We Are On The Preparation Ground PDF

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Watchfulness and


“The key to preparations”

Transcribed by Kevin Harvestbell from the Kevin

Harvestbell library of sermons

We are on the preparation


This earth is the place of

preparation for heaven. The time
spent here is the Christian‟s winter.
Here the chilling winds of affliction

always blow upon us, the waves of
trouble roll against us, but in the near
future, when Christ comes, strive and
trouble will be venture away. Then will
be the summer for the true followers
of Christ. A time when all trials will be
over, no more sickness or death. “God
shall wipe away all tears from their
eyes; and there shall be no more
death, neither sorrow, nor crying ... :
for the former things are passed
away.”-Revelation 21:4

In this time trials Cannot Be

Recalled—We will tried to call up our
greatest trials, but they will look so
small compared with the far more
exceeding and eternal weight of glory

that surrounded us. We shall all cry
out, Alleluia! Heaven is our forever
home as we touch our golden harps
singing and worshipping the Great “I

This will be an amazing time to see

Jesus as He is.

Meanwhile while we are on earth we

should keep watch and be ready for
Jesus said in Mathew 24:42 ”watch
therefore: for ye know not what hour
your Lord doth come.”

Jesus earnestly appeals to each of

us to be ready for His return. You may
wonder what it means to be ready for
Christ‟s return, it simply means to

accept the salvation He so freely
offers, Jesus came that we might have
life and that we might have it more
abundantly (John 10:10), and in
response to His amazing grace
surrender our lives fully to Him. You
can do it by bowing your head and
offering a simple prayer of
commitment. Take a moment and
commit your entire life to Him right
now because time is against us. And if
after you have surrendered your life to
Him, continue dedicating yourself in
prayer and reading His word.

Towards the end of his letter to

Ephesians Paul wrote: “In conclusion
be strong- not in yourselves but in the

Lord, in the power of His boundless
strength. Put on God‟s complete
armour so that you can resist all the
devil‟s craftiness. For our fight is not
against any physical enemy: it is
against the unseen power that
controls this dark world and spiritual
agents from the very headquarters of
evil.”- (Ephesians 6:10-13) Paul goes
on to detail the Christian‟s armour.
Since the fall the world has been the
battleground. The Christian have not
only to meet with the attacks of men;
but they have to meet with the attacks
of spiritual forces opposed to the
government God, rememeber that in
this world we have two invisible
Kingdoms: There is the kingdom of
God and the kingdom of Satan. Satan
is a destroyer and God is the fountain
of life, and if which tells me that if I
want to live I must be connected to

Before Christ comes there are many

conflicts, there is a great tribulation
but Christ confirms unto us that we
should not be afraid, He had already
overcome. John 16:33

Paul had seen evidence enough of

demonic power to know what he was
talking about. And this conflict will
come prior to the second coming of
Jesus Christ. But the new dawn must
come. Conflicts cannot stop the New

dawn. Christ Jesus our savior, our
forever friend must finally come.

Well, watchfulness and activity are

the keys to preparation. The true
follower‟s new birth to a living hope
makes him a man with a mission. And
the mission of Christ is to take a
gospel to the entire world.

After this there will be a great

imperishable and incorruptible
inheritance; impervious to invasion;
totally undefiled; unfading. The great

And, The inheritance of the

Christian is the full joy of God not only
now but complete joy of God in

eternity, in His kingdom. This true
follower of Christ will leave the earth
behind, to enter that everlasting
kingdom which is the final salvation,
the final deliverance…… revealed at
last time (1 Peter 1:5). We must go
ahead with the great mission of Jesus.
Christ said: And this gospel of the
kingdom shall be preached in all the
world for a witness unto all nations;
and then shall the end come.-Matthew

So, in the meanwhile the task of the

one and the only remnant church and
everyone in it, is to make disciples of
all nations and that is to be done the
obedience to the great gospel

command or commission that Jesus
gave in Matthew 28:19: “Go ye
therefore, and teach all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Ghost.”

We should not neglect the mission of

Jesus because neglect is murder and
we are to avoid this criminal act of
hindering the work of God. If anyone
in the remnant church is not faithful in
the mission of Jesus, God will ask Him
the blood of the lost people and this is
plain in Ezekiel 3:18 “When I say unto
the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and
thou givest him not warning, nor
speakest to warn the wicked from his

wicked way, to save his life; the same
wicked man shall die in his iniquity;
but his blood will I require at thine
hand.” Neglecting the mission of Jesus
of carrying the gospel unto the world
is willful murder and God‟s
Commandments warn against murder
(Exodus 20:13).

This global mission of the church

left no time for any „crisis of delay.‟
The Church should be grateful for
every nation evangelized, and every
soul won!


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