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Rev 01.

Apr232019 JRAG
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ILOILO CITY — To strengthen the knowledge on proper handling and management of any form of data, the
Department of Science and Technology Western Visayas Health Research and Development Consortium (DOST
WVHRDC) conducted a Data Privacy Seminar for its member institutions last April 12, 2019 at the Eon Centennial
Plaza Hotel, Iloilo City.

Resource speaker and West Visayas State University (WVSU) College of Medicine instructor Atty. Roberto P.
Villanueva emphasized to the participants the salient features and scope of Republic Act 10173 also known as Data
Privacy Act of 2012.

Said training intended to increase participants’ awareness of data risks and possible counter measures in relation to
data handling. Moreover, it also intended to protect sensitive information as regards individuals involved through
services rendered by public employees and officials in Western Visayas. (DOST6/KMU)

Photo credits: (DOST6/TO-AJTinampay)

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