Measuring Market Readiness in The Parallel Operations - MIN

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Measuring WESM

Readiness during the

Parallel Operations

April 2019
• The Trial Operations Program (TOP) for the “WESM Mindanao” has
been on-going since 26 September 2017
• As we are already at the last leg of the preparations, it is
important to assess everyone’s readiness in implementing the
WESM Mindanao
• The “last leg” of the TOP will be called the Parallel Operations
o WESM Mindanao Trading Participants are expected to perform
activities in the new market systems based on their existing
processes in Mindanao
• PEMC commissioned the Sapere Research Group to assess all
WESM stakeholders’ readiness
• The readiness assessment shall start on 26 April 2019

A Quick Refresher on the WESM
Guiding Principles of the WESM

•Generator Trading Participants offer their maximum

Gross Pool
available capacity for central scheduling and dispatch

•Trading Participants may opt to settle their bilateral

Net Settlement
contract quantities outside the market

Co-optimized Energy • Optimal dispatch of both energy and reserves given

and Reserves the bids and offers and the constraints imposed

• Generators are responsible for the commercial and

efficient technical operations of their plants

• Schedule and prices are governed by commercial and

Real-time Market
market forces and determined near real-time

Transparency • Provision of timely and accurate market information

A Quick Refresher on the WESM
Key Features in the WESM Design

• 5-minute dispatch and settlement interval

• Various Market Projections
• Economic Scheduling of Pmin
• Ex-ante only pricing and settlements
• Automatic pricing re-runs

A Quick Refresher on the WESM
New Market Systems to Support Implementation
New Market Systems
System Operator
New Market
Real-Time Data Management System
Input Constraints
Load Forecasting
Dispatch Market Model

Market Projections
Trading Participants Real-Time Dispatch

Market Offers Post Pricing Correction

Compliance Monitoring Electricity Market

Market Results Database and
Reporting Platform
Central Registration and
Registration Settlement System
WESM Registration

RCOA Registration
Metering Service
Provider WESM Settlement

Metering Data Retail Settlement

A Quick Refresher on the WESM
New Market Systems to Support Implementation
 New Market Management System
o Implement 5-minute dispatch interval
o Improved Market Projections
o Economic Scheduling of Pmin
o Ex-ante only pricing
o Automatic pricing correction and near real-time
publication of prices

 Central Registration & Settlement System

o Facility for Central Registration in WESM & RCOA
o Central Uploading of Metered Quantities and Bilateral
Contract Quantities
o Facility for Settlement of Wholesale and Retail
A Quick Refresher on the WESM
New Market Systems to Support Implementation
 Electricity Market Database and Reporting Platform
o Data Provision (Publishing to IEMOP website)
o Central Repository for all market data from NMMS,
CRSS, and other data sources (data warehouse)
o Data Subscription
o Data Analytics
What Should We All Do?
• Starting 26 April 2019, all WESM Mindanao Stakeholders
are expected to transact with the New Market Systems
based on the inputs they are submitting to various
recipients as per the Interim Mindanao Dispatch Protocol

• During the Parallel Operations, Transactions with the

WESM’s New Market Systems are not binding as they are
purely for “trial” or “familiarization” purposes only

Overview of POP Activities
Hourly Dispatch SO

TP Day-Ahead Schedules

Parallel Operations
5-minute Schedules
• WESM/Retail Registration Trial/Familiarization
• Submission of Offers/Nominations
• View Market Results
• Customer Switching

Submit Bilateral Contract Quantities
Submit/View Metered Quantities
New Market
• Receive Billing/Settlement

5-minute Prices & Schedules Not Commercially Binding

For Trial/Familiarization Only
Simple Checklist of Things To Do in Parallel
Perform in New Market Systems New Market System To Use
Registration CRSS
Submit Offers/Nominations New MMS
View Market Results New MMS
View Compliance Results New MMS
Submit Bilateral Contract Quantities CRSS
View Metered Quantities CRSS
Receive Billing/Settlement Statements CRSS

Important Notes:
• Generators shall still perform their existing transactions in Mindanao since these are
“commercially binding”
• Activities in the Parallel Operations Program are for “trial” and “familiarization”
purposes only

Simple Checklist of Things To Do in Parallel
Perform in New Market Systems New Market System To Use
Registration CRSS
View Market Results New MMS
View/Confirm Bilateral Contract Quantities CRSS
View Metered Quantities CRSS
Receive Billing/Settlement Statements CRSS

Important Notes:
• Customers shall still perform their existing transactions in Mindanao since these are
“commercially binding”
• Activities in the Parallel Operations Program are for “trial” and “familiarization”
purposes only

Simple Checklist of Things To Do in Parallel
Metering Service Providers
Perform in New Market Systems New Market System To Use
Registration CRSS
Submit Metered Quantities CRSS
View/Resolve Metering Trouble Reports CRSS

Important Notes:
• Metering Service Providers shall still perform their existing transactions in Mindanao
since these are “commercially binding”
• Activities in the Parallel Operations Program are for “trial” and “familiarization”
purposes only

WESM Readiness Checklist
• The previously shown “simple” checklists shall
not be the final list used to assess market
• Nevertheless, should you be able to perform
them since these provide a large indication of
each stakeholder’s readiness for the WESM

Assessment Timeline
• The Market Readiness Assessment shall take “at
least 2 months”
o For the first month: From 26 April 2019 to 25 May 2019
(May 2019 billing period), it shall be performed using
the New Market Systems at the Main Site
o Should the first month be successful, the second month
shall be performed using the New Market Systems at
the Back-Up Site
o The extent of the assessment per site will depend on
everyone’s performance

IEMOP wants to Help You Get Ready
Guides and Test Cases
• IEMOP has published guides and test cases in the IEMOP website
( to help you navigate through the new market systems
• Just Go To Downloads >> Market Reports

IEMOP wants to Help You Get Ready
Feedback on Accomplishing the Test Cases
• Trading Participants are encouraged to accomplish the test
cases published in the IEMOP website
• Once completed, please e-mail it to
o Indicate if you were able to successfully complete it
(passed) or not (failed)
o If it failed, please include in your e-mail the reason for
the failure

Contact Us
• For Registration assistance and inquiries, e-
mail or call:
Telephone: (632) 318-9376, dial 9 + loc. 229,
239, 302, or 366

• For System-Related (NMMS, CRSS, Website)

Concerns, e-mail or call:
Telephone: (632) 318-9376, dial 9 + loc. 294,
295, or 218


(+632) 318-9376 |


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