B Tech 2315 Water Resources Eng 2008 SCH s6 May 2011.compressed

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a sn a (Pages : 3) 2315 Sixth Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, May 2011 (2008 Scheme) Branch : Civil Engineering 08.603: WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING (C) Time : 3 Hours Max.Marks : 100 PART-A Answer all questions from Part A. 1. a) What is meant by infiltration ? How is it measured ? b) What are the assumptions in unit Hydrograph theory ? c) Ifrice requires about 12cm depth of water at an interval of about 10 days, and the base period of rice is 140 days, find out the delta for rice. d) What is meant by a Regime Channel ? Differentiate between Initial Regime and_ Final Regime ofa channel. e) Explain pitched islands and its functions. £) Define specific yield, specific retention and storage coefficient with respect toan aquifer. g) What are the different types of canal linings ? h) Explain stage discharge curve (8x5=40 Marks) PART ~B Answer any one full questions from each Module in Part B. Module — I Tl. a) A3 hour unit hydrograph has a triangular shape whose base is 8 hours and > the peak of 4m3/second occurs ‘at 3 hours from the origin. If an excess rainfall intensity of 2Smm/hour occurred for 3 hours, compute the peak discharge. 5 PTO. 2315 ‘ORO b) Ordinates of a3 hour unit hydrograph are given below. If rainfall intensity of 25mm/hour occurs for a period of 6 hours followed by another 3 hour rainfall of intensity of 10mm/hour with a gap of 3 hours, what peak flow the system will produce ? ] T TI | 33 | Time (hour) | 0 | 3 | | 1 — | | Ordinates of 3-hr UH a’ /s OR IIl.a) Explain the isohyetal method of computing the average rainfall over an area. 5 b) Allowing 7% error in estimating the mean rainfall data, calculate the minimum number of additional stations required over the existing 6 number of gauges to represent the basin adequately. The annual rainfall data for stations are 1280, 1440, 1200, 1090, 1660, and 1030 mm respectively. 15 Module — IT IV.a) Define water conveyance efficiency and water application efficiency. 5 b) Design a trapezoidal shaped concrete lined channel to carry a discharge of 40 cumecs ata slope of 10 c/km. The side slope of the channel is 1Y% H:IV. The value of N may be taken as 0.015. Assume a limiting velocity of 1.5 m/s. 15 OR V. a) What are the drawbacks of Kennedy’s theory for the design of unlined channel’? 5 b) Design an irrigation channel in alluvial soil according to Lacey’s theory, for the given data. Full supply discharge = 18 m>/ second. Lacey’s silt factor = 1; channel side slope = % HIV. 15 ‘ea 3 2315 Module - TT VI.a) What are the assumptions in Dupits theory for flow through an unconfined aquifer with a fully penetrating well ? 5 b) Pumping at a rate of 1500 litres per minute from a 30cm diameter test well of depth 60m in an unconfined aquifer gives drawdown of 2m and 1.1m in observation wells located respectively 120m and 160m away from it. Calculate (i) hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer and (ji) drawdown of the pumping well. 15 OR VIL. Find the probable life of the reservoir with an initial reservoir capacity of 300 million cubic meters, if the annual flood inflow is 60 million cubic meters and the average annual sediment inflow is 0.3 million cubic meters. The useful life of reservoir will terminate when 80% of initial capacity is filled with sediments. The relationship between trap efficiency and capacity / inflow ratio is given below. Capacity / inflow ratio ‘Trap efficiency (%) 87 | 93 | 95 | 95.5 | 96 | 96.5] 97 | 97.2| 97.3 | 97.5 20

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