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Lord, let me be just what they need.

If they need someone to trust, let me be trustworthy.
If they need sympathy, let me sympathize.
If they need love, let me love, in full measure.
Let me not anger easily Lord, but let me just.
Permit my justice to be tempered in your mercy.
When I stand before them Lord, let me look strong and good and honest and loving.
And let me be as strong and good and honest and loving as I look to them.
Help me to counsel the anxious, crack the covering of the seed
Temper the rambunctious with a gentle attitude
Permit me to teach only the truth.
Help me to inspire them so that learning will not cease at the classroom door.
Let the lessons they learn make their lives fruitful and happy.
And Lord, let me bring them to you.
Teach them through me to love you.
Finally, permit me to learn the lessons they teach
I want to teach my students how to live this life on earth
T o face its struggles and its strife and to improve their worth
Not just the lesson in a book or how the rivers flow
But how to choose the proper path wherever they may go
To understand eternal truth and know the right from wrong
And gather all the beauty of a flower
And a song for if I help the world to grow in wisdom and in grace
Then I shall feel that I have won and I have filled my place
And so I ask your guidance, God, that I may do my part
For character and confidence and happiness of heart.


I am a teacher

I accept the challenge to be

Sagacious and tenacious in teaching

Every student because

I believe that every child can learn.

I accept the responsibility

To create a learning environment conducive

To optimum achievement

Academically, socially, and emotionally.

I actively pursue excellence

For myself and for my students.

I provide a model of decorum and respect

That guides my students as well as honors them.

I affirm superlative expectations

For my students and my self

I cherish every child

I am a teacher.

I change the world of

One student at a time.


“Education is a continuous process”. It is learning of everything important for one’s

improvement into becoming a better person for the total development of the community.

Education is a positive aspect of one’s formation. It makes us wholesome individuals through

values inculcation and the acquisition of knowledge and skills we have gone through. For

instance, discipline and basic information are being taught and given by the parents and the

whole family as well. Generally, basic education starts at home.

School is the next important institution necessary for every child’s formation. More values,

knowledge, skills and information are being given rigidly by teachers. Here, the teachers play a

major role in educating the learners.

Education develops and makes the learners into what they should be in the future. Their

acquired knowledge will serve as a mirror of what and where should they be tomorrow. If a

learner, for example is well-equipped of knowledge and information and skills in his field of

endeavor, coupled with moral values and principle, for me then, education transforms him into

a better or worthy individual.

My total view of education is the total transformation of human being-that is

intellectually, physically, spiritually, socially and emotionally. Aside from being equipped

with knowledge and information, being a virtuous and morally mature person is the totality of

proper education.


Mission Statement:

The University of Antique is committed to provide relevant, responsive and quality advanced

education, higher technological proficiency instruction and training in teacher education,

agriculture, forestry, fishery, maritime education, ecology, engineering,information and

communications technology, arts and sciences, business management, and other relevant fields

of study designed to produce competent and empowered individuals. It shall also provide

progressive leadership in its areas of specialization, and shall undertake research and extension

services in support of socio-economic development of Antique, the Filipino nation, and the

global community.


An exemplary and transformative educational institution anchored on excellence, integrity,

commitment and social responsibility and dedicated in empowering individuals and society.


“Education is a continuous process”. It is a never ending term as it implies. As every individual is

aiming of what he wants to be; a positive future ahead, there’s always that aspect of him which
could never be taken away from himself-education.
We are molded into becoming a morally and upright person with respect to other people and
love to our Almighty God. All of these are the product of how our parents and teachers educate
As I mention education, this work contains certain aspect of my educational endeavor. I have
here a creed and a prayer for me to look into if lucky to become a licensed teacher in the few
I have my own philosophy of education, how I view it in my personal capacity, my insights,
opinions and how I looked into education.
I have my analysis about the 2 schools I came to gone through with the study-a private one and
a public high school.
I have few documentations about the private institution on how it provide access of the
technology to its learners-the Advance Central College in San Jose, Antique.
I have compile my limited resources and the prior knowledge I have in order to come up with
this output in Field Study 4-Exploring the Curriculum.




The mission of Advance Central College is to provide accessible, affordable and high quality
education and produce graduates who are globally compatible.


The vision of Advance Central College is to become a premier college renowned for its:

1. Happy, well trained students who have acquired the needed knowledge and skills to
be successful in their chosen careers;
2. Empowered faculty and staff working in an environment that encourages excellence,
creativity and accountability who apply their talents to fulfill the college’s mission
3. Highly supportive community that recognizes the significant impact of ACC’s
educational and training programs; and
4. Effective use of updated, top-of-the-line equipment to enable programs flourish
and the talents of people to emerge.

Personal Reflection:

ACC’s mission focused more in giving a high quality of education to the students
aiming to make the graduates globally competent in whatever field they may land
their career later on.
It envisioned students who are knowledgeable and skilled enough to succeed, have
unified faculty and staff who educate and impart their talents to every student, a
supportive community which could benefit the ACC’s high quality of education and
training programs and the advantage being given by the modern and technological
equipment to the learners who would explore and discover their innate talents.
To sum it up, the school’s mission and vision is learners-centered-from skilled and
qualified staff and faculty to man the equipments to produce globally competent,
skillful and excellent graduates.



To provide the youth unlimited access to quality and relevant education through a curriculum
conducive environment, enhance the students’ skill, knowledge, and inculcate in them the
values of ecological awareness, productivity, global competitiveness and love for one another
under the tutelage of effective teachers and competent administrator.

Aureliana National High School as a school of choice wherein the students are equipped with
the needed skills, knowledge and values that will make them environment-friendly, productive,
globally competitive and worthy citizens of our developing society.

Personal Reflection:
Aureliana National High School’s mission focused for students to become well-equipped with
necessary skills and knowledge and to inculcate on them the values of becoming productive
and globally competent individuals as they leave the institution to go on with their journey. The
mission sets to give the students the kind of education wherein it could be of the best benefit
to each of the learner. Love and respect for fellow individual is one of the values being looked
As to its vision, the school foresee that graduates are equipped with needed skills, knowledge
and values as they continue moving towards development for themselves and for the whole
community in general. The graduates of the curriculum have the value and true respect for the
protection and preservation of life and nature we do need to live in.

Both ACC and ANHS focused primarily in producing knowledgeable, skillful and globally
competent learners. The 2 institutions aim for common goal-to provide high quality of
education for the students. They only differ in specifying as to what medium should be used to
reach its ultimate goal. While ACC has that top-of-the-line equipment being used in its
educational programs, ANHS lacks the technological equipment to cater the need of every
student at one time. ANHS has few computer units thus it has limited service to the
users.Despite of the modern technological limitations, ANHS aims to achieve its mission and
vision through the efficiency of the teachers, how they would give their effort, with the
administrator as well on how to enable the students become value-oriented, productive and
worthy citizens of our society.


Access to technological
equipment helps the
students to become
aware and informative of
what’s going on
around the globe. The
top-of-the- line
equipment being
provided by ACC to its
learners is a medium for
them to be able to show
their talents that
could be beneficial not
only for themselves but to other people in the locality, in other places and even in other places
around the world. Here, every student or learner has his access on the use of the facilities and
modern equipments to improve and make use of his acquired knowledge in the actual process.
Everyone is given a chance to explore more and learn more.

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