Project Report Fingerprint and Iris Authentication System: Product Design and Development

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Project Report

Fingerprint and Iris Authentication

Product Design and Development
Product Description:
The product designed is a biometric authentication system that can
be used in various scenarios. Some examples of its implementation
can include ration, Aadhar ID verification and security systems, etc.
One can overcome difficulties faced in the present physical
registration system due to large number of people and lack of
automation. More often, the ID cards wear off/are stolen/ are
misused for personal benefits. Security systems can provide selective
access to areas, precluding those who do not pass the verification.

The product incorporates a two level security protocol - fingerprint

authentication followed by Iris recognition. The entire process is
streamlined via a simple graphical user interface. A compact
fingerprint module registers unique fingerprints and a modified IR
camera stores high resolution images. Potential customers can either
enrol or authenticate themselves by following the on-screen
instructions. The prototype adheres to a compact, modular design
with ease of access for corresponding functions. All of the above is
achieved at very nominals costs, given the materials and electronics
we have chosen to work with – an optimal biometric solution.
Bill of Materials:
Cost of the
Component Used Description
14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be
Arduino/Genuino used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16
Rs. 800
Uno Development Board (x2) MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power
jack, an ICSP header and a reset button.

Optical Fingerprint Recognition ARM Cortex M3 Core, 14x12.5mm sensor with

Rs. 1949
Embedded Module- GT 511C1R False Acceptance Rate of < 0.001%

Camera Logitech; 12 Mega Pixel Rs. 349

USB Cables Cables of length 1m each Rs. 150
Wooden Box Box made of timber of dimensions 8”x6” Rs 80
Hylam Sheet Plywood sheet laminated- dimensions 6”x6” Rs 50
PVC Pipe Pipe of Length 50cm Rs 30
Pipe coupling Diameter 10cm Rs 20
IR LEDs (x2) - Rs. 20
Dotted PCB 10 x 10 cm Rs. 30
3 Color LED BGR Rs. 20
Wiring - Rs. 30
Duct Tape Insulation tape - 10m in length Rs 20
Clamp Metal clamp fitting for the pipe Rs 20
Exposed Negative Film Exposed on request from photo store Rs. 20
Total Cost Rs. 3588

Along with the cost of materials, some overhead was required for the drilling, cutting of the
PVC pipe at the required length and joining the parts to form the finished product. This
rounded up to Rs. 350 and will be part of the total cost. Thus the product materialized and is
at a functional state with the overall cost rounding off to around Rs. 4000, which is under the
upper bound set for the designing of the product.
Working Flowchart:

IR Sensitive Camera:
• Existing cameras are only sensitive to visible light, due to the presence of an IR filter.
• However, due to the high sensitivity and precision required for the Iris Recognition, we
would need low-power IR lighting in the cavity.
• Thus we remove the filter in the camera and replace with the exposed negative of a
3.5mm film.
• This allows it to be preferential towards IR illumination, giving clear image.
Fingerprint Module:

TTL (GT-511C3)
• High-Speed, High-Accuracy Fingerprint Identification using the SmackFinger 3.0
• Ultra-thin optical sensor
• ARM Cortex M3 Core
• 14 x 12.5mm
• 450 dpi
• UART protocol (Default 9600 baud)
• Capable of 1:1 Verification and 1:N Identification

Development Environment:

• Due to affordability, it is tied down to proprietary software.

• The Standard Development Kit (SDK) allows us to enrol, verify and generate a unique
Fingerprint ID for each user.
• This is used as an input in our user interface.
Iris Recognition Algorithm:

• It takes the descriptor of one feature in first set and is matched with all other features in
second set using some distance calculation. And the closest one is returned.
• Method computes abstractions of image information and makes local decisions at every
image point whether there is an image feature of a given type at that point or not.
• These can be edges/interest points/ blobs/ ridges
• Image is normalized to prevent erroneous lighting from affecting output.
• The two images which have the minimum hamming distance between them is adjudged
a match.
from Tkinter import *
from tkMessageBox import showinfo
import pickle
import os, shutil
import sys
import winsound
import time
import os.path
import cv2
import numpy as np
import serial

ser = serial.Serial('COM7', 9600)

def capture():
cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

img_counter = 0

winsound.PlaySound('audio/5secs.wav', winsound.SND_FILENAME)
timeout = time.time() + 5

while True:
ret, frame =
cv2.imshow("Eye", frame)
if not ret:
k = cv2.waitKey(1)

if k%256 == 27:
# ESC pressed
print("Escape hit, closing...")

elif time.time() > timeout:

while(os.path.isfile("eyes/{}.png".format(img_counter)) == True):
img_counter = img_counter + 1
img_name = "eyes/{}.png".format(img_counter)
cv2.imwrite(img_name, frame)
img_counter += 1
winsound.PlaySound('audio/beep.wav', winsound.SND_FILENAME)


def compare(match):
cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0)


img_counter = 0

winsound.PlaySound('audio/5secs.wav', winsound.SND_FILENAME)
timeout = time.time() + 5

while True:
ret, frame =
cv2.imshow("Iris Capture", frame)
if not ret:
k = cv2.waitKey(1)

if k%256 == 27:
# ESC pressed
print("Escape hit, closing...")
elif time.time() > timeout:
ID = sift(frame)
if int(match) == int(ID):
names = pickle.load( open("names.p", "rb" ) )
ages = pickle.load( open("ages.p", "rb" ) )
winsound.PlaySound('audio/beep.wav', winsound.SND_FILENAME)
i = 1
sList=['Authentication Successful-\nName: {}\n', 'Age: {} years']
lines = [s.format(value) for s,value in zip(sList,valueList)]
msg = ''.join(lines)
showinfo(title='Success', message = "%s" % msg)
i = i + 1
i = 1
showinfo(title='Failed', message='Authentication Failure. Please adjust lighting
i = i + 1


def sift(frame):
list = os.listdir('eyes/') # dir is your directory path
number_of_files = len(list)

ideal = 0
ideal_score = np.inf

for i in range(0,number_of_files):
img1 = frame
img2 = cv2.imread('eyes/'+str(i)+'.png',0) # trainImage

# Initiate ORB detector

orb = cv2.ORB_create()

# find the keypoints and descriptors with ORB

kp1, des1 = orb.detectAndCompute(img1,None)
kp2, des2 = orb.detectAndCompute(img2,None)
# create BFMatcher object
bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING, crossCheck=True)

# Match descriptors.
matches = bf.match(des1,des2)

# Sort them in the order of their distance.

matches = sorted(matches, key = lambda x:x.distance)
# Draw first 10 matches.
n = 0

corr = []
for n in range (0,10):

img3 = cv2.drawMatches(img1,kp1,img2,kp2,matches[:10],None,flags=2)

average_match_score = np.mean(corr)
print average_match_score

if average_match_score < ideal_score:

ideal = i
ideal_score = average_match_score

return ideal

def reset():
names = []
ages = []
pickle.dump(names, open( "names.p","wb"))
pickle.dump(ages, open( "ages.p","wb"))

folder = 'eyes/'
for the_file in os.listdir(folder):
file_path = os.path.join(folder, the_file)
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
except Exception as e:

def reply1():
enroll = Tk()
enroll.resizable(width=False, height=False)
Label(enroll, text="Please enroll your fingerprint in the adjacent window\n BEFORE Entering your NAME
and AGE in the boxes below:").pack(side=TOP)

ent1 = Entry(enroll)
ent1.pack(fill=BOTH, expand = 1)

ent2 = Entry(enroll)
ent2.pack(fill=BOTH, expand = 1)

btn3 = Button(enroll, text="ENTER", command=(lambda: reply3(ent1.get(),ent2.get())))

btn3.pack(fill=BOTH, expand = 1)

def reply2():
valid = Tk()
valid.resizable(width=False, height=False)

Label(valid, text="Please verify your fingerprint in the adjacent window\n AND THEN\n Enter your name
and Unique Fingerprint ID:").pack(side=TOP)
Label(valid, text="If you do not get a Unique Fingerprint ID, please retry verification.\n Else, you
may not be in the database and need to ENROLL first:").pack(side=BOTTOM)

ent2 = Entry(valid)

btn4 = Button(valid, text="ENTER", command=(lambda: reply4(ent2.get(), ent3.get())))


ent3 = Entry(valid)

def reply3(name, age):

names = pickle.load( open("names.p", "rb" ) )
ages = pickle.load( open("ages.p", "rb" ) )
except IOError:
names = []
ages = []

pickle.dump(names, open( "names.p","wb"))

pickle.dump(ages, open( "ages.p","wb"))
showinfo(title='Finger Enrolled', message='Hello %s! Please proceed to Iris Enrollment\nby clicking
OK' % name)
showinfo(title='Iris Enrolled', message='New User Enrolled: %s' % name)

def reply4(name, numb):

names = pickle.load( open("names.p", "rb" ) )
if names[int(numb)] == name:
sList=['Authentication Successful-\nName: {}\nPress OK to continue to iris verification.']
lines = [s.format(value) for s,value in zip(sList,valueList)]
msg = ''.join(lines)
showinfo(title='Fingerprint ID', message="%s" % msg)
i = 1
showinfo(title='Fingerprint ID', message='Rejected')
i = i + 1

except IndexError:
i = 1
if(i ==1):
showinfo(title='Reply', message='Rejected')
i = i + 1

root = Tk()
root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
root.title('Authentication System')

btn1 = Button(root, text="Enroll", fg="blue", command=(lambda: reply1()))

btn2 = Button(root, text="Authenticate", fg="red", command=(lambda: reply2()))
btn1.pack(fill=BOTH, expand = 1)
btn2.pack(fill=BOTH, expand = 1)

reset_button = Button(root, text="Reset DB", command=(lambda: reset()))


Working Flowchart:
Two possible paths can be chosen by the user via the Graphical User

Authenticate Enroll

Verify fingerprint and get Enroll Fingerprint

unique Fingerprint ID in window

Enter Name and Fingerprint Enter Name, Age

ID for authentication and Gender

Proceed to Iris Proceed to Iris

Authentication Enrollment

If successfully identified, Thank you for

your details will be displayed. Enrolling!
Product Design and Packaging:
Design Principles:
Principles adhered to – Modularity, Functional Ease, Usability and Compact Interface
• Robust and compact as possible
• Including minimum number of components in user’s side
• Designing a network for storing the data
• Include standard packaging (rugged)
• Multipurpose & Cost efficiency

• The Arduino board and the fingerprint sensor are packaged inside of a Wooden Box of
size 8”x6”x2.5”.

• The box is made out of quality timber and has a removable cover made out of Hylam
plywood with screw holes aligned with the box.
• The box was selected as the packaging for its strength. The wooden box has the
strength to take on the external stresses created by the users, which might damage the
internal circuitry and wiring.
• An LED light is present in the vicinity of the fingerprint sensor on the top of the box. This
serves as a visual indicator for a successful scan.

• The box was given a circular bore at the rear end to wire the webcam which is set at a
height of 30 cm above the ground.

• The webcam is mounted on a Hylam plywood sheet of dimensions 6”x6”, which rests on
an industry grade PVC pipe of Diameter 1”.
• The pipe is set in place with the help of an Instant Epoxy Adhesive, an industry standard.
• The webcam that serves as the iris scanner has a PVC Pipe used as an extension in
order to protect the image from stray lighting.
• Wiring routing through the PVC module is achieved via drilling a 2cm radius hole on the
hylam sheet. This allows us to hide the wiring from plain sight, increasing the aesthetic
value of the product.

• The PVC module is attached to the main frame with a metallic clamping. This ensures
robust, rugged behaviour of the product under stress and repeated use. The clamp is set
in place using two screws.

• Duct tape is used to coalesce the USB wires and wires to the IR LED pair. This ensures
insulation from external damage as well as modularity of the system.

The packaging has sufficient protection with the materials used given the working
conditions of the authentication system.
Customer Evaluation
1. V. Tamil Selvan (Arima Finances – An Aadhar Enrolment Center.)
Goal – To evaluate the use of such a biometric system in Aadhar
implementation. To acquire feedback on improvisation of said system
for large databases and commercial use.

Customer Bio - V.Tamilselvan a MBA Graduate with more than 20

years of experience in the Insurance Industry had served United India
Insurance Co. Ltd., Royal Sundaram, Chola MS General Insurance
under various capacities. He had specialized himself with Technical
Qualifications to serve the Industry better. He had made special
remarkable achievements in above Companies before floating this

Evaluation Transcription (not verbatim, paraphrased)-

• Pros and cons of the system?

The system USP is the cost – it comes up to around Rs. 4000 while commercially available
systems currently in use for Aadhar come up to Rs. 15,000. This gives it a good leverage in
the market. To improve on this, data must be encrypted. Here we maintain large databases
of customers while satisfying privacy expectations.

• What are the attractive features?

The software seems novel – however if you streamline it further it can appeal to the
common man.

• Would you find the product useful in your business?

Definitely. I have a large client base who is interested in working with biometric data
systems. I often entertain students from colleges in the vicinity to demonstrate their
findings. Such a cheap, efficient system will be welcomed in the Aadhar registration
2. N Parthasarathy, Vice President, Axis Bank Trichy

Goal – To find out the feasibility of such systems in

financial institutions such as banks. These include
usage for lockers, valuables, transactions, etc.

Customer Bio - N Parthasarathy is the Vice President of

Axis Bank operations in Trichy. He is in charge of the
cantonment branch and handles operations with clients
and customers.

Evaluation Transcription (not verbatim, paraphrased)-

• Pros and cons of the system?

It is definitely a very innovative product, packaged neatly and well within budget. The two
tier security is interesting, I was not aware that fingerprints are prone to duplication.
However, the cost to benefit trade-off is necessary to know. If there is no substantial value
for the incremental security, the system will not make sense.

• Can this be used for lockers or transactions?

I once heard that Citi Bank used Iris recognition for transactions in America. However, for
now 4 digit PIN codes are most suitable until technology catches up. If makers like Godrej,
etc. can retrofit this solution at a low price it would be viable, perhaps.

• Do you believe this system will find its way into banks?

It all boils down to the customer satisfaction. If they find this to be an annoyance as
compared to the protocol of other banks, it is of no use. However, if security requirements
increase over time, and the prices adjust accordingly, this system may see the light of day.
3. Ms. Aarthy Rajesh, Administrator HRD, Joseph Eye Hospital
Goal – To investigate how biometric systems can serve as attendance registration for
hospitals and similar institutes.

Customer Bio – Ms. Aarthy Rajesh is the HR manager for Joseph Eye Hospital Trichy. Joseph
Eye Hospital offers services to the unaffordable segment of the community over six decades.
Every year JEH achieves new heights in its services. The demand for quality eye care services is
always on the rise. Being a tertiary care eye hospital, JEH is sensitive to the community's need
by constant up-gradation of strategies. Today JEH caters to the needs of around 4.5 million
people and provides surgical treatment to more than 24,000 people. Most of our patients are
from the unaffordable segment of the community. In 2001, 80% of its patients have received free

Evaluation Transcription (not verbatim, paraphrased)-

• Pros and cons of the system?

I have seen similar products in the market, so unless there is a substantial price differential,
it make not suit the cause. Looks simple, aesthetically pleasing. Procedure is not complex
and data to be displayed can be tailored to the needs of the consumer.

• Can this be used to regulate restricted areas in the hospital?

Access to only specific doctors can be made possible via your database idea. This will
prevent unauthorized access, misuse of equipment, etc.

• Do you believe this system will find its way into banks?

Patient documents can be made confidential via this two-step process. This increased
security and will benefit the patient body in the long run.
4. Dr.A.Sreekanth, Hostel Convener, NIT Trichy

Goal – To see how this system will work out in educational

institutions. This comprises of myriad areas such as hostels, 1st
year enrolment, and security systems in gate

Customer Bio - Dr.A.Sreekanth is a professor in the Chemistry

Department of NIT Trichy. He is in charge of monitoring student
residence, and is aware of the biometric procedures in campus.

Evaluation Transcription (not verbatim, paraphrased)-

• Pros and cons of the system?

The system usability is good. Perhaps it can be made more compact, but I understand that
budget limitations are there.

• What is the current scenario of biometric security in the campus?

1st years enrol information such as fingerprint data and photographs on admission. The
hostel office has fingerprint security, which is often bypassed, but can be put to better use.

• What do you think is the future feasibility of the system in campus?

Very high feasibility exists. Coursework and MIS can be handled by faculty via fingerprint or
biometric access – case in point being preventing students from hacking. Attendance
systems using biometric data are a longshot, but if prices and implementation are viable it
can become a reality.

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