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Diocese of Novaliches
Commission on Youth
iPRAY Program
Taizé Team

Taizé Community The defeat of France awoke powerful sympathy.

If a house could be found there, of the kind I had
and Its History dreamed of, it would offer a possible way of
assisting some of those most discouraged, those
deprived of a livelihood; and it could become a
The Taizé Community is an ecumenical Christian
monastic fraternity in Taizé, Saône-et- place of silence and work.
Loire, Burgundy, France. It is composed of more than one
hundred brothers, from Catholic and Protestant traditions,
who originate from about thirty countries across the world. It was Because his native Switzerland was neutral and thus less
founded in 1940 by Brother Roger Schütz, affected by the war, Schütz felt as if France would be ideal for
a Reformed Protestant. Guidelines for the community’s life are his vision, seeing it as a "land of poverty, a land of wartime
contained in The Rule of Taizé written by Brother Roger and suffering, but a land of inner freedom. He eventually settled
first published in French in 1954. in Taizé, which was a small isolated village just north of Cluny,
The community has become one of the world's most the site of a historically influential Christian monastic
important sites of Christian pilgrimage, with a focus on youth. foundation.
Over 100,000 young people from around the world make
pilgrimages to Taizé each year for prayer, Bible study, sharing, In September 1940, Schütz purchased a small house
and communal work. Through the community's ecumenical that would eventually become the home of the Taizé
outlook, they are encouraged to live in the spirit of kindness, Community. Only miles south of the demarcation line that
simplicity and reconciliation. The community's church, the separated Vichy France and the Zone occupée, Brother
Church of Reconciliation, was inaugurated on 6 August Roger’s home became a sanctuary to countless
1962. It was designed by a Taizé member and architect, Brother war refugees seeking shelter. On November 11, 1942,
Denis. Young Germans from Action Reconciliation Service the Gestapo occupied Roger’s house while he was in
for Peace, created for reconciliation after World War II, Switzerland collecting funds to aid in his refuge ministry. Roger
assumed the work of building it. Owing to the founder's was not able to return to his home in Taizé until the autumn of
commitment, since its inception the community has evolved into 1944, when France was liberated.
an important site for Catholic–Lutheran ecumenism. A In 1941, Brother Roger had published a few
Catholic, Brother Alois, succeeded as prior after his small brochures outlining several facets of a Christ-centred
predecessor's death in 2005. communal life together. These brochures prompted two young
The Taizé Community was founded by Brother men to apply, soon followed by a third. They all lived in
Roger (Roger Schütz) in 1940. He pondered what it really Switzerland in a flat owned by Roger’s family until after the war
meant to live a life according to the Scriptures and began a when they began a new life together in the French countryside.
quest for a different expression of the Christian life. A year after Over the next few years several other men would join the
this decision, Schütz reflected: community. On Easter Sunday 1949, seven brothers committed

themselves to a life following Christ in simplicity, celibacy and messages of love and benediction were received from church
community. leaders as varied as:
In the years that followed, others joined. In 1969, a
young Belgian doctor became the first Catholic to pledge his life • Pope Benedict XVI
to the Taizé Community. More brothers from Reformed, • Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople
Anglican and Catholic backgrounds joined the community. Soon • Patriarch Kyrill of Moscow
the Brothers of Taizé were making trips to take aid to people in • The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams
both rural and urban areas. They began forming “fraternities” of • The General Secretary of the Lutheran World Federation,
brothers in other cities that sought to be “signs of the presence Ishmael Noko
of Christ among men, and bearers of joy”. Since 1951, the • The General Secretary of the World Communion of
brothers have lived, for longer or shorter periods, in small Reformed Churches, Setri Nyomi
fraternities among the poor in India (chiefly • The General Secretary of the World Council of Churches,
in Calcutta), Bangladesh, the Philippines, Algeria, Brazil, Olav Fykse-Tveit
Kenya, Senegal, and the United States (chiefly in the Hell’s • The Archbishop of York, John Sentamu
Kitchen section of Manhattan, New York City). • The Anglican Archbishop of the Cape, Thabo Cecil
In August 2005 Brother Roger, aged 90, was killed in a Makgoba
knife attack by a mentally ill woman. At his funeral, Brother • The President of the German Bishops' Conference,
Roger had an ecumenical dream fulfilled. The presider at his Archbishop Robert Zollitsch
funeral was the president of the Vatican's council for the unity • The President of the Netherlands Episcopal Conference,
of Christians, Cardinal Walter Kasper. Anglican bishop Nigel Monsignor van Luyn
McCulloch of Manchester, England, who represented Rowan • The President of the Community of Christian Churches in
Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, read the first reading in the Canton of Vaud, Pastor Martin Hoegger.
English. The second reading was read in French by the
Rev. Jean-Arnold de Clermont, president of the Conference of At the end of 2010, the community was composed of about
European Churches, and in German by Bishop Wolfgang one hundred brothers, from Protestant and Catholic
Huber, head of the Evangelical Church in Germany. Cardinals traditions, who originate from about thirty countries across the
and archbishops, Orthodox, Anglican and other religious world. The community is currently led by Brother Alois, a
leaders and international politicians joined ordinary Christians German-born Catholic, who had been appointed by Brother
in prayer during the funeral, including the President of Roger before his death.
Germany, Horst Köhler, and the retired Archbishop of
Paris, Jean-Marie Lustiger. His funeral was attended by
approximately 10,000 people.
In 2010, for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of
Taizé, five years after Brother Roger's death, ecumenical

Young adult meetings The schedule of a typical day in the youth meetings:
• Morning prayer
In Taizé
• Breakfast
• Introduction to the day with a brother of the
community followed by quiet reflection or small
group discussion
• Midday prayer
• Lunch
• Song practice (optional)
• Meetings
• Tea time
• Workshops (optional)
• Supper
• Evening prayer
Small discussion groups. • Informal gathering at Oyak, a common area at
Throughout the year, meetings for young adults Taizé
between 17 and 30 years old (and, within certain limits, for
adults and families with children) take place in Taizé. The
number of visitors reaches more than 5000 during the summer
and on Easter. Meetings usually last from Sunday to Sunday,
though it is also possible to just come for a few days, or, for
young volunteers, to stay for a longer time.
Several sisters also help with running the meetings.
However, they are not "Taizé Sisters". These sisters come from
various orders, most notably the Catholic order of St. Andrew
from Belgium. The Sisters of St. Andrew live in the neighboring
village Ameugny.

Taizé Cross and typical altar setup

Common Taizé Songs and 4. Jesus Christ Bread of Life
Chants Jesus Christ, bread of Life, those who come to
you will not hunger.
Jesus Christ, Risen Lord, those who trust in
1. Veni Sancti Spiritus You will not thirst.

Veni Sancti Spiritus

Veni Sancti Spiritus 5. Jesus Remember Me
Jesus, remember me. When You come into
Your kingdom.
2. Wait for the Lord
Jesus, remember me. When You come into
Wait for the Lord, whose day is near. Your kingdom.
Wait for the Lord, Keep watch take heart.

6. Ubi Caritas (Sa pagmamahal,

3. Bless the Lord my soul naroroon ang Diyos)
Ubi Caritas, et amor.
Bless the Lord my soul, and bless God’s Holy
Name Ubi Caritas, Deus ibi est.
Bless the Lord my soul, who Leads me into

7. Laudate Dominum 10. Sa Diyos magpapasalamat

Laudate Dominum, Laudate Dominum. Sa Diyos magpapasalamat, sa Kanya’y
Omnes! Gentes! Alleluia!
Masdan Siya at huwag mangamba.
(Sing Praise and Bless the Lord! 2x
Siya’y kapiling, Siya’y Ama. Siya’y kapiling
Peoples! Nations! Alleluia)
Siya’y Ama.

8. Kyrie
Kyrie, Kyrie, Eleison

9. Magnificat Anima Mea

Magnificat, Magnificat, Magnificat Anima
Mea Dominum!
(Ang puso ko’y nagpupuri, nagpupuri sa
Panginoong ating Diyos!)

TYPICAL FLOW OF 10. The Lord’s Prayer (Our Father...)

COMMON PRAYER 11. Usually the Common Prayer ends here with
the singing of Taizé chants. On evening
1. Sign of the Cross prayers during Friday and Saturday, the
Lord’s Passion and triumph on the Cross is
2. Opening Songs (at least 2) remembered with the Veneration of the
Cross. On Sunday, the Lord’s Resurrection
is remembered with the lighting of candles
3. 3-5 Readings of Psalms with Alleluia as and further minutes silent meditation and
response singing of Taizé chants

Psalm can also be sung as one full song (ex. 12. Songs
Ang Panginoon ang Aking Pastol)

4. Alleluia before the Gospel 13. Final Blessings

5. Gospel Readings 14.Final Song

6. Song before the Silence (at least one)

7. SILENCE (7-8 minutes)

8. Song

9. 5 or more Intercessory Prayers (with Kyrie

Eleison as response)

Advise during Taizé Prayer and physical/health condition, you may use
the church pews or any chairs.
4. Do not talk nor speak with other faithful
Taizé prayer is a silent type of prayer which while in prayer specially during Silence, as
we can do when we want to communicate you can distract others.
with God one on one through the gift of the
Holy Spirit in Silence. Taizé prayer has no 5. Going in and out of the venue for comfort
specific guidelines on how we can room will not help others to pray.
communicate with Him. But here are some 6. In Taizé, it is NOT mandatory to sing
advises that we should follow and consider: with a golden voice, as long as you actively
participate by singing/praying toGod and it
is from the heart.
1. Before the prayer, it is really advisable to
keep yourself in silence and in a prayerful 7. Lastly, in our world today, most of the
and reflective atmosphere. people do not recognize the silence as a way
to talk and communicate with God, through
2. During the Taizé, cellphones and gadgets Taizé, we will realize that silence is one of
are not truly needed, as we are the best way in finding God’s presence./
communicating with God through our faith
and not by any internet connections. Or at
Prepared by:
least put it in silent mode if we cannot shut
it down.
3. Please ensure that we are in our most
comfortable sitting position. In case the Jason Jay Domingo Gardon
venue is so full or the attendees vary in age COY Nova iPRAY Program – Taize Team, Head

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