Bonding Adhesion: Resistance of Adhesives, Sealants, and Coatings To Corrosive Environments

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adhesion bonding

Resistance of Adhesives, Sealants,

and Coatings to Corrosive become quite specialized to meet
extreme requirements. As a result,
Environments understanding and planning for
chemical resistance are difficult

f or an adhesive, sealant, or coat-

ing to be useful, it not only must
withstand the mechanical forces
especially at elevated temperatures.
Physical properties and durability are
influenced by many environmental
that are acting on it, but it must also elements. These include: high and Chemical factors may affect the
resist the service environment or the low temperatures; moisture or rela- strength and permanence of an
chemical forces that may also be tive humidity; chemical fluids; and adhesive bond in several ways. The
applied. Thus, one of the most outdoor weathering. Table 1 summa- chemical agents may affect the cohe-
important characteristics for these rizes the relative resistance ofvarious sive (tensile strength, elongation,
materials is their endurance to cor- adhesive types to common chemical etc.) properties of the bulk adhesive
rosive environments such as those operating environments. or the adherend. Adhesive properties
found in the chemical process indus- In selecting polymeric materials for (shear or peel strength) at the adhe-
try. This article will focus on the their chemical resistance, certain sive-adherend interface could be
chemical resistance of adhesives, but generalities must be avoided. The affected as well. The extent of deteri-
the fundamentals that are discussed nature and type of chemical environ- oration suffered by polymeric mate-
relate to sealants, coatings, and ments, their concentrations and tem- rials is affected by its chemical com-
other polymeric materials as well. perature, the joint design, chemical position and structure, the composi-
Most organic polymeric materials resistance of the substrates, and tion of the acting medium, and the
used to formulate adhesives, other specific factors must be consid- conditions of the action. In general,
sealants, and coatings tend to be sus- ered. As the combination of factors the degradation process can be phys-
ceptible to chemicals and solvents, becomes large, formulations must ical and/or chemical.

Adhesives Hot Water Acid Alkali Oil, Grease Fuels Alcohols Ketones Esters Aromatics
Cyanoacrylate 6 6 6 3 3 5 5 5 4

Epoxy + 2 2 2 2 3 1 6 6 1
Epoxy + 3 2 2 2 2 6 6 2
Epoxy + 6 3 6 2 2 1 6 6 3
Acrylic 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3

Acrylate acid 4 6 6 3 3 5 5 5 4
Polyurethane 3 3 3 2 2 2 5 6 -
Silicone (RTV) 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3

Epoxy - 6 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 2
polysulf ide
Epoxy - 2 2 2 3 3 2 6 6 2
Table 1: Relative Resistance of ThermosettingAdhesives to Common Chemical Environments'

381 metalfinishing ISeptember2010

adhesion structu re. Achieving a good barrier is
polymer that is molecularly

bonding often difficult and will depend on

many parameters associated with
engineered to provide good barrier
• By using appropriate fillers so that
both th e adhesive, joint design, and
the penetrating species is forced
Physicaldegradation occurs when the th e environment.
to take a tortuous path into the
chemical enviro nm en t enters the A measure of the lack of barrier
molecular network but does not resistance is generally the permeabil-
• Byexternal protection. (Exposed
react with it. For exampl e, liquid ity of species th rough a polymer.
joint edges, machined holes, etc.,
chemicals , solvents, and moisture Th is occur s via two processes: solu-
can be coated with a high
can diffus e into a polym er structure tion and diffusion . Figure 1 illus-
permeability coating).
acting as a plasticizer. This action trates th e concepts of solution, dif-
could cause swelling and dissolution fusion , and permeation. The chemi- In essence, th ere are two ways of
of the polymer. More importan tly, it cal must first dissolve (solution) into protecting adhesives, sealants, or
reduces the molecular int eractions th e external surface of th e polymer. coat ings from exposure to chemical
within th e adhesive or adheren d, It th en undergoes molecular diffu- environ ments: a high degree of
and, as a result, properties such as sion through th e polymer. crosslinking within the pol ymer
tensile strength, hardness, elonga- However, th ese concepts do not stru ctu re and minimizing the
tion, and heat resistance are adverse- amount of exposed area th rou gh
lyaffected. design.
Chemical degradation occurs when
the chemical environment causes a TEST METHODS
reaction th at results in a breakdown Cons equences of exposure to chem-
of the polymer molecule. Th e nature ical environments are so severe that
of this reaction will, of cour se, it is usually necessary to test prepro-
depend on the chemistry of th e poly- duction joints, both in the laborato-
mer and the penetrating species. ry and in the field, under conditions
The effect of moisture, especially at as close to the actual service envi-
elevated temperature, is a good ronment as possible. The parame-
example of this . Water can cause ters th at will likely affect the dura-
hydrolysis of certain polymeric mate- bility of a given joint are:
Figure 1. Conceptsof solution,diffusion. and
rials. Th is actually breaks the long permeation.
polymer mol ecules down into small- • Maximum stress level
er parts, and th e polymer th at was • Average constant stress level
once a st rong solid can actu ally be cover all circum stances. Chemicals • Nature and type of environment
turned into a gel or liquid state. or solvents could also enter th e poly- • Cyclic effects of stress and envi-
Such processes as those described mer via wicking along reinforcing ronment (rate and period)
above can only occur if the chemical fibers or pigments associat ed with • Time of exposure
environment is capable of directly th e formulat ion . This process is
encountering th e adhesive or especially evident if th e joi nt is In applications where possible
adherend molecules to allow interac- machined or cut so that adhesive degradin g elements exist, candidate
tion. This can be divided into several edges are exposed. adhesives must be tested under sim-
steps: A barrier function can be incorpo - ulated service conditions. Imp ortant
rated int o an adh esive joint in sever- information, such as the maximum
• The sorption of the medium at the al ways: load that the adhesive join t will
polymer surface withstand for extended periods of
• The diffusion of the medium • Bychoosing a low permeability time and the degrading effects of
through the polymeric material
• The interaction of the polymer and Conditions, 77°F after:
the diffusing medium
30 days in RT water
• The diffusion and reaction products
30 days at 110°F and 100% relat ive humidity
from the polymer bulk to the
30 days in 95°F sa lt-spray cabinet (5% salt)
7 days in JP-4 jet fuel
7 days in anti -icing fluid (isopropyl alcohol)
Thus, for maximum chemical
7 days in hydraulic oil (Mll-H-5606)
resistance it is desirable that the
7 days in hydrocarbon test fluid (70/30 vt» isooctane/toluene)
polymer provides a barri er to the pas-
Table 2: Standard Test Fluids and Immersion Conditons for Adhesive Evaluation per MM M-A-132
sage of the chemical med ium int o its September 2010 I metalfinishing 139

adhesion bonding time are especially vulnerable and
prototype specimens need to be
appropriately tested.
202 3 d, C
When compared to other structur-
~ al adhesives, those based on epoxy
chemistry have outstanding resist-
.to ance to solvents, weak acids, and
.,. alkali compounds. This accounts

I/r ~ - B for their use as adhesives, sealants,

and coatings in many industrial
applications. As a result, epoxy
"--- c compounds are used to assemble
water softener tanks, chemical con-
tainers, brewery tanks, and other

, 1'1
-\\ 0

industrial components in the
chemical industry.
Epoxy adhesives are generally
more resistant to a wide variety of
I liquid environments than other
structural adhesives. However, the
o 4 12 20 2 2 resistance to a specific environment
Expo<$Ure Ii is greatly dependent on the type of
epoxy curing agent used and the for-
Figure 2. Effect of immersion in variouschemical environmentson a one-part heat curingepoxy
adhesive (EA929, Cytec Hysol Division) in (a) gasoline at 75°F, (b)gear oil at 2SQoF, (c) distilled
mulation employed. Generally,
water at 75°F, (d) tap water at 212°F, and (e) Shellzone at 2SQoF.' those factors tending to promote
thermal stability also tend to
improve chemical resistance. So very
various chemical environments, over short time periods. This effect often the adhesives having the great-
must be addressed by several test is possibly due either to post-curing est thermal stability will also provide
methods. or slight plasticizing of the epoxy the greatest chemical resistance.
ASTM D896, "Standard Test by the oil.
Method for Resistance of Adhesive Figure 2 shows the long-term REFERENCES
Bonds to Chemical Reagents", speci- effect of a heat-cured epoxy joint to 1. Weggemans, D. M., "Adhesives
fies the testing of adhesive joints for various chemical environments. As Charts", in Adhesion and Adhesives)
resistance to solvents and chemicals. can be seen, the temperature of the Vol. 2, Elsevier, Amsterdam,
Standard chemical reagents are listed immersion medium is a significant 1967.
in ASTM D543, and the standard factor in the aging properties of the 2. Aerospace Adhesive EA 929,
oils and fuels are given in ASTM adhesive. As the temperature Hysol Division, Dexter Corp.
D471. Standard test fluids and increases, more fluid is absorbed by Tech. Bull.
immersion conditions used by many the adhesive, and the degradation
adhesive suppliers are specified in rate increases.
Military Specification MMM-A-132 The effect of simultaneous expo-
(See Table 2). sure to both mechanical stress and a
Most standard tests to determine chemical environment is often more
chemical resistance of adhesive severe than the sum of each factor
joints last only 30 days or so. taken separately. Mechanical stress,
Unfortunately, exposure tests last- elevated temperatures, and exposure
ing less than 30 days are not appli- to chemicals or solvents can be a fatal BIO
cable to many real-life service combination for certain adhesives Edward M. Petrie isthesale proprietor of
requirements. Practically all adhe- and sealants if all occur at the same EMP Solutions) a Cary) N C.-basedcon-
sives are resistant to these fluids time. The stress can act to accelerate suiting firm focused on solving problems
over short time periods and at room the degradation caused by the envi- in the adhesives and sealants industry.
temperatures. Some epoxy adhe- ronment, and vice versa. Joints that He also works as a technical expertfor
sives even show an increase in will be exposed to both chemical SpecialChem. For more information)
strength during aging in fuel or oil environments and load at the same

40 I metalfinishing I September 2010

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