Final Lesson Plan - Lesson Study

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1 Lesson Objectives

In the end of the lesson, the students are expected to

1. Describe the concept of limits.
2. Distinguish between limx→c f (x) and f (c).
3. Solve the limit of a function given the
• Equation.
• Graph.
4. Relate the concept of limits to other mathematical concept.

2 Lesson Proper
ENGAGE students using connections to prior knowledge. (5 minutes)

• Inquire students’ preliminary knowledge and conceptions about limits.

• Relate the concept of limits to the area of a circle.
Begin by stating the formula for the area of a triangle, which is

A= × base × height.
Construct a square with area A = n× 21 ×base×height inscribed in a circle, as illustrated below.

We can generalize the area of the polygon inscribed in the circle as

A=n· × base × height,

where n is the number of triangles.

Note that as n becomes larger, the height of the triangles becomes indefinitely closer to the
length of radius r, and base, to the circumference of the circle 2πr, as illustrated below.

That is, as n → ∞,
Atriangle → Acircle ,
h → r,
n · b → 2πr.
1 1
Acircle = n × × base × height = × 2πr × r = πr2 .
2 2

• Introduce the concept of Limits.

What will students do to EXPLORE the concept. (10 minutes)

• Hands-on Activity.

The students will be grouped and then will be given activity sheets with variated items. The
aim of this activity is for students to explore and discover the concept of limits by using a
table of values and assigning values of x that are getting closer and closer to a specified
number and look for the approaching value of the functions.

The kinds of functions that will be included in the activity sheet are as follows.
1. Polynomial function
2. Rational function (indeterminate and non-indeterminate form)
3. Radical function
4. Absolute value function
5. Piecewise function
The groups will be given different subsets of functions, then group(s) will be called in front to
share their insights.

The following are the functions that will be included in the activity sheets.

1. f (x) = −x5 + 2x3 + x2 − 4 as x gets closer to −1.

x2 −5x+4
2. f (x) = x−1 as x gets closer to 1.

3. f (x) = x − 2 + 1 as x gets closer to 2.
x+1 x<4
4. f (x) = as x gets closer to 4.
(x − 4)2 x ≥ 4
5. f (x) = |x + 3| − 1 as x gets closer to 12 .
x2 +6
6. f (x) = x as x gets closer to 0.

7. f (x) = x as x gets closer to 0.

EXPLAIN concepts, processes, and skills that students explored. (35 minutes)
• Discuss the concept of limits and the intuitive definition of limits.

Intuitive Definition of Limits Suppose f (x) is defined when x is near the number
a. Then we write
lim f (x) = L

and say ”the limit of f (x), as x approaches a, equals L” if we can make the values of
f (x) arbitrarily close to L by restricting x to be sufficiently close to a but not equal to

EXAMPLE 1 Guess the value of limx→1 x2 −1 .
SOLUTION Notice that the function is not defined when x = 1, but that doesn’t matter
because the definition of limx→a f (x) says that we consider values of x that are close to a but
not equal to a.
The tables below give values of f (x) for values of x that approach 1 (but are not equal to 1).

On the basis of the values in the tables, we make the guess that
lim = 0.5
x→1 x2 − 1
• Discuss definitions, laws, properties, and theorems involving limits of functions and show

Definition of One-Sided Limits We write

lim f (x) = L

and say the left-hand of f (x) as x approaches a is equal to L if we can make the
values of f (x) arbitrariliy close to L by taking x to be sufficiently close to a with x less
than a.

Similarly, if we require that x be greater than a, we get ”the right-hand limit of f (x)
as x approaches a is equal to L” and we write

lim f (x) = L

These definitions are illustrated as follows.

lim f (x) = L

if and only if
lim f (x) = L

lim f (x) = L

EXAMPLE 2 The graph of g(x) is shown below. Use it to state the values (if they exist) of
(a) limx→2− g(x) (b) limx→2+ g(x) (c) limx→2 g(x)
the following:
(d) limx→5− g(x) (e) limx→5+ g(x) (f) limx→5 g(x)

EXAMPLE 3 Find the limx→0 x2 if it exists.
SOLUTION As x becomes close to 0, x2 also becomes close to 0, and x12 becomes very
large. In fact, it appears from the graph of the function f (x) = x12 shown, that the values of
f (x) can be made arbitrarily large by taking x close enough to 0. Thus the values of f (x) do
not approach a number, so limx→0 x12 does not exist.

Intuitive Definition of an Infinite Limit
Let f be a function defined on both sides of a, except possibly at a itself. Then

lim f (x) = ∞

means that the values of f (x) can be made arbitrarily large by taking x sufficiently
close to a, but not equal to a.

Let f be a function defined on both sides of a, except possibly at a itself. Then

lim f (x) = −∞

means that the values of f (x) can be made arbitrarily large negative by taking x
sufficiently close to a, but not equal to a.

2x 2x
EXAMPLE 4 Find limx→3+ x−3 and limx→3− x−3 .
SOLUTION If x is close to 3 but larger than 3, then the denominator x − 3 is a small
positive number and 2x is close to 6. So the quotient x−3 is a large positive number. Thus,
intuitively, we see that
lim =∞
x→3 x − 3

Likewise, if x is close to 3 but smaller than 3, then x − 3 is a small negative number but 2x is
still a positive number (close to 6). So x−3 is a numerically large negative number. Thus

lim = −∞
x→3+ x−3
The graph of the curve y = x−3 is given in the figure below. The line x = 3 is a vertical

Direct Substitution Property
If f is a polynomial or a rational function and a is in the domain of f , then

lim f (x) = f (a)


EXAMPLE 5 Find limx→−1 −x5 + 2x3 + x2 − 4

SOLUTION Using the substitution property, we obtain

lim −x5 + 2x3 + x2 − 4 = f (−1)


f (−1) = −(−1)5 + 2(−1)3 + (−1)2 − 4

f (−1) = −4

x2 −5x+4
EXAMPLE 6 Find limx→1 x−1
SOLUTION The initial form of limx→1 x −5x+4x−1 is in the indeterminate form 00 . Since the
denominator (x − 1) is a factor of the numerator, then we can simplify the ratio and try again to
evaluate the limit.

x2 − 5x + 4
lim = lim (x − 4) = −3
x→1 x−1 x→1

ELABORATE to extend understanding of the concept and EVALUATE the learners

understanding and abilities for key concepts and skills development. (10 minutes)

1. For the function f whose graph is shown, state the following.

(a) limx→−7 f (x) (b) limx→−3 f (x) (c) limx→0 f (x)

(d) limx→6− f (x) (e) limx→6+ f (x) (d) limx→ 21 f (x)

2. Find limp→−1 1+p15 .

3. Given f (x) = √xx3+x
. Find the following.
(a) limx→0− f (x)
(b) limx→0+ f (x)
(c) limx→0 f (x).

x2 −2x
4. Find limx→2− x2 −4x+4

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