Qualitative Research

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A. Why do you need to study the topic?

The aim of this study was to examine the direct and indirect relationship between student school
absenteeism, personal factors (academic self-perception, attitudes towards teacher and school,
goal valuation and motivation/self-regulation), family factors (parents’ educational level and
income), and academic achievement in structural equation model. Ten high school students
participated in the study. The findings revealed that student absenteeism was negatively related
to academic self-perception, attitudes towards teacher and school, goal valuation, motivation/
self-regulation, and academic performance. Results also revealed that student absenteeism
differed in respect to parents’ educational level and income. Results from my analysis I, noticed
that personal and family factors significantly predict previous and current student absenteeism.
My analyses also revealed that previous student absenteeism significantly predict previous
academic achievement. Finally, the analysis noticed that previous student absenteeism and
previous academic achievement can predict current student absenteeism. Contribution and
implications of these findings were discussed in detail.

B. What are the benefits of studying this topic?

The benefit of this topic is to know what are the causes of absenteeism and the effects of it. In
my analysis absenteeism is a common problem in every school. In the context of school, it is the
habitual or intentional failure to attained school. While every student may miss some school
activities now and then, absence becomes a problem when the student is away from school for
many days. Going to school regularly is crucially important for a student’s education and social
skills chronically absent students are at a disadvantage both socially and academically. They
miss out on critical stages of social interaction and development with their peers. School
absenteeism is an alarming problem for administrators, teachers, parents, society in general, and
pupils and particular.

Causes of Absenteeism

Absenteeism is caused by many factors as such as:

1. Phobic Adolescence: During this stage in the growth of a teen, there is a lot of fear developed
as a result of physical changes of the body for example growth of pimples, turbulent emotions
etc. This scares teens away from school.

2. Lack of Interest: Students could be lacking interest in the study, which could be as a result of
content that is difficult for them to grasp hence pushing them away from school.

3. Teacher approach: The approach used by teachers may not be understood by the student and
this could lead them to lose interest in school. Punitive attendance policy plays a big role in
absenteeism too.

3. Diseases: Some diseases like asthma which requires attention and care as well as an
environment that is warm and not dusty could make students remain home.

4. Bullying and harassment: Student who are bullied or harassed by classmate more likely to call
in sick to avoid the situation.

5. Injuries: Accidents can occur on the school or outside of school, resulting in absences. In
addition to acute injuries, chronic injuries such as back and neck problems are a common cause
of absenteeism.
Effects of Absenteeism

1. Poor Academic Progress: Successful schools cannot survive without physically present
students. Excessive absenteeism by students may result in unlearned course material from fewer
hours of instruction, and a disruption of class instruction for teachers who have to administer
remediation for the absent student when he returns to school.

2. Future Problems: Excessive student absenteeism can lead to an increasing disinterest in school
and academics in general.

3. Limited Educational Instruction: It is crucial to the success of any school to employ dedicated
teachers who are physically present to administer quality education to each student. Excessive
absenteeism by the teaching staff can drastically hinder the learning environment and academic
achievement of students when instructors are not routinely present to teach them.

C. Who will benefit from this topic?

The student will have the benefits for studying this topic. It’s important for every student to
attend a class. The attendance rate is important because students are more likely to succeed in
academics when they attend school consistently. It’s difficult for the teacher and the class to
build their skills and progress if a large number of students are frequently absent. In addition to
falling behind in academics, students who are not in school on a regular basis are more likely to
get into trouble with the law and cause problems in their communities.

Encouraging regular school attendance is one of the most powerful ways you can prepare your
child for success-both in school and in life. When you make school attendance a priority, you
help your child get better grades, develop healthy life habits, avoid dangerous behavior and have
a better chance of graduating from high school.

When students are absent for fewer days, their grades and reading skills often improve-even
among those students who are struggling in school. Students who attend school regularly also
feel more connected to their community, develop important social skills and friendships, and are
significantly more likely to graduate from high school, setting them up for a strong future.

D. What are the current issues related to your topic?

The issues related in my topic are concerned to student. Student living in poverty are two to three
times more likely to be chronically absent and face the most harm because their community lacks
the resources to make up for the lost learning in school. Most of student that keep absent missing
so many days of school that they are academically at risk and due to absence for any reason there
is a possibility of dropping out of high school. In fact, many of these absences, especially among
our youngest students, are excused. Often absences are tied to health problems, such as asthma,
diabetes, and oral and mental health issues. Other barriers including lack of a nearby vehicle, a
safe route to school make it difficult to go to school every day. In many cases, chronic absence
goes unnoticed because schools are counting how many students show up every day rather than
examining how many and which students miss so much school that they are falling behind.
E. What is/are your expected result/results after this study

This study was designed to examine the relations between personal factors, family factors,
previous and current absenteeism, and academic achievement. The findings of study noticed that
students who have negative academic self-perception, negative attitudes towards teacher and
school, lack of goal, and lack of motivation, are more likely to have school absenteeism.
Findings also showed that students, whose parents have low educational level and low income,
are more likely to have high level of school absenteeism. In other words, the lower educational
levels of parents may evaluate as a risk factor for students school absenteeism. Finally, findings
noticed that students’ academic achievement was affected by absenteeism, which in turn,
predicted future school absenteeism

Finally, the results of this study should be considered in light of its limitations. The findings and
predictions are based on the analyses, and should be interpreted accordingly. The qualitative
research such as in-depth interviews or a case study may be helpful in better understanding the
role of the variable that is taken into consideration in this study, in student absenteeism.
Ilawod National High School
Ilawod, Camalig, Albay

To Study the Cause and

Effects of Skipping
Classes/Absenteeism of
High School Student

Submitted by:
Kierbey M. Naz

Submitted to:
Mrs.Greatchen Nocos

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