Year 4 Mathematics Judging Standards Assessment-Pointers

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Assessment pointers validate teachers’ professional judgement when reporting against a

five-point scale. The pointers:

 are examples of evidence in relation to the achievement standard
 should be used with the annotated student work samples
JUDGING STANDARDS IN YEAR 4  exemplify what students may demonstrate rather than a checklist of everything they
MATHEMATICS should do.


Number and Algebra
At Standard, students use the properties of odd and even numbers. They recall multiplication facts to 10 x 10 and related division facts. Students continue number sequences
involving multiples of single-digit numbers. They choose appropriate strategies for calculations involving multiplication and division. Students locate familiar fractions on a
number line. They recognise common equivalent fractions in familiar contexts and make connections between fraction and decimal notations up to two decimal places.
Students solve simple purchasing problems. They describe number patterns resulting from multiplication. Students identify and explain strategies for finding unknown
quantities in number sentences.
Measurement and Geometry
Students use scaled instruments to measure temperatures, lengths, shapes and objects. They compare areas of regular and irregular shapes using informal units. Students solve
problems involving time duration. They convert between units of time. Students interpret information contained in maps. They create symmetrical shapes and patterns. They
classify angles in relation to a right angle.
Statistics and Probability
Students list the probabilities of everyday events. They identify dependent and independent events. Students describe different methods for data collection and representation
and evaluate their effectiveness. They construct data displays from given or collected data.


Excellent achievement High achievement Satisfactory achievement Limited achievement Very low achievement

Number and Algebra

Number and Place Value Applies the properties of odd Uses the properties of odd and Uses the properties of odd and Inconsistently uses the Does not meet the requirements
and even numbers to solve even numbers to solve even numbers. properties of odd or even of a D grade.
problems and check problems. numbers.
reasonableness of answers.

2016/7360 [PDF 2016/9804] Published: 19 December, 2016

Excellent achievement High achievement Satisfactory achievement Limited achievement Very low achievement

Number and Place Value Recalls and applies Recalls multiplication facts to Recalls multiplication facts to Recalls some simple Does not meet the requirements
multiplication facts to 10 x 10 and beyond, and related 10 x 10, and related division multiplication facts to 10 x 10, of a D grade.
10 x 10 and beyond, and related division facts. facts. and some related division facts.
division facts, to solve simple

Continues number sequences Continues and creates number Continues number sequences Continues number sequences
involving multiples of numbers, sequences involving multiples of involving multiples of single-digit involving multiples of some
and creates own patterns of single-digit numbers. numbers. single-digit numbers.
number sequences involving

Chooses from a range of mental Chooses from a range of mental Chooses appropriate strategies Uses given strategies for
and written strategies for and written strategies for for calculations requiring calculations requiring
calculations, including worded calculations requiring multiplication or division. multiplication or division.
problems requiring multiplication or division and
multiplication and division, and explains their chosen strategy.
explains their strategy.

Fractions and Decimals Locates and represents familiar Locates and represents familiar Locates familiar fractions on a Locates some familiar fractions Does not meet the requirements
fractions, including mixed fractions, including mixed number line. on a number line. of a D grade.
numerals, on a number line and numerals, on a number line.
explains and compares

Identifies equivalent fractions in Identifies common equivalent Identifies common equivalent Identifies some common
familiar contexts and solves fractions in familiar contexts and fractions in familiar contexts. equivalent fractions in familiar
problems by using diagrams, compares fractions to contexts.
drawings and numerical demonstrate equivalence.
representations to demonstrate

Explains and represents the Makes connections and Makes connections between Makes some connections
relationship between fractions represents the relationship fraction and decimal notations between fraction and decimal
of tenths and hundredths and between fractions of tenths and up to two decimal places. notations.
their decimal notation. hundredths and decimal
Excellent achievement High achievement Satisfactory achievement Limited achievement Very low achievement

Money and Financial Solves worded problems Solves problems involving Solves simple purchasing Solves simple purchasing Does not meet the requirements
Mathematics involving multiple purchases, purchases and rounding to the problems. problems with some of a D grade.
rounds to the nearest 5 cents nearest 5 cents. inaccuracies.
and explains calculations.

Patterns and Algebra Describes number patterns Describes number patterns Describes number patterns Describes simple number Does not meet the requirements
resulting from performing resulting from multiplication resulting from multiplication. patterns resulting from of a D grade.
multiplication and continues, and continues patterns. multiplication.
describes, creates and explains
own number patterns.

Identifies and explains the most Identifies and explains a range Identifies and explains strategies Identifies a strategy for finding
efficient strategies for finding of strategies for finding for finding unknown quantities unknown quantities in number
unknown quantities in number unknown quantities in number in number sentences. sentences.
sentences. sentences.

Measurement and Geometry

Using Units of Estimates, measures and Measures and compares Measures temperature, length, Measures temperature, length, Does not meet the requirements
Measurement compares temperature, length, temperature, length, shapes and shapes and objects by using shapes or objects using a scaled of a D grade.
shapes and objects by using objects by using appropriate scaled instruments. instrument.
appropriate scaled instruments. scaled instruments.
Reads scales where some
graduations may not be shown.

Compares and explains areas of Compares areas of regular and Compares areas of regular and Compares areas of regular
more complex shapes using irregular shapes using informal irregular shapes using informal shapes using informal units.
informal units. units and models the method units.

Solves worded problems with Solves problems with am and Solves problems involving time Solves simple problems
am and pm involving time pm involving time duration and duration and converts between involving time duration and
duration and conversions of converts between units of time. units of time. converts between some units of
time. time.
Excellent achievement High achievement Satisfactory achievement Limited achievement Very low achievement

Location and Interprets and explains Interprets and explains Interprets information Interprets features of maps. Does not meet the requirements
Transformation information contained in maps information contained in maps. contained in maps. of a D grade.
to make inferences.

Creates symmetrical shapes, Creates symmetrical shapes, Creates symmetrical shapes and Creates simple symmetrical
patterns and pictures with more patterns and pictures with more patterns. shapes or patterns.
than one line of symmetry and than one line of symmetry.
describes symmetrical designs in
authentic contexts.

Geometric Reasoning Compares and classifies angles Compares angles in relation to a Identifies a right angle and Identifies a right angle. Does not meet the requirements
in relation to a right angle and right angle, classifying them as classifies angles as equal to, of a D grade.
explains reasoning using equal to, greater than or less greater than or less than a right
appropriate mathematical than a right angle and explains angle.
language. reasoning.

Statistics and Probability

Chance Orders events and outcomes by Orders events and outcomes by Lists the probability of everyday Lists the probability of everyday Does not meet the requirements
probability, gives reasons for probability and explains why an events and identifies these as events and identifies some of of a D grade.
assigned probabilities and event is either dependent or dependent or independent. these as dependent or
provides a detailed explanation independent. independent.
of why an event is either
dependent or independent.

Data Representation and Constructs appropriate data Constructs appropriate data Constructs data displays from Constructs a simple data display. Does not meet the requirements
Interpretation displays from given or collected displays from given or collected given or collected data. of a D grade.
data and justifies choice of data.
chosen display.
Excellent achievement High achievement Satisfactory achievement Limited achievement Very low achievement

Data Representation and Describes and evaluates the Describes and evaluates the Describes and evaluates the Describes various methods for Does not meet the requirements
Interpretation effectiveness of various effectiveness of various effectiveness of various data collection and of a D grade.
methods for data collection and methods for data collection and methods for data collection and representation.
representation and explains how representation and explains representation.
this affects the results. reasoning.

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