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Name of Project: Contract No. Document No.

Location: Title: Pages Rev. No.
Document & Data Control Procedure 0 1 2 3
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Appendix - B

Aconex Project Instruction

(Ref.: xsxx-xxx-xxx-xxx)
- Master Project
Aconex Project Instruction

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 1

Revision Details
Document Details Comments

Title: Aconex Project Instruction

Name of Contractor and Aconex

Prepared By: This is a live document.

It will require periodic updates

Reviewed By:
to reflect the progress and
changes to the project,
Approved By: participants and procedures.
Mr. xxxx

Revision History

Date Revision Change Description Author

15/01/2012 0 Draft Aconex- EA

02/02/2012 0.1 Draft Aconex- EA

08/02/2012 0.2 Draft - Revised as per comments Aconex- EA

16/02/2012 0.3 Draft - Revised as per comments Aconex- EA

21/02/2012 0.4 Issued for Approval Aconex- EA

23/02/2012 0.5 Re-Issued for Approval Aconex- EA

15/03/2012 0.6 Re-Issued for Approval Aconex- EA

09/04/2012 0.7 Re-Issued for Approval Aconex- EA

12/11/2012 0.8 Re-Issued for Approval Aconex- EA


This document contains confidential information and uses an Aconex proprietary template. This document must not be used or
disclosed for any purpose other than in connection with the implementation or use of the Aconex system (“the Purpose”).

The intellectual property in this template (and any modification, enhancement, derivation or reproduction of it) is owned by Aconex
and licensed solely for the Purpose and the licence of the original or modified document can be terminated by Aconex at any time at
its absolute discretion. The Aconex name, logos and URLs are the property and/or marks of Aconex.

Any modification, enhancement, derivation or reproduction of this document must contain this “Confidentiality and Intellectual
Property Statement” and any other confidentiality and any other similar markings or legends contained herein.

Any questions based on the confidentiality or ownership of this document should be directed to

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 2

Table of Contents
1. Preface ................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Responsibility of the Individual Users ................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Compliance with the Project Instruction .............................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Custodianship..................................................................................................................................................... 5

2. Getting Started with Aconex ............................................................................................................... 6

2.1 System Requirements ........................................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Accessing Aconex .............................................................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Support and Training .......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Project Key Contacts .......................................................................................................................................... 7

3. Project Information Management ....................................................................................................... 8

3.1 Good Practice for Managing Information............................................................................................................. 8
3.2 High Level Communication Diagram ................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Submission and Distribution of Controlled Documents ...................................................................................... 10
3.4 Document Numbering ....................................................................................................................................... 10
3.5 Document Revision Convention ........................................................................................................................ 12
3.6 Document Title Convention............................................................................................................................... 12
3.7 Project Correspondence (Mail) ......................................................................................................................... 13
3.8 Mail Numbering Convention.............................................................................................................................. 13
3.9 Mail Subject Convention ................................................................................................................................... 13
3.10 Tagging Information: Documents and Mail ........................................................................................................ 14
3.11 Supporting Documentation ............................................................................................................................... 14

4. Document Module Configuration ...................................................................................................... 15

4.2 Standard Document Register Fields ................................................................................................................. 16
4.3 Project Specific Document Fields ..................................................................................................................... 17
4.4 Document Types .............................................................................................................................................. 18
4.5 Document Status .............................................................................................................................................. 22
4.6 Discipline .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
4.7 Attribute 1, 2 ,3 ................................................................................................................................................. 25
4.8 Phase ............................................................................................................................................................... 25
4.9 Transmittals – Reason for Issue ....................................................................................................................... 26

5. Letter /Correspondence Management .............................................................................................. 27

5.1 Information Flowchart ....................................................................................................................................... 28

6. Mail Module Configuration ................................................................................................................ 35

6.1 Mail Types ........................................................................................................................................................ 35

7. Mail & Documents CP Attributes ...................................................................................................... 36

7.1 Project Specific Document and Mail Attributes .................................................................................................. 36

8. Document Control Responsibility Matrix ......................................................................................... 37

9. Workflow Module ................................................................................................................................ 38

9.1 Document Review Outcome ............................................................................................................................. 38
9.2 Document Review Flow Diagram (Aconex Example) ........................................................................................ 39
9.3 Start a Workflow from the Documents Module .................................................................................................. 40
9.4 Review a document assigned via a Workflow ................................................................................................... 44
9.5 Add a replacement File to a Workflow Step ...................................................................................................... 45
9.6 Start a Sub Workflow from a Workflow assigned............................................................................................... 47
9.7 Searching for Workflows ................................................................................................................................... 51
9.8 Tracking Workflow Progress ............................................................................................................................. 53

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 3

10. - CP / Aconex Workflows........................................................................................................ 55
10.1 Approval of NOV (Notice of Variation) Workflow ............................................................................................... 56
10.2 Standard Variation Order Process Workflow ..................................................................................................... 56
10.3 Design - Design Reports Workflow ................................................................................................................... 57
10.4 Design – Tender Documents Workflow ............................................................................................................. 57
10.5 Design – Technical Submittals Workflow .......................................................................................................... 58
10.6 Design – Design Reports/Tender Documents/Tech Submittals FWD to Sub Workflow ........................... 58
10.7 Design Monthly Reports Design Workflow ........................................................................................................ 59
10.8 Contractor/Consultants Payment Certificates Workflow .................................................................................... 59
10.9 Consultants (Directly processed by CLIENT) Payment Certificates Workflow .................................................... 60
10.10 Construction - Accident Investigation 24 hour Report........................................................................................ 60
10.11 Construction - Accident Investigation Report .................................................................................................... 61
10.12 Construction - Asphalt Paving Record .............................................................................................................. 61
10.13 Construction - Daily Reports ............................................................................................................................. 62
10.14 Construction - Drawing Approval Request ........................................................................................................ 62
10.15 Construction - Incident Investigation Report...................................................................................................... 63
10.16 Construction - Inspection of Concrete Pouring .................................................................................................. 63
10.17 Construction - M & E Concrete Pour Clearance ................................................................................................ 64
10.18 Construction - Materials Approval Request ....................................................................................................... 64
10.19 Construction - Monthly Environmental Report ................................................................................................... 65
10.20 Construction - Monthly Quality Report .............................................................................................................. 65
10.21 Construction - Monthly Reports ........................................................................................................................ 66
10.22 Construction - NCR - CSC ................................................................................................................................ 66
10.23 Construction - NCR- PM/CM............................................................................................................................. 67
10.24 Construction - Near Miss Report ....................................................................................................................... 67
10.25 Construction - Notice of Inspection ................................................................................................................... 68
10.26 Construction - Pre-Concreting Inspection ......................................................................................................... 68
10.27 Construction - Programme Approval Request ................................................................................................... 69
10.28 Construction - Request for Approval of Method Statement................................................................................ 69
10.29 Construction - Request for Approval of Subcontractor ...................................................................................... 70
10.30 Construction - Request for Information ............................................................................................................. 70
10.31 Construction - Site Observation Report ............................................................................................................. 71
10.32 Construction - Sub-Workflow -Request for Information / Technical Query - Forward to Design Consultant if a Design
Issue 71
10.33 Construction - Weekly Reports ......................................................................................................................... 72
10.34 Construction - Contractor Key Personnel Approval ........................................................................................... 72

11. Organisation Administrator Responsibilities .................................................................................. 73

11.1 Registration of New Organisations onto Aconex ............................................................................................... 73
11.2 Change the Auto Number Mail-Code ................................................................................................................ 74
11.3 Disable user accounts upon a user leaving the organization/project ................................................................. 75

12. – Streamlined project wide collaboration ............................................................................. 77

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 4

1. Preface
Aconex have been engaged on City Infrastructure by CLIENT as the online collaboration system
for this project.

It is the intention that, on this project, all information created by all parties is handled within the
Aconex system. This includes the management and distribution of all controlled documents and
all formal correspondence. This ensures consistency and traceability for all parties.

The purpose of this document is to provide a record of the agreed system configurations, protocols and
procedures associated with the use of Aconex for the project.

1.1 Responsibility of the Individual Users

All project team members are responsible for ensuring that documents and correspondence are created
in such a way that they have the following characteristics:

The information can be proven to be what it purports to be, to have been created or sent by the person that
created or sent it, and to have been created or sent at the time purported.

The information can be trusted as a full and accurate representation of the transactions to which they
attest, and can be depended on in the course of subsequent transactions.

Integrity The information is complete and unaltered, and protected against unauthorised alteration.

Usability The information can be located, retrieved, preserved and interpreted easily.

These characteristics form the foundation for ISO 15489: Records Management. This standard provides
guidance on creating records policies, procedures, systems and processes to support the management of
records in all formats (e.g. documents and correspondence). It is widely used in Australia and
internationally in both private and public organisations.

In this way, the team ensures that all project information generated provides an accurate record of the
relevant documents and related correspondence.

1.2 Compliance with the Project Instruction

From time to time, Aconex and/or CLIENT may assess the level of compliance with the PI. Meetings
may be held at critical milestones of the project phases to assess the quality of information being
managed and to ensure the effectiveness of the Aconex system.

1.3 Custodianship
The ongoing management of this document will reside with the nominated custodian who is xxx from
CLIENT and will be supported by the local Aconex Client Operations team.

All amendments must be submitted to the nominated custodian.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 5

2. Getting Started with Aconex
In order to access the project on Aconex, you will need an internet connection and browser, along with an
Aconex user account.

2.1 System Requirements

Aconex does not require you to install any licensed software to use the system.

2.1.1 Internet Access and Browser

Aconex recommends using the latest version of Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox as your browser. The
latest browsers are available to download for free from or

2.2 Accessing Aconex

There are a few basic steps to access the project on Aconex depending on whether you are new to
Aconex or if you or your organisation has previously used Aconex:

2.2.1 New Organisations and Users

If you and your organisation are new to Aconex, you will need to:

1. Register your Organisation with Aconex (click here)

2. Create user accounts for the relevant people (click here)

3. Notify CLIENT to get invited to the project (see section 2.4)

2.2.2 Existing Organisations and Users

If your organisation has previously used Aconex, but you don’t have a user account, please contact your
Organisation Administrator and they will create an account for you (step 2 above). Then you can be
invited to the project (step 3 above). Please contact the Aconex helpdesk if you do not know who your
Organisation Administrator is.

If you already have a user account, follow step 3 above.

2.3 Support and Training

Visit Aconex Support Central for FAQs, training videos, good practice guides and our community forums.

Aconex provides 24/7 helpdesk support for all users globally. For assistance please contact your local
Helpdesk team: Helpdesk Contact Details.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 6

2.4 Project Key Contacts
The following table lists the details of the key contacts for each organisation. Project participants are to
contact their respective key contact for all matters relating to the use of Aconex.

Table 1 – Project Key Contacts

Key Contact Information

Organisation Prefix* Contact Name Contact Details Role



Aconex ACX CN

Aconex ACX CN

Aconex ACX CN

Aconex ACX Helpdesk CN

*Used in mail and document numbering.

Table 2 – Legend
Code Role
CL Client
PM Project Manager
DC Design Consultant
CN Consultant
MC Main Contractor
CC Cost Consultant

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 7

3. Project Information Management
This section provides an overview on the use of the project on Aconex and good practice considerations
required to maintain concise and accurate project information.

The following details the information management requirements that have been put in place on this
project to provide a platform on which to produce all project information.

3.1 Good Practice for Managing Information

The successful use of Aconex on any project centres on adoption by the entire team and is driven by
three key factors:


Maximise Manage
Capture Complexity


3.1.1 Maximise Capture

Aconex is a trusted and secure system for the entire project team to capture all the relevant project
information. It’s easy to use and provides a common platform for all documents, not just drawings, and
correspondence. There are no limits to file volumes, formats or sizes.

3.1.2 Increase Control

Aconex provides full revision / version control, an audit trail and powerful reporting and traceability. Each
organisation controls what information they add to the project and who they share it with.

3.1.3 Manage Complexity

Aconex is designed for the industry and makes information easy to find and provides a structured
mechanism for managing and distributing information.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 8

3.2 High Level Communication Diagram
The expected flow of communication on the project is detailed in the figure below:

Client (Engineer)

Third Party



Design Consultant Construction

Consultant (CSC)


Figure 1 - Project Communications Flow Diagram

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 9

3.3 Submission and Distribution of Controlled Documents
All project-related documents must be submitted and distributed via Aconex. Document originators can
distribute documents directly to recipients; refer to Section 10-Streamlined Project Wide Collaboration.
Document Numbering Convention in section 3.4 must be followed when creating and registering
documents to Aconex.
No other distribution methods are acceptable unless prior authorisation is provided by
CLIENT. This will ensure that all relevant documents are captured and stored in one, single, central
location. All Submissions must include a Company Letterhead with a wet signature when
documentation is submitted.

All hard copies of technical documents and official correspondences should be submitted to as per
appendix F in “ Tender/Contract Documents Administrative Procedures”

3.4 Document Numbering

All controlled documents in Aconex are required to have a unique number assigned; no duplicate
numbers can be created.

The document numbering convention applies to all new documents and drawings for new CP’s moving
forward as nominated by .

CP’s that are currently in progress shall retain the numbering convention already in use on the project.

All documents produced for this project must be numbered in accordance with the document
number convention defined in the Master Development Document Numbering Procedure, PRO-
CPALL-LUS-PRC-PM-00001. Please refer to the relevant reference tables for codes applicable to
the numbering parts.

Project Project Organisation Document Discipline Unique

Package Code Type Code Number

PRO - CP00 - LUS - REP - AR - 00001

Table 1 Table 7 Table 11
Figure 2- Document Number Convention

The unique number element can either be a simple sequential number or it can match the originator’s
own file or document number. The Organisation Code and Discipline codes that prefix the unique number
ensure uniqueness.

3.4.1 Multiple File Formats (e.g. CAD files)

Aconex does not support multiple file formats attached to an individual document number. Where more
than one file extension for the same document number is required, it should be uploaded as a new
document with its file format abbreviation appended to the end of the document number.

A common scenario is when there is a requirement to upload a PDF and DWG version of a drawing
created in AutoCAD. In order to differentiate between the two documents in the register, include a file
format or other suffix; in this example, “CAD”:

Project Project Organisation Document Discipline Unique

Package Code Type Code Number

PRO - CP00 - LUS - DWG - AR - 00001 - CAD

Table 1 Table 7 Table 11

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 10

Figure 3- Document Number Convention with suffix

Please note that a suffix is only required where the same document is required to be uploaded in more
than one file format. It can be omitted if only a single format of the file is being uploaded.

All issued drawings should have the same revision in all formats.

3.4.2 Multi-sheet Drawings from One CAD file

From a single CAD file many drawings can be produced. This is achieved through creating the design in
model space then producing the drawings by viewing the design in model space through paper space.
Drawing borders and often dimensions are included in paper space.

In the case of drawings produced in this way, the individual drawings will be considered as sheets. All
drawings will have the same drawing number, as will the CAD file. However, the sheets will be identified
using the three character sheet identifier:

Project Project Organisation Document Discipline Unique Sheet

Package Code Type Code Number no.

PRO - CP00 - LUS - DWG AR - 00001 - 001

Table 1 Table 7 Table 11

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 11

3.5 Document Revision Convention
Project team members uploading or superseding documents are to update the revision in accordance
with the convention described for each status lifecycle. The document revision practices adopted on this
project are detailed in the following table.

Table 3 – Revision Convention

Revision Convention When Used Description

All Documents

Dash All stages Used to indicate a placeholder document (i.e. a document that has not yet
been uploaded but has been uploaded with its details).


Numeric All stages First revision is “0” and then increments sequentially

Other Documents

Numeric All stages Used for documents other than drawings (e.g. Meeting Minutes) where a
date format may be required (e.g. “Mar09” or “dd/mm/yy”).

3.6 Document Title Convention

The document title is an important element in searching for, and the retrieval of, historical documentation
within the document register. All project team members must use meaningful and consistent titles when
uploading documents. To help facilitate efficient document retrieval and reporting in Aconex, here are
some guidelines:

 DO make the title the same as the hardcopy

 DON’T duplicate other document titles

 DON’T use vague titles like: “Drawing 1”, “Drawing 2”,” Drawing 3”

 DON’T include dates or revisions information

 DON’T use or repeat the document number

Example based on good practice would be:

 “Stage 2 Site Layout”

 “Design Team Meeting Minutes”

An internal reference can be added to the document title if your company requires this but it should be
consistent for reporting purposes.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 12

3.7 Project Correspondence (Mail)
All project correspondence is to be sent via Aconex. No other distribution methods are acceptable
unless prior authorisation is provided by CLIENT. This will ensure that all relevant project
correspondence is captured and stored in one, single, central location.

3.8 Mail Numbering Convention

All mail generated in Aconex is automatically assigned a prefix indicating the selected mail type and a
unique sequential number. It also adds an organisational/project prefix to each mail item created. This
prefix is managed by each organisation administrator.

Mail Type Unique Number

PRO-1A2 - NOM - 000001

Table 1 Table 14
Figure 4 - Mail numbering example
Organisations should refer to the full list of Organisation/Project Prefix listed in Appendix 1 and follow
the instructions there to add them to appropriate projects.
Project Name DCCT Headquarters Tower - CP01-A-2 - CP01-A-3 - CP01-A-4 - CP01-C-1
Project Code DCCT HQT 1A2 1A3 1A4 1C1
Company Name 3 Letter ID
F&P- F&P-DCCT F&P-HQT F&P-1A2 F&P-1A3 F&P-1A4 F&P-1C1
T&T- T&T-DCCT T&T-HQT T&T-1A2 T&T-1A3 T&T-1A4 T&T-1C1
ETC….. ETC….. ETC….. ETC….. ETC….. ETC….. ETC…..

3.9 Mail Subject Convention

The subject line for mail and transmittals is an important element in searching for, and the retrieval of,
correspondence within the mail register. All project team members must use meaningful and consistent
subject lines. To facilitate efficient mail retrieval and reporting in Aconex, here are some guidelines:

Examples based on good practice would be as below:

 “Re: Main building, proposed layout”

 “Acoustic panel detail drawings”

 Building references

 Stage or Design Phase names or references

 Avoid the following vague subject lines:

 "Query"

 "Re: Drawings"

 "Meeting"

An internal reference can be added to the subject line if your company requires this but this should be
consistent for reporting purposes.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 13

3.10 Tagging Information: Documents and Mail
All project information is to be tagged with information that is specific to the requirements of the project.
These tags or fields have been agreed with the key stakeholders as the information needed to produce
concise and accurate project information including but not limited to registers, reports, audit trails and
handover management.

Tagging information within the project is a vital part to ensuring that information can be easily located and
retrieved. Tagging must be consistent and disciplined across the project

3.11 Supporting Documentation

This document is specific to the Aconex system and must be read in conjunction with, but not limited to,
other project specific manuals, plans or procedures that are applicable to this project. The table below
lists the relevant documents.

Table 4 – Supporting Documents

Document Reference Title Author

CTR 6.0 Document Control Project Controls Department – Policies and Procedures

Appendix F Tender/Contract Document Administrative Procedures

Master Development Document Numbering

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 14

4. Document Module Configuration
The documents module controls and manages all the controlled project documentation created for the
project. Documents are stored and managed in a register format (i.e. it contains searchable tags or
fields). This section details the document register configuration and information associated with managing
the documents within the documents register on Aconex.

4.1.1 Document Upload

All documents must be uploaded to the register using the appropriate document fields defined for the
project. The fields are key pieces of information that are used to identify the document such as Document
Number, Title and Revision.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 15

4.2 Standard Document Register Fields
The following table details the standard document register fields. These fields are compulsory and
therefore, cannot be renamed or removed. Most are a mandatory requirement when uploading or
superseding a document in the register.

Table 5 – System Document Register Fields

Label Type Description of use Required Note

Text For tagging a document with the unique number required by Section
Document No Yes
(50 chars) the applicable document numbering convention. 3.4

Text For tagging a document with a revision reference (applicable Section

Revision Yes
(15 chars) project convention) when it is updated. 3.5

Text For tagging a document with the applicable title description Section
Title Yes
(255 chars) associated with the document. 3.6

List, single For tagging a document to classify it with an appropriate Section

Type Yes
(50 chars) document type. 4.4

List, single For tagging a document with the appropriate status reference Section
Status Yes
(40 chars) that is relevant to the document lifecycle. 4.5

For defining who can have exclusive access to the registered

Confidential Check Box No

For attaching the electronic file relevant to the registered

File File No

Text For detailing the print size requirements to assist external print
Print Size No
(15 chars) shops when printing the document.

System controlled field. The date when the document changes System
Date Modified Date n/a
via uploading or on receipt of a transmittal. Controlled

Displays the review outcome for a document (e.g. workflow System

Review Status n/a n/a
review outcome). Controlled

Review Source n/a Displays the source of the review outcome (e.g. workflow). n/a

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 16

4.3 Project Specific Document Fields
The following table details the document register fields that have been configured to suit the project
information management requirements. When uploading a document, the following fields are to be
completed. Some of which may be mandatory.

Table 6 – Project Specific Document Register Fields

Label Type Description of use Required Note

Discipline List, single For tagging a document with an appropriate discipline Yes Section 4.6
(50 chars) classification.

Attribute 1 List, multi For tagging a document with one or more values of Yes See
(60 chars) information to assist with categorisation. These values are Appendices
project specific and listed in the appendices,

Attribute 2 List, multi For tagging a document with one or more values of Yes See
(60 chars) information to assist with categorisation. These values are Appendices
project specific and listed in the appendices,

Attribute 3 : Work List, multi For tagging a document with one or more values of Yes See
Component (60 chars) information to assist with categorisation. These values are Appendices
project specific and listed in the appendices,

Phase List, multi For tagging a document with one or more values of Yes Section 4.8
(60 chars) information to assist with categorisation.

Reference Text For tagging a document with an additional Reference Number No

Number (50 chars)

Date Created Date For tagging a document with a date when it was first created. No

Revision Date Date For tagging a document with a date when the revision was Yes

Milestone Date Date For tagging a document with a date of a project milestone. No

Planned Date For tagging a document with a date of planned submission. No

Submission Date

Created By Text For tagging a document with details of the author or No

(60 chars) originator. By default, the organisation name is entered.

Comments Text Area For entering comments relevant to the document to assist in No
(1024 chars) searching and retrieval (e.g. changes between revisions).

Handover Check Box For specifying if a document required for handover No

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 17

4.4 Document Types
The following table indicates the document types available for use on the project. When uploading or
superseding a document, select the type most suitable to the document. An “X” indicates that the project
role has been configured with the ability to select that type.

Table 7 – Document Types

Type Code* Description of use CL PM DC CN MC CC

For all As-built documents issued at

As Built Drawing ABD stage completion or prior to X X X X X X
commissioning and Take over

For all documents related to Audit

Audit Report AUR X X X X X X

For all documents related to Authority

Authority Approvals AUA X X X X X

Quantity and unit price for materials and

Bill of Quantities BOQ X X X X X X

Budget BDG For all final approved contract budget X X X X X X

Budget Transfer For all forms requesting a budget

Form transfer or modification

Building Information For all BIM documents


Calculation CAL For all calculations X X X X X X

For all certificate issued such as safety

Certificate CER certificate, occupation certificate, X X X X X X
municipality certificate etc...

For all documents containing a call for

Change Request CHR X X X X X X
an adjustment

Check List CKL For all documents related to Check Lists X X X X X X

Claim CLM For all issued claims X X X X X X

Clarification CLR For all clarifications X X X X X X

For all contractor’s and consultant’s

Company Profile CP X X X X X X
company profiles tendering for work

For all contractor’s and consultant’s

COU confidentiality undertaking tendering for X X X X X X

Contingency For all contingency changes in the

Transfer budget

For Contracts between any parties

Contract CON X X X X X X
relevant to the project.

Contract Drawing COD For all contract drawings X X X X X X

Contract For all contract amendments and

Modification changes

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 18

Corrective Action
CAR For all requests in conjunction with NCR X X X X X X

For all documents related to Daily

Daily Report DRP X X X X X X

For all documents related to Data

Data Sheet DAS X X X X X X

Drawing DWG For all drawings X X X X X X

EIN For all client instruction X

For all estimates for cost for potential

Estimate EST X X X X X X

Expression of For all documents or requests outlining

Interest the intention of acquiring a service

For all time extension and variation on

Extension of Time EOT X X X X X X

For all documents related to Form of

Form of Agreement FOA X X X

General Conditions For all documents related to General

of Contract Conditions of Contracts

For all approvals coming from GTC

GTC Approval GTA regarding variation and claims to the X
approved budget

For all submissions coming from GTC

GTC Submission GTS regarding variation and claims to the X
approved budget

Inspection & Test For all documents related to Inspection

Plan & Test Plans

Inspection & Test For all documents related to Inspection

Report & Test Reports

To be used to request inspection (ex:

Inspection Request INR X X X X X

Insurance INS For all documents related to Insurances X X X X X X

Invoice INV For all invoices X X X X X X

For formal correspondence, typically

Letter LET X X X X X X
between different companies

Letter of For all letters and notice to proceed

Acceptance & LOA authorizing the contractor to proceed X
Notice to Proceed with work as per the agreement

List LST For all documents related to Lists X X X X X X

Manual MNL For all documents related to Manuals X X X X X X

For all documents related to Material

Material Submittal MAT X X X X X

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 19

Method Statement MST For all work method statement X X X X X X

For all Minutes of Meetings including

Minutes of Meeting MOM X X X X X X
their associated agendas.

Notice to companies that have not

Non Conformance conformed to document control project
Reports procedures. It describes the
transgressions and action to remedy

Operation &
All Manuals and documentation (other
Maintenance OMM X X X X X
than drawings) required for O&M

Payment PAY For all payment certificates X X X X X X

Permits PRM For all documents related to Permits X X X X X

Plan PLN For all documents related to Plans X X X X X X

Prequalification For contractors and consultant to

Submittal prequalify for tenders

Presentation PRE For all presentations X X X X X X

Procedure PRC For all documents related to Procedures X X X X X X

All project schedule/ programmes and

Programme PRG X X X X X X
project planning documents.

Proposal PRO For all proposal of work X X X X X X

For all documents related to Purchase

Purchase order PUR X X X X X X

Purchase For all documents related to Purchase

requisition requisitions

Register REG For all documents related to Registers X X X X X X

Reports including Weekly, Inspection,

Report REP X X X X X X
Monthly, PCG and Cost reports.

For all design and/or construction

Request for
RFI related queries and confirmation X X X X X X

Request for
RFP Request for proposal Documents X X X X X X

For all documents related to Risk

Risk Assessment RSK X X X X X

Rough order of For all documents related to Rough

Magnitude- ROM order of Magnitude- ROM’s

For all documents related to scope of

Scope of Services SOS X X X X X X
All shop drawings produced by the
Shop Drawing SDW X X X X X X
subcontractors and head contractor.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 20

All specifications including hardware,
Specification SPE X X X X X X
equipment and design specifications.

Standard STD For all documents related to Standards X X X X X X

Survey SUR For all documents related to Surveys X X X X X X

Template TMP For all documents related to Templates X X X X X X

All documents issued by partners or

Tender Document TED X X X X X X
contractors in tendering

For tender variations (technical and

Tender Evaluation TEV X X

Variation VAR For all variations to the contract X X X X X X

Variation Order For all requests of variation orders to the

Request contract

For all warranties and guarantees on

Warranty &
WNG works constructed or requirement X X X X X X

Table 8 – Legend
Code Role
CL Client
PM Project Manager
DC Design Consultant
CN Consultant
MC Main Contractor
CC Cost Consultant

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 21

4.5 Document Status
The following table indicates document statuses available for use on the project. When uploading or
superseding a document, select the most suitable status to which the document relates. An “X” indicates
that the project role has been configured with the ability to select that status.

Table 9 – Document Status

Status Description of use PM DC CN MC CC

For all documents that have been auctioned during a

Actioned X X X X X X

Approved For all approved documents X X X X X X

Approved with
For all approved documents subject to comments X X X X X X

Certified As
For all Documents that are Certified As Compliant X

Draft For documents to be issued for draft/initial review


For Action For documents requiring action


For Approval For documents to be issued for approval


For Construction For documents to be issued for construction X X X X X X

For Information For documents to be issued for information only


For Review For documents to be issued for review X X X X X X

For Tender For documents which are used for tendering or

pricing purposes

No Comments For documents that have been reviewed with no


Recommendation For all recommended documents X X X X X X

Rejected For all rejected documents X X X X X X

Table 10 – Legend
Code Role
CL Client
PM Project Manager
DC Design Consultant
CN Consultant
MC Main Contractor
CC Cost Consultant

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 22

4.6 Discipline
The project disciplines used on this project are detailed in the following table. When uploading a
document, select the discipline most suitable to the document.

Table 11 – Project Disciplines

Discipline Code* Description of use

For all documentation associated with Administration including but not limited
Administration AD
to procedures, forms, templates and standard project records.

For all Architectural design documentation including but not limited to

Architectural AR
sketches, reports, drawings, specifications, plans and schedules.

For all Civil design documentation including but not limited to sketches,
Civil CV
reports, drawings, specifications, plans and schedules.

Contract For all Contract Administration documentation including but not limited to
Administration manuals

Cost / Finance /
FC For all financial and commercial documents such as payment certificates.

For all Electrical design documentation including but not limited to sketches,
Electrical EL reports, drawings, specifications, plans, schedules, manuals, datasheets and

For all documents devoted to the co-ordination of all business support

Facility Management FM

For all Fire design documentation including but not limited to sketches,
Fire Fighting FF reports, drawings, specifications, plans, schedules, manuals, datasheets and

For all documents and reports related to earthworks, foundations, structures

Geotechnical &
GG caused by surface condition, resistivity of soils or backfill materials, data about

Health / Safety / For all Health / Safety / Environmental documentation including but not limited
Environment to sketches, reports, drawings, specifications, plans and schedules.

Intelligent Transport For all Intelligent Transport System documentation including but not limited to
System manuals

For all Landscape design documentation including but not limited to sketches,
Landscaping LN
reports, drawings, specifications, plans and schedules.

For all Legal documentation including but not limited to reports, notices,
Legal LG
contracts, schedules and forms.

Logistics LO For all Logistics documentation including but not limited to manuals

Marine MA For all Marine documentation including but not limited to manuals

For all Mechanical design documentation including but not limited to sketches,
Mechanical MC reports, drawings, specifications, plans, schedules, manuals, datasheets and
calculations (Include HVAC docs)

Planning PL For all Planning documentation including but not limited to manuals

Procurement PC For all Procurement documentation including but not limited to manuals

Plumbing PB For all Plumbing documentation

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 23

For all Project Management documentation including but not limited to reports,
Project Management PM
plans, forms, procedures, schedules and instructions.

For all Quality Assurance documentation including but not limited to manuals,
Quality QL
procedures, forms, notices and reports.

For all Security documentation including but not limited to manuals,

Security SE
procedures, forms, notices and reports.

Structural ST For all Structural documentation including but not limited to manuals

Technical TC For all Technical documentation including but not limited to manuals

Telecommunication TL For all Telecommunication documentation including but not limited to manuals

Topographic Survey TPS For all Topographic Survey documentation including but not limited to manuals

For all utilities documentation including but not limited to manuals, procedures,
Utilities UT
forms, notices and reports.

Value Engineering VE For all Value Engineering documentation

*Used in document numbering (see section 3.4)

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 24

4.7 Attribute 1, 2 ,3
This project requires that all documents being uploaded are tagged with the appropriate attributes to
which they relate. Specific project configured values are detailed in the applicable CP Appendices.

4.8 Phase
This project requires that all documents being uploaded are tagged with the appropriate Phase to which
they relate. The project configured values are detailed in the following table.

Table 12 – Contract Number

Value Code

00-Feasibility/Master Planning MP

01-Concept Design CD

02-Schematic Design SD

03-Detailed Design DD

04-Pre-tender PT

05-Tender TN

06-Construction CN

07-Testing & Commissioning TC

08-Operation / Handover OH

09-Guarantee Period GP

99-Non phase related NN

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 25

4.9 Transmittals – Reason for Issue
This project requires that all document transmittals issued are tagged with the applicable Reason for
Issue to indicate to the recipients the intent of the transmittal and the associated documents. The table
below indicates the reasons for issue used on this project.

Note: all CC’d persons on a transmittal are deemed as receiving the transmittal as Issued for Information.

Table 13 – Reason for Issue

Reason Role

Issued for Action Documents that require action

Issued for Approval Issuing documents that require approval from authorised project participants
Issued for Construction Documents that are to be used for construction purposes
Issued for Coordination Documents that require coordination
Issued for Distribution Documents that require distribution
Issued for Information and
Documents that are to be used for information purposes.
Necessary Action
Issued for Review Documents that require review/comment by another project participant
Issued for Tender Documents that are to be used for tendering purposes
Issued for Proposal Documents that are to be Issued for Proposal
Issued for Re-submittal Documents that are to be Issued for Re-submittal

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 26

5. Letter /Correspondence Management

Name: Letter /Correspondence Management

Purpose: To provide a formal communication interface to issue
Application: For all Letters/Correspondence initiated by a Project
Roles and All  Submit Letters through Aconex and
nominate a response required and
due date as required.
 Hard Copy with Signature must
ALWAYS be registered onto Aconex
and transmitted.
 Body of Hard Copy Letter must be
pasted into Aconex.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 27

5.1 Information Flowchart

Process to Create and Send a Letter by Hard Copy and Aconex

Create hard copy

Letter following normal
procedure with wet

Scan signed hard copy

letter to PDF format

In Aconex Register the

Letter following
Document Numbering

Locate the Letter in the

Document Register and

Fill out Recipients,

Attributes, Response
Required, and Subject

Copy/paste the body of

the hard copy Letter
into Aconex transmittal

Click on send in
Aconex. Send Hard
Copy in Parralel

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 28

5.1.1 Creating a new Letter

Upload and register the Letter

1. Choose your project in the Project Selector at the top of the page.

2. Click the Documents button on the Module Menu, and under Actions, click Upload a New

3. Complete all mandatory document information fields, and any other fields as required

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 29

4. Click the Browse button, locate the file you want to add, and click the Open button.

5. Click the Upload button.

6. Click the link to choose your next step. You can:

 Transmit this Letter/Correspondence.

 Or reply to a previous Letter/Correspondence - see 5.1.3 Replying to a


Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 30

5.1.2 Transmitting a Letter/Correspondence

The document you just uploaded is automatically attached to the transmittal.

1. Complete all mandatory Transmittal fields, and any other fields as required.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 31

2. Paste the text of the Letter/Correspondence in to the Body field. You can type your message or
paste text from another application. Use the Format menu to apply formatting to your text.

3. Click the Spelling button to check your mail.

4. Click the Send button.

5.1.3 Replying to a Letter/Transmittal

In order to maintain a traceable thread of communication when replying to a Letter or a Transmittal, a
new mail should NEVER be created. Instead the user should ALWAYS click on “reply to all” in order
to maintain a mail thread as per the screen shot below.

Please note –At the beginning of a Letter always reference cross reference the Letter being replied

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 32

Respond to a Letter/Transmittal
1. Click the Mail button on the Module Menu, and under Search, click Inbox.

2. Complete one or more search criteria fields.

3. Click the Search button.
Click the Subject link of the project mail to open it.
Click the:
o Reply button – to reply to the sender only, without the original attachments.
o Reply to All button – to reply to the sender and all recipients, without the original attachments.
o Forward button – to forward the mail to new recipients, with the original attachments (if required).

4. Complete all mandatory mail fields, and any other fields as required.
Click the Send button.

Alternatively you can:

1. Locate original Letter in the Document Register and click on the title

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 33

2. Click on Event Log

3. Click on the transmittal number and then reply to the transmittal.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 34

6. Mail Module Configuration
This section details the configuration of the mail types in the Mail module for this project.

6.1 Mail Types

The mail types that an organisation can create are detailed in the following table. An “X” indicates that the
project role has been configured with the ability to create and send that mail type.

Table 14 – Mail Types

Type Code* Description of use PM DC CN MC CC

For all official statement or broadcast

Bulletin BUL X X X X X X
summary of news by an organisation.

For internal communication between

INM project participants within your X X X X X X
Memorandum organisation.

For organizing and calling meetings

Notice of Meeting NOM X X X X X X
between project participants.

Used to invite new users registered on

Project Invitation PINVITE X
Aconex to this project

Transmittal TRANSMIT For all Transmittals X X X X X X

*Used in mail numbering (see section 3.8).

Table 15 – Legend
Code Role
CL Client
PM Project Manager
DC Design Consultant
CN Consultant
MC Main Contractor
CC Cost Consultant

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 35

7. Mail & Documents CP Attributes

7.1 Project Specific Document and Mail Attributes

7.1.1 CP Attribute 1

Each CP Project requires that all documents being uploaded are tagged with the appropriate Area to
which they relate. The project configured values are detailed in the Applicable CP Project Appendix. Table
16 – Attribute 1

Please refer to each CP Appendix

7.1.2 CP Attribute 2

Each CP project requires that all documents being uploaded are tagged with the appropriate Area to
which they relate. The project configured values are detailed in the Applicable CP Project Appendix. Table
17 – Attribute 2

Please refer to each CP Appendix

7.1.3 CP Attribute 3 – Component Works

This project requires that all documents being uploaded are tagged with the appropriate Component
Works to which they relate. The project configured values are detailed in the following table.

Table 18 – Component Works


Please refer to each CP Appendix

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 36

8. Document Control Responsibility Matrix
This section details the document control responsibility matrix. In essence the chart below details the actions
and responsibilities of the Document Controller when documents are received via Aconex.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 37

9. Workflow Module
The Workflow module is used to track and manage document reviews and their outcomes. In order to
ensure that all documents are reviewed in a consistent manner, the system requires a project wide

A document is added to a workflow and follows a predetermined review cycle as setup in the workflow
template allowing the users to select from the configured Review Outcome options.

9.1 Document Review Outcome

When workflows are used, the workflow module will automatically update the Review Status field to
indicate the Review Outcome as defined in the workflow configuration. When the document enters a
workflow the Document Status will indicate that the document is ‘Pending’.

The Document Status (Status field in the document register) will not update but remain static until the
owner/author updates and resubmits the document, if required, following the return of the reviewed

9.1.1 Review Outcome Settings

The following table details the review outcomes (Review Status) being used in workflows for this project.

Table 19 – Document Review Outcomes

Review Status Description of use Status*

In Progress Label

Under Workflow For documents that are currently being reviewed in accordance with Under Workflow
Review project procedures. Review

Review Outcomes

For documents that have been reviewed in accordance with project review
Actioned Actioned
procedures and have been approved.

For documents that have been reviewed in accordance with project review
Approved Approved
procedures and have been approved.

Approved with For documents that have been reviewed in accordance with project Approved with
Comments procedures. These have been approved in principle with some comments. Comments

For documents that have been reviewed in accordance with project

Rejected Rejected
procedures and have been rejected.

For documents that have been reviewed in accordance with project review
No Comments No Comments
procedures without comment.
*Indicates how the Document Status will be changed by the workflow.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 38

9.2 Document Review Flow Diagram (Aconex Example)
The following diagram provides an overview of a document moving through a workflow and shows how
the workflow changes the Review Status and Document Status:

Document movement through a Workflow (example)


Document Document

Document is Workflow
registered Workflow initiated returned
reviewed completed
Document Status
(Doc Register Column)

For Approval For Approval For Approval For Approval

Trigger Trigger
(Doc Register Column)
Review Status

Reviewed with Reviewed with Reviewed with

Comments, Comments, Comments,
Revise & Revise & Revise &
Resubmit Resubmit Resubmit
Step Notes

Doc is superseded
Document details Doc is superseded Doc is reviewed Doc is superseded
with the
before it enters according to by relevant according to
commented file
workflow workflow rules participants workflow rules
and review status

Figure 5 Flow of a document through a workflow

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 39

9.3 Start a Workflow from the Documents Module

Search for and select documents to submit into workflow and follow the steps in the Workflow wizard to
guide you through the task.

You can attach supplementary files, from your computer or the register, to a workflow to assist participants
with their review. These files are not submitted for review themselves.

Only active templates are listed for you to choose from when submitting documents into a workflow.

Tip: Some templates won't allow you to edit workflow steps. Contact the template creator for assistance.

1. Choose your project in the Project Selector at the top of the screen.

2. Click the Documents button on the Module Menu, and then under Search, click Document

3. Complete one or more search criteria fields.

4. Click the Search button.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 40

5. Select the checkbox of each document you want to submit into the workflow.

6. Click the Transmit button, and choose Start a Workflow. The Start Workflow Wizard page
displays at 1. Select Documents.

7. Check that the correct documents are attached for review. You can click the:
o Add Documents button – to add more documents to the workflow from the document
o Trash icon – to remove a document from the workflow.
o File icon – to open a document.

8. Attach supplementary files to a workflow if required. See Attach supplementary files to a workflow.
9. Click the Next button to move to the next step in the Workflow wizard, 2 Select Workflow
10. Choose the template you want to use for this workflow. The default view displays only templates
created by your organization, with the option to search templates created by all organizations on the
project. If you wish to display all templates, simply untick the box Show templates from my

Aconex Master Project Instruction L © Aconex 2012 41

organization only .

11. Click the Next button to move to the next step in the Workflow wizard, 3 View and Edit Workflow
12. Enter a name for the workflow in the Workflow Name field.
13. Enter any workflow instructions into the Workflow Note field. This information is visible to all
participants when reviewing documents in the workflow.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 42

14. Complete fields in the Transmittal Settings section as required.

15. Add recipients that you want copied on the final transmittal in the Final Transmittal – Additional Cc
Recipients field.

16. Edit workflow step details or completion rules if required.

17. Click the Submit button.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 43

9.4 Review a document assigned via a Workflow

You can replace a document in workflow with a file from your computer or Temporary Files, or markup the
document in the online viewer.

You can complete the workflow step for a document, or just save your review changes to complete later.

Tip: When a subworkflow has been initiated, the document cannot be progressed in the parent workflow,
until the subworkflow is completed or terminated.

1. Open the workflow step. See Opening a Workflow Task from the My Tasks page.
2. Perform one or more of the following actions as required.
o Attach a replacement file from your local files, or Temporary Files. See Attach a replacement
file to a workflow step.
o Markup the document in the online viewer. See Markup changes in a workflow step in the
online viewer.
o Start a subworkflow. See Start a subworkflow from a workflow assigned to you.
o Delegate the review to another person. See Delegate a document in a workflow step to
someone else for review.
3. To save your changes without completing the workflow step, click the Save And Continue button.

4. To complete the workflow step for selected documents:

1. Select the checkbox of each document you want to complete the workflow step for.
2. Select the outcome of this review step in the Review Outcome list.
3. Type any comments regarding your review in the Comments field, if required.

4. Click the Submit Selected Documents button.

5. Click the OK button in the confirmation message.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 44

9.5 Add a replacement File to a Workflow Step

You can replace the document in a workflow step with a local file or a document in Temporary Files.

1. Open the workflow step. See Opening a Workflow Task from the My Tasks page.
2. To attach a file from your computer or local network:
1. Click the Paperclip icon.

2. Click the Local Computer/Network button.

3. Click the Browse button.
4. Browse to the location of the file you want to attach, and click the Open button.
5. Click the OK button.

3. To attach a document from Temporary Files:

1. Click the Paperclip icon.

2. Enter search criteria in the Super Search field.

3. Click the Search button.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 45

4. Select the checkbox of the document you want to attach, and click the OK button.

4. To save your changes without completing the workflow step, click the Save And Continue button.

5. To complete the workflow step for selected documents:

1. Select the checkbox of each document you want to complete the workflow step for.
2. Select the outcome of this review step in the Review Outcome list.
3. Type any comments regarding your review in the Comments field, if required.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 46

4. Click the Submit Selected Documents button.

5. Click the OK button in the confirmation message.

9.6 Start a Sub Workflow from a Workflow assigned

When a sub-workflow is initiated, the document cannot be progressed in the parent workflow, until the sub-
workflow is completed or terminated.

Tip: You'll get a warning message if:

 The completion date for the sub-workflow is later than the completion date of the parent workflow.
 Any participant in the sub-workflow is a participant in the parent workflow.

1. Open a workflow task. See Opening a Workflow Task from the My Tasks page.
2. Select the checkbox of each document you want to submit into a sub-workflow.
3. Click the Start Sub-workflow button. The Start Workflow Wizard page displays at 1. Select

4. Attach supplementary files to the workflow if required. See Attach supplementary files to a workflow.
5. Click the Next button to move to the next step in the Workflow wizard, 2 Select Workflow
6. Choose the template you want to use for this workflow. The default view displays only templates
created by your organization, with the option to search templates created by all organizations on the
project. If you wish to display all templates, simply untick the box Show templates from my
organization only .

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 47

7. Click the Next button to move to the next step in the Workflow wizard, 3 View and Edit Workflow
8. Enter a name for the workflow in the Workflow Name field.
9. Enter any workflow instructions into the Workflow Note field. This information is visible to all
participants when reviewing documents in the workflow.

10. Complete fields in the Transmittal Settings section as required.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 48

11. Add recipients that you want copied on the final transmittal in the Final Transmittal – Additional Cc
Recipients field.

12. Edit workflow step details or completion rules if required.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 49

13. Click the Submit button.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 50

9.7 Searching for Workflows

Specify multiple search criteria to quickly find the workflow you’re looking for.

Tip: You can use wildcards and Boolean operators in Workflow searches.

1. Choose your project from the Project Selector at the top of the page.

2. Click Workflows from the Module Menu, and then under Search, click Workflows.

3. Enter search criteria as required.

4. Click the Search button.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 51

5. Review the search results list as required. The name of the workflow is shown in the header row.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 52

9.8 Tracking Workflow Progress

Generate a document review report to help you track the progress of documents in workflows based on a
specific workflow template.


 You can only generate a standard report for a specific workflow template.
 When generating a report, you can only choose from workflow templates that have been used to
start a workflow.

1. Choose your project from the Project Selector at the top of the page.

2. Click Workflows from the Module Menu, and then under Search, click Workflows.

3. Enter search criteria as required.

4. Click the Search button.

5. Click the Reports button and choose one of the following options:
o Report 1 – Doc Review Status– Provides a report on all document metadata, and details
for each step including the organization, action, comments and overall status.
o Report 2 – Doc Review Status Extended– Provides a report listing document metadata,
and details of step due date, completed date, comments and overall status.
o Report 3 – Workflow Review Status– Provides a report listing transmittal information, and
details of step due date and days late.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 53

o Export to Excel– Exports all the fields in the search results to an Excel spreadsheet.

6. If you didn’t choose a template as one of your search criteria, choose a template from the Template
list and then click the OK button.

7. Click the Export to Excel button to save or print the report.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 54

10. - CP / Aconex Workflows
This section details the workflows defined for the project by and the project participants within Aconex.
Please note that the number of days represented in the Processes / Workflows are Calender as agreed by
the Project Participants. Each workflow can be found in the Workflow module of Aconex and have been
defined to help the accurate flow of reviews and approvals of project documentation.

Durations on Workflows steps will be dependent on the relevant CP (Project) and initiated when project goes

CP Workflow Module Templates:

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 55

10.1 Approval of NOV (Notice of Variation) Workflow

10.2 Standard Variation Order Process Workflow

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 56

10.3 Design - Design Reports Workflow

10.4 Design – Tender Documents Workflow

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 57

10.5 Design – Technical Submittals Workflow

10.6 Design – Design Reports/Tender Documents/Tech Submittals FWD to Sub Workflow

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 58

10.7 Design Monthly Reports Design Workflow

10.8 Contractor/Consultants Payment Certificates Workflow

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 59

10.9 Consultants (Directly processed by CLIENT) Payment Certificates Workflow

10.10 Construction - Accident Investigation 24 hour Report

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 60

10.11 Construction - Accident Investigation Report

10.12 Construction - Asphalt Paving Record

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 61

10.13 Construction - Daily Reports

10.14 Construction - Drawing Approval Request

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10.15 Construction - Incident Investigation Report

10.16 Construction - Inspection of Concrete Pouring

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 63

10.17 Construction - M & E Concrete Pour Clearance

10.18 Construction - Materials Approval Request

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 64

10.19 Construction - Monthly Environmental Report

10.20 Construction - Monthly Quality Report

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 65

10.21 Construction - Monthly Reports

10.22 Construction - NCR - CSC

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10.23 Construction - NCR- PM/CM

10.24 Construction - Near Miss Report

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 67

10.25 Construction - Notice of Inspection

10.26 Construction - Pre-Concreting Inspection

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10.27 Construction - Programme Approval Request

10.28 Construction - Request for Approval of Method Statement

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 69

10.29 Construction - Request for Approval of Subcontractor

10.30 Construction - Request for Information

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 70

10.31 Construction - Site Observation Report

10.32 Construction - Sub-Workflow -Request for Information / Technical Query - Forward to Design Consultant if a Design

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 71

10.33 Construction - Weekly Reports

10.34 Construction - Contractor Key Personnel Approval

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 72

11. Organisation Administrator Responsibilities
11.1 Registration of New Organisations onto Aconex
In order to monitor new organisations using Aconex on the programme the below process will be used for the registration of New Organisations.

Process- New Organisation registration to Aconex


If company is working on the Organisation Account is

Aconex Helpdesk calls to Inform New Org New Organisation is
Programme, Aconex Helpdesk will send a enabled on Aconex. will now registered. Org
New organization completes that they do not have permission to work on

Aconex registration page Project Mail on the Communication invite to projects. Admin can begin to
Project to Project Admin requesting Programme on Aconex. Aconex Helpdesk
create new users and
confirmation to provide Project Admin contact details
invite to the project.


Aconex Helpdesk make


telephone call to New Org Send Project Mail on the Aconex Helpdesk enables New
to confirm registration and Communication Project requesting Org account and informs New
New Org working
check which project they confirmation of participation YES Org. Aconex Helpdesk send
on Programme?
will be working on Project Mail to to inform that
New Org is enabled.

project Admin to
send Project Invitation
Project Admin responds via Project Mail
mail to Org Admin of
on Communication Project
New Organisation on
relevant project.

New organisations should visit the follow page to register onto Aconex -

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 73

11.2 Change the Auto Number Mail-Code
Upon invitation to any Projects, Organisation Administrators should follow the below instructions.

Note only Org Admins have the rights to change the Auto Number Mail-Code.

1. Click on Setup and then Project Settings.

2. Click on the Other tab

3. In the Auto-number by field add in the appropriate Organisation code + Project Code as per table

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 74

11.3 Disable user accounts upon a user leaving the organization/project

Upon any user leaving any of the Projects or leaving a company working on the
Programme, the applicable Organisation Administrator should immediately disable the user’s
account to prevent the user from logging in to Aconex.

You need to be an Org Admin to follow these steps.

While a user can't be deleted from Aconex, their user account can be disabled. This means the user:

 can no longer log in to Aconex

 is removed from the directory. This means other users can't send mail or transmittals to this user

Tip: All mail and documents that were created by, and sent to a disabled user account can be accessed by
organization members.

1. Click the Setup button on the Module Menu, and under User, click Account Details.

2. Complete one or more search criteria fields.

3. Click the Search button.
4. Click the name of the user account you want to disable.

5. Select the Account locked checkbox.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 75

6. Select the Account disabled checkbox.

7. Click the Save button.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 76

12. – Streamlined project wide collaboration
A – Procedure Summary
Procedure Name: Streamlined Project Wide Collaboration

Purpose: Document originators can distribute documents directly to recipients. This will eliminate
potential bottle necks of large volumes of correspondence and avoid any delays with
issuing documents due to waiting for approval.
Within this process:
 a full audit trail will be maintained
 document control running periodic quality checks (rather than every time)
 significantly faster turnaround times
Application: For all Project correspondence and documents
Document/Correspondence  Creates document/correspondence in accordance
Originator with appropriate project document numbering
 Uploads and registers to Aconex
 Transmits to other project participants
 Issues Hard Copy in parallel

Procedure PRO-ACX-PM-PRO-00001- Master Project Instruction


B – Procedure Flow Diagram

Streamlined Project Wide Collaboration

Originator creates document/correspondence in accordance with

Step 1

appropriate project document numbering convention

Originator uploads and registers to Aconex and then transmits to

other project participants
Step 2

Originator issued hard copy in parralel

Step 3

C – Aconex recommendations
The following schedule outlines the recommended assigned roles.

Key settings: Use

On Aconex all users at an organisational level will  Allows users to issue own
be granted rights to upload and register documents correspondence/documents.
and transmit.

Aconex Master Project Instruction © Aconex 2012 77

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