078/DM/18 (Turn Over

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1. Who is the responsible for holding plan of building which in the Register of Public building?

(A) Assistant Engineer / Junior Engineer

(B) Superintending Engineer
(C) Assistant Executive Engineer
(D) Executive Engineer
Aμ_ Pmhh[PÎß, Áøμ£h |PÀ ©ØÖ® Auß £v÷ÁkPøÍ £μõ©›US® AvPõ› ¯õº?
(A) Eu¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ / CÍ®ö£õÔ¯õͺ
(B) PsPõo¨¦¨ ö£õÔ¯õͺ
(C) EuÂö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ
(D) ö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ

2. What is the Percentage of the maximum provision for unforeseen work in the estimate for
major work? (117-4/43)
(A) 2.5% (B) 1%
(C) 5% (D) 3%
ö£›¯ ÷Áø»°ß ©v¨¥mkz öuõøP°À, JxURmiÀ ö\õÀ»¨£hõu ÁøP°À EÒÍøu
(Unforeseen) AvP£m\©õP GÆÁÍÄ ö\»Ä ö\´¯»õ®?
(A) 2.5% (B) 1%
(C) 5% (D) 3%

3. Who is authority to write-off the lossed measurement book? (Para 296/162)

(A) Divisional Accountant (B) Executive Engineer
(C) Chief Engineer (D) Superintending Engineer
(Para 296/162) AÍÄa_ÁiPÒ Põnõ©À ÷£õÚõÀ Aøu \›Pmk® AvPõ› ¯õº?
(A) ÷Põmh PnUPº (B) ö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ
(C) uø»ø©¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ (D) PsPõo¨¦¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ

4. Who is the authority to Sanction photographic charges? (Para 421/223)

(A) Assistant Engineer (B) Chief Engineer
(C) Superintending Engineer (D) Executive Engineer
÷£õm÷hõQμõ¨ ö\»ÂÚzøu J¨£ÎUS® AvPõ› ¯õº?
(A) Eu¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ (B) uø»ø©¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ
(C) PsPõo¨¦¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ (D) ö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ

 3 078/DM/18
[Turn over
5. Who is the authority for alteration of date of birth in the service book of the non-gazetted
(A) Assistant Executive Engineer (B) Chief Engineer
(C) Government (D) Superintending Engineer
\õuõμn A¾Á»º J¸Á›ß £o¨£v÷ÁmiÀ ¤Ó¢u ÷uv°À SØÓ® C¸¢uõÀ \› ö\´²® AvPõ›
(A) EuÂö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ (B) uø»ø©¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ
(C) Aμ_ (D) PsPõo¨¦¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ

6. What is the time limit to destroy M.book from the date final record in?
(A) Three years (B) Five years
(C) Ten years (D) One year
£vÄ ö\´u AÍÄa_Ái AÈUP¨£k® Põ»®?
(A) 3 BskPÒ (B) 5 BskPÒ
(C) 10 BskPÒ (D) 1 Bsk

7. What is the time limit to destroy will report?

(A) Two years (B) One year
(C) Three years (D) Five year
AÈUP¨£mhuØPõÚ uPÁø» öu›ÂUS® Põ» AÍÄ GÆÁÍÄ?
(A) 2 BskPÒ (B) Kº Bsk
(C) 3 BskPÒ (D) 5 BskPÒ

8. Who is the ex-officio professional advisor of the department?

(A) Superintending Engineer (B) Chief Engineer
(C) Assistant Executive Engineer (D) Executive Engineer
ö£õx¨£o°À öuõÈÀ \õº¢u B÷»õ\øÚø¯ ö£ØÔ¸US® AvPõμzøu ö£ØÔ¸¨£Áº ¯õº?
(A) PsPõo¨¦¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ (B) uø»ø©¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ
(C) EuÂö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ (D) ö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ

9. Who is having full power to sanction estimate to purchase tool and plant?
(A) Superintending Engineer (B) Chief Engineer
(C) Assistant Executive Engineer (D) Executive Engineer
P¸ÂPÒ ©ØÖ® uÍÁõh[PÒ Áõ[S® ©v¨¥miøÚ J¨£ÎUS® AvPõ› ¯õº?
(A) PsPõo¨¦¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ (B) uø»ø©¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ
(C) EuÂö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ (D) ö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ

078/DM/18 4
10. The Administrative Unit of the PWD is the
(A) Chief Engineer
(B) Circle in Charge of Superintending Engineer
(C) Division in Charge of Executive Engineer
(D) Sub-Division in Charge of Assistant Executive Engineer
Bm] A»QøÚ öPõsi¸US® ö£õx¨£ozxøÓ A¾Á»P® Gx?
(A) uø»ø©¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ A¾Á»P®
(B) Ámhzøu {ºÁQUS® PsPõo¨¦¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ
(C) ÷Põmhzøu {ºÁQUS® ö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ
(D) E£÷Põmhzøu {ºÁQUS® EuÂö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ

11. Who is the custodian of Original of tenders and agreement? (Para 158 D’code)
(A) Drawing branch (B) Executive Engineer
(C) Superintendent (D) Divisional Accountant
_zu |P»õøÚ öhshº ©ØÖ® J¨£¢u[PøÍ £õxPõUP ÷Ási¯ A¾Á»º ¯õº?
(A) ÁøμöuõÈÀ ¤›Ä (B) ö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ
(C) PsPõo¨£õͺ (D) ÷Põmh PnUS A¾Á»º

12. What is the Standard rent?

(A) 10% of capital cost (B) 8% of capital cost
(C) 5% of capital cost (D) 9% of capital cost
{ø»¯õÚ ÁõhøP Gߣx GzuøÚ \uÃu®?
(A) •Ê •u½miÀ 10% (B) •Ê •u½miÀ 8%
(C) •Ê •u½miÀ 5% (D) •Ê •u½miÀ 9%

13. Who is authority to sanction the supply and disposal of tent?

(A) Workshop superintendent (B) Executive Engineer
(C) Assistant Executive Engineer (D) Chief Engineer
Thõμ[PøÍ Aø©UPÄ®, PøÍUPÄ® J¨¦uÀ ÁÇ[S® AvPõ› ¯õº?
(A) £o©øÚ PsPõo¨£õͺ (B) ö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ
(C) Eu ö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ (D) uø»ø©¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ

 5 078/DM/18
[Turn over
14. Who is the competent authority for issuing non-availability of government building and
reasonableness of rent?
(A) Assistant Engineer (B) Superintending Engineer
(C) Assistant Executive Engineer (D) Executive Engineer
£¯ß£kzu¨£hõ©À EÒÍ Aμ_ Pmhh[PøÍ \μõ\›¯õP ÁõhøP {ºn¯® ö\´²® AvPõ› ¯õº?
(A) Eu¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ (B) PsPõo¨¦¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ
(C) Eu ö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ (D) ö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ

15. Revised estimate is necessary whenever the actual expenditure likely to exceed the amount
of Sanction estimate by more than? (TNPWD Para 214 & 197 F.C)
(A) 5% (B) 2.5%
(C) 6% (D) 10%
J¨£ÎUP¨£mh ©v¨¥miÀ GzuøÚ \uÃuzvØS® ÷©À ö\»Ä ö\´uõÀ «sk® v¸zv¯
©v¨¥k ö£Ó»õ®?
(A) 5% (B) 2.5%
(C) 6% (D) 10%

16. Whenever measurement book change band some responsible percent not below?
(F.C 174 B Vol)
(A) Superintendent (B) Junior Assistant
(C) Record Clerk (D) Assistant
AÍÄa _ÁiPÒ øP©õÖ® ÷£õx, AÁØøÓ ö£ØÖU öPõshø©UPõÚ J¨¦uø» AÎUP ÷Ási¯
SøÓ¢u£m\ A¾Á»º ¯õº?
(A) PsPõo¨£õͺ (B) CÍ{ø» Eu¯õͺ
(C) £vĸ GÊzuº (D) Eu¯õͺ

17. Which percentage of Additional quantity approved by the Executive Engineer?

(A) 10% (or) 30,000/- whichever is lesser
(B) 10% (or) 30,000/- whichever is higher
(C) 15% (or) 1,00,000/- whichever is lesser
(D) 15% (or) 1,00,000/- whichever is higher
ö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ GzuøÚ \uÃu® Áøμ TkuÀ ö\»ÂÚzvØS AÝ©vUP»õ®?
(A) 10% (A) 30,000/- Gx SøÓ÷Áõ
(B) 10% (A) 30,000/- Gx AvP÷©õ
(C) 15% (A) 1,00,000/- Gx SøÓ÷Áõ
(D) 15% (A) 1,00,000/- Gx AvP÷©õ

078/DM/18 6
18. Who is authority to Retirement of Assistant Engineer / Junior Engineer?
(A) Chief Engineer (B) Engineer-in-Chief (General)
(C) Superintending Engineer (D) All the above
Eu¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ / CÍ®ö£õÔ¯õͺ £o K´øÁ AÝ©vUS® AvPõ› ¯õº?
(A) uø»ø©¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ (B) •ußø©uø»ø©¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ (ö£õx)
(C) PsPõo¨¦¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ (D) ÷©ØTÔ¯ AøÚÁ¸®

19. How many important works with check by Executive Engineer in each year? (Para 294, 295
of D’code)
(A) More than 50 (B) All works
(C) More than 10 (D) More than 24
BsöhõßÔØS AvP£m\©õP GzuøÚ •UQ¯ £oPøÍ ö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ Super C.M. ö\´¯
(A) 50 £oPÐUS ©mk® (B) AøÚzx £oPÒ
(C) 10 £oPÐUS ©mk® (D) 24 £oPÐUS ©mk®

20. Which rule kept to safeguard against double payment of the same work?
(A) Article 174 (9) F.C Vol-I (B) Article 174 (4) F.C Vol-I
(C) Article 170 (9) F.C Vol-I (D) Article 170 (4) F.C Vol-I
G¢u Âv J÷μ £oUS Cμsk •øÓ £mkÁõhõ ö\´Áøu £õxPõUQÓx?
(A) Âv 174 (9) F.C Vol-I (B) Âv 174 (4) F.C Vol-I
(C) Âv 170 (9) F.C Vol-I (D) Âv 170 (4) F.C Vol-I

21. Which para is instructed the Deposit unaccount of one work cannot in any circumstances be
utilized for another?
(A) Para 305 (D’code) (B) Para 205 (D’code)
(C) Para 105 (D’code) (D) Para 215 (D’code)
G¢u £zv J¸ £oUPõP ö£Ó¨£mh öh£õ]m öuõøP ©Ö £oUS ö\»ÂhU Thõx GßÖ
(A) £zv 305 (D.code) (B) £zv 205 (D.code)
(C) £zv 105 (D.code) (D) £zv 215 (D.code)

22. The method of work done by the department concerned by engaging labourers is called
(A) Departmental method (B) Piece work contract method
(C) Lumpsum contract method (D) Schedule contract method.
J¸ £oø¯ ÷©ØöPõÒÁuØS \®©¢u¨£mh xøÓ÷¯ £o¯õͺPøÍ £o¯©ºzv ÷©ØöPõÒЮ
ÁÈ•øÓ°ß ö£¯º GßÚ
(A) xøÓ J¨£¢u•øÓ (B) xsk £o J¨£¢u •øÓ
(C) Jmk ö©õzu J¨£¢u •øÓ (D) £mi¯À J¨£¢u •øÓ

 7 078/DM/18
[Turn over
23. Which forms is maintained in Contingent Register?
(A) TNFC – Form – 7 (B) TNFC – Form – 104(E)
(C) TNFC – Form – 70 (D) TNFC – Form – 107
]À»øμa ö\»ÂÚ[PÒ £v÷Ámøh £¯ß£kzx® £iÁ® Gx?
(A) TNFC – £iÁ® – 7 (B) TNFC – £iÁ® – 104(E)
(C) TNFC – £iÁ® – 70 (D) TNFC – £iÁ® – 107

24. Which Tax shall be exempted of Government servants entitled to rent free quarters?
(A) Professional Tax (B) Income Tax
(C) Wealth Tax (D) Service Tax
ÁõhøP CÀ»õu Si°¸¨¤À C¸US® Aμ_ Fȯ›ß RÌPsh Âv°¼¸¢x »US ö£ÖQÓõº
Ax Gx?
(A) öuõÈÀ Á› (B) Á¸©õÚ Á›
(C) ö\ÀÁ Á› (D) ÷\øÁ Á›

25. Which one is correct?

(i) No Municipal tax is payable for public building situated in a cantonment.
(ii) When measurements are taken jointly by more than one Government servant the
senior most of them should record and sign the measurement.
(A) (i), (ii) correct (B) (i) only correct
(C) (ii) only correct (D) (i), (ii) incorrect
RÌPshÁØÔÀ Gx \›?
(i) |P›¯©¯©õUP¨£mh £Sv°À EÒÍ Aμ_ Pmhh[PÐUS |Pμõm] Á› ÂvUPõx.
(ii) J¸ Aμ_ A¾Á»¸®, E¯º AvPõ›²®, AÍÄPøÍ ÷©ØöPõÒЮ ÷£õx, G¨ö£õÊx®
AÍÄPøͲ®, øPö¯õ¨£zøu²® £vÄ ö\´¯ ÷Ásk®
(A) (i), (ii) \› (B) (i) ©mk® \›
(C) (ii) ©mk® \› (D) (i), (ii) uÁÖ

26. Which approval was sanctioned when the work will be started?
(A) Administrative approval (B) Technical Sanction approval
(C) Financial approval (D) (A) and (B)
J¸ £o xÁ[S® ÷£õx, RÌPsh J¸ J¨¦uÀ ö£ØÓõP ÷Ásk®?
(A) {ºÁõP J¨¦uÀ (B) öuõÈÀ~m£ J¨¦uÀ
(C) {v J¨¦uÀ (D) (A) ©ØÖ® (B)

078/DM/18 8
27. Which method a Centage charges are calculated?
(A) Estimate value
(B) Total value of work done
(C) Agreement value
(D) Higher value of above
¡ØÖ Ãu[PÒ G¢u •øÓ°À PnURk ö\´¯¨£kQÓx?
(A) ©v¨¥mk öuõøP
(B) ö\´u ÷Áø»°ß ö©õzu ©v¨¦
(C) J¨£¢u ©v¨¦
(D) ÷©ØTÔ¯ÁØÔÀ Gx AvP÷©õ

28. Who is terminal authority of Contractor if this original tender was allocated by this
Executive Engineer?
(A) Executive Engineer (B) Superintending Engineer
(C) Chief Engineer (D) Government
ö\´ö£õÔ¯õÍμõÀ J¨£¢u¨¦ÒÎ HØÖUöPõÒͨ£mh J¨£¢uuõμøμ }US® AvPõμ® ö£ØÓÁº
(A) ö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ (B) PsPõo¨¦¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ
(C) uø»ø©¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ (D) Aμ_

29. How did a deposit secured when a government servant on foreign service of Private
(A) Cash paid near of Government Treasury
(B) A post office savings book pledged to authority
(C) A post office cash certificate transferred to authority
(D) All are correct
Aμ_ Fȯº J¸Áº öÁÎ|õmk ÷Áø»US uÛ¯õº ‰»©õP ö\À¾® ÷£õx RÌPsh •øÓ°À
øÁ¨¦z öuõøPø¯ öh£õ]m ö\´v¸¨£õº?
(A) A¸Q¾ÒÍ Aμ_ P¸Å»zvÀ £n® ö\¾zu ÷Ásk®
(B) E›¯ AvPõ›°h® Ag\»P ÷\ª¨¦ ¦zuPzøu Ah©õÚ® ö\´v¸¨£õº
(C) Ag\»P öμõUP \õßøÓ E›¯ A¾Á»¸US ©õØÓ ÷Ásk®
(D) AøÚzx® \›

 9 078/DM/18
[Turn over
30. Which one is incorrect?
(i) In the L.F book level of reaches and quantity are recorded by the Section officer.
(ii) In the M.book should not be written up on the spot. So, It may be written up any
where, any time.
(A) Both are incorrect (B) (i) only incorrect
(C) (ii) only incorrect (D) Both are correct
RÌPshÁØÔÀ Gx \›¯À»?
(i) L.F ¦zuP® ©mh AÍÄPøͲ®, AÍÃkPøͲ® SÔzx ¤›Ä A¾Á»º £v¯ ÷Ásk®
(ii) M.book £o |øhö£Ö® ChzvÀ SÔUP ÷Ásk®. AuØS £v»õP G[S ÷Ásk©õÚõ¾®,
G¨ö£õÊx® GÊu»õ®.
(A) Cμsk® uÁÖ (B) (i) ©mk® uÁÖ
(C) (ii) ©mk® uÁÖ (D) Cμsk® \›

31. All Appropriation lapses at the close of

(A) Calendar Year (B) Financial Year
(C) 30 June
th (D) 31st December
AøÚzx {v JxUP[PЮ ––––––––– AßÖ Põ»õÁv¯õS®.
(A) Põ»shº Á¸h® •iÂÀ (B) {v Bsk •iÂÀ
(C) áüß 30 (D) i\®£º 31

32. If the building is occupied by more than one department and the Revenue Department is one
of the occupants, then the taxes should be paid by the ––––––––– department.
(A) Public Works Department
(B) Revenue Department
(C) Govt. Dept. which occupies the major portion
(D) Commercial Tax Department
J¸ PmhhzvÀ JßÖUS® ÷©Ø£mh xøÓPÒ Si°¸¢x. AvÀ Á¸Áõ´zxøÓ²® J¸ xøÓ¯õP
C¸¨¤ß PmhhzvØPõÚ AøÚzx Á›PøͲ® ––––––––– xøÓ ö\¾zuÀ ÷Ásk®.
(A) ö£õx¨£ozxøÓ (B) Á¸Áõ´z xøÓ
(C) AvP £μ¨£ÍøÁ BUQμªzxÒÍ xøÓ (D) ÁoPÁ›z xøÓ

33. Which rule allowed to joining time of the time of transit period on Promotion and transfer?
(A) F.R 9(3) (B) F.R 9(27)
(C) F.R 9(10) (D) F.R 9(13)
£o Hئ CøhUPõ»® J¸ ¦v¯ £u°À ÷\¸ÁuØPõP AÀ»x £o {¯©Ú® ö\´¯¨£mh Kº
F›¼¸¢x F¸US £¯n® ö\´²® J¸ Aμ_ Fȯ¸US AÝ©vUP¨£mh Põ»® G¢u Ai¨£øh
Âv°ß RÌ Á¸QÓx?
(A) Ai¨£øh Âv 9(3) (B) Ai¨£øh Âv 9(27)
(C) Ai¨£øh Âv 9(10) (D) Ai¨£øh Âv 9(13)

078/DM/18 10
34. Which rule is allowed an employee of eligible transit period on promotion of unearned leave
on medical certificate?
(A) F.R (24) S.R 4 (A) (B) F.R 26 (B) S.R (4)
(C) F.R 26 (B) (D) F.R 26 (A)
J¸Áº ©¸zxÁ \õßÖhß Ti¯ A\õuõμn Âk¨¦ Aμ_ Fȯº Fv¯ E¯ºÄUS uSv²ÒÍ
£oUPõ»[PÒ GkUP»õ® GÚ SÔ¨¤k® Ai¨£øh Âv
(A) Ai¨£øh Âv (24) xøn Âv 4 (A) (B) Ai¨£øh Âv 26 (B) xønÂv (4)
(C) Ai¨£øh Âv 26 (B) (D) Ai¨£øh Âv 26 (A)

35. Which date can be allowed the advance credit of E.L?

(A) 1st Jan, 1st July (B) 1st Jan, 1st April
(C) 1st June, 1st Sep (D) 1st Jan, 1st June
G¢u Cμsk ÷uvPÎÀ Dmi¯ Âk¨ø£ PnURk ö\´x •ß øÁUP»õ®?
(A) áÚÁ› 1, áüø» 1 (B) áÚÁ› 1, H¨μÀ 1
(C) áüß 1, ö\¨h®£º 1 (D) áÚÁ› 1, áüß 1

36. How many years completed a certificate received of unblessed service?

(A) 20 years (B) 25 years
(C) 30 years (D) 10 years
©õ\ØÓ £oUS \õßÔuÌ ö£Ó GzuøÚ BskPÒ £o •izv¸UP ÷Ásk®
(A) 20 BskPÒ (B) 25 BskPÒ
(C) 30 BskPÒ (D) 10 BskPÒ

37. Which rule is allowed effected of pension calculation on Retirement?

(A) F.R (1) (B) Rule 73
(C) F.R 56 (1) (D) (D) F.R 24 S.R (3)
ushøÚUPõP Fv¯ E¯ºÄ Jzv øÁUS® CÚ[PÎÀ A¢u ushøÚ K´Åv¯zøu £õvUS©õ
GßÖ® SÔ¨¤h Ai¨£øh Âv SÔ¨¤kP?
(A) Ai¨£øh Âv (1) (B) Âv 73
(C) Ai¨£øh Âv 56 (1) (D) (D) Ai¨£øh Âv 24, xøn Âv (3)

 11 078/DM/18
[Turn over
38. How many year completed of selection grade from Regularization date?
(A) 12 years (B) 5 years
(C) 10 years (D) None of these
J¸ £o¯õ͸US £oÁμß•øÓ ö\´¯¨£mh |õμ¸¢x GzuøÚ BskPÐUS ¤ß ÷uºÄ
{ø» ÁÇ[P»õ®?
(A) 12 BskPÒ (B) 5 BskPÒ
(C) 10 BskPÒ (D) CvÀ HxªÀø»

39. Which rule admitted a pay fixation of Assistant from Typist / Steno Typist (Special pay)?
(A) F.R (22), S.R 5 (B) F.R 27 (B) S.R (4)
(C) F.R 22, S.R (3) (D) F.R 27, S.R (14)
umha\º / _¸UöPÊzx umha\º (]Ó¨¦ Fv¯® ö£Ö£Áº) Eu¯õÍμõP £u E¯ºÄ ö£ØÓõÀ
AÁºPÐUS Fv¯ {ºn¯® G¢u Ai¨£øh Âv°ß RÌ {ºn¯® ö\´¯¨£kQÓx?
(A) Ai¨£øh Âv (22), xøn Âv 5 (B) Ai¨£øh Âv 27 (B), xøn Âv (4)
(C) Ai¨£øh Âv 22, xøn Âv (3) (D) Ai¨£øh Âv 27, xøn Âv (14)

40. Which rule allowed to obtain a special pay of hard work?

(A) F.R 10 (32) (B) F.R 9 (6) (A)
(C) F.R 9 (32) (D) F.R 25
J¸ £o¯õͺ ªPÄ® PiÚ©õÚ £oPÒ ö\´¯ ÷|¸ÁuõÀ (uμ® – I) ÂÀ ]Ó¨§v¯® (Special
Pay) G¢u Âv°ß RÌ ÁÇ[P»õ®?
(A) Ai¨£øh Âv 10 (32) (B) Ai¨£øh Âv 9 (6) (A)
(C) Ai¨£øh Âv 9 (32) (D) Ai¨£øh Âv 25

41. How many percentage of EMD should be presented a success tenderer on Tamil Nadu
Transparency 2012?
(A) 2.5% (B) 5%
(C) 2% (D) 7%
£o QøhUP¨ö£ØÓ J¨£¢uuõμº uªÌ|õk J¨£¢u Âv 2012ß £i, GzuøÚ \uÃu® EMD
ö\¾zu¨£h ÷Ásk®?
(A) 2.5% (B) 5%
(C) 2% (D) 7%

42. All the loans taken by the Government are credited into the following account?
(A) Deposit fund (B) Emergency fund
(C) Remittance Fund (D) Consolidated Fund
Aμ\õÀ ö£Ó¨£k® Phß öuõøPPÒ AøÚzx® ¤ßÁ¸® uø»¨¦PÎÀ £ØÖ øÁUP¨£k®?
(A) øÁ¨¦zöuõøP (B) AÁ\μPõ» {v
(C) ö\¾zxzöuõøP {v (D) öuõS¨¦ {v

078/DM/18 12
43. How many maximum half year taken in to DCRG calculation?
(A) 60 (B) 66
(C) 62 (D) 50
£oUöPõøh PnUQh AvP£m\©õP GzuøÚ Aøμ BskPÒ GkzxU öPõÒÍ»õ®?
(A) 60 (B) 66
(C) 62 (D) 50

44. How much percentage can be calculated the Additional charge allowances?
(A) 1/5 (B) 1/2
(C) 1/3 (D) 1/10
TkuÀ ö£õÖ¨¦PøÍ Põ»zvØS ö£Ó¨£k® öuõøP, Fv¯zvÀ GzuøÚ \uÃu©õP
(A) 1/5 (B) 1/2
(C) 1/3 (D) 1/10

45. Which Form is obtained for the refund of with held amount in the final bill?
(A) Form 104 E (B) Form 64
(C) Form 84 (D) Form 86
CÖv Esi¯¼À ¤izu® ö\´¯¨£mh WHA&I v¸®£ ö£Ó u¯õº ö\´²® £iÁ® Gx?
(A) £iÁ® 104 E (B) £iÁ® 64
(C) £iÁ® 84 (D) £iÁ® 86

46. Who is authority to open a tender corer in Division tender?

(A) Executive Engineer and Senior Draughting Officer
(B) Executive Engineer and Technical Personal Assistant
(C) Technical Personal Assistant and Senior Draughting Officer
(D) Executive Engineer and Divisional Accountant Officer
÷PõmhzvÀ |øhö£Ö® J¨£¢u¨ ÷£õmi°À J¨£¢uU PõμºPøÍ ¤›US® AvPõμ® ¯õ¸US
(A) ö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ ©ØÖ® •x{ø» ÁøμöuõÈÀ A¾Á»º
(B) ö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ ©ØÖ® öuõÈÀ~m£ Eu¯õͺ
(C) öuõÈÀ~m£ Eu¯õͺ ©ØÖ® •x{ø» ÁøμöuõÈÀ A¾Á»º
(D) ö\¯Øö£õÔ¯õͺ ©ØÖ® ÷Põmh PnUS A¾Á»º

 13 078/DM/18
[Turn over
47. Which rule is admitted to option at the time of pay fixation?
(A) F.R 22 i (a) i Form (B) F.R 22 i (b) i
(C) F.R 22 (i) (ii) (D) (A) and (B)
Fv¯ {ºn¯® ö\´²®÷£õx ¤izuzøu ö\´²® Á›PÎÀ {ºn¯® ö\´¯ EuÄ® Âv Gx?
(A) F.R 22 i (a) i Form (B) F.R 22 i (b) i
(C) F.R 22 (i) (ii) (D) (A) and (B)

48. Which date to get a pay and other allowances from the Treasury in TNPWD History?
(A) 01.04.2012 (B) 01.04.2013
(C) 01.04.2015 (D) 01.04.2014
uªÌ|õk ö£õx Áμ»õØÔÀ, G¢u ÷uvPμ¸¢x \®£Í® ©ØÖ® Cuμ £iPøÍ P¸Å»® ©mk÷©
ö£Ó•i²® GßÓ {ø» HØ£mhx?
(A) 01.04.2012 (B) 01.04.2013
(C) 01.04.2015 (D) 01.04.2014

49. Which is issued a competent authority sanctioning a estimate of Cost of work to construct a
(A) Work order (B) Agreement
(C) Technical Sanction (D) Administrative Sanction
¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÖÒ G¢u J¸ J¨¦uÀ ö£ØÓÄhß J¸ Pmhh® Pmk©õÚ £oUS ÷uøÁ¯õÚ
ö\»ÃÚ® SÔzx Bøn öÁΰh¨£k®?
(A) £o Bøn (B) J¨£¢u®
(C) öuõÈÀ~m£ J¨¦uÀ (D) {ºÁõP J¨¦uÀ

50. The following is not correct for the pension?

(A) Probation period (B) LLP with M.C
(C) Maternity Period (D) LLP without M.C
¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÖÒ K´Åv¯zxhß ö£õ¸¢uõux Gx?
(A) Probation period (B) LLP with M.C
(C) Maternity Period (D) LLP without M.C

078/DM/18 14
51. When shall be before of GPF subscription on Superannuation?
(A) 3 Months (B) 4 Months
(C) 6 Months (D) 1 Month
Á¯x •vºÄ Põμn©õP K´Ä ö£Ö® J¸Á¸US GzuøÚ ©õu[PÐUS GPF \¢uõ •ßÚº ¤izu®
ö\´Áx ¤iUP¨£h ÷Ásk®?
(A) 3 ©õu[PÒ (B) 4 ©õu[PÒ
(C) 6 ©õu[PÒ (D) 1 ©õu®

52. Who is authority to write a missing credit of GPF/CPS to Accountant General Office?
(A) Through Department Head (B) Office Head
(C) Treasury Officer (D) All are correct
GPF/CPS \¢uõ ¤izu® ö\´ÁvÀ ©õ{» PnUPõ¯¸US Piu® GÊu¨£kuÀ ÷Ásk®?
(A) xøÓzuø»Áº ‰»©õP (B) A¾Á»P uø»Áº
(C) P¸Å» AvPõ› (D) ÷©ØTÔ¯ AøÚzx®

53. How many years minimum completed to get a part final of GPF?
(A) 15 years (B) 10 years
(C) 20 years (D) 5 years
ö£õx Á¸[Põ» øÁ¨¦ {v°À £Sv C¸¨¦z öuõøP ö£Ó SøÓ¢u£m\® GzuøÚ BskPÒ £o
¦›¢v¸UP ÷Ásk®?
(A) 15 BskPÒ (B) 10 BskPÒ
(C) 20 BskPÒ (D) 5 BskPÒ

54. A deceased Government Servant of pending on HBA loan. The loan may recover or not?
(A) Through DCRG (B) Partly recovered
(C) No recovery (D) Without interest, Principal only
Aμ_ ‰»©õP ÃkPmh •ß£n® ö£ØÓ J¸Áº CÓUP ÷|º¢uõÀ Phß öuõøP ¤izu®
(A) DCRG ‰»® \›ö\´¯»õ® (B) £õv öuõøP ¤izu® ö\´¯¨£k®
(C) ¤izu® ö\´¯¨£h ©õmhõx (D) Ámi uÂμ ©mk® ¤izu® ö\´¯¨£k®

55. Who is rectified a Junior-Senior pay anomaly to retired employer?

(A) Office head (B) Head of Department
(C) Through Government order (D) Court
K´Ä ö£ØÓ J¸Áº Cøͯº&•v¯Áº Fv¯ •μs£õk C¸¨¤ß, AuøÚ \› ö\´£Áº ¯õº?
(A) A¾ÁÀ uø»Áº (B) xønz uø»Áº
(C) Aμ_ Bøn ‰»©õP (D) }v©ßÓ®

 15 078/DM/18
[Turn over
56. When contractor PAN number’s CADFG0361J. How many percentage, will be deducted
a I.T?
(A) 1% (B) 2%
(C) 3% (D) 5%
J¸ J¨£¢uuõμº PAN Gs CADFG0361J GÚ C¸US® ö£õÊx GzuøÚ \uÃu® I.T ¤izu®
ö\´¯¨£h ÷Ásk®?
(A) 1% (B) 2%
(C) 3% (D) 5%

57. How many percentage recovered of VAT of Civil work and Non civil work before 01.10.2017?
(A) 2%, 5% (B) 1%, 2%
(C) 2%, 2% (D) 2%, 10%
01.10.2017&US •ßÚº, J¨£¢uuõμ¸US ]ÂÀ £oPÐUS®, ]ÂÀ CÀ»õu £oPÐUS®
GzuøÚ \uÃu® VAT ¤izu® ö\´¯¨£mhx?
(A) 2%, 5% (B) 1%, 2%
(C) 2%, 2% (D) 2%, 10%

58. When a Contractor is not quoted PAN number. How many percentage will be recovered a
income tax?
(A) 10% (B) 20%
(C) 2% (D) 15%
J¸ J¨£¢uuõμ¸US PAN Gs CÀ»õu ö£õÊx GzuøÚ \uÃu® I.T ¤izu® ö\´¯¨£mh
(A) 10% (B) 20%
(C) 2% (D) 15%

59. A balance of suspense account under the Head 2059-799 and 8782, Where it transferred?
(A) Head of Department (B) Government
(C) Treasury (D) Kept in available office
2059-799 ©ØÖ® 8782 BQ¯ Cμsk PnUSz uø»¨¦PÎÀ EÒÍ {¾øÁ öuõøPø¯ uØ÷£õx
¯õ¸US ©õØÓ® ö\´¯¨£h ÷Ásk®?
(A) xøÓz uø»Áº (B) Aμ_
(C) P¸Å»® (D) uØ÷£õxÒÍ A¾Á»PzvÀ

078/DM/18 16
60. When withdrawal of Letter of Credit system?
(A) 01.04.2016 (B) 01.04.2012
(C) 01.04.2015 (D) 01.04.2014
LOC •øÓ G¨÷£õx Aμ\õÀ v¸®£¨ ö£ØÖUöPõÒͨ£mhx?
(A) 01.04.2016 (B) 01.04.2012
(C) 01.04.2015 (D) 01.04.2014

61. Which Form’s allowed to payment of contractor on ECS method?

(A) TNTC Form – 65 (B) TNTC Form – 59
(C) TNTC Form – 85 (D) TNTC Form – 64
G¢u £iÁ® J¨£¢uuõμ¸US ECS ‰»©õP £mkÁõhõ ö\´¯ AÝ©vUQÓx?
(A) TNTC Form – 65 (B) TNTC Form – 59
(C) TNTC Form – 85 (D) TNTC Form – 64

62. Who are responsible for the contractor payment for the contacts and mandatory certificate
furnished in the bills?
(A) Drawing Officer
(B) D.O and P.A to (D.O)
(C) D.O and DAO
(D) DAO only
J¨£¢uuõμ¸US ÁÇ[P¨£k® AøÚzx £mkÁõhõPÐUS® \õßÔuÌ AÎUS®
ö£õÖ¨¦øh¯ÁºPÒ ¯õº?
(A) A¾Á»Pz uø»Áº
(B) A¾Á»Pz uø»Áº ©ØÖ® ÷|º•P Eu¯õͺ
(C) A¾Á»Pz uø»Áº ©ØÖ® ÷Põmh PnUS A¾Á»º
(D) ÷Põmh PnUS A¾Á»º ©mk®

63. How many digits contain in Deposit head under 8443?

(A) 10 (B) 12
(C) 14 (D) 15
8443 GßÓ øÁ¨¦zöuõøP PnUQÀ GzuøÚ C»UP GsPÒ Ch® ö£Ó ÷Ásk®?
(A) 10 (B) 12
(C) 14 (D) 15

 17 078/DM/18
[Turn over
64. As per Tamil Nadu infrastructure Development Act 2012, whose will submit the Annual
Report and Accounts of the Board?
(A) Government
(B) Governor
(C) Head of Department
(D) Public Account Committee
uªÌ|õk EmPmhø©¨¦ ÷©®£õk \mh® 2012ß £i, PnUS SÊÁõÚx Bsk AÔUøP¯õ¸US
\©º¨¤UP ÷Ásk®?
(A) Aμ_
(B) BÐ|º
(C) uø»ø© A¾Á»P®
(D) ö£õx PnUS SÊ

65. As per Tamil Nadu infrastructure Development Act 2012, to whom equalant of an expert
member shall be eligible for travel allowances?
(A) Grade – A (B) Grade – B
(C) Grade – C (D) Grade – D
uªÌ|õk EmPmhø©¨¦ ÷©®£õk \mh® 2012ß £i, vmh ö\¯À£õmk ]Ó¨¦ SÊ EÖ¨¤Úº G¢u
{ø»UPõÚ £¯n¨£iø¯ ö£Ó uSv²øh¯ÁμõQÓõº?
(A) Grade – A (B) Grade – B
(C) Grade – C (D) Grade – D

66. An employee who has completed how many years may opt to retire from service of
(A) 25 (B) 30
(C) 20 (D) 15
uß Â¸¨£ K´Ä ö£Ó {øÚUS® J¸ Aμ_ Fȯº SøÓ¢u£m\® GzuøÚ BskPÒ
£o¦›¢v¸UP ÷Ásk®?
(A) 25 (B) 30
(C) 20 (D) 15

078/DM/18 18
67. Revenue from the sale of teak, red sandal wood is collected by which department?
(A) Public works department
(B) Agriculture
(C) Forest
(D) Revenue
÷uUS® ©ØÖ® ö\®©μ[PÎß ÂØ£øÚPøÍ Á`¼US® xøÓ Gx?
(A) ö£õx¨£ozxøÓ
(B) ÷ÁÍõsø©zxøÓ
(C) ÁÚzxøÓ
(D) Á¸Áõ´zxøÓ

68. As per Tamil Nadu Transparency in tender rules – 2012, How will treat of two equal
(A) After negotiation their best of final officer
(B) To choose an officers decision
(C) To win a toss method
(D) All are correct
uªÌ|õk öÁΨ£øhzußø© J¨£¢u Âv 2012ß £i, Cμsk J¨£¢uuõμºPÒ \© ¦ÒÎ
ÂÁμ[PøÍ ÷Põ›ÚõÀ, •iöÁk¨£x G¨£i?
(A) ÷£a_ÁõºzøuUS ¤ÓS SøÓ¢u ¦ÒÎÂÁμ® ÷Põ¸£ÁºPÐUS
(B) A¾ÁÀ uø»Áº •iÂߣi
(C) hõì •øÓ°À
(D) ÷©ØTÔ¯ AøÚzx®

69. Which month the seniority list should be communicated per year?
(A) March (B) April
(C) June (D) August
G¢u ©õu® •x{ø» Á›ø\ £mi¯À öÁΰh¨£k®?
(A) ©õºa (B) H¨μÀ
(C) áüß (D) BPìm

 19 078/DM/18
[Turn over
70. How many days shall be availed of Compensatory leave per annum?
(A) 10 (B) 15
(C) 20 (D) 30
BsöhõßÔØS GzuøÚ |õmPÒ Dk ö\´ Âk¨¦ AÝ£ÂUP»õ®?
(A) 10 (B) 15
(C) 20 (D) 30

71. How many Kilometers minimum travelled to obtained a travel allowances?

(A) 5 (B) 8
(C) 10 (D) 12
SøÓ¢u£m\® GÆÁÍÄ yμ® £¯n® ö\´uõÀ £¯n¨£i ö£Ó»õ®?
(A) 5 (B) 8
(C) 10 (D) 12

72. Who is Disbursement authority of Tamil Nadu Infrastructure Development fund?

(A) Executive committee
(B) Secretary to government
(C) Chief Engineer
(D) CEO of the Board
uªÌ|õk EmPmhø©¨¦ ÷©®£õmk {v £nzøu ¤›zx ÁÇ[S® A¾Á»º ¯õº?
(A) ö\¯ØSÊ
(B) Aμ_ ö\¯»õͺ
(C) uø»ø©¨ö£õÔ¯õͺ
(D) Áõ›¯ uø»ø©aö\¯»õͺ

73. How many minimum members should be kept in Transaction advices and other consultant,
Tamil Nadu Infrastructure Development Board Regulations 2013?
(A) 8 (B) 6
(C) 4 (D) 2
uªÌ|õk EmPmhø©¨¦ ÷©®£õmk Áõ›¯ JÊ[S•øÓ ÂvPÒ 2013ß £i, £›ÁºzuøÚ
B÷»õ\øÚ ©ØÖ® P»¢uõ´ÁõͺPÒ SÊÂÀ SøÓ¢u£m\® GzuøÚ EÖ¨¤Úº C¸UP ÷Ásk®?
(A) 8 (B) 6
(C) 4 (D) 2

078/DM/18 20
74. Claims for reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by the Government servant should
be made within ––––––––– months from the date of completion of treatment?
(A) 3 months (B) 1 month
(C) 12 months (D) 6 months
©¸zxÁ ö\»ÂÚ[PÐUPõÚ Dk ö\´ £mi¯ÀPøÍ ©¸zxÁ ]Qaø\ {øÓÁøh¢u |õμ¸¢x
GzuøÚ ©õu[PÐUSÒ Aμ_ Fȯº \©º¨¤UP ÷Ásk®?
(A) 3 ©õu[PÒ (B) 1 ©õu®

(C) 12 ©õu[PÒ (D) 6 ©õu[PÒ

75. An Government employee may accept gift upto –––––––––?

(A) Rs. 5,000/- (B) Rs. 1,000/-
(C) Rs. 2,000/- (D) One months gross salary
J¸ Aμ_ Fȯº £›\õP AvP£m\©õP ––––––––– ö£Ó»õ®?
(A) ¹. 5,000/- (B) ¹. 1,000/-
(C) ¹. 2,000/- (D) J¸ ©õu Fv¯®

76. The maximum time allowed for opening of Tender after the time specified for the receipt of
tender is –––––––––?
(A) 30 minutes (B) 1 hour
(C) 45 minutes (D) 2 hour
J¨£¢u¦ÒÎ ö£ÖÁuØPõÚ Põ»UöPk •i¢u ¤ßÚº J¨£¢u¨¦ÒÎ vÓ¨£uØPõÚ AvP£m\ Põ»
(A) 30 {ªh[PÒ (B) 1 ©o ÷|μ®

(C) 45 {ªh[PÒ (D) 2 ©o ÷|μ®

77. The Initial period of validity of tenders is –––––––––?

(A) 45 days (B) 60 days
(C) 90 days (D) 30 days
J¨£¢u¨¦ÒÎPÎß B쮣Pmh ö\À»zuUP Põ»® GÆÁÍÄ?
(A) 45 |õmPÒ (B) 60 |õmPÒ

(C) 90 |õmPÒ (D) 30 |õmPÒ

 21 078/DM/18
[Turn over
78. As per Tamil Nadu Infrastructure Development Board Regulations 2013, Which agreement
provides exit strategy for the project?
(A) Delivery (B) Project
(C) Contract (D) Sale
uªÌ|õk EmPmhø©¨¦ ÷©®£õmk Áõ›¯zvß JÊ[S•øÓ ÂvPÒ 2013&ß £i, CÁØÔÀ G¢u
EhߣiUøP vmh[PÐUPõÚ öÁÎ÷¯ØÖ vÓÛØS ÁøP ö\´QÓx?
(A) J¨£øh¨¦ (B) vmh®
(C) J¨£¢u® (D) ÂØ£øÚ

79. The State Tender Bulletin shall be published by the State Tender Bulletin Officer at least
(A) once in a week
(B) once in a month
(C) once in 10 days
(D) once in 15 days
©õ{» AÍ» J¨£¢u¦ÒÎ uPÁÀ öÁαmk ¦zuP® SøÓ¢ux GzuøÚ |õmPÐUS J¸ •øÓ
öÁΰh¨£h ÷Ásk®?
(A) Áõμ® J¸ •øÓ
(B) ©õu® J¸ •øÓ
(C) 10 |õmPÐUS J¸ •øÓ

(D) 15 |õmPÐUS J¸ •øÓ

80. Approval for sanction to an estimate for a work will be valid for ––––––––– from the date on
which it was accorded? [Art. 198 (a) Financial Code Vol.I and Para 186 of T.N.P.W.D. Code]
(A) 5 years (B) 3 years
(C) 1 year (D) 2 years
J¸ ÷Áø»UPõÚ ©v¨¥k J¨£ÎUP¨£mh |õμ¸¢x ––––––––– |h¨¤¼¸US®?
(A) 5 Á¸h[PÒ (B) 3 Á¸h[PÒ

(C) 1 Á¸h® (D) 2 Á¸h[PÒ


078/DM/18 22

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078/DM/18 24

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