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Metal Stamped

Design to Prototype to Production


Metal stamping is a metal working process that involves forming or separating sheet metal into parts with the use of dies and punches. The
process involves placing flat sheet metal in either a blank or coil form into a stamping press where a tool and die surface forms the metal
into a particular shape. Production stamping is generally performed on materials .020” to .080” thick, however, the process can also can
be applied to foils as thin as .001” or to plate stock with thicknesses approaching 1.000”. It can be a single stage operation where the press
produces the desired form on the sheet metal part for each stroke, or produces a part through a series of stages.

There are several considerations that must be addressed when designing a part for production. The process of taking a concept successfully
through design, to prototyping, and on to production, takes a great deal of planning and comprehension of the advantages and limitations of
processes and materials. Whether it’s a small or large run, die design, material selection, press operations and other details must be examined
before creating a part that meets the design criteria.

When designing a part, manufacturing costs are one of the primary factors of consideration. Many times stamped parts are designed to have
certain features and meet tolerances with little consideration of the effect these features pose on the manufacturing process and cost. In
order to maximize cost savings, the designer must take into account how the design will interact with and affect downstream processes. The
failure or success of a part or parts begins with a well thought out, cost-effective part design.

Heavy Gage Metal Parts

When parts are designed from heavy gage metal, they may need dies with larger, stronger sections of tool steel. It also may be required to key
in all tool steel sections to decrease the deflection during cutting and forming of the metal. Extra heels are often needed in the tools used to
process these heavier metals. The converse is also true. Can a very small part be stamped with the metals and equipment available to you?
While the ability to produce smaller and smaller stamped parts has improved, there still may be a limitation and another alternative may need
to be considered.

Deep Drawn Parts

Deep drawn parts have specific considerations during design assessment. When possible, it’s best to design parts with a flange or die
entry radius that is about 6 to 8 times the material’s thickness. Using this as a rule will reduce the forming requirements and the number of
operations required to draw the part. If the die entry radius is too big, the compressed metal can crease before flowing into the part’s vertical
wall. This creased material can increase flow resistance and eventually cause a split in the metal. Avoid severe draft angles that are combined
with deep forms in areas of the part that are subject to high levels of radial compression. For example, angled walls in the corners of a deep-
drawn square or rectangular shell present a difficult forming problem.

1080 Tri-State Parkway, Gurnee, IL, 60031 • Phone: 847.855.9200 Fax: 847.855.9300 •

Another important factor to consider in die design is clearance. The punching
holes and various cutting operations require specific and carefully maintained
clearances between the punch (male side) and the die (female side). Setting
the required clearances is determined by both the stock thickness and temper.
Generally, die clearances increase as the thickness of the stock increases. The
depth of punch penetration into the sheet metal stock will also increase as softer
stock is used. In these cases a stripper will be required to ensure that the part
doesn’t stick to the punch; a sprung or pneumatic ejector can also be used to
ensure that the slug doesn’t stick to the end of the punch.

3D Modeling and Circle Grid Analysis

3D modeling has taken much of the art out of die design but not completely. The dynamics of stamping can never replace the experience of a
highly skilled tool designer. One tool that is frequently used to help understand these dynamics is called “Circle Grid Analysis”, or CGA.
CGA requires that a pattern of small circles be etched on the surface of the blank. The pattern will deform along with the blank as it’s formed;
this provides point-to-point calculations of the deformation that has occurred. Analysis of this stamped grid pattern will indicate the location
and type of changes that must be performed on the dies to produce easily manufactured parts. The CGA process is repeated on the die
until a satisfactory part is produced. Another consideration when designing a part is functionality. Most low stress, as well as many high
stress components that require moderate stiffness can be formed from sheet metal. Sheet metal is ideally suited for parts that function as
containers, chutes and gates, but can be used for mounting brackets as well depending upon load. How do we intend to attach the part?
Sheet metal parts are typically welded, riveted, or connected via fasteners to other parts. Since sheet metal parts are typically too thin to be
threaded, attachment holes should be designed as thru holes or thicker threaded parts attached as needed.

The mechanical properties of the parts are usually lighter than their billet machined counterparts. As a general rule, simple sheet metal parts
require looser tolerances and are less stiff. Sheet metal parts requiring welding should be created from steel when possible, because thin
aluminum is much more difficult to weld. Wherever possible, use simple shapes such as straight cuts, bends, and punched holes. If at all
possible, avoid internal cuts (cuts not starting on an edge), curved cuts, and close-fit holes. Complex sheet metal parts can usually be broken
down into multiple simple parts that can then be attached together to create an equivalent complex part.

1080 Tri-State Parkway, Gurnee, IL, 60031 • Phone: 847.855.9200 Fax: 847.855.9300 •

Successful sheet metal forming relies heavily on the metal’s mechanical properties. The metal being formed must be able to stretch and
compress within set limits. It must also be strong enough to meet the function requirements of the part design. The balance between
formability and strength can be difficult to achieve. A successful design hinges significantly on the right choice of metal. Attempting to develop
a process without understanding the properties of the material you are cutting and forming is uncertain and can result in a significant failure.

Formability is defined as the material’s ability to be bent, stretched or drawn. Ductility is the metallurgical term for these qualities. Ductility
is the material’s ability to deform and elongate without fracture. These factors are affected by the designs of the dies and stamping presses,
lubrication and several other conditions.

Many different types of metal can be cut and formed in a die. Soft metals such as gold to special superalloys used to make parts for the
aerospace industry can be stamped. Of all the materials stamped today, steel is the most common. From mild to special grades of advanced
high-strength steel, hundreds of steel alloys are available for stamping.

Many stamping applications use stainless steel. Certain grades are used to make kitchen sinks and offer great formability, while other
grades offer excellent corrosion and heat resistance. There are specific grades of stainless steels that can be hardened after stamping. These
hardened grades are used to manufacture surgical tools and high end knives.
When selecting a metal for a stamping application it must be the type and thickness that can be cut and formed into a part that meets the
design specification. Before a manufacturing process can be determined or a die can be fabricated to perform it, a good understanding of the
material’s mechanical properties is required. Understanding them will help you determine how many operations are required, which tool steel
type is needed for the dies, the required press capacity and other die design parameters.

1080 Tri-State Parkway, Gurnee, IL, 60031 • Phone: 847.855.9200 Fax: 847.855.9300 •

Selecting the die type is a critical factor for overall prototype and production planning; below is a brief overview of some of the most common
die types and their functions.

Cutting Dies
Cutting dies are used to shear sheet material into what is called a blank. Blanking dies are then used to cut the entire border of the part, or
forming dies where the blank is stamped into a part defined by the die set. Punching is another function of cutting dies where a slug is cut
from the sheet metal stock to produce a hole or slot. Cutting dies are also used to trim surplus metal from around a formed part.

Progressive Dies
Progressive dies contain a series of stations that perform one press operation
after another in series. A progressive die progressively forms a part as it moves
through the die. With this type of die, coil stock is fed into the press. Individual
stampings are connected by a carrier strip as they advance through a series of die
operations and are eventually separated and then discharged from the press.

Transfer Dies
Transfer dies use individual stock blanks that are mechanically moved from die
station to die station within a single die set. Large stampings are done with press
lines that are in series where the stock is moved from press to press where specific operations, such as drawing or trimming, are performed.

In-Die Tapping Units

In-die tapping units are used for designs that require holes or extrusions to be tapped or threaded in order to hold a fastener. Features such
as holes can be tapped in the die eliminating an offline operation. In-die tapping units work by using a series of helix-style shafts and gears to
transfer linear motion into rotary motion. Rotary motion can either be press ram-driven or created by electric servo-drive motors. In addition to
moving downward, the tap also spins to create the threaded hole.

Unlike a standard cutting tap, in-die tapping units utilize special roll forming taps. Rather than removing chips from cutting, roll forming taps
gradually deform the metal into the shape of a thread. A regular cutting tap, if used in an in-die tapping unit, would result in cutting chip
removal issues.

With in-die tapped holes, the work hardens during the metal deformation process; as a result in-die tapped holes’ strength can be similar to a
standard cut thread’s strength. Using an in-die tapping unit instead of an offline tapping process can also reduce costs significantly.

1080 Tri-State Parkway, Gurnee, IL, 60031 • Phone: 847.855.9200 Fax: 847.855.9300 •

Determining which process is applicable for a particular part is another critical
step in the design process. The part design may require one or more process for a
complete part.

Blanking is the process of cutting up large sheets of metal stock into smaller
pieces that are suitable for the next step in the stamping process, such as
drawing and forming.
Blanking can be as simple as a cookie cutter type die for prototype parts, or high
speed dies that run at 1000+ strokes per minute, which run coil stock that has
been slit to a specified width. Since the blank size and the slit width size need
to be precise, the final configuration of the drawn or formed shape needs to be
determined before the blank die can be built.

Piercing is a process that can be used in conjunction with blanking, and is the operation of cutting internal features such as holes or slots in
stock. Piercing can also be combined with other operations such as lancing and forming (processes used to make a small feature such as a
tab) or piercing and extruding in order to make an extruded hole. Piercing of all the holes in the part should be done together to ensure good
hole-to-hole tolerance and the repeatability of parts.
If there are a large number of holes in a tight pitch, there may be distortions due to the large amount of tension on the upper surface as well
as stretching and compression on the bottom surface. This can result in the material not lying flat. The potential for this can be eliminated
or reduced by staggering the piercing of the holes. The first group of holes is punched in a staggered pattern and then the other holes are
punched in the alternate staggered pattern.

Drawing (Deep & Shallow)

Drawing is the process of drawing a blank of sheet metal that is held at the edges, and the middle section of the part is forced by a punch into
a die to stretch the metal into a shape defined by the die set. This drawn part can be circular, rectangular or virtually any shape required.
Depending on the amount of deformation the drawn part can be either shallow or deep. Where the depth of draw is less than the smallest
dimension of the opening, it is called shallow drawing; otherwise, it is considered deep drawing. Drawing can lead to wrinkling and puckering
at the edge where the sheet metal is secured. This is usually removed by a separate trimming operation.

1080 Tri-State Parkway, Gurnee, IL, 60031 • Phone: 847.855.9200 Fax: 847.855.9300 •

Bending is a process that occurs when a metal is distorted by deforming the material and changing its shape. The surface area of the material
changes very little during this process. Bending usually refers to deformation on one axis. Many different shapes can be produced using the
bending process with standard die sets used to produce a wide variety of shapes. The material is placed on the die, positioned using a method
of alignment and then held in place with some form of securing device. The upper part of the press, the ram with the appropriately shaped
punch, descends to form the bend.
Press Brakes are generally used for the bending process, typically utilizing capacities of 20 to 200 tons and accommodating stock from 3
feet to 15 feet. Larger and smaller presses are used for specialized applications.

Air Bending
Air bending is another bending process where the punch is touching the part, but the part is not bottomed in the lower cavity. As the punch is
released, the part ends up with less bend than that on the punch.

Bottoming or Coining
Bottoming or Coining is another bending process where the punch and the part bottom on the die. This results in a controlled angle with very
little spring back. The amount of pressure required on this type of process is more than in air bending. In the case of bottoming the inner
radius of the part should be a minimum of 1 material thickness and for coining up to 0.75 material thickness.

Forming is similar to bending, and complex parts such as U-sections and channel sections of various profiles can be economically produced
with multiple bends without altering the material thickness. It provides good dimensional repeatability and close tolerance results. The main
forming operations accomplished with press mounted dies are drawing, bending, flanging and hemming.

Pinch Trimming
Pinch Trimming is an unconventional metal cutting process in which the metal is pinched on a vertical wall to the point at which it is separated
from the scrap. Different from conventional cutting, pinch trimming is not performed on flat sheet but on fully formed typically drawn parts.
It is a process often used to trim deep-drawn round cups. Pinch trimming can often cause excessive burrs on the part. In most cases burrs can
be removed by using processes such as tumbling with an abrasive media.

Lancing is another metal cutting process in which the metal is slit to release the metal without separating it from the original sheet.
Lancing, in contrast to other metal cutting processes, does not create a slug. This process can save material and eliminate the need for costly
scrap removal systems. Often used in progressive dies, lancing creates a part carrier called a flex or stretch web which allows the metal to
move freely or flow in the die during forming.

1080 Tri-State Parkway, Gurnee, IL, 60031 • Phone: 847.855.9200 Fax: 847.855.9300 •

Prototypes are often an essential part of the design process, allowing your client to test the product before investing in production tooling.
Once a design is complete, it is usually evaluated by creating a short run of the part or parts to determine the quality and effectiveness of the
design. Planning for prototype or short runs, not surprisingly, requires far different considerations than that of the production run. Improper
selection of die material and press selection can seriously drive up costs. A prototype or short run die does not need to be composed of high
end tool steel, in fact, depending on the geometry and material, in some cases aluminum alloys hold up just fine for short runs.

Press selection is important as well; you never want to tie up systems designed for long runs with prototype work. If the project calls for
an exotic or very hard metal that requires high press tonnage, and your prototype press isn’t up to it, determine if it’s acceptable to make
the prototype from a softer material. There are many specialty companies that deal specifically with the creation of short run prototyping
services. By keeping cost to a minimum, design revisions will cost less and take less time to deliver.

Once a prototype has been produced, successfully evaluated, and approved, then the transition to production can begin. At this stage the
required dies and any fixtures that may be needed for the run are made. The size of the run which would have been considered in the design
process often determines the type of press that will be required. Lubricants and finishing are other critical factors that need to be addressed
during production phase.

Stamping Press Selection

Size, type of metal, and volume all play a part in the choice of a press. It takes a great deal of force and energy to cut and form sheet metal.
Different presses have different characteristics, and therefore each type can have properties that affect the final part. Metal-stamping
presses are categorized according to the type drive mechanism, mechanical, hydraulic, or servo, and to their press-frame construction,
gapframe, c-frame and straightside. The classifications described here give certain important characteristics to the press and are critical in
the design process.

Stamping presses operate by providing energy to force a ram downward, in turn providing force for the stamping dies and tooling. An upper die
is attached to the press ram with the lower section of the die attaching to a bolster plate with the material formed between them. As the ram
descends toward the lower die, the die halves meet; a part is cut, shaped or otherwise worked within the tooling. There are a number of press
types in use today, and they can be grouped into three types: crank-drive, hydraulic-drive, and servo-drive.

1080 Tri-State Parkway, Gurnee, IL, 60031 • Phone: 847.855.9200 Fax: 847.855.9300 •

Mechanical Presses
The drive methods used for mechanical presses vary from their hydraulic counterparts. Most mechanical stamping presses are driven by
flywheels and motors. This type of press stores kinetic energy from the flywheel that is then transferred to ram motion. Because flywheels
expend energy, they slow down with each down stroke of the ram. Mechanical press capacities can range anywhere from 20 to over 6,500
tons, strokes range from 0.2 to 20 inches, and speeds from 20 to 1500 strokes per minute. Mechanical presses are ideal for high-speed
blanking, shallow drawing and for a wide range of other precision parts.

Mechanical presses are often categorized by the type of drive transmission that exerts force on the die. Some examples of drive transmissions
are flywheels, single-geared, double-geared, double-action, link and eccentric-geared.

In a mechanical press driven by a motor and flywheel, kinetic energy is stored which can then be released in a number of drive types. With
each 360-degree cycle or stroke of the press, energy from the flywheel is consumed. The loss of energy causes the flywheel to slow 10 to 15
percent per cycle. The electric motor keeps the flywheel turning consistently by the application of torque on the upstroke; this prepares the
press for the next cycle.

Flywheel speed is measured in strokes per minute (SPM); if the percentage of speed loss is greater than 15 percent, the motor will not have
enough energy to restore this lost speed. If too much speed is lost, the press will eventually slow to the point of stopping, at which time it will
jam on bottom dead center (BDC). This is a worst case scenario which can happen if the die tonnage or energy has been calculated incorrectly.

Press control or the ability to stop and start the press is operated by an electronically controlled clutch and brake system. When the clutch is
applied, the flywheel is disengaged from the press drive. Clutches and brakes are typically spring-applied with either pneumatic or hydraulic
releases. The stopping time that a clutch and brake system is able to achieve is a critical factor when determining both the speed in which the
press can be run and the safety of operator and die.

Recent advances in technology have introduced servo-driven presses to metal stamping. Servo presses, although classified as mechanical
presses, utilize servo drives to provide power, removing the need for flywheels. Advantages of servo presses include the capacity to control
the press’s stroke length and speed. Another benefit that servo presses provide is the ability to select dwell time at the bottom of a press
stroke where the forming work occurs. Being able to select dwell time allows the operator to control flow or stretch of the material at the
exact time of forming. These features combine to deliver the benefits of mechanical and hydraulic presses into a single machine, providing
more flexibility.

1080 Tri-State Parkway, Gurnee, IL, 60031 • Phone: 847.855.9200 Fax: 847.855.9300 •

Hydraulic Presses
Hydraulic Presses use hydraulic pistons to deliver a controlled force. The applied pressure and stroke length are two key parameters. This type
of press can deliver full power throughout the entire stroke; they can provide variable tonnage with overload protection and give the operator
the ability to adjust the stroke and speed. Hydraulic presses are ideally suited for deep-drawing and compound die action such as blanking
with forming or coining, low speed high tonnage blanking, and force, rather than displacement forming. A hydraulic press is composed of basic
components that are used in every hydraulic system. These components include two cylinders, pistons, and piping.

Hydraulic systems found in stamping presses operate on standard hydraulic fluid principals. The system is comprised of two cylinders
(large and small diameter); the large diameter cylinder is known as the master cylinder, and the small diameter cylinder is known as the slave
cylinder. During operations hydraulic fluid flows into the slave cylinder. The piston in the slave cylinder compresses the fluid, sending it into a
larger master cylinder. The pressure exerted on the piston in the master cylinder drives the fluid back to the slave cylinder. The force applied
on the fluids by the slave cylinder results in a larger force when pushed into the master cylinder. An industrial hydraulic press uses this fluid
pressure to drive the stroke, forming the material to be worked. This helps the press plates to crush or punch the material into a thin sheet or
to stamp out parts.

Metal Stamping Lubricants

The right choice of lubricant can have an impact on the part’s accuracy and finish. Lubricants are often needed in metal stamping operations,
especially when parts are being stamped at high speeds. Oil is not the only type of lubricant for today’s metal stamping operations. Demands
for higher manufacturing output with shorter production times are increasing within every segment of industry. Meeting these demands are
superior high film strength drawing and stamping oils and lubricants formulated specifically for these modern issues.

The forces exerted by the moving dies on the sheet metal creates friction, resulting in heat. For this reason, lubrication is vital for successful
sheet metal forming. A lubricant’s function is to reduce contact between the tooling and the part. This results in reduced tonnage
requirements, improved tooling life, and better product quality.

Straight oils and soluble oils are among the most widely used metalworking lubricants and are used in a wide variety of metal-forming
operations. Today’s advanced oils utilize extreme pressure additives, bio-resistant components and unique emulsion packages. Straight
roll-forming lubricants, drawing oils and stamping lubricants provide exceptional high film strength and reductions in friction. These
developments have resulted in stronger, cleaner, longer lasting and more efficient straight or soluble oils.

Synthetic lubricants that have no mineral oil or petroleum byproducts are quickly gaining in popularity among manufacturers. Often these synthetic
lubricants are able to outperform their straight and soluble oil counterparts. Synthetic drawing and stamping lubricants are often developed with
components that have low toxicity, are non-hazardous, clean and low foaming, very stable, cost effective and environmentally friendly.

1080 Tri-State Parkway, Gurnee, IL, 60031 • Phone: 847.855.9200 Fax: 847.855.9300 •

Parts Finishing
One result of the stamping process is burrs. Burrs can be an issue for a number of reasons such as handling, safety, or their effect on
downstream processes. Other reasons can include improving surface appearance, discoloration from welding or brazing, oxidation, or scale
from heat treatment.

Burring on the edge of parts is often a result of a metal stamping operation, and can be removed by a number of deburring processes. This
includes tumble deburring; this process tumbles parts in a barrel or a vibratory bowl along with a finishing media. The friction caused by the
media removes the burrs and smooths part features. Ceramic media is commonly used for steels. Softer materials require the use of medias
such as plastic, walnut shells, and wide range of other deburring media. Deburring of this type is usually performed on unfinished materials.
For obvious reasons, deburring is not recommended for parts that are already finished, such as pre-plated or pre-painted materials. In these
instances, other forms of deburring can be used, such as belt sanding or hand filing; however, they impart a higher cost due to increased labor.
In many cases deburring can be minimized or avoided entirely by considering the direction of the burrs in the design of the parts. If the burrs
will be in an area that can’t be accessed or will be folded later, then deburring is not needed.

Stamping metals is a common process used in many industries such as aerospace, appliance and medical products to name a few. High
quality, but cost effective design followed by practical production considerations are the basis for a final part or parts that meet the design

As history proves, change is constant; manufacturing processes and materials technology continue to advance and develop at a staggering
rate. To stay ahead of the curve, stamping providers must be more than proactive; being aware of new technologies and processes isn’t
enough. Embracing change requires investment in cutting edge systems and the flexibility to quickly change methodology and processes to
meet customer and market needs.

About American Industrial

At American Industrial, we have invested heavily in technology that puts us at the forefront of the stamping industry. Our success is built
on providing customers with innovative solutions that push the limits of available technology. As an industry leader we understand that our
future is based on our ability to provide our customers with highest quality and lowest cost possible.


1080 Tri-State Parkway, Gurnee, IL, 60031 • Phone: 847.855.9200 Fax: 847.855.9300 •


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