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code metrics complexity - which tool static analysis tool

2. peer review
3. v model - component testing
4. reg incident reporting 2 questions -- learn that points in reporting
5. reviews --- reg walkthroug, technical meeting
static analysis finds more bugs more thn dynamic testing
6. giving test cases and checking for 100% statement coverage and 100% decision
7. state transition testing
8. boundary value analysis
9. boundary and equivalence - giving the options and selecting the correct answer
10. configuration management - 1 question
11. scenarios was given and asked for which testing principle will be used
12. one direct question from testing principles
13. giving the decision to stahe holders reg tseting - which phase
14. 1.1.4 - 2 para
15. testing obj - finding defects and preventing defects.
16. Debugging and re-testing
Testing replaces the debugging phase
Debugging finds the defect in the code
testing confirms that the code has been removed
17. tool used by test managers - defect tracking tool
18. regression testing - done for every increment added to the system
19. psychology of testing - 1 question
20. Testing within a life cycle model - 1 question
21. Given four statements abt component testing and pick the incorrect one : A - it
tests the interfaces between the modules and programs
22. combined componenet and integration testing --- top down, continous
integration, system testing,
23. types of black box testing - direct question
24. load testing - time nad users, no of users ,....
25. user acceptance testing - done by the customers at the end
26. functional testing - interoperability testing
27. structure based and specification based - 1 question was there
28. decision coverage is stronger than statement coverage
29. testing level of independence
30. task of a test leader.

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