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An Analysis of Understanding the Nature of Happiness in the Modern Period in the light of

Jeremy Bentham’s Utilitarianism

Chapter 1 We, as human beings have the capability of speaking through words. These

perceptions of the words are special tool of man to live in this reality. Words per se are merely the

label of recognizing characteristics of a being, used as a distinction of something. We employed

words to express something from the immeasurable part of our mind and emotions. We uttered

words to convey our ideas of something. Hence, the world is so much persuaded by words, for a

word can save either hurt a person which is around us. Man is known as what he showed as a man.

We are classified as a unique individual, depending on how we are able to make acquainted by

others. Man with thousands of words is not famous by the words he uttered rather by the thoughts

he had in his mind. It is just in saying the difference between loved and I love you, words at times

does not conform to our thoughts. You did not love him just because you heard those words, I love

you that he is fond of saying but you loved him because you have seen the thoughts of his loved

for you. Words are powerful. It can hurt people. One would say it is better to accept pain through

act rather than to accept words that which can make you in pain. Be careful in every words that

come out of our mouth, they might kill a person. The words and thoughts must always work as

one. What you are thinking is what you are saying, and what you are saying is what you are acting.

Ideas must be proved by words, the thought manifests as the word. The materialization of your

thoughts is heard by the words you uttered in your mouth. If you always convey a message which

is unpleasant surely thoughts you have in your mind is bad, but if you utter goodness in your mind,

precisely goodness speaks with your mind.

In our society, we are actually using this speech act theory as the tool of communicating others.

Defining Communication according to the Encarta Dictionary “it is the process of sharing ideas,

information, and messages with others in a particular time and place. Communication includes
writing and talking, as well as nonverbal communication (such as facial expressions, body

language, or gestures), visual communication (the use of images or pictures, such as painting,

photography, video, or film), and electronic communication (telephone calls, electronic mail, cable

television, or satellite broadcasts). Communication is a vital part of personal life and is also

important in business, education, and any other situation where people encounter each other.” So,

there are a lot of categories under this important word communication.

Humans have developed complex systems of language that are used to ensure survival, to

express ideas and emotions, to tell stories and remember the past, and to negotiate with one

another. Oral, verbal or spoken language is a feature of every human society or culture. The earliest

language systems probably combined vocal sounds with hand or body signals to express messages.

Some words may be imitative of natural sounds. Others may have come from expressions of

emotion, such as laughter or crying. Language, some theorists believe, is an outgrowth of group

activities, such as working together or dancing.

In a society communication is really important and it is necessary for the people that are living

in a community. Language is used to communicate. It is a medium for all the speakers. Can you

imagine, without language, can people understood each other? Surely NOT. Why? Because

language scopes all the art of communicating like body language and others that were being

discussed on this paper. So, I claimed that without language we cannot improved ourselves in

expressing oneself to others.

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