on camtary| Feeeroe ‘ne tire eaing| vasz01 | 44857 Sigal | PRO-1102010 w Satay] Feearar | cut Breakers [Pars of any Soe Caine Mi Tachr Car, Salakeg Note Sir Besi | oPxai9.2018 eit, | Feoserae [chee Grane, Ease Crest. Montbefo Vago) Bapso ly Jt 1yS-246-2019 Feosora8 Foot | M5255-2019 Feeder lnnote of. Teiidad- EXCEPT Soke and Past Aion LT (ner tam, lume of Tuba - EXCEPT Camp 4, Camp 3, Camo 1, Twn Paks, Tabsan Sur, Arsagn, Aor Kenren Roed QD ~~ DE Pay tt eT lest. no. oF INDELIVERED ProvecT pare | Time soe soins ar 0 PURPOSE cons. | crew starion | FEEPER | oe ENERGIZED AREA anaes AerecTeD asfeereo | MUSED ‘CODE, [BW Aaa Dive and Pare ol Wioodegte Subanon, Carp, Bagi Gy |BENECO POWER INTERRUPTION Lam votuie chimp [cent er re a provtos20%8 Ssubetation | Feeder ‘Bo000s4 00KVA Bess dine 28"2| “soo Fa Cava i an Ra Vi Tap IBEWECO POWER NTERRUPTION 4 pa e nsalaton of termediate Pole —_ 0 oe 18 sea] sgt opx-s2.2018 suetation | Aer Fuse Acupan Pars o Bagiangan Fouad, alta, Amporogan Daley, Seach Bags, [BENECO POWER INTERRUPTION Bahan epacemant of 13.24 setae to23KV Inetstore a Fett Thureday, | ss00amte | susiecse | Grint po saat aes Amecs sane 20,2049 | “s:00PM | Substation | CHeuitO4 |Baatangan Sectional ‘Blea xpendaties Sit Pars of Locnab and Outook Dive, Baguley IBENECO POWER INTERRUPTION |"eelcaton of Pole wih Eroded Sato Feeer 11 Sota | tas] Ammece | opx-1482010 eee Fuse Luerab Substation Pars of Wontzato, Rehgate Seuare Phase and , Aisiad Ra, Lazar |BENECO POWER INTERRUPTION: ae orsess ets Phave U, Camp’, SLU-SVP Now Sits Sutcvison, Ciudad Grande | Enerpizaon of Buyback Transformer ser i a ae Reciose; Monticeio [Phase land, Eopie Cret Phase, Bakakeng Newe/Sur Sague Gly _|-Replecarent of Rotten Pele 2 272) Ses pposeeaoty gay Relocation f Pama Pale m2 Paro acon, Ea Gren Kabayan Barta sd Paes, PoBaGen —JBENECO POWER INTERRUPTION = ireu 2 = teat core 1.3 2are] Foor | Peore2010 Pans a Le, Gaacngen Net, Becca Sur Saban, Calbong, J BENECO POWER INTERRUPTION Bogus | Replacement of Raton Pole he aoe sa] 384s] Aratod Substation | Cisuleee Recloser NOTES: 1. This alo serves as notice ta concerned Ca on thr cablestinesatsehed onthe afected BENECO pals 4. Communication Companies a inspect nd iattutenacessary salty maasureslactens 2. Always considera nes enaigze. Power maybe resored err than the scheduled tine Formers infomation plese sonic th folowing nos: 697-4409 lea 696607 / 09068387202 /OS178021698 (& loa Ras 8 sates, Telephone & Cat Compares sce aloes ‘redowecatchrulaanrSoP [APPROVED FOR PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT:

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