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Earth & Space Class 5

A rocky mass up to several hundred kilometers wide that revolves around the sun is an asteroid.
In our solar system, most asteroid orbit in the region between Mars and Jupiter called the
asteroid belt. Most asteroid have uneven shapes. Some have smaller asteroids orbiting them.
The smallest asteroid are pebble-sized. Most asteroids complete a revolution in three to six years.
Can Earth be hit by an asteroid? It has happened and one can see the huge craters that have
resulted. Such collisions are very rare. Fortunately, Jupiter’s gravity holds most asteroids in the
area beyond Mars.

Have you ever seen a shooting star? Shooting stars look like bright lines of fast-moving light that
form in the sky. They last a very short time. Shooting stars are not really stars they are meteors.
A meteor forms when a meteoroid hits Earth’s atmosphere. A meteoroid is a small piece of rock
moving in space. Meteoroids are boulder-sized or smaller. Most are the size of pebbles or grains
of sand. When a meteoroid shoots through the air, it heats up quickly. It gets so hot that it glows
as a streak of light. Very bright meteors are called fireballs. Most meteors burn up before they
hit Earth’s surface. If a meteor does not burn up completely, it may fall to Earth. A piece of meteor
that lands on Earth is called meteorite. Most meteorites are quite small. The biggest known
meteorite is in Namibia, Africa, and weighs 60 tons.

Comets: A frozen mass of different types of ice and dust orbiting the sun is a comet. Rocky matter
may be frozen in the ice. Comets come from areas of the solar system beyond Neptune. Most
pass through the solar system in very stretched out and elliptical paths. Several comets a year
may travel into the Solar System and orbit around the Sun. You may not see them, though. Only
the largest comets can be seen without a telescope.
At certain times each year, meteor showers take place. These occur when Earth passes through
the orbit of a comet. A comet heats up and loses dust and rocky matter each time it orbits the
Sun. These loose pieces remain in the comet’s orbit. When these pieces collide with Earth’s
atmosphere, they become meteors. Discovering a comet is exciting. How can you discover one?
Most comets today are found by people who use telescopes to photographs the sky each night.
The photos may a fizzy object. Another clue is that stars stay in the same relative position to other
stars, but comets do not. If an unknown object keeps changing position, compared to the stars
over a few hours or days, it might be a comet. If you are the first person to discover a comet, it
could be named after you.

(Pearson, 2016)
Planet: A planet is a very large round object that moves around a star. Each planet orbits along
a clear path. This means that there are no other objects in a planet’s path as it moves around a
star. Dwarf planets are small, round objects that move around the sun. Unlike planets dwarf
planets do not orbit along a clear path. One dwarf planet, Pluto, was once considered the ninth
planet in the solar system.
Because all the planets revolve around the sun and the stars that we see in the sky are much
further away, we can see the planets change positions relative to the stars from one night to
the next.

Satellite: A satellite is a moon, planet or machine that orbits a planet or star. For example,
Earth is a satellite because it orbits the sun. Likewise, the moon is a satellite because it orbits
Earth. Usually, the word "satellite" refers to a machine that is launched into space and moves
around Earth or another body in space.

Earth and the moon are examples of natural satellites. Thousands of artificial, or man-made,
satellites orbit Earth. Some take pictures of the planet that help meteorologists predict weather
and track hurricanes. Some take pictures of other planets, the sun, black holes, dark matter or
faraway galaxies. These pictures help scientists better understand the solar system and

Still other satellites are used mainly for communications, such as beaming TV signals and phone
calls around the world. A group of more than 20 satellites make up the Global Positioning
System, or GPS. If you have a GPS receiver, these satellites can help figure out your exact
NASA has more than a dozen Earth science satellites in orbit. They
help NASA study the oceans, land and atmosphere.
Credits: NASA

The Sputnik satellite was about the size of a basketball and

weighed 183 pounds.
Credits: NASA

The Jason-2 satellite orbits Earth. It carries tools and

sensors to help scientists study the oceans.
Credits: NASA
Why Are Satellites Important?
The bird's-eye view that satellites have allows them to see large areas of Earth at one time. This
ability means satellites can collect more data, more quickly, than instruments on the ground.

Satellites also can see into space better than telescopes at Earth's surface. That's because
satellites fly above the clouds, dust and molecules in the atmosphere that can block the view
from ground level.

Before satellites, TV signals didn't go very far. TV signals only travel in straight lines. So they
would quickly trail off into space instead of following Earth's curve. Sometimes mountains or
tall buildings would block them. Phone calls to faraway places were also a problem. Setting up
telephone wires over long distances or underwater is difficult and costs a lot.

With satellites, TV signals and phone calls are sent upward to a satellite. Then, almost instantly,
the satellite can send them back down to different locations on Earth.

What Are the Parts of a Satellite?

Satellites come in many shapes and sizes. But most have at least two parts in common - an
antenna and a power source. The antenna sends and receives information, often to and from
Earth. The power source can be a solar panel or battery. Solar panels make power by turning
sunlight into electricity.
Many NASA satellites carry cameras and scientific sensors. Sometimes these instruments point
toward Earth to gather information about its land, air and water. Other times they face toward
space to collect data from the solar system and universe.

How Do Satellites Orbit Earth?

Most satellites are launched into space on rockets. A satellite orbits Earth when its speed is
balanced by the pull of Earth's gravity. Without this balance, the satellite would fly in a straight
line off into space or fall back to Earth. Satellites orbit Earth at different heights, different
speeds and along different paths. The two most common types of orbit are "geostationary"
(jee-oh-STAY-shun-air-ee) and "polar."

A geostationary satellite travels from west to east over the equator. It moves in the same
direction and at the same rate Earth is spinning. From Earth, a geostationary satellite looks like
it is standing still since it is always above the same location.

Polar-orbiting satellites travel in a north-south direction from pole to pole. As Earth spins
underneath, these satellites can scan the entire globe, one strip at a time.
Why Don't Satellites Crash Into Each Other?
Actually, they can. NASA and other U.S. and international organizations keep track of satellites
in space. Collisions are rare because when a satellite is launched, it is placed into an orbit
designed to avoid other satellites. But orbits can change over time. And the chances of a crash
increase as more and more satellites are launched into space.

In February 2009, two communications satellites - one American and one Russian - collided in
space. This, however, is believed to be the first time two man-made satellites have collided

What Was the First Satellite in Space?

Sputnik 1 was the first satellite in space. The Soviet Union launched it in 1957.

How Satellites are Used Today?

Satellites help scientists study Earth and space.Satellites looking toward Earth provide
information about clouds, oceans, land and ice. They also measure gases in the atmosphere,
such as ozone and carbon dioxide, and the amount of energy that Earth absorbs and emits. And
satellites monitor wildfires, volcanoes and their smoke.
All this information helps scientists predict weather and climate. The information also helps
public health officials track disease and famine; it helps farmers know what crops to plant; and
it helps emergency workers respond to natural disasters.

Satellites that face toward space have a variety of jobs. Some watch for dangerous rays coming
from the sun. Others explore asteroids and comets, the history of stars, and the origin of
planets. Some satellites fly near or orbit other planets. These spacecraft may look for evidence
of water on Mars or capture close-up pictures of Saturn's rings.

More About Satellites

Play "Missions to Planet Earth"!
Orbits 'R' Us!
Be Spuzzled! Game
The Three Little Piggy-back Satellites
Earth Missions Past, Present and Future Satellites
Eyes on Earth 3-D
Space Place Live!: How can a satellite stay put over the same spot on Earth?
Watch this episode
(NASA, 2017)
Neil Armstrong:
Neil Armstrong was the first human to walk on the surface of
the moon. He was an astronaut who flew on two space
missions. The first was Gemini 8. The second was Apollo 11,
which landed on the moon in 1969. Armstrong was also an
engineer, a pilot and a college professor.

What Was Neil Armstrong's Life Like Growing Up?

Neil Armstrong was born in Ohio on Aug. 5, 1930. He had a
brother and a sister. His family moved several times when he
was young. They settled in Wapakoneta, Ohio, when he was
13. Armstrong first flew in an airplane when he was 6. That
flight made him love airplanes. He was an Eagle Scout in the
Boy Scouts of America. Armstrong attended Blume High
School in Wapakoneta.

Armstrong went to college at Purdue University. While he was in college, he left to serve in the
U.S. Navy. He was a Navy pilot during the Korean War. Afterwards, he returned and finished his
bachelor's degree in aeronautical engineering. He later earned a master's degree in aerospace
engineering from the University of Southern California.

What Did Neil Armstrong Do Before He Became an Astronaut?

After he graduated from college in 1955, Neil Armstrong went to work for the National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics. NACA was a government agency that researched airplanes.
Congress formed NASA in 1958, and NACA became part of this new agency.

Armstrong flew several planes for the agency. He also helped design planes. One of the planes
he flew was the X-15 rocket plane. This plane set records for speed and altitude. Some of those
records still stand, more than 40 years later.

What Did Neil Armstrong Do as an Astronaut?

Neil Armstrong was selected as an astronaut in 1962. He was part of the second group of
astronauts ever chosen. After finishing his initial training, he was picked to be mission
commander of Gemini 8 in 1966. The two-person crew was Armstrong and David Scott. They
were the first astronauts to dock two vehicles in space. The Gemini docked with an Agena
spacecraft. The Agena, which had no crew, was launched so the Gemini could practice docking
with it. After docking, the Gemini had a thruster problem. The capsule started spinning, and the
mission ended early. Armstrong and Scott were able to pilot the Gemini safely back to Earth.
What Happened On the Apollo 11 Mission?
Armstrong's second flight was as commander of Apollo 11 in 1969. The other crew members
were Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon in the lunar
lander named Eagle. They were the first people to land on the moon. Collins stayed in orbit
around the moon in the Apollo capsule. After landing, Armstrong and Aldrin walked on the
moon. Armstrong took the first step on the moon. He said, "That's one small step for (a) man;
one giant leap for mankind."

Armstrong and Aldrin spent more than two-and-a-half hours working outside their spacecraft
on the moon. They studied the surface and collected rock samples. The two astronauts were on
the moon for 21-and-a-half hours, including time inside the lander. After they blasted off, they
docked with the Apollo capsule still in orbit around the moon. All three astronauts then flew
back to Earth in the Apollo capsule.

One of the few photos that show Armstrong during the Apollo 11

Credits: NASA

The first footprints on the moon could be there for a million years. The
moon has no wind to blow them away.
Credits: NASA

What Did Neil Armstrong Do After Apollo 11?

Neil Armstrong retired from NASA the year after Apollo 11. Armstrong was a professor at the
University of Cincinnati from 1971 to 1979. He taught classes and did research. Armstrong later
went into the business world. He stayed active in various groups that studied space and

An American Hero and Explorer

Neil Armstrong died on Aug. 25, 2012. He was 82.

More About Neil Armstrong:

Neil Armstrong
Apollo 11 - First Footprint on the Moon
Neil Armstrong: 1930-2012
What Was the Apollo Program?
What Was the Gemini Program?

Read Who Was Neil Armstrong? (Grades K-4)

(NASA, 2017)

Anousheh Ansari

Anousheh Ansari, (born Sept. 12, 1966, Meshed, Iran), Iranian-

born American businesswoman who was the first female space
tourist, the first person of Iranian descent, and the first Muslim
woman to go into space.
Ansari emigrated from Iran to the United States in 1984 as a
teenager. She earned a bachelor’s degree in electronics and
computer engineering from George Mason University, Fairfax,
Va., in 1988 and a master’s degree in electrical engineering
from George Washington University, Washington, D.C., while
working full-time at MCI Communications. In 1993 Ansari, her
husband, Hamid Ansari, and her brother-in-law, Amir Ansari,
cofounded Telecom Technologies, Inc. The company was acquired
by Sonus Networks, Inc., in 2000 in a deal worth approximately
$550 million.
Ansari’s interest in space exploration was in evidence before her
spaceflight. In 2002 Ansari and her brother-in-law made a
multimillion-dollar contribution to the X Prize Foundation,
a nonprofit organization that manages competitions to
encourage innovations that benefit humanity. The Ansari family’s
gift was used to fund the Ansari X Prize, a cash award of $10 million for the first private
company to launch a reusable manned spacecraft into space twice within two weeks. In 2004
the aerospace development company Scaled Composites of Mojave, Calif., won the Ansari X
Prize with SpaceShipOne, a vehicle conceived by American aircraft designer Burt Rutan.
Ansari arranged to participate in a spaceflight through Space Adventures, Ltd., a space-tourism
company. Although the exact terms of the deal remained private, Ansari was estimated to have
paid around $20 million for her participation in the mission. In early 2006 she began spaceflight
training in Star City, Russia, originally as a backup for Enomoto Daisuke, a Japanese
businessman. When Enomoto was disqualified from flying on the mission for medical reasons,
Ansari replaced him on the flight crew of Soyuz TMA-9.
Ansari lifted off into space on Sept. 18, 2006, with Commander Mikhail Tyurin of Russia and
flight engineer Michael Lopez-Alegria of the United States. On Sept. 20, 2006, the spacecraft
docked to the International Space Station, where Ansari spent eight days. She performed a
series of experiments concerning human physiology for the European Space Agency, was
interviewed from space for an astronomy show on Iranian national television, and published
dispatches and answered questions on her blog while stationed on the ISS (thereby becoming
the first person to blog from space). She returned to Earth aboard Soyuz TMA-8, landing
in Kazakhstan on Sept. 29, 2006.
After completing her space mission, Ansari continued to work as a businesswoman
and entrepreneur. In 2006 she cofounded Prodea Systems, a digital technology company, and
served as the company’s first chief executive officer. Prodea announced a partnership with
Space Adventures, Ltd., and the Federal Space Agency of Russia to create a fleet of suborbital
spacecraft for commercial use. (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2011)
Electricity Class 5

Electric Circuits:
An electrical appliance is made up of different components. These components are connected
to form an electric circuit.
A simple electric circuit is made up of four components. These are the:
 energy source
 wires
 output device
 switch
A switch controls the flow of the electric current in a circuit. The switch needs to be closed in
order for the electric current to flow in the circuit. There are different types of switches.

Energy source:
The battery is an energy source. A battery has two terminals __ positive (+ve) and negative (-v).
There are chemicals inside the battery that react to produce an electric current when the
positive and negative terminals are connected.

Output device:
An output device is an electrical appliance that uses electricity to work. There are many
different types of output devices, such as buzzers, small electric fans and light bulbs.

Wires are electrical conductors. They are used to connect one component of the circuit to
another for electric current to flow.

Circuit diagram and symbols:

A circuit diagram is a drawing that uses different symbols to represent an actual electric circuit.

Symbols in an electric circuit:

Each component of an electric circuit is represented by a symbol in a circuit diagram.
Circuit diagrams:
It is easier for us to represent an electric circuit using a circuit diagram. Circuit diagrams help us
understand how the components of an electric circuit are connected together.
Series and parallel circuits:
We can classify electric circuits based on the arrangement of the components in the circuit.
Electrical circuits are classified into:
 series circuits
 parallel circuits

Series circuits:
A series circuit is a circuit that has components which are connected such that there is only one
path for the electric current to flow through.
Some examples of series circuit are
 Circuit A made up of one bulb, two wires and one battery.
 Circuit B made up of one bulb, two wires and three batteries.
 Circuit C made up of two bulb, three wires and four batteries.

(For diagrams refer My Pals Are Here Science 5B. This book is available in all school libraries.)

Advantage of series circuits:

The advantage of using series circuits is that we can add more energy sources or batteries to the
circuits to make the output of the appliance more powerful. In the case of the torch below, this
means that the bulb will light up brighter.

Disadvantages of series circuits:

One of the disadvantages of using series circuits is that the output of the appliance will drop if
we connect more output devices together in the series. This means that if a series circuit has two
bulbs, the bulb will not light up as brightly as a series circuit with only one bulb. Also, if one bulb
is blown, the other bulbs will not light up.
Plants and the Environment Class 5

Types of Soils:
There are many types of soils. We can classify soils according to their texture, colour and ability
to retain water.
Soil is made up of three types of particles sand, silt and clay. The texture of a type of soil depends
on the amount of sand, silt and clay present in it. Sand, silt and clay particles have different sizes.

Types of soil particles:

Sand particles are the largest in size. They feel coarse, gritty and rough. They feel like little pieces
of rocks and stones.
Silt particles are medium-sized. They feel soft and silky. Silt feels just like the flour used for baking.
Clay particles are fine and the smallest in size. They tend to clump together. Clay feels sticky and
is hard to squeeze.

Different types of soils have different colours. Soil may be light or dark. The colour of a type of
soil depends on the types of minerals present in the soil and whether it is fertile or not. Soils that
are yellow or red usually contain the mineral iron. White soil indicates the presence of the
mineral calcium. Dark-coloured soil usually has a higher content of nutrients or dead plant and
animal material. It is usually fertile.
Soil water retention refers to the ability of a soil to hold on to water. The ability of a type of soil
to retain water depends on the size of the spaces or pores between its soil particles. For plants
to grow well, soil should have a mixture of large and small pores in order to retain just the right
amount of water. The large pores allow excess water to flow through it. The small pores retain
enough water for plant growth. The spaces between clay particles are smaller than sand. Thus
water does not flow through clay easily.
Growing plants in soil:
We use soil for growing plants. Soil provides plants with conditions needed for plant growth. To
grow well, plants need:
 water
 minerals
 air
 anchorage to the ground
Water is present as a thin film around each soil particle. Water moves from this thin film into the
root, then to the rest of the plant.
Air is present in the spaces between the soil particles. The roots of plants take in air from the soil
Plants grow roots in soil to anchor themselves firmly to the ground.
Soil contains minerals. These minerals are dissolved in water. Plants obtain these minerals when
their roots take up water from the soil.

Types of soil for plant growth:

Different types of soil support the growth of different kinds of plants. Some plants can only grow
well in a particular type of soil. Let us take a look at three common types of soil used for growing
Garden soil contains a good mix of sand, silt and clay. It retains water well and has a good supply
of oxygen. It also contains plenty of dead plant and animal matter and is very fertile. Garden soil
is suitable for growing most plants such as hibiscus and rose.
Sandy soil is made up of largely of sand particles. It does not retain water well, however it has a
good oxygen supply. It is not very fertile. Sandy soil is suitable for growing plants that do not
require a lot of water. Plants that are commonly found along the coast, such as coconut trees,
palm trees and sea shrubs, grow well in sandy soil.
Clayey soil is made up of largely of clay particles. It is often wet because it retains water well.
Clayey soil is fertile but has low oxygen supply. Clayey soil is suitable for growing plants that
require a lot of water. Rice plants grow well in a clayey soil.

Enhancing plant growth:

The characteristics of a type of soil can be changed to make it more suitable for plant to grow in.
Increasing the amount of air in the soil:
Soil can be loosened so that more air can enter it. Tools such as spades are used to loosen soil.
When animals such as earthworms move and dig holes in the sol, air also enters the soil.
Increasing the amount of minerals in the soil:
To increase the fertility of soil, we can add fertilisers directly to the soil. The fertiliser is then taken
in by plant roots. Fertilisers contain nutrients that are required for plant growth. Fertilisers can
be natural or chemical. Natural fertilizers include animal waste and decaying plant or animal
matter. Chemical fertilisers consist of only chemicals and minerals. Unlike natural fertilisers, they
do not contain dead plant and animal matter.
Changing the amount of water in the soil:
If the soil is too dry, we can water it to make wetter. For clayey soil which is wet most of the time,
we can add sand or decaying plant and animal matter to it. This breaks up the clay so that the
number of air spaces is increased. This allows water to flow through it more easily.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Natural & Chemical Fertlilzers

If you would like to plant a garden, start off right with great soil. For both beginning and experienced
gardeners, soil condition is one of the most integral elements of gardening success. Earthy, loamy, dark,
rich-smelling, moist and fertile are adjectives landscape professionals use to describe ideal gardening
soil. Whether to practice organic gardening methods or to rely upon chemical products is a major
decision in soil management. Weighing the advantages and disadvantages of natural and chemical
fertilizers will help you decide which method is appropriate for your garden.

Test Soil to Determine Nutrient Needs

If you're environmentally conscious, you probably prefer natural, organic products. But plants cannot
tell the difference. Nutrients are nutrients. Organic and chemical fertilizers differ in terms of nutrient
availability and lasting effects on plants, soil and the environment. Properly applied, both organic and
chemical fertilizers are safe for people, pets, plants and the planet. Test your soil to determine its
nutrient needs before you fertilize. Established gardens may have a history of fertilizer use. Various
nutrients, such as potassium and phosphorous, can build up in the soil. Nitrogen may be the only active
growth-enhancing ingredient your soil needs. Adding unneeded nutrients can disrupt pH levels and lead
to toxic accumulations of salts and other harmful elements.
Advantages of Natural Fertilizers
In nature, decomposition of organic matter creates a natural fertilizer. Applying organic compost or
well-aged herbivore manure adds nutrient-rich organic material to the soil, improving quality and
texture. Adding organic material to the soil increases its ability to hold water; reduces erosion from
water and wind; decreases compaction and crusting of the soil; and raises soil pH. A study at Virginia
Tech comparing organic or inorganic fertilizers determined that organic fertilizer is the better choice.
Creating your own organic fertilizer from leaves, grass clippings, kitchen scraps and yard debris recycles
waste into valuable, no-cost fertilizer. Natural fertilizers are less likely to burn tender, young plants as
they are less concentrated than chemical formulas. You may also want the peace of mind of knowing the
food you cultivate is free of noxious chemicals. Natural fertilizers are chemical-free and can save you
Disadvantages of Natural Fertilizers
Natural fertilizers are slow to break down into the nutrients the growing garden requires. Many natural
fertilizers, such as manure, seaweed or fish oil, are quite smelly and are too offensive to use on indoor
plants. Gathering natural materials, such as seaweed, grass clippings and leaves, to add to the compost
pile is labor-intensive and time-consuming. Distribution of nutrients in organic fertilizer varies. Organic
materials break down at different rates, so the composition and content of organic fertilizer is never
consistent. It is a misconception to believe that just because a fertilizer is organic, it is automatically
safer. Organic fertilizer, if you apply it incorrectly, can contribute to surface and groundwater
contamination, create a nutritional imbalance in the soil and cause salt burns.
Advantages of Commercial Chemical Fertilizers
Chemical fertilizers are made with synthetic ingredients designed to stimulate plant growth. Commercial
chemical fertilizers have the advantage of predictability and reliability. Formulations are blended with
accuracy and you can buy different blends for different types of plants. Commercial chemical fertilizers
contain a balanced distribution of the three main essential nutrients needed for optimum plant growth:
nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Many formulas also contain iron, sulfur and cooper. The amount
of the three main ingredients are listed in that order, by percentage, on commercial fertilizer labels as
the N-P-K ratio. Percentages of trace minerals are not always listed. Commercial formulated fertilizers
allow you to know exactly which nutrients you're giving your plants, rather than guessing at the
composition of organic formulas.
Disadvantages of Commercial Chemical Fertilizers
Commercial chemical fertilizers are more expensive than natural fertilizers. They may contain
ingredients that may be toxic to the skin or respiratory system. You also need to mix and measure them
accurately. If you use too much, you can kill your plants. Chemical fertilizers can build up in the soil,
causing long-term imbalances in soil pH and fertility.

NASA. ( 2017, Aug 7). NASA Science. Retrieved from


NASA. (2017, Aug 7). NASA Science. Retrieved from


Pearson. (2016). Big Science 6 Student Book. Pearson Educational Limited.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2011, Jul 19). Retrieved from Encyclopedia Britanica:

IN ENGLISH FOR PRIMARY-THREE AND FOUR. Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching
& Literature, 12(2), pp.142-159.

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