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Unit 1

1)Vocabulary: Travel and tourism, ‫السفر والسياحة‬

Reasons for being in the shop ‫أسباب كونه في المحل‬, places they are interested in ‫أماكن هم مهتمين‬
‫بها‬, studying maps ‫دراسة الخرائط‬, reading travel books ‫قراءة كتب السفر‬, documentaries ‫أفالم وثائقية‬,
virtual trip ‫رحلة واقعية‬, travel guides ‫دليل الرحالت‬, holiday destination ‫وجهة قضاء العطلة‬,
architecture ‫الهندسة المعمارية‬, sightseeing ‫معالم المدينة‬, museums ‫المتاحف‬, sand ‫رمال‬, amazing
‫مذهل‬, spend ‫يقضي‬, sit on the terrace ‫ يجلس على المصطفة او جانب الرصيف‬, spend the rest of the
day ‫ يقضي بقية اليوم‬, renowned ‫معروف او مشهور‬, hospitality ‫ ُحسن الضيافة‬, unspoiled countryside
‫ريف غير ملوث أو مشوهه‬, sandy bay ‫خليج رملي‬, rugged ‫وعر‬, water pool ‫بركة مائية‬, ashore ‫شاطئ‬,
passenger ‫راكب او مسافر‬, international airport ‫مطار دولي‬, different airlines ‫رحالت جوية مختلفة‬,
transport ‫وسائل نقل‬, impression of ‫انطباع عن‬, accommodation ‫سكن‬, visitors from abroad ‫زوار‬
.‫من خارج البلد‬
2) reporting statements" say, tell, claims, and I think that" :

-Say and tell:

You say something. that ‫أنت تقول شيئا ً يتبع ب‬

You tell someone something (.her, him, them, us. (‫هذا الشخص يكون ضمير مفعول به‬ ‫أنت تخبر شخصا ً ما بأمر معين‬

You say something to someone. to ‫أنت تقول شيئا ً لشخص معين مربوط ب‬

She said that she was feeling well. – not defined to whom has been spoken.

She told him that she was feeling well. – the person to whom has been spoken is defined (“told him”)‫به‬ ‫ضمير مفعول‬

She said to him: 'I am not feeling well.' – the person to whom has been spoken is defined (“said to him”)

Claims ‫تأتي بمعنى يدعي‬

He claims that I own him five dollars ‫يدعي بأنني أدين له ب خمسه دوالرات‬

Think ‫تأتي بمعنى يعتقد‬

She thinks she is pretty ‫تعتقد انها جميلة‬

say or tell – Exercis

1. Can you ………….. me the way to the station, please?

2. He didn't …………….a word.
3. She ………………… her name was Sue.
4. Let me ……………… you something about my hobbies.
5. Forget everything I just ………………..
6. Why didn't you ……………….. him that before?
7. Why didn't you …………………… that before?
8. They ……………….nothing to me.
9. You don't need to ………………. us that.
10. What did Eric …………………… when he saw the new bike?

3) direct and indirect question:

1. If we do not begin a question directly, but begin it with something like: Can you tell me…? Do you
know…? I wonder if…? The word order is the same as in an affirmative statement.
wh + h.p verb + subject+ main verb ‫في السؤال المباشر يكون ترتيب السؤال كما هو متعارف عليه‬
wh+ subject + main verb ‫في السؤال الغير مباشر يكون ترتيب السؤال كما هو ترتيبه في الجملة‬

 Direct question: What is he doing?

Indirect question: Do you know what he is doing?
 Direct question: Where have they been?
Indirect question: I wonder where they have been?

2. If the direct question contains the auxiliary DO, we omit it in the indirect question.
.‫ يجب ارجاع الفعل الصلة قبل تحويله للسؤال الغير مباشر‬did, do, does ‫إذا كان السؤال المباشر يحتوي على فعل مثل‬
 Direct question: What do you want?
Indirect question: Can you tell me what you want?‫ فعل بال اضافه‬،‫النه مضارع‬
 Direct question: When did she leave?
Indirect question: Do you know when she left? ‫ فعل عاد الى اصله‬،‫النه ماضي‬
Fill the gaps.

"What's this?"
"Do you know what this is?"

1 "Where's the station?"

"Can you tell me ___________________________________________ ?"
2 "Are you coming to the party?"
"Can you let me know if ___________________________________________ ?"
3 "How does it work?"
"Can you explain ___________________________________________ ?"
4 "What's the the matter?"
Please tell me ___________________________________________ ."
5 "Where are you from?"
"I'd like to know ___________________________________________ ."
6 "How long does it take to get there?"
"Do you know ___________________________________________ ?"
7 "Has she reached a decision yet?"
"Has she told you whether ___________________________________________ ?"
8 "What time are you leaving?"
"Do you know ___________________________________________ ?"
9 "Does Annie know about computers?"
"I wonder whether ___________________________________________ ."
10 "Excuse me. How do you get to the post office from here?"
"Could you tell us ___________________________________________ ?"
-say or tell – Exercise
1. Can you tell me the way to the station, please?

2. He didn't say a word.

3. She said her name was Sue.

4. Let me tell you something about my hobbies.

5. Forget everything I just said.

6. Why didn't you tell him that before?

7. Why didn't you say that before?

8. They said nothing to me.

9. You don't need to tell us that.

10. What did Eric say when he saw the new bike?

-Direct and indirect question

-1 "Where's the station?"
"Can you tell me where the station is?
2 "Are you coming to the party?"
"Can you let me know if you're/are coming to the party?
3 "How does it work?"
"Can you explain (to me) how it works?"
4 "What's the the matter?"
Please tell me what the matter is?"
5 "Where are you from?"
"I'd like to know where you are from?"
6 "How long does it take to get there?"
"Do you know how long it takes to get there?"
7 "Has she reached a decision yet?"
"Has she told you whether she has reached a decision yet?"
8 "What time are you leaving?"
"Do you know what time you're/are leaving?"
9 "Does Annie know about computers?"
"I wonder whether Annie knows about computers?"
10 "Excuse me. How do you get to the post office from here?"
"Could you tell us how /you get/we get/to get/ to the post office from here?

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