Wrong: I Saw Yesterday My Friend. Correct: I Saw My Friend Yesterday

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Word order is very important in English sentences. The normal word order for an English statement is subject,
verb, indirect object, direct object, adverbial modifiers. Be careful not to separate a verb and its direct object with
an adverbial modifier.

Wrong: I saw yesterday my friend.

Correct: I saw my friend yesterday.

A. Reconstruct the following sentences and put them into good English form.

1. Jacob has been two years in this country. º (Jacob has been in this country two years.)
2. He is studying now English at Columbia University.
3. He was so excited he hardly could think.
4. The light was so bright that we had to cover from time to time our eyes.
5. She said that he had had already three drinks.
6. I even didn't know that it was you who was calling me.
7. Throw me from the bus a kiss.
8. Karen went to see the mayor in a new skirt.
9. I used to like a lot the theater, but now I go every night to the movies.
10. Of course, always I speak German with my family and friends.
11. He is studying now French as well as English.
12. He has been two years here; perhaps it is more even than that.
13. It was so cold that summer that we had to wear now and then our overcoats.
14. I have every day to write a lot of letters in English.
15. He said that he had seen already that movie.
16. He comes seldom to the lesson on time.
17. Simon gave me this morning your message.
18. Please read slowly the whole sentence.
19. We went last night to the theater.

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