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Sea life

In my trip to England I went to sea life. It lays in Brighton and it is also next to a sea.

What is sea life

Sea life is an aquarium with a lot of different species of fish and all other things. It isn´t only
fish they also have frogs and crabs.

Animals in Sea life

They have a lot of animals in Sea life. They have jellyfishes in different colours a saw some
which were pink and a other one was green. They had little sharks and fishes which looked
like a ball. There were a lot of different sort of habitats. They had a jungle habit in the jungle
there were frogs and lizards. In the beginning of the sort of tour you had a lot of aquariums
with all different species of fish in it.

My review about Sea life

I really liked Sea life but that is also because a like fish (not because of eating them). It wasn´t
that special but they had a lot of nice animals. It was a clean and a good serviced place. They
also had a nice gift shop the quality of the products is also very good.
When I have to give it a rating a give a 9/10 because they didn’t had a lot of animals(less than
I expected).

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