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Erratum to: Comparative assessment of physical and cognitive ergonomics

associated with robotic and traditional laparoscopic surgeries

Article  in  Surgical Endoscopy · October 2013

DOI: 10.1007/s00464-013-3213-z · Source: PubMed


54 326

6 authors, including:

Gyusung Isaiah Lee Adrian Park

American College of Surgeons Anne Arundel Medical Center


Michael R Marohn
Johns Hopkins Medicine


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Surg Endosc (2014) 28:456–465 and Other Interventional Techniques

DOI 10.1007/s00464-013-3213-z

Comparative assessment of physical and cognitive ergonomics

associated with robotic and traditional laparoscopic surgeries
Gyusung I. Lee • Mija R. Lee • Tamera Clanton •
Erica Sutton • Adrian E. Park • Michael R. Marohn

Received: 15 May 2013 / Accepted: 5 September 2013 / Published online: 3 October 2013
Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Abstract from eight muscles (biceps, triceps, deltoid, trapezius,

Background We conducted this study to investigate how flexor carpi ulnaris, extensor digitorum, thenar compart-
physical and cognitive ergonomic workloads would differ ment, and erector spinae). Mental workload assessment
between robotic and laparoscopic surgeries and whether was conducted using the NASA-TLX.
any ergonomic differences would be related to surgeons’ Results The cumulative muscular workload (CMW) from
robotic surgery skill level. Our hypothesis is that the unique the biceps and the flexor carpi ulnaris with robotic surgery
features in robotic surgery will demonstrate skill-related was significantly lower than with laparoscopy (p \ 0.05).
results both in substantially less physical and cognitive Interestingly, the CMW from the trapezius was signifi-
workload and uncompromised task performance. cantly higher with robotic surgery than with laparoscopy
Methods Thirteen MIS surgeons were recruited for this (p \ 0.05), but this difference was only observed in lapa-
institutional review board-approved study and divided into roscopic experts (LEs) and robotic surgery novices. NASA-
three groups based on their robotic surgery experiences: TLX analysis showed that both robotic surgery novices and
laparoscopy experts with no robotic experience, novices experts expressed lower global workloads with robotic
with no or little robotic experience, and robotic experts. surgery than with laparoscopy, whereas LEs showed higher
Each participant performed six surgical training tasks using global workload with robotic surgery (p [ 0.05). Robotic
traditional laparoscopy and robotic surgery. Physical surgery experts and novices had significantly higher per-
workload was assessed by using surface electromyography formance scores with robotic surgery than with laparos-
copy (p \ 0.05).
Conclusions This study demonstrated that the physical
Presented at the SAGES 2013 Annual Meeting, April 17–20, 2013, and cognitive ergonomics with robotic surgery were sig-
Baltimore, MD.
nificantly less challenging. Additionally, several ergonomic
G. I. Lee (&)  M. R. Lee  M. R. Marohn components were skill-related. Robotic experts could
Department of Surgery, The Johns Hopkins University School of benefit the most from the ergonomic advantages in robotic
Medicine, 600 N. Wolfe Street, Blalock Building, Room 1210, surgery. These results emphasize the need for well-struc-
Baltimore, MD 21287, USA
tured training and well-defined ergonomics guidelines to
maximize the benefits utilizing the robotic surgery.
T. Clanton
Department of Surgery, University of Maryland School of Keywords Laparoscopy  Robotic surgery 
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
Ergonomics  Cognitive workload  Physical
E. Sutton workload  Electromyography
Department of Surgery, University of Louisville School of
Medicine, Louisville, KY, USA
The term ‘‘ergonomics’’ has increasing become a key
A. E. Park
Department of Surgery, Anne Arundel Medical Center, factor in workplace safety and manufacturing. In fact, it has
Annapolis, MD, USA become one of the most essential characteristics of any new

Surg Endosc (2014) 28:456–465 457

commercial products. Ergonomic theory, design, and comfort, and quicker return to work [5]. However, the
applications play an important role in everyday life, as physical challenges experienced by surgeons performing
evidenced by accumulating research on many different laparoscopic surgery appear to be greater than surgeons
topics, ranging from the effect of computer keyboard performing open surgery due to unsound ergonomic oper-
designs on users with upper extremity musculoskeletal ating positions [6, 7]. Thus, laparoscopic surgeons exposed
disorders [1] to the design of comfortable and ergonomi- to heavy surgical caseloads may be subjected to excessive
cally sound car seats using motion capture and pressure physical fatigue, increased mental workload, and various
sensors [2]. The International Ergonomics Association physical symptoms, such as carpal tunnel syndrome [8–13].
defines ergonomics (or human factors) as ‘‘the scientific Robotic surgery is a fast-growing area within MIS.
discipline concerned with the understanding of the inter- Approximately 450,000 robotic procedures were performed
actions among humans and other elements of a system, and in 2012, representing an increase of approximately 29 %
the profession that applies theoretical principles, data, and since 2011. Robotic surgery systems possess several unique
methods to design in order to optimize human well-being features not present in traditional laparoscopic surgery
and overall system performance’’ [3]. including three-dimensional (3D) visualization, higher
When ergonomics is addressed, there are five main degrees of freedom (DOF) with robotic instruments,
principles to consider: safety, comfort, ease of use, pro- motion scaling, and tremor reduction. Among patients with
ductivity and performance, and aesthetics. Ergonomics complex conditions, such as heart disease, cancers of the
consists of physical, cognitive, and organizational ergo- prostate, cervix, uterus, and rectum, the benefits of these
nomics, thus applying to all aspects of human activity [3]. uniquely robotic features include greater precision, smaller
Physical ergonomics is concerned with how the body incisions, decreased blood loss, less pain, and shorter
interacts with tools or the environment and the effects of healing time [14–17]. Furthermore, robotic systems also
those interactions on the body with regard to posture, allow surgeons to sit at a remote control console as they
repetitive motion, workplace layout, material handling, manipulate the robotic arms, lending support to the sur-
musculoskeletal stress, and any associated injuries or dis- geon’s lower arm as well. These features may provide the
orders. Cognitive ergonomics refers to how mental pro- robotic surgeon with a healthier ergonomic work environ-
cesses take place and is associated with memory, sensory ment compared with traditional patient-side surgery.
motor response, and perception. Organizational ergonom- Only a handful of research studies have investigated the
ics relates to the improvement of sociotechnical systems, ergonomic advantages of robotic surgery. Lee et al. [18]
including work design, policies, and organizational compared the postural and mental stresses of performing
arrangements. To assess the ergonomics associated with a simulated surgical tasks, such as passing a spherical object
specific task performance or working environment, two through rings, running suturing, running a 32-inch-long
workloads are commonly measured: physical and cognitive ribbon, and cannulation with 13 novice medical students
workloads. Mental workload assesses the amount of mental and residents using a Zeus surgical robotic system and
effort demanded to complete tasks, whereas physical laparoscopic surgical platform. The results showed that
workload measures the amount of physical demand on the while mental stress occurred at similar levels, physical
body. The interaction between cognitive and physical stress worsened with laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopy
workloads can help to describe the level of overall work- caused more awkward upper-body movement, thus
load [4]. increasing the potential risk of musculoskeletal injury
The study of ergonomics in minimally invasive surgery compared with robotic surgery. However, task performance
(MIS) has acquired increased importance with the advent was faster with laparoscopy. Stefanidis et al. performed
and widespread acceptance of various types of MIS pro- two studies comparing performance and workload between
cedures; it is well accepted that the increased workload laparoscopy and robotic surgery and also found that robotic
caused by poor ergonomics may substantially worsen the surgery was less demanding in terms of mental and phys-
quality of surgical performance and increase surgical ical workload. In the first study, medical students per-
errors. Additionally, it is important to evaluate the impact formed intracorporeal suturing, and it was found that
of ergonomics on surgeons as they encounter new surgical robotic suturing resulted in better task performance and
techniques and systems. As the techniques, as well as required less mental workload and a shorter learning curve
technologies, for laparoscopic procedures are continuously [19]. The second study was performed with the attendees at
evolving, surgical intervention through laparoscopy is now the learning center of the Society of American Gastroin-
regarded as a highly viable alternative to open surgery. testinal and Endoscopic Surgeons in 2006, the majority of
Laparoscopic surgical intervention offers notable benefits whom possessed previous experience in laparoscopy. This
to patients, including smaller incisions, reduced postoper- study demonstrated that while laparoscopic intracorporeal
ative pain, shorter hospital stay, increased postoperative suturing showed better task performance compared with

458 Surg Endosc (2014) 28:456–465

robotic suturing, it was more physically demanding and from several specialties, including general surgery, gyne-
participants preferred the robotic system [20]. In addition, cology, and urology. Thirteen subjects, 12 right-handed
Lawson et al. investigated in their pilot study the postural and 1 left-handed, possessing different levels of previous
ergonomics associated with robotic and laparoscopic gas- laparoscopic and robotic experience, signed an informed
tric bypass surgery showed that while robotic surgery consent for their participation. These subjects were divided
allowed surgeons to have more ergonomically correct into three groups: (1) laparoscopic expert group (LE) with
positions, robotic surgery placed more stress on the neck. six attending surgeons who regularly perform laparoscopy
In contrast, during laparoscopic surgery, higher discomfort but with no previous robotic surgery experience, (2) novice
was reported in the upper back [21]. group with four surgical residents with minimal training on
In terms of performance and time, Berguer and Smith both laparoscopic and robotic surgeries, and (3) robotic
[22] showed that robotic surgery had advantages for expert group with three attending surgeons who regularly
complex tasks, such as suturing, but not with simple tasks, perform robotic surgery based on their previous experience
such as pin moving. Marecik et al. [23] further supported in both laparoscopic and robotic surgeries. We excluded
that robotic surgery demonstrated an advantage in suturing, those who currently have physical problems, such as carpal
showing that the robotic suturing line using the da Vinci tunnel syndrome or serious neck or back problems.
system was better than laparoscopy when 15 novice resi- For physical workload assessment, electromyography
dents performed intestinal anastomoses. Klein et al. com- (EMG) was used to measure quantitatively muscular acti-
pared the mental workload and stress of novices when they vation level and timing. Sixteen surface electrodes of the
performed the Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery DelsysTM EMG system (Boston, MA) were attached to
(FLS) pegboard transfer task using the laparoscopic plat- subjects’ muscle locations before the beginning of the
form and the da Vinci surgical robotic system. Mental surgical tasks. Electrodes were placed on the biceps and
workload levels were similar with both systems; however, triceps, the muscles associated with elbow movement. The
task performance with the robotic system was better and deltoid and trapezius were used for shoulder movements.
caused less mental stress [24]. For wrist movements, electrodes were attached on the
While these previous studies showed interesting flexor carpi ulnaris and extensor digitorum. To investigate
research outcomes, there were some limitations. Most of the thumb flexion workload, an electrode was placed over
these studies were conducted with robotic novices who the thenar compartment. For back movement, the erector
may not have possessed basic surgical skills, such as spinae had an EMG electrode. EMG electrodes were placed
intracorporeal suturing and knot tying. These studies also on both the left and right sides so that the EMG signals
did not account for participants’ previous surgical experi- could be recorded from all 16 channels. Camera images
ence with either MIS or robotic surgery. Also, in most of from the laparoscopic and robotic cameras, as well as an
these studies, skill-related ergonomic differences were not external view of the participant’s body movements from a
investigated thoroughly and the physical and cognitive separate digital camcorder, were synchronously recorded
workloads were analyzed by a combined assessment tool. with this EMG data.
To improve upon the knowledge gained from previous As a reference for normalization, which permits the
research studies, we conducted this study to investigate: (1) comparison of activation levels between different muscle
how physical and cognitive workloads exhibited by sur- groups, maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) levels of
geons would differ between robotic and laparoscopic sur- each muscle group were recorded for several seconds at the
geries when performing both easy and complicated tasks; beginning of the experiment session. All EMG data were
and (2) whether any ergonomic differences would be collected at 1,000 Hz. These data were full-wave rectified
related to surgeons’ robotic surgery skill levels. Our and then filtered using a second-order Butterworth low-pass
hypothesis was that the unique features in robotic surgery filter with cutoff frequency of 10 Hz. The EMG data col-
would result in substantially less physical and cognitive lected during each surgical task performance were further
workloads while the task performance remained processed; dividing them by MVC levels allowing the data
uncompromised. to be shown as % MVC. After the normalization process,
the time integral of data over performance time was taken to
calculate what we termed ‘‘cumulative muscular workload’’
Materials and methods (CMW) over the period of performance time. CMW gets
higher with either a high level of muscle contraction during
This institutional review board-approved study was per- short activation duration or long activation duration even
formed in the Surgical Ergonomics Laboratory at Johns with a relatively low contraction level.
Hopkins University School of Medicine and University of Each subject performed six surgical training tasks:
Maryland School of Medicine. Surgeons were recruited simulated paraesophageal hernia repair, simulated bowel

Surg Endosc (2014) 28:456–465 459

Fig. 1 Six surgical training tasks. A Simulated paraesophageal hernia repair. B Simulated bowel anastomosis. C Tension running suturing.
D FLS circle cutting. E Curved wire ring transfer. F FLS pegboard transfer 553 9 232 mm (72 9 72 DPI)

Fig. 2 Experimental setup.

A Laparoscopy setup with a
height adjustable table, box
trainer, and scope and display.
B da Vinci robotic system
299 9 200 mm (72 9 72 DPI)

anastomosis, tension running suturing, FLS circle cutting, (Fig. 2A). The subjects performed the tasks with laparo-
curved wire ring transfer, and FLS pegboard transfer tasks scopic instruments (e.g., graspers or needle drivers) in a
(Fig. 1). The participant performed these surgical training height-adjustable training stand. For robotic surgery, a da
tasks once using traditional laparoscopy and once with a VinciTM robotic system (Intuitive Surgical, Inc. Sunnyvale,
robotic system. The orders of surgical tasks and platforms CA) was used with da Vinci EndoWristTM robotic instru-
for each subject were randomized. ments of graspers and needle drivers (Fig. 2B).
When traditional laparoscopy was the platform, the Paraesophageal hernia repair was simulated by using a
following elements were standard: A rigid, 0° laparoscopic piece of vinyl and an Ethicon knot tying board with two
camera (1088i HD camera, Stryker Inc., San Jose, CA) was rubber tubes. The goal of this task was to suture the vinyl
used. Video images were displayed on a standard LCD onto the tubes. First, a stitch was placed through the vinyl
monitor positioned at eye level in front of the participant and the vinyl was lifted up so that the needle could pass

460 Surg Endosc (2014) 28:456–465

through both rubber tubes, and then the needle was pulled possible value of GPS is 600. The overall time it took to
back to the front side of the vinyl. The stitch was finished complete each training task was measured in seconds.
with an instrument tie. All instrument ties used in this study Mental workload was assessed by using the National
were the surgeon’s knot: double throws followed by a Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index
single throw and another single throw. To complete this (NASA-TLX) system after task performance of each sur-
task, two more sutures were placed in the same way. Par- gical training task. NASA-TLX is a multidimensional
ticipants used two needle drivers with three monofilament assessment tool that allows participants to rate their
sutures at three suturing locations. They were asked to workloads on six scales: mental demand, physical demand,
complete this task in 10 min. temporal demand, effort, performance, and frustration
For the bowel anastomosis training task, we used two during each task execution.
Penrose drains with an opening on each. The task began
with suturing the apexes of both openings together with an Statistical analysis
instrument tie. The task continued by running sutures on
the two walls of the Penrose together. After placing sutures An overall 3 9 2 9 2 9 6 9 8 (3 subject groups 9 2
along the opening, the task was completed with an platforms 9 2 hand-sides 9 6 tasks 9 8 muscle locations)
instrument tie. Participants had 10 min for this task. Ten- and 3 9 2 9 2 9 6 (3 subject groups 9 2 platforms 9 2
sion running suturing was performed using two needle hand-sides 9 6 tasks 9 6 NASA-TLX scales) analysis of
drivers. The task began with an instrument tie at the apex variance with repeated measures designs were applied to
of the incision and then continued by placing a series of the data to investigate the physical and mental workload,
five running stitches. When the stitching reached the end of respectively. The main effects of these factors and their
the incision, it was finished with another instrument tie. interactions were then analyzed using SPSS 15.0 (Statisti-
Participants were asked to complete this task in 10 min. cal Package for the Social Sciences, SPSS Inc., Chicago,
The FLS circle cutting task was performed using a pair of IL), with the significance level set at p = 0.05.
scissors and a Maryland grasper. Participants were asked to
cut along the circle completely in 5 min. The FLS peg-
board transfer task was performed using two Maryland Results
graspers. When a ring was located on a left side peg, the
left grasper would pick up the ring and move it to the Global performance score
middle. The ring would then be transferred to the right
grasper and placed onto a peg on the right side. Participants Figure 3 shows the results of the performance evaluation
were asked to repeat this with six rings in 5 min. For the using the GPS. The overall GPS with laparoscopy
curved-wire ring transfer task, instead of straight pegs, we
used curved wires in order to evaluate the differences
resulting from laparoscopic and robotic instruments with
varying DOF. This task began with taking off orange rings
from a wire by using a grasper held in the nondominant
hand. Once a ring was taken from the wire, the ring was
placed in a bin located at the bottom of the task platform.
When all the rings were placed in the bin, participants were
asked to use the grasper in the dominant hand to return the
rings back to the curved wires. They had 5 min to complete
this task.
Percentages of task completion (PTC) and performance
errors (PEs) were measured to calculate the task perfor-
mance score (PS) for each task. PTC describes how much
of the task was completed within the given time period.
Various types of PEs, such as tissue damage, deviation
between premarked dots and actual needle in and out
locations, broken suture, and dropped rings were counted
as well. The PS for each task was calculated by multiplying
the number of PEs by five and subtracting that from PTC.
The global performance score (GPS) was obtained by Fig. 3 GPS from three subject groups with robotic and laparoscopic
adding the six PS from each of the six tasks. The maximum surgeries. 129 9 128 mm (300 9 300 DPI)

Surg Endosc (2014) 28:456–465 461

(455.5 ± 28.4) was not statistically different than the the summary of this data. The CMW levels from the LE and
GPS with robotic surgery (504.6 ± 17.2) [F(1,10) = 3.78, NV groups with robotic surgery (113838.4 ± 27106.1 and
p = 0.081]. Platform 9 group interaction was found to be 115214.0 ± 30305.6 %, respectively) were higher than
significant [F(2,10) = 6.42, p \ 0.05]. Further data ana- those with laparoscopy (65946.0 ± 16943.2 and 54493.5 ±
lysis showed that the NV and RE exhibited higher GPSs 18943.1 %). These differences were marginally significant
with robotic surgery (497.2 ± 29.8 and 569.4 ± 34.4 for (p = 0.052 and 0.081 respectively). Meanwhile the RE
the novices and robotic experts, respectively) compared groups demonstrated similar levels of CMW between
with the performance with laparoscopy (428.8 ± 49.2 and robotic surgery and laparoscopy (80489.3 ± 34993.8 and
425.5 ± 56.8). The GPS from the LE, however, was higher 80309.7 ± 21873.6 % with p = 1.00). These results,
with laparoscopy (512.1 ± 40.1) than robotic surgery therefore, demonstrated that the significantly higher CMW
(447.2 ± 24.3). from the trapezius with robotic surgery were mainly caused
by higher CMW that were exhibited by LE and NV group
Muscular workload participants but not by the RE group subjects (Table 2).
Additionally, it was noted that the CMW of the thenar
The CMW from the eight muscles were calculated for our compartment with the robotic surgery (11801036 ±
EMG data analysis and are summarized in Table 1. The 15931.6 %) was higher than that with laparoscopy
difference in the overall CMW between laparoscopy (96867.6 ± 10290.0 %) with marginal significance
(67675.7 ± 4389.5 %) and robotic surgery (72434.1 ± [F(1,11) = 4.409, p = 0.06]. During the task performances
7065.9 %) was not significant. However, significant plat- of simulated paraesophageal hernia repair, tension sutur-
form 9 muscle interaction [F(7,63) = 4.008, p \ 0.05] ing, and FLS circle cutting, robotic surgery caused signif-
showed that individual muscle groups have different acti- icantly higher CMW (21297.8 ± 28014.1, 144578.8 ±
vation patterns in the CMW when performing tasks in two 22137.7, and 50564.6 ± 8706.7 %, respectively) at the
different surgical platforms. To investigate further, the thenar compartment than laparoscopy (174504.8 ±
CMWs between laparoscopic and robotic surgeries were 18262.6, 105069.9 ± 12931.0, and 28322.2 ± 4376.5 %,
statistically compared for each of eight muscle groups. It was respectively). Uniquely, significant hand main effect
found that the CMW of the biceps was significantly higher [F(1,11) = 8.255, p \ 0.05] showed that the thenar’s
with laparoscopy (46346.7 ± 11289.3 %) than with robotic CMW of the nondominant hand (127671.3 ± 17256.5)
surgery (32593.1 ± 6169.6 %) [F(1,9) = 5.347, p \ 0.05]. was significantly higher than that of the dominant hand
A similar result was found with the flexor carpi ulnaris.
The CMW of the flexor carpi ulnaris, when performing Table 2 CMW of the trapezius for three subject groups
tasks in laparoscopy (84778.6 ± 19472.1 %), was signifi-
Laparoscopic Robotic surgery p value
cantly greater than when performing with robotic surgery
(60268.0 ± 14030.3 %) [F(1,9) = 5.209, p \ 0.05].
We also found that the CMW from the trapezius during Average 66916.4 ± 11177.2 103180.5 ± 17881.5 \0.05*
robotic surgery performance (103180.5 ± 17881.5 %) was Laparoscopic 65946.0 ± 16943.2 113838.4 ± 27106.1 0.052
significantly higher than during laparoscopy (66916.4 ± expert
11177.2 %) [F(1,9) = 5.265, p \ 0.05]. To further inves- Novice 54493.5 ± 18943.1 115214.0 ± 30305.6 0.081
tigate whether this higher trapezius activation uniformly is Robotic 80309.7 ± 21873.6 80489.3 ± 34993.8 1
associated with different subject groups, the CMWs for
each of the subject groups were compared. Table 2 shows *Statistically significant

Table 1 CMW from eight

Laparoscopic surgery Robotic surgery p Value
muscles during task
performance using laparoscopic Average from eight muscles 67675.7 ± 4389.5 72434.1 ± 7065.9 [0.05
system and robotic surgery
system Biceps 46346.7 ± 11289.3 32593.1 ± 6169.6 \0.05*
Triceps 29019.0 ± 4776.1 32187.7 ± 4965.4 [0.05
Deltoid 30232.0 ± 2720.2 24516.7 ± 4367.4 [0.05
Trapezius 66916.4 ± 11177.2 103180.5 ± 17881.5 \0.05*
Flexor carpi ulnaris 84778.6 ± 19472.1 60268.0 ± 15030.3 \0.05*
Extensor digitorum 94479.2 ± 14800.3 95986.1 ± 15821.2 [0.05
Thenar compartment 99679.6 ± 10014.5 118394.9 ± 17419.8 [0.05
Erector spinae 89953.9 ± 3916.1 112345.6 ± 15506.2 [0.05
*Statistically significant

462 Surg Endosc (2014) 28:456–465

Fig. 4 Global and individual scale scores of the NASA-TLX Fig. 5 NASA-TLX global scores from three subject groups. LE
cognitive workload assessment. MD mental demand, PD physical laparoscopic experts, NV novices, RE robotic experts. 124 9 128 mm
demand, TP temporal demand, PR performance, EF effort, FR (300 9 300 DPI)
frustration. 122 9 128 mm (300 9 300 DPI)

(87266.8 ± 10479.3) regardless of the surgical platform Our results showed that the NASA-TLX scores on the
used for task performance. physical demand, temporal demand, and frustration were
significantly higher with laparoscopy (p \ 0.05). The
Cognitive workload results from each of these three individual scales were
further examined to determine whether these significantly
The results of the NASA-TLX cognitive workload assess- higher workloads were exhibited consistently for all three
ment are shown in Fig. 4. It was found that the global subject groups. Figure 6 shows the physical demand
NASA-TLX score with laparoscopic surgery (40.9 ± 3.7) reported by the three subject groups. Our analysis showed
was significantly higher than that with robotic surgery that the physical demand with laparoscopy (46.8 ± 4.0)
(31.9 ± 3.4). This result demonstrated that the overall was significantly greater than with robotic surgery
workload that was experienced by surgeons during lapa- (28.2 ± 4.8) [F(1,10) = 21.899, p \ 0.05]. It also was
roscopic task performance was significantly higher than found that for the RE and NV group participants the
robotic task performance [F(1,10) = 10.93, p \ 0.05]. physical demands (48.1 ± 8.1 and 50.6 ± 7.0, respec-
Additionally, significant platform 9 group interaction tively) during laparoscopic task performance were greater
[F(2,10) = 10.50, p \ 0.05] showed that the change in the than the physical demands during robotic task performance
global score between two surgical platforms revealed dif- (20.3 ± 9.7 and 23.8 ± 8.4, respectively). However, the
ferent patterns among the three subject groups. The global LE group subjects showed similarly high levels of physical
scores of the NASA-TLX from the three subject groups are demand in both platforms (laparoscopy: 41.7 ± 5.7 and
shown in Fig. 5. This graph shows that RE and NV group robotic surgery: 40.6 ± 6.8). The analysis on the temporal
participants exhibited higher global workloads with lapa- demand showed similar results (Fig. 7). The temporal
roscopy (40.5 ± 7.3 and 44.1 ± 6.4, respectively) than demand with laparoscopy (37.5 ± 5.3) was again signifi-
those with robotic surgery (24.4 ± 6.7 and 26.3 ± 5.8, cantly higher than with robotic surgery (31.1 ± 4.7)
respectively). However, LE group demonstrated a similarly [F(1,10) = 6.859, p \ 0.05]. The RE and NV participants
high workload in both surgical platforms (laparoscopic had greater temporal demand with laparoscopy (33.3 ±
surgery: 38.2 ± 5.2 and robotic surgery: 45.1 ± 4.8). 10.6 and 44.7 ± 9.2, respectively) than they had with
Platform 9 scale interaction was also found to be signifi- robotic surgery (20.3 ± 9.4 and 27.1 ± 8.1, respectively).
cant [F(5,50) = 5.044, p \ 0.05], so individual scale For the LE, however, the temporal demand was greater with
scores were further investigated. Figure 4 shows the robotic surgery (45.8 ± 6.6) than with laparoscopy
NASA-TLX scores of six individual scales. (34.4 ± 7.5). The results of NASA-TLX frustration scale

Surg Endosc (2014) 28:456–465 463

Fig. 6 NASA-TLX scores of physical demand from three subject Fig. 8 NASA-TLX scores of frustration from three subject groups.
groups. LE laparoscopic experts, NV novices, RE robotic experts. LE laparoscopic experts, NV novices, RE robotic experts. 122 9 128
122 9 128 mm (300 9 300 DPI) mm (300 9 300 DPI)

platforms (laparoscopy: 33.6 ± 5.6 and robotic surgery

38.5 ± 4.5), the RE and NV groups expressed greater
frustration with laparoscopy (39.0 ± 6.8 and 41.9 ± 7.9,
respectively) than with robotic surgery (18.6 ± 5.5 and
23.9 ± 6.3 respectively).


This study demonstrated that the physical and cognitive

ergonomics associated with performing robotic surgery
were significantly less challenging than those associated
with performing laparoscopic surgery. In addition, several
ergonomic components were noted as skill-related.
The CMWs of the biceps and flexor carpi ulnaris were
significantly higher with laparoscopy than with robotic
surgery. Our subjective cognitive workload assessment
using the NASA-TLX agreed with this result. The physical
demand reported after performing laparoscopy was sig-
nificantly greater than after robotic surgery. These results
Fig. 7 NASA-TLX scores of temporal demand from three subject
demonstrated that the posture associated with laparoscopy
groups. LE laparoscopic experts, NV novices, RE robotic experts. involved more elbow flexion, causing higher activation at
122 9 128 mm (300 9 300 DPI) the biceps, and more wrist flexion, causing greater activa-
tion on the flexor carpi ulnaris. The ergonomically better
are shown in Fig. 8. It was noted that performance with posture with robotic surgery might result from the clutch
laparoscopy caused significantly greater frustration control that is unique to the robotic surgery system. The
(28.2 ± 3.9) compared with robotic surgery (27.0 ± 3.2) clutch control function allows surgeons to reposition their
[F(1,10) = 11.855, p \ 0.05]. Whereas the LE group control manipulator without influencing the instrument
showed similar levels of frustration with two surgical movements whenever the hand location is less ergonomic.

464 Surg Endosc (2014) 28:456–465

In laparoscopy, this repositioning might be very limited, operations, because this result was observed only with most
achieved only by changing the operating surgeon’s stand- suturing and knot tying tasks and with the FLS circle
ing location or adjusting the table height. An example of cutting task but not with the two ring transfer tasks. Further
surgeons’ strategic postural adjustment to better perform investigation of hand muscles using more electrodes on the
laparoscopic skill tasks was published in a previous MIS finger flexor/extensor muscles will better explain how
ergonomics study [25]. To address the high ergonomic much each muscle contributes to the instrument operations
workload of traditional laparoscopy, better ergonomic in robotic and laparoscopic surgeries.
training for laparoscopic novices is needed. This training Another noteworthy finding was that the thenar com-
will allow novices to learn how to achieve optimal postures partment’s CMW of the nondominant hand was higher than
during their laparoscopic task performance. that of the dominant hand. Considering that the dominant
Our cognitive workload assessment using the NASA- hand is usually used for dynamic tasks, such as needle
TLX also demonstrated that global workload score was driving, dissecting, or object moving, and the nondominant
greater with laparoscopy, primarily because of higher hand is used mostly for less dynamic tasks, such as grasping
physical and temporal demand and more frustration with and retracting, it was expected that the thenar compartment
laparoscopy. When these three workload scale scores were of the dominant hand would show higher activation. How-
compared among three subject groups, our results showed ever, it seems that the dominant hand’s thenar activation
that the LE group reported similar or higher workloads might be more effective than the nondominant (i.e., non-
with robotic surgery, whereas NV and RE participants dominant thenar compartment might not have been com-
showed significantly lower physical and temporal demand pletely resting when it was not actively used).
and frustration with robotic surgery. This result for LE Our performance analysis showed that task performance
subjects might be a result of their familiarity with the with robotic surgery was better than with laparoscopy in
laparoscopic system and their existing expertise in lapa- two participant groups. It was observed that that the NV
roscopy. In addition, their unfamiliarity with the operation and RE participants had higher PSs with robotic surgery,
of robotic systems might cause LE participants to have whereas the LE subjects had lower PSs with robotic sur-
higher physical and mental workloads. These higher gery. Our data analysis did not include performance time.
workloads may be experienced as an initial reaction by For each training task, subjects were asked to complete the
surgeons already very familiar with one surgical system, task within 5–10 min. There were some subjects who could
when they are exposed to a different surgical platform, and not complete a meaningful portion of some tasks (i.e., an
may cause personal hesitance toward new technology. instrument tie at the top of an incision for the running
This study also demonstrated a few potentially high suturing and knot tying task) within the given time frame.
workload cases with marginal statistical significances (i.e., In these trials, it was impossible to estimate how long it
p values were slightly [0.05). During robotic task perfor- would take to complete the task, because too little was
mance, the CMW of the trapezius with robotic surgery was completed within the time limit.
higher than with laparoscopy. It also was found that this The majority of previous studies investigating ergo-
result occurred with the LE and NV but not with RE par- nomics in robotic surgery have been conducted with
ticipants. This higher trapezius activation might be the robotic novices, such as medical students and junior resi-
result of the sitting posture of LE and NV subjects who sat dents. In contrast, our study employed only senior resi-
with their shoulders up and put too much arm pressure on dents, fellows, and attending surgeons to ensure that
the arm rest. This awkward sitting posture would increase subjects would already possess the basic surgical skills
ergonomic risk by increasing muscular fatigue at the required to perform the training tasks of varying difficulty
shoulder. It seems that the LE and NV subject groups are levels. Novice surgeons not familiar with basic surgical
not familiar with how to use the arm rest effectively, so skills would be overtaxing their mental workloads figuring
only robotic experts fully benefited from this ergonomic out how to do each task, regardless of surgical platform,
feature. This skill-related ergonomic data also supported thereby producing biased study results.
the need for providing ergonomic guidelines to nonexpert Our study had a few limitations. To make this study
robotic surgeons so that surgeons can fully utilize the stronger statistically, more subjects, especially in the
ergonomic features available and prevent misuse that might robotic expert group, should be recruited. To better
cause unnecessary fatigue. It also was noted that the CMW understand the ergonomics experienced by surgeons in
of the thenar compartment with robotic surgery was higher varying specialties, our suturing-focused training tasks may
than with laparoscopy with a marginal statistical signifi- need to be changed to include other training tasks that
cance (p = 0.06). A possible explanation for why robotic simulate the subtasks used in other specialties, such as
surgery caused higher activation level at the thenar com- GYN or urology procedures. For this study, da Vinci
partment may be related to the needle driver and scissor standard and S systems were used. The surgeon’s consoles

Surg Endosc (2014) 28:456–465 465

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Acknowledgments This study was supported by a clinical robotics parison of manual vs. telerobotic simulation systems. Surg En-
research Grant from the 2012 Intuitive Surgical, Inc. The authors dosc 19:1064–1070
acknowledge the thoughtful and careful assistance of Elizabeth 19. Stefanidis D, Wang F, Korndorffer JR, Dunne JB, Scott DJ
Cockey and Valerie K. Scott in editing the manuscript. (2010) Robotic assistance improves intracorporeal suturing per-
formance and safety in the operating room while decreasing
Disclosures Dr. Gyusung Lee received 2012 Intuitive Surgical operator workload. Surg Endosc 24:377–382
Robotic Clinical Research Grant as the Principle Investigator of this 20. Stefanidis D, Hope WW, Scott DJ (2011) Robotic suturing on the
study. Drs. Mija Lee, Erica Sutton, Adrian Park, and Michael Marohn FLS model possesses construct validity, is less physically
and Mrs. Tameka Clanton have no conflict of interest or financial ties demanding, and is favored by more surgeons compared with
to disclose. laparoscopy. Surg Endosc 25(7):2141–2146
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