Source Evaluation

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Raparia 1

Gul Raparia, Aahana

Sharma, Ritu

Global Perspective

1 February, 2019

Source Evaluation

The following 8 resources were chosen for evaluation, to give the educator a further insight

to the student’s research and understanding of source analysis. This evaluation added on to

the researching process by giving a better understanding to the resources available. These 8

sources were chosen out of the other (all other sources are cited in the bibliography) as they

directly impacted the student’s understanding by giving her insight on the questions searched.

This claim can be verified by further reading the evaluation.

Hines, Nico. “Why is America so bad at the Olympic.” dailybeast, scroll, 2016. accessed on 18

February 2019.

This website was published by a well-known news providing site, thus credible. It was

powered by SCROLL, which is also another eminent site. This article was written in order to

give perspective to all the issue in the sporting culture of America. It suggested that due to no

ministry and sports based researches, America didn’t perform well in Olympic. This was

pretty astonishing as the article contradicted all the research I had done before. However, the

author failed to mention which Olympics he was taking in consideration, while analysing, as

all statistics showed that America was doing well in Olympics. It seemed that this article tried

bringing light to the lack in the sports governance visa-via this topic heading.
Raparia 2

KPMG group Associates. “The business of sports.” The Confederation of Indian Industry,

2016. pp. 1-47. 2019.

sports.pdf. Accessed on 3 February 2019.

The following was a PDF version of a research report made by well-known, thus reliable,

researching group- KPMG. It was published by Asset, another researching group, thus adding

further emphasis on to its reliability. It was an overall research about the sporting

environment of India. It gave insightful information and major chunks of information was

taken from here by the whole team. It had visuals and interactive maps, thus presenting the

information in a user-friendly manner. The whole researcher group wasn’t mentioned, which

would have added on to the reliability. Moreover, it failed to give the reader a brief analysis

of the KMPG group’s researching process. Thus, minimizing its credibility.

Nevil-Manning, Craig. “Olympic Glory in Proportion.” Medals Per Capita, February 2018.

medalspercapita. Accessed on 1 February 2019.

on 1 February 2019.

The above website was found on Google by researching for the key term, ‘medal tally for the

Olympics’. This site is created by Craig Nevil-Manning, a resident of New Zealand. His

whole purpose of making this site was to provide information about the leading countries in

terms of achieving medals per capita. This was a reliable source as the creator’s motives were

clearly mentioned in the ‘about’ page. The researcher’s aim was to find the leading countries

in terms of winning medals in various international sporting events, which was full- filled by
Raparia 3

using this site. The site clearly showcased visuals and statistics on the medal tally, making

answer very clear. However, the creator showcased bias as he mentioned that the New

Zealand was leading in terms of medals per capita, and he is a resident of New Zealand. The

creator says “My bias? I'm originally from New Zealand, which has consistently been in the

top half-dozen or so countries for total medals” (see ‘about’ page, para-4).

Saha, Devanik. “Why India’s sports administration often fails: Only 1 of 27 sports bodies is

headed by an athlete.” SCROLL, August 2017. scroll.


Accessed on 3 February 2019.

The following site provided factual information which was cross checked from various

sources. It was published by blog-based-news-website. The creator, publish date and various

other things were clearly mentioned. The motive of the author seemed to highlight the short

coming of our government to appoint former athletes in our sports managements, thus

provided straight forward factual information. This motive served the researcher’s purpose as

it gave information about the issue, and thus proved to be insightful.

Sajid, Shaneer. “How the U.S. became a sporting culture.” sportsnews, quora, 2016.

culture/1vgv4kxl2459w1l6dvrbhev2er. Accessed on 18 February 2019.

Raparia 4

This website was searched in order to gain insight on the sporting culture of America. It was

a blog, thus gave the researcher the perspective of the author. However, the author was a

resident of America, thus provide reliable information. He was in fact an immigrant now

situated in America, which helped him draw a vivid and un-biased picture of the sporting

culture in America. He provided information like he first discovered it. The publisher of the

blog was a well-known sporting website. The motive of the author seemed to highlight

‘America’s brilliant sporting culture’ and thus gave only one perspective.

The Sports Australia associations. “Sports 2030- National Sports Plan”. Austrailian

Government, 2016. Accessed on 23 February 2019.

Following website is the official government website for sports in Australia. This particular

page held the pdf for a national sports plan that is introduced in Australia just recently. The

website was a government site, thus reliable. The website clearly mentioned all draw-backs,

achievements, policies and future goals of the Australian government in order to develop the

sporting culture of Australia. Thus, making the researcher conclude that the management in

Australia showcased transparency. The motive to construct this site was for the Australian

viewers the see their ministries aim and have clarity. The body of the sports ministries were

clearly mentioned as well.

UK sports association. “a code for the sports governance”, Sports England, pp. 1-64, Accessed on 23 February 2019.

Raparia 5

Following website was the government site of the UK sports association and was in

partnership with the England sports. This particular article was on the Code, recently adopted

to by the sports ministries in order the better the sporting culture of Europe. The code focused

on bringing transparency in the various sporting associations and bring sports to the

differently abled. The code gave insight on the short comings of the sports ministries in

Europe and how they were dealing with it. However, the code failed to give information of

who all drafted it and the drafting process.

Wigmore, Tim. “British sports governance rotten to the core, here is how to fix it”. Sports

News Lifestyle Opinion, 2017.

access on 24 February 2019.

Following was a blog, written a European citizen. It gave a critical view on the sporting

culture in England and the play of governance in all of this. He provided mere opinions in his

articles, he failed to showcase how he arrived to the conclusion he presented. However, his

argument was pretty persuasive due to his choice of words which created a tense and heated

mood. This gave the researcher a perspective of a citizen if Europe, thus first-hand


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