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BIBLIOGRAPHY  Six cases were analyzed with two probabilistic methods (MCS and PEM)
NO. 3 using two bearing capacity formulas (Terzaghi theory and Vesic theory). The
first three cases are of clayey soils while the last three cases are of sandy
Tolentino, RIO MITZI A. ENGR. Renato B. Cubilla soils. The results of clayey soils are discussed first, followed by the sandy
201510465 December 11, 2018 Soil Mechanics
 The mean qult for the case with max COV (i.e., Case 1) is higher than the
THE EFFCT OF SOIL VARIABILITY ON THE cases with median COV and min COV (Cases 2 and 3). This indicates larger
ULTIMATE BEARING CAPACITY OF SHALLOW COV in the soil properties seems to offer greater resistance to the foundation
FOUNDATION load. In other words, the mean factor of safety for soils with higher variability
is greater than soils with low variability.
*Y. M. Chew, K. S. Ng, S. F. Ng. Special Issue on ACEE 2015 Conference August (2015) 1-13
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences. Journal of Engineering Science and  Based on this result, one might think that by adopting mean value as a
Technology. deterministic value of the material properties for soils with high variability
is a correct approach in foundation design. However, this is incorrect. The
reason is that with larger COV, the standard deviation or the range of the
 The design of shallow foundation has to fulfill two design criteria, namely values of qult or FS are also larger. The probability of failure for Cases 1, 2,
the ultimate bearing capacity (i.e., limit state or safety) and the tolerable and 3 (results of Terzaghi theory) are 26.8%, 14.6% and 0%, respectively.
settlements (i.e., serviceability). This denotes that the probability of failure of the soils with high variability
 Conventional design adopts deterministic analyses that normally use is actually higher than the soils with lower variability albeit their mean values
representative soil parameters to determine the ultimate bearing capacity. are larger in terms of ultimate bearing capacity or factor of safety. Hence, in
 These analyses are based on the assumption of uniformity: properties of soils designing a foundation system, the act of ignoring the variability of the soil
are isotropic and homogenous. However, natural soil properties exhibit properties can be dangerous and unsafe.
inherent spatial variability and this can significantly influence the failure
mechanisms and the collapse load. The inherent variability of geotechnical ANALYSIS
parameters as one of three main sources of uncertainty (other two sources are
measurement errors and transformations uncertainty.  Therefore, the larger the variability in soil properties, the higher the values
 Over the years, different attempts have been made to evaluate the safety of for skewness and kurtosis. Therefore, engineers should be careful when
shallow foundation using the probabilistic approaches by assessing certain dealing with clayey soils of high variability during the design of shallow
level of reliability, identified numerically by reliability index or probabilistic foundation. Histograms in Fig. 4 are the results of Terzaghi theory, however,
failure. a similar conclusion can be made to Vesic theory.
 This study aims to investigate the impact of variations in soil properties on  In general, the results obtained from Vesic theory are higher than Terzaghi
the ultimate bearing capacity of a square shallow foundation. The two theory for both the ultimate bearing capacity and the factor of safety.
deterministic analyses: Terzaghi theory and Vesic theory; and two  However, PEM gives ultimate bearing capacity values that are 18.0%,
probabilistic methods were adopted: Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) and 12.4%, and 1.3% higher than MCS results for Cases 1-3 (results of Terzaghi
point estimate method (PEM) to compare the results. The assumptions made theory). Moreover, the probability of failure with PEM is significantly higher
in this study are that there is no cross-correlation (independent) in soil
than MCS especially in Cases 1 and 2. For Case 3, both probabilistic
properties and the spatial variability of data can be presented by a normal
distribution. approaches produce zero percentage of failure.
 Sandy soils exhibit lower variability compare to clayey soils, especially on
METHODOLOGY the value of friction angle where the COV for friction angle is 5-15%. The
small differences in friction angle, therefore result in small differences in
 Two hypothetical problems for foundations on clayey and sandy soils are terms of mean values for the ultimate bearing capacity and the factor of safety
presented. The foundation geometry for both problems is the same. for Cases 4-6 8 using Monte Carlo simulation.
 The effects of the variations are studied through three cases each for both
types of soils with the maximum, median and minimum coefficient of DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION
 The mean ultimate bearing capacity or factor of safety is higher when the
 For clayey soil, the expected value of the unit weight, friction angle and coefficients of variations of soils properties are larger.
cohesion are 19 kN/m3, 25o, and 5 kN/m2, respectively. While for sandy soil,
 The higher the coefficient of variation of soil properties, the larger the
the expected value of the unit weight, friction angle and cohesion are 20
skewness and kurtosis value for the ultimate bearing capacity.
kN/m3, 30o, and 3 kN/m2, respectively. The standard deviations are
 Point estimate method estimates higher ultimate bearing capacity than Monte
calculated accordingly based on the COVs. The footings are designed to
Carlo simulation.
carry 1000 kN column load or equivalent to 250 kPa.
 Vesic theory yields a higher mean value than Terzaghi theory while PEM
 In Monte Carlo simulation, the random number generator can be generated
yields a higher mean value than MCS.
using formula = rand() while the normal distributed random variable is
 Two generalizations can be made: (1) the influence of theory adopted
simulated by entering NORMINV(rand(), mu , sigma) in the formula cell. To
(Terzaghi or Vesic) on the value of ultimate bearing capacity is more
produce a reliable result for MCS, many trials were repeated several times
significant in sandy soils than clayey soils due to small variability in sandy
with different seeds and the optimum number of trials, Nopt = 18000, was
soils; (2) the impact of probabilistic approach (MCS or PEM) adopted to the
obtained which the result did not display any discernible change compared
value of ultimate bearing capacity is larger in clayey soils than in sandy soils.
to the larger number of trials. Hence, for the six studied cases, the number of
trials fixed at 18000.
 In this study, the ultimate bearing capacity was computed using Eq. (1) with
both the Terzaghi and Vesic theory. In the next section, the effects of the
 Probability of failure is higher when the coefficient of variation is larger.
normal random variables are discussed in terms of the mean and standard
 The influence of theory adopted on the value of ultimate bearing capacity is
deviation of ultimate bearing capacity, factor of safety, and probability of
more significant in sandy soils than clayey soils.
failure. The factor of safety, FS is defined as the ratio of ultimate bearing
capacity to the bearing stress. In this study, the probability of failure Pf is  The impact of probabilistic approach adopted to the value of ultimate bearing
defined as the ratio of the frequency of FS less than unity to the total number capacity is larger in clayey soils than in sandy soils.
of FS.  Therefore, the choice of different theory adopted in design of shallow
 In civil engineering reliability analysis, there are basically three categories foundation on sandy soils has greater impact on the ultimate bearing capacity
of methodologies used in different probabilistic methods to yield measures compared to the effect of variability of soil properties that may found on the
of the distribution of functions of random variables. sandy soils.

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