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G re e n fl^ A p p le .

w e b

Peter Pan
J. M. Barrie
Peter Pan

Illu stra te d b y A lid a M a s s a ri

A d a p te d b y G in a D. B. C le m e n
About the Author

CHAPTER ONE The Darling Family 7

CHAPTER TWO Peter’s Shadow 15

CHAPTER THREE Neverland 23

CHAPTER FOUR Danger in the Lagoon 30

CHAPTER FIVE A Secret Place 38

CHAPTER SIX The Pirate Ship 46

CHAPTER SEVEN Back in London 53

DOSSIERS London 13

Fairies and their Magic 29

The Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children 44

The Darling Home 59



UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT 11, 20, 27, 34, 42, 50, 57

KEY KEY-style activities 28, 36, 51, 57

T: GRADE 1, 2 Trinity-style activities (Grades 1 and 2) 12, 20, 35

The text is recorded in full.

These symbols indicate the beginning and end of the passages
linked to the listening activities.
About tke Autk
Name: James Matthew Barrie

Born: 9 May 1860 in Kirriemuir, Scotland

Books an d Plays: The Little Minister (1891)

The Little White Bird (1902)
Peter Pan —the play (1904)
Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens (a novel: 1906)
Peter Pan and Wendy —the novel (1911)
Awards: title of ‘Sir in 1913
Dies: June 26, 1937


Match each word with the correct picture.

1 nursery 4 shadow
2 nanny 5 kennel
3 Newfoundland dog 6 drawer

jB B Listen to Chapter One and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1 The Darling fam ily lives in London. □ □

2 W endy’s brothers are called John and Michael. □ □
3 The three children like playing in the garden. □ □
4 Nana’s kennel is in the garden. □ □
5 Mr and Mrs Darling are going to the theatre. □ □
6 Mrs Darling puts the b oy’s shadow in her pocket. □ □

Look at the picture on page 9 and answer the questions.

1 How many objects can you count in the picture?

2 Can you name them?
3 Who are those people?

The Darling Family

endy, Jo h n and M ichael D arling live in a big HSi'
house in L ondon. It is a lovely h o u se w ith a
lot of room s and a garden outside. T hey live
w ith th e ir p a re n ts, M r and M rs D arling. T he
Darlings are a happy family.
Mr and M rs D arling love th e ir ch ild ren very m uch.
W endy is th e first child and she is pretty. She has got long blond
hair and blue eyes. Jo h n is th e second child an d he is tall and th in .
He has got brow n h air and brow n eyes and he w ears glasses. M ichael
is the th ird child and he has got brow n h air an d blue eyes. T he th re e
children are very friendly.
Wendy, Jo h n and M ichael like playing in th e nursery. It is a big,
sunny n ursery and th e re are p ictu res on th e walls. T h ere are a lot of
toys in the nursery.
The c h ild ren have a n an n y called N ana —she is a big N ew fo u n d lan d
dog! She is a w onderful n an n y and looks a fte r th e ch ild ren .

She loves them and they love her.
H er kennel is in th e nursery.
O ne evening M r and M rs D arling p u t on som e very n ice clothes.
They are going to a d in n e r party w ith th e ir friends. M rs D arling goes
to the nursery. T he c h ild re n are playing happily.
W endy sees h e r m o th e r and says, ‘W h at a lovely dress!’
‘Yes,’ says Jo h n , ‘you’re w earing a b e au tifu l d re ss.’
‘T h a n k yo u ’, says M rs D arling. ‘Your fa th e r an d I are going to a
d in n e r party this evening.’
T h en she looks at N ana and says, ‘N ana, it’s alm ost h a lf p ast eight.
It’s tim e to p u t th e ch ild ren to b e d .’
N ana looks at M rs D arling w ith h e r big brow n eyes and barks. 1
She goes to the b ath ro o m and tu rn s on th e h o t w ater for M ich ael’s
b ath . B ut M ichael does n o t like having b ath s.
‘N o ,’ says little M ichael, ‘I d o n ’t w an t to have a bath! And I d o n ’t
w ant to go to bed!’
N ana is a good n an n y and the ch ild ren m u st listen to her. M ichael
has his bath.
T h en she gives th e ch ild ren th e ir pajam as an d th ey are ready for
bed now.
M rs D arling com es to the n u rsery again an d sm iles. ‘G ood work,
Nana! T he ch ild ren are ready for b e d .’
N ana looks at M rs D arling and barks. T h en she goes an d sits n e ar
h er kennel.
‘I can h e ar a noise o u tside th e w indow ,’ says Wendy.
‘Yes,’ says Jo h n , ‘I can h e a r it to o .’
M rs D arling goes to th e n ursery w indow and is very surprised. She
sees a young boy o u tside th e n u rsery window. N an a barks loudly and

Peter Pan

sh u ts th e w indow quickly. T he boy’s shadow falls on th e floor an d the

young boy flies away.
‘W h o ’s th e re ? ’ asks M rs D arling. She opens th e w indow and looks
o utside, b u t she c a n ’t see anything. ‘H ow strange! T h e re ’s no one
h e re .’
She tu rn s a ro u n d and sees the boy’s shadow on th e floor. Wendy,
Jo h n and M ichael see it too.
‘W h a t’s th a t? ’ they ask, looking at th e shadow on th e floor.
‘It’s the poor boy’s shadow ,’ says M rs D arling.
‘W h at can we do w ith it? ’ asks Wendy.
‘L e t’s p u t it in th e draw er,’ says M rs D arling.
T he ch ild ren get into bed.
M r D arling takes N ana to th e garden.
T h en he goes to th e sittin g room an d w aits for M rs D arling.
M rs D arling sings to Wendy, Jo h n an d M ichael, an d kisses them .
She is a w onderful m other.
Soon the th re e ch ild ren are sleeping.
M r and M rs D arling go to th e ir bedroom . T hey p u t on th e ir coats
and go to th e d in n e r party.

Read these sentences about Chapter One and choose the correct
answer - A, B or C. There is an example at the beginning (0).

0 Wendy is the first child and

A Q she is 12 years old.
B Q she does not like having baths.
C \7 \ she is pretty.
1 John is the second child and
A Q he is unfriendly.
B [ ] he wears glasses.
C Q he is short.
2 Michael is the third child and
i— i
A I | he is tall and thin.
B □ he has got blond hair.
C Q he does not like having baths.
3 Mrs Darling is wearing
A Q a beautiful dress.
B □ a new coat.
C Q a beautiful hat.
4 Mrs Darling goes to the nursery w indow
A Q and sees a young boy.
B Q and sees a fairy.
C Q and looks at the lights of the city.
5 Mr Darling takes Nana
A □ to the bathroom .
B Q t o the sitting room.
C □ to the garden.
6 When the three children are sleeping
A □
B □
C □

A Match each adjective (1-6) with its opposite (A-F).

1 □ tall A sad
2 □ happy B bad
3 □ 9 ° od C shut
4 □ hot D short
5 | | friendly E cold
6 | | open F unfriendly

B Now write six sentences using the adjectives above.

A ‘I can hear a noise outside the window,’ says Wendy.
Do you know the five senses? Complete the sentences (1-5) with
their endings (A-E).

1 □ You hear w ith ... A your hands and fingers

2 □ You see w ith ... B your nose.
3 □ You smell w ith ... C your ears.
4 □ You taste w ith ... D your eyes.
5 □ You feel w ith... E your mouth.

B Speaking - We use our senses all the time. Work with a partner and
use these ideas to help you.

1 Describe your classroom .

2 Describe your teacher.
3 When you go to the park what can you see?
4 When you walk down a busy street, what can you hear?


□ S P E A K IN G - R O O M S IN T H E H O M E
Wendy, John and Michael live in a big house with a nice garden. Draw a
plan of your house and tell your partner about it. Use these questions to
help you.

• What is your house like? • W hat is your bedroom like?

• How many rooms has it got? • W hat is your favourite room?
The story you are reading starts in London in
the early 1900s. London is a w onderful city and
it is the capital of the U nited Kingdom. Today
almost 8 million people live there.
London is a very green city. There are more than
300 parks! Hyde Park is a very big park with mor<
than 4,000 trees. You can go biking in the park
you can ride a boat on The Serpentine Lake. In
summer there are music concerts in the park.
In Kensington G ardens there is a statue of P
Pan and a lot of visitors go and see it.
The River Tham es runs through the city and a lot of bridges 1 cross it.
You can take a lovely boat ride on the River Tham es and ride under
Tower Bridge.
Big Ben is the nam e of an enorm ous 2 clock on top of a tall tower. You
can see the tower and the clock next to the H ouses of Parliam ent, on
the River Tham es.
The Tower of London is a very old tower, it was built betw een 1070 and
1100. You can visit the Tower and see the Q u een ’s crown je w els.3
There are always a lot of interesting things to do and see in London.
There are more than 240 im portant m useum s and many of them are
free. There are also a lot of im portant theatres.

Answer these questions.

1 How many people live in London today?

2 How many parks are there in London?
3 Where can you see a statue of Peter Pan?
4 W hat river runs through London?
5 What is Big Ben?
6 How many museums are there in London?

2. E n o r m o u s : very b ig. 3. C ro w n je w e ls

Peter’s Shadow
verything is dark and silent in th e nursery. Wendy, Jo h n
and M ichael are sleeping an d dream ing. O u tsid e the
n u rsery w indow th e re is a sm all ball o f light. T he
nursery w indow is open. Suddenly th e sm all ball of
light com es into th e n ursery th ro u g h the w indow an d flies aro u n d . It
is a fairy called T inker Bell. She is very sm all an d lovely. She is
looking for som ething inside the nursery.
After a m om ent a young boy com es into th e n u rsery th ro u g h th e
open w indow and looks around.
‘Tink,’ he says, ‘w here are you? W h e re ’s my shadow? Please, find
Tinker Bell flies a ro u n d the n ursery and stops n e a r a drawer. She
opens it carefully and finds his shadow. T h en she gives it to him .
‘T h ank you, Tink!’ says th e boy happily. H e goes to th e b ath ro o m
and gets som e soap. ‘N ow I can p u t the shadow on my feet w ith som e
soap.’ He tries to stick it on his feet b u t he c a n ’t.

‘W hy c a n ’t I p u t my shadow on my feet?’ he thinks. ‘Now I h av en ’t
got a shadow .’ H e is very sad and starts to cry.
W endy hears the boy crying and she w akes up. She sees a young
boy, b u t she is n o t afraid. H e has got red h air and a friendly face. His
clothes are m ade of green leaves. She thinks, ‘W h a t’s this boy doing
in the nursery?’
‘Little boy, why are you crying?’ W endy asks.
T he boy sm iles and asks, ‘W h a t’s your n am e?’
‘My n a m e ’s W endy M oira A ngela D arling. And w h a t’s yours?’
‘P eter P a n .’
‘Is th a t all?’ asks Wendy, looking at him .
‘Yes, th a t’s all,’ says Peter. T h en he th in k s, ‘My nam e is very sh o rt!’
W endy looks a t his shadow on the floor and says, ‘Is this your
shadow ?’
‘Yes,’ says Peter, ‘b u t I c a n ’t p u t it o n .’
W endy sm iles and says, ‘I can sew it o n .’
‘C an you? O h, please, do it!’ says P eter happily.
W endy gets h e r big sew ing basket 1 and sews on P e te r’s shadow
carefully. P eter looks at h e r and is very glad. A fter a few m in u tes
W endy says, ‘I’ve finished! Now you’ve got your shadow ag ain .’
P eter looks at the floor and he can see his shadow. H e is happy
and he dances aro u n d the nursery.
‘T h an k you, W endy!’ he says. ‘You’re a w onderful girl!’
‘Do you really th in k so?’ asks Wendy.
‘Yes, I d o,’ says Peter, looking at Wendy.
W endy sm iles and gives P eter a kiss on th e cheek.
‘O h!’ says Peter. ‘T h a t’s n ic e .’

1. S e w in g b a s k e t

‘How old are you P eter?’ asks Wendy.
P eter think s for a m o m en t and says, ‘I d o n ’t know. B ut I’m young,
and I d o n ’t w an t to grow up. I d o n ’t w ant to becom e an ad u lt. I w ant
to be a boy forever and have lots of fu n !’
W endy listens to P eter and is surprised. T h en P eter looks for his
fairy. Suddenly he hears a noise and looks in a drawer. Little Tinker
Bell flies out. W endy is happy to see a fairy, b u t T inker Bell is afraid.
She hides b eh in d the big clock.
‘W h ere do you live, P eter?’ asks Wendy.
‘I som etim es live in K ensington G a rd en s,’2 says Peter, ‘b u t m ost of
the tim e I live in N everland w ith th e Lost Boys.’
W endy does n o t u n d e rstan d . ‘N everland? T he Lost Boys? W ho are
‘T he Lost Boys hav en ’t got a m o th e r or fa th e r,’ says Peter. ‘T hey’re
alone in the w orld and they live in N everland. I’m th e ir C a p ta in .’
‘N everland sounds like a w onderful p lace!’ says Wendy.
‘It is,’ says Peter, ‘an d we have lots of fu n th ere. In N everland we
fight th e pirates. We swim in th e lagoon w ith b eau tifu l m erm aids. A
lot of lovely fairies live in th e treesHn th e forest. T hey’re my frien d s.’
‘W h at fu n !’ says Wendy.
‘Well, I m u st go back to N everland now ,’ says Peter. ‘I m u st tell the
Lost Boys a story. You know, they love sto rie s.’
‘I know a lot of sto rie s,’ says Wendy.
‘T h en com e w ith me to N everland!’ says Peter. ‘You can tell us lots
of stories. And you can see the b e au tifu l m erm aids in th e lagoon.
C om e w ith me! We all w ant a m o th er.’
‘O h, I c a n ’t com e w ith y o u ,’ says Wendy. ‘I c a n ’t fly.’
‘I can teach you to fly,’ says Peter. ‘It’s very easy.’

2. K e n s in g t o n G a r d e n s : a b e a u tifu l p ark in L o n d o n (s e e d o s s ie r o n p a g e s
1 3 -1 4 ) .

Peter’s Shadow

‘C an you teach Jo h n and M ichael to fly, too?* asks Wendy.

‘O f course!’ says Peter.
W endy goes to Jo h n and M ichael and says, ‘W ake up! Quickly!
Peter Pan is here. H e ’s from N everland. It’s a fun place!’
John and M ichael wake up, and they are very surprised.
‘We can go to N everland w ith h im ,’ says Wendy. ‘B ut we m ust
learn to fly.’
‘T h a t’s d ifficu lt,’ says John.
‘No, it’s n o t,’ says Peter. ‘Look at m e!’ P eter flies aro u n d th e nu rsery
and the ch ild ren look at him*,They are excited and try to fly, b u t they
fall on the beds and on th e floor.
‘It’s im possible!’ they say.
‘You need som e fairy d u s t,’ says Peter, laughing. H e p u ts som e
fairy dust on th e ir heads. ‘Now try ag ain .’
Wendy, Jo h n and M ichael can fly now and they are very happy.
‘Look, I can fly!’ says Wendy.
‘We can, too!’ say Jo h n and M ichael.
‘Now we can go to N everland w ith P eter,’ says W endy happily.
‘T ink,’ says Peter, ‘show us th e way to N everland!’
They follow T inker Bell and fly o u t of th e n u rsery window. T here
are a lot of stars in the nig h t sky. In th e garden N an a looks at th e sky
and barks loudly. M r and M rs D arling re tu rn from th e d in n e r party
at eleven o’clock. T hey go to th e nursery, b u t it is empty! W h ere are
the children?


□ C O M P R E H E N S IO N C H E C K
Are these sentences ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)? If there is not enough
information to answer (A) or (B), choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C). There is an
example at the beginning (0).
0 Tinker Bell com es into the Darling nursery at ten o ’clock. I II I[ / I
1 Peter Pan and Tinker Bell are looking for Peter’s shadow.
2 Tinker Bell finds Peter’s shadow under W endy’s bed.
3 Peter wants to stick on his shadow with some soap.
4 Wendy is afraid of Peter Pan.
5 Tinker Bell sews on Peter’s shadow.
6 Peter Pan is tw elve years old.
7 Tinker Bell hides inside the drawer because she is afraid
of Wendy.
8 The Lost Boys haven't got a family.
9 Fairy dust helps the three children fly to Neverland.

T: G R A D E 2

□ S P E A K IN G - F A M IL Y A N D F R IE N D S
Think of a member of your family. Describe him/her to your partner. Use
these questions to help you.

• W hat’s his/her name?

• How old is he/she?
• Is he/she short or tall?
• W hat colour is his/her hair? And eyes'?"’
• W hat clothes does he/she usually wear?

Look at the pictures of Wendy, John, Michael, Peter and Tinker Bell. Use
the words in the box to describe them.

blue eyes tall does not want to grow up pretty

thin brown hair brown eyes friendly wears glasses
long blond hair red hair very small lovely
wears clothes made of green leaves does not like having baths
Complete each sentence with the correct preposition from the box.

under on behind in for inside at outside

1 Peter’s shadow i s ............................ the drawer.

2 There is a ball of lig h t ............ ............... the nursery window.
3 Nana is sitting in the garden ............................ a tree.
4 John is s le e p in g ..................... ......his bed.
5 The dinner party i s ................. ...........Saturday.
6 The children have lunch .......................... 1 2 . 3 0 .
7 Peter Pan is h id in g ................ ........... the door.
8 ‘Here’s a t o y ............................ . you, M ichael,’ says Mrs Darling

W H E R E D O Y O U L IV E , P E T E R ? W H A T ’S Y O U R N A M E ?
Where and w h a t are question words.
Here are some words we often use to make questions.
What...? (for things) W h e re ...? (for places)
W ho...? (for people) W h y...? (for a reason)
When...? (for time)

Read the sentences below and write the correct question word. There
an example at the beginning (0).

0 .....W hy is Tinker Bell in the nursery?

She is in the nursery because she is looking for Peter’s shadow.
1.... ...................... is the nanny in the Darling family?
Nana is the nanny in the Darling family.
2 ...................... is in the drawer?
Peter’s shadow is in the drawer.
3 ...................... does Peter Pan live?
He lives in Neverland.
4 ...................... do the Darling children go to bed?
They go to bed at half past eight.
5 ...................... is Peter crying?
Peter is crying because he hasn’t got a shadow.
6 ...................... are Mr and Mrs Darling going?
They are going to a dinner party.

Match each word with the correct picture.

1 beard 3 crocodile 5 bow and arrow

2 hook 4 alarm clock 6 Indian chief


Listen to the first part of Chapter Three and choose the correct answer
A, B or C.

1 Where do the Lost Boys live?

A Q In an underground home.
B [ | In the lagoon.
C E On the J o lly R oger.
2 How many Lost Boys are there? *»'
A E five
B E tw o
C E l s 'x
3 Who is not afraid of the pirates?
A E Tootles
B E N'bs
C E Curly
4 W hat is the J o lly Roger'?
A E A pirate ship.
B E The name of the underground home.
C E The name of the crocodile.


endy, Jo h n and M ichael fly over L ondon.
T hey see th e River T ham es an d Tower Bridge.
T here are h u n d re d s of lights in th e city. T h en
they fly over big cities, sm all tow ns, tall
m ountains, green forests and blue seas. At last they see an island in
the sea below th em . It is a b e au tifu l island.
T h a t’s N ev erlan d ,’ says Peter, looking dow n at th e island. It is a
sunny day now b u t it’s windy.
‘N everland!’ say th e ch ild ren happily.
‘Look, J o h n ,’ says Wendy, ‘th e re ’s the lag o o n .’
‘And th e re ’s the big fo re st,’ says M ichael. T he ch ild ren are excited.
The Lost Boys live in the green forest in a secret u n d erg ro u n d
home. T here are six Lost Boys and th e ir nam es are: Curly, N ibs,
Tootles, Slightly Soiled 1 and the Twins. T hey are w aiting for P eter in
the u n d erg ro u n d hom e.

* (s e e th e m ap o f N e v e r la n d at th e e n d o f th e b o o k ).
1. S lig h t ly S o i l e d : th is n a m e m e a n s ‘a little d irty ’.


S uddenly they h e ar th e voices of th e p irates.
‘I can h e a r th e p irates!’ says Tootles. ‘T hey’re in th e fo re st.’
‘I’m afraid of th e m ,’ says Slightly Soiled.
‘W h at can we do?’ asks Curly.
‘I’m not afraid of the p ira te s,’ says N ibs. H e goes o u t of th e
u n d erg ro u n d hom e. H e hides b e h in d a big tree an d looks aro u n d . H e
sees the terrible pirates. T hey are w alking in th e forest an d they are
big and strong. T hey live on a p irate ship called th e Jolly Roger.
T he p ira te s’ cap tain is Jam es Hook. H e is a very bad p irate. H e has
got black eyes, black hair and a big black beard. H e h ates P eter Pan.
He has got only one h an d the o th e r han d is a hook! In th e p ast Peter
c u t 2 off C ap tain H ook’s right arm during a fight. A crocodile a t e 3 the
arm because crocodiles are always hungry. Now th e crocodile follows
C aptain H ook everywhere because he w ants to eat him . T he crocodile
has an alarm clock in its stom ach! C ap tain H ook can always h e ar it.
‘We m u st find P eter Pan and th e Lost Boys,’ says C ap tain H ook
angrily. ‘I know they live in this forest! B u t w h ere}’
T he p irates look everyw here b u t they c a n n o t find th e secret
u n d erg ro u n d hom e.
Suddenly C aptain Hook hears the alarm clock, ‘Tick, tock, tick, tock!’
‘The crocodile is near!’ cries C aptain Hook. ‘H e w ants to eat me! We
m ust leave the forest quickly!’ H e runs away and the pirates follow him.
Soon som e A m erican Indians com e to th e forest. T hey w alk silently
and carry bows and arrow s. T hey are looking for th e p irates. T he
pirates are th e ir e n e m ie s .4 T h e ir lead er is Tiger Lily. She is th e lovely
d au g h ter of th e A m erican In d ian chief. She likes P eter Pan a lot. T he
Indians can n o t find the P irates and they soon go away. Now th e Lost

2 . C u t : th e P a st S im p le o f th e v erb ‘to c u t ’.
3. A te : th e P a st S im p le o f th e verb ‘to e a t ’.
4 . E n e m ie s : o p p o s ite o f fr ie n d s (th e s in g u la r is ‘e n e m y ’).

Boys can leave th e u n d e rg ro u n d hom e an d play in th e forest.
Nibs looks at the sky and says, ‘Look, th e re ’s a w hite bird in the sky.’
T he Lost Boys look at th e sky and C urly asks, ‘Is it really a bird?’
‘O f course it’s a b ird ,’ says T inker Bell. ‘I t’s a W endy bird. You m ust
s h o o t5 it!’ S om etim es T inker Bell is a bad fairy. She knows th a t it is
Wendy, b u t she d o e sn ’t like her.
Nibs takes his bow and arrow and looks at th e sky. H e shoots W endy
and she falls to the ground. T h en the Lost Boys go and see Wendy.
‘S h e ’s n o t a bird!’ they say. ‘S h e ’s a lovely g irl.’
P eter flies dow n w ith Jo h n and M ichael an d asks, ‘W h e re ’s W endy?’
Tootles says, ‘H ere she is.’
P eter goes to h e r and asks, ‘Wendy, are you alrig h t?’
W endy slowly opens h e r eyes and sm iles at Peter.
‘Yes, I ’m a lrig h t,’ she says, ‘I ’m lucky b ecau se th e arrow h it th e
b u tto n of my n ig h td ress.’
T he Lost Boys are very sorry.
‘Poor W endy!’ says Curly. ‘W h at can we do?’
‘I’ve got a good id e a,’ says Slightly Soiled. ‘We can build h e r a little
h o u se ’.
W h en th e little house is ready the T o st Boys go an d tell Wendy.
‘C om e and see th e little h ouse, W endy,’ says Tootles.
‘Do you like it?’ ask the L ost Boys.
‘Yes, I d o ,’ says Wendy, happily. ‘I t’s a nice little h ouse. T h a n k y o u .’
‘Wendy, can you be ou r m o th e r now ?’ asks N ibs. ‘C an you tell us
b edtim e stories before we go to b ed ?’
‘Yes, p le ase ,’ says Tootles, ‘com e and be o u r m o th e r.’
‘O f c o u rse ,’ says Wendy. ‘C om e in an d I can tell you th e story of
C in d e rella.’
They listen to W endy’s story and like it a lot.

5. S h o o t : (h e r e ) h it w ith a b o w a n d arrow.


Read the summary of Chapter Three. Choose the correct option - A, B
or C - for each space to say what happens in this chapter. There is an
example at the beginning (0).

Wendy, John and Michael are going to Neverland. They fly (0) .3 ... the city
of London. They (1 ) a lot of lights in the city. Neverland is a beautiful
(2 ) The Lost Boys w ait ( 3 ) ........ Peter Pan in the secret underground
home. Tootles hears the pirates in the forest. Nibs leaves the underground
home and goes to the forest. He hides ( 4 ) a big tree and looks
(5 ).........
Captain James Hook and his pirates are looking ( 6 ) Peter Pan and
the Lost Boys. Captain Hook hates Peter Pan. He is afraid of the crocodile
(7 ) It is always hungry and wants to eat ( 8 ) .........
Nibs sees Wendy in the sky. Tinker Bell says Wendy is a bird. Nibs takes
his bow and arrow and shoots ( 9 ) She falls to the ground and he is
very sorry. The Lost Boys (1 0 ) a little house for Wendy. She likes it
and tells the Lost Boys bedtim e stories.

0 A up (D over C near
1 A watch B look C see
2 A island B sea c lagoon
3 A at B for c to
4 A to B over c behind
5 A around B at c over
6 A to B by c for
7 A and B because c why
8 A him B he c it
9 A she B it c her
10 A do B build c get

E V E R Y O N E IS H A P P Y .
E V E R Y W H E R E B E C A U S E H E W A N T S T O E A T H IM .

We use everyone when we talk about all people.

We use everything when we talk about all things.
We use everywhere when we talk about all places.
□ E V E R Y O N E , E V E R Y T H IN G , E V E R Y W H E R E
Fill in the gaps with everyone, everything or everywhere.

1 Captain Hook lo o k s .......................for Peter and the Lost Boys, but

cannot find them.
2 Neverland is beautiful.
3 Wendy makes friends w it h .........................
4 Peter and Tinker Bell g o ........................ together.
5 .......................on the table is good to eat.
6 .......................likes bedtim e stories.

Q W H A T ’S T H E W E A T H E R L IK E ?
Match each description (A-F) to the correct picture (1-6).

1 It’s snowing. 3 It’s raining. 5 It’s windy.

2 It’s cloudy. 4 It’s sunny. 6 It’s foggy.

Complete the five conversations. For each question (1-5), choose the
correct option - A, B or C. There is an example at the beginning (0).

0 Can you speak English?

A Q Yes, I know. B Q Yes, I speak. C [7] Yes, I can.
1 Pass me the bread, please.
A Q Thank you. B Q] Here you are. C Q You’re welcom e.
2 Where is the bookshop?
A Q I d o n ’t know. B Q There isn’t any. C Q Five minutes.
3 Do you like school?
A Q ] Yes, I am. B Q Yes, I do. C Q Yes, I can.
4 W hat tim e is dinner?
A [ ] At six. B Q Later. C □ Early.
5 How many friends have you got?
A Q Much. B Q None. C □ Any.

Fairies Ana
Tkeir Made
People all over the world have stories
about fairies and their magic. Some of
these stories are very old, and some of
them are called fairy tales. Fairies are part
of the British, Irish, northern European
and old cultures.
In Peter Pan, Tinker Bell is P eter’s fairy.
Peter says th at the fairies in Neverland
are his good friends. W hat som e people
say about fairies
In Pinocchio there is a kind fairy called the Blue
They are small and
Fairy. She always helps Pinocchio. In Cinderella have wings; they live in
a fairy godm other 1 is C inderella’s good friend. forest, in trees, ,n
flow ers and in gardens-
There are fairies in one of W illiam Shakespeare’s
hey are som etim es
plays, too. In A M idsum m er N ights D ream ,
h ° ° d ®nd s°m etim es
Oberon and Titania are the king and queen bad, they are magic-
of the fairies. They live in the forest and are ®y can do good things
and bad things.
im portant characters in the play.

Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones.
1 Fairy tales are stories about fairies.
2 All fairies live in Neverland.
3 Some people say that fairies are magic.
4 Fairies always do bad things.
5 The Blue Fairy is P inocchio’s friend.
6 Shakespeare uses fairies in one of his plays.

1. F a ir y g o d m o t h e r : (h e r e ) th is fairy h e lp s C in d e r e lla b e c a u s e s h e d o e s n o t
h a v e a m o th er.



Danger in the Lagoon

eter, Wendy, Jo h n , M ichael and th e Lost Boys often go to
the M erm aid s’ Lagoon. T he w ater is blue and beautiful. They
like sw im m ing and playing in the blue lagoon. B eautiful m erm aids
live here, and they are P e te r’s friends. They have got long h air and
are very pretty. They play m erm aid gam es, and th e n sit on M aro o n ers’
Rock and com b th e ir long hair. They sit in th e sun and talk and laugh.
T he ch ild ren like th e m erm aids and Jo h n says, ‘I w ant to c atc h a
m erm aid!’ H e tries b u t th e m erm aid ju m p s in to th e w ater and swims
away. Everyone laughs.
‘It’s very difficult to c atc h a m e rm a id / says Peter.
Suddenly P eter hears a noise and says, ‘T he p irates are coming! I
can h e ar th e m !’
Jo h n , M ichael and th e Lost Boys ju m p into th e w ater and swim
away. T hey are afraid of th e pirates. B ut W endy stays w ith Peter.
T hey hide b e h in d M aro o n ers’ Rock.

Danger in the Lagoon

A sm all boat w ith two pirates is com ing to th e lagoon. O ne p irate

is Sm ee. H e is old and w ears glasses. T he o th e r p irate is Starkey. H e
is young and has got a long nose. T iger Lily is on th e b oat an d she is
a priso ner of th e pirates.
‘L et’s leave h e r on this ro c k / says Sm ee. ‘W h en th e sea rises 1 sh e ’s
going to d ie .’ T he two pirates laugh loudly. It is alm ost n ig h t and it is
‘Poor T iger Lily!’ thinks Peter. ‘She is o u r good friend. I m u st save
her. B ut w h at can I do?’
He thinks for a m in u te and th e n im itates 2 C ap tain H o o k ’s voice.
‘C ut th e ropes and let Tiger Lily go! Do as I say, Smee! L et h e r go!’
The two pirates h e a r C ap tain H ook’s voice an d are very surprised.
They look a t each o th e r and th e n they look a ro u n d .
‘Starkey,’ says Sm ee, ‘can you h e a r H ook ’s voice?’
‘Yes,’ says Starkey, looking aro u n d . ‘B ut I d o n ’t see H o o k .’
‘We m u st listen to H ook and c u t th e ro p e s,’ says Sm ee.
‘Are you su re?’ asks Starkey.
‘O f course I’m s u re ,’ says Sm ee.
Starkey gets a knife and cu ts th e ropes. T iger Lily is free. She
jum ps into the w ater and swims away.
C ap tain H ook is on his ship, th e Jolly , an d he sees everything.
He is very angry b ecau se T iger Lily is free.
‘P eter Pan is very clever!’ thinks C ap tain H ook. ‘I m u st fight h im .’
C aptain H ook jum ps into the w ater and swims to the rock. He fights
with Peter. It is a long fight. C ap tain H ook h u rts P eter w ith his big
hook, b ut P eter does no t stop fighting. H e is b ra v e .3 At last P eter wins
the fight. C ap tain H ook is angry and swims back to the Jolly Roger.

1. R is e s : (h e r e ) g o e s u p .
2. I m it a t e s : c o p ie s s o m e o n e ’s v o ic e or a c tio n s .
3. B r a v e : n o t afraid .

P eter and W endy are now alone on th e rock.
‘W h a t a terrible fight, Peter!' says Wendy, looking at P e te r’s hand.
H is h a n d is badly h u rt a fte r the fight w ith C ap tain H ook.
‘Yes,’ says Peter, ‘b u t I’m no t afraid of H ook or th e p ira te s.’
‘You’re a very brave boy,’ says Wendy, sm iling.
‘L ook,’ says Peter, ‘th e sea is rising an d we are in g reat danger
h e re .’
‘W h at c an we do?’ asks Wendy.
‘We m u st leave this rock im m ediately,’ says Peter, looking a t the
‘O h, P eter,’ says W endy, ‘I c a n ’t swim or fly, b ecau se I’m very tire d .’
P eter thinks for a m om ent.
H e sees a big kite4 w ith a long tail.
It is flying slowly over the lagoon.
H e quickly takes the tail of the kite and says, ‘W endy, hold on to
this tail an d fly away w ith th e k ite .’
W endy flies away w ith the kite.
‘T he sea is rising quickly,’ P eter th in k s. ‘I m u st fly away!’
W h en P eter gets hom e, everyone is happy to see him .


Read these sentences and choose the correct answer - j , B or C. There
is an example at the beginning (0).

0 The w ater at M erm aids’ Lagoon is

A Q very cold.
B [7] blue and beautiful.
C Q ] warm.
1 John wants to
A Q com b his hair.
B □ talk to a mermaid.
C Q catch a mermaid.
2 John, Michael and the Lost Boys swim away because
A Q they are afraid of the mermaids.
B Q they are afraid of the pirates.
C Q ] they are afraid of the Indians.
3 Tiger Lily is on a boat with
A Q ] Peter and Wendy.
B Q Smee and Starkey.
C Q Captain Hook and Smee.
4 Smee and Starkey hear H ook’s voice
A Q but they d o n ’t see him.
B Q ] and they see him.
C Q ] and they talk to him.
5 Captain Hook and Peter Pan fight
A □ but no one wins.
B □ and Peter wins.
C Q ] and Captain Hook wins.
6 Peter and Wendy must leave the rock because
A Q Captain Hook is there.
B Q the sea is rising.
C Q it is late.

A Read these definitions. What is the word for each one? The first letter
is already there. There is one space for each other letter of the word.
There is an example at the beginning (0).

0 This person looks after children: J2 5 H - Y.

1 The Darling fam ily lives here: L _______ _
2 This wakes you up in the morning: a c _____
3 A dog lives in it: k _______
4 You keep things inside it: d _______
5 They help you to see well: g _________

B Now find the words in the word square and circle them.

T: G R A D E 1

Q S P E A K IN G - C L O T H E S
Peter Pan wears clothes made of leaves. What do you like to wear?
Work with a partner and use these questions to help you.

• Describe the clothes your partner is wearing.

• W hat are your favourite clothes?
• Do you buy clothes with your friends or with your parents?
• W hat are your favourite colours?


Which notice (A-H) says this? There is an example at the beginning (0).

□ A LONDON □ Kensington
Silence Please - No O p e n all ye a r
food or drink inside No ball gam es
& — — —----
□ □ n............. ... €
Sir R ichard’s London City
Pet Shop Centre
We sell only dogs Pedestrian Zone
and kennels. No cars or bikes j

^ IWestminster Hotel Marie’s French Bakery

I and Restaurant Open every morning
I Quests always 7-noon
j welcome! Chocolate cake on
i We never close! Sundays

m JZ
ji Tower of
Famous Historical Site
Open weekday
mornings only.

0 You ca n ’t play football here......

1 You can always com e here.............
2 You ca n ’t buy a bird here.............
3 You can buy stam ps here on Wednesday. .
4 You can’t buy bread here in the afternoon.
5 You must not eat in here.............
0 R E A D IN G A M A P
A Can you read a map? Look at the map of Neverland at the end of
the book and answer the questions. Tick the correct answer.

1 Wendy and Peter are on M arooners’ Rock. They w ant to go to the

underground home. They m ust go
A Q west B E ] south C Q east
2 Nibs is at Kidd’s Creek. He wants to go to Slightly Gulch. He must go
A Q north B Q w est C Q south
3 John and Michael are at S lightly Gulch. They want to go to the
M erm aids’ Lagoon. They must go
A EHsouth B EH east C EH north
4 Tiger Lily is in the Indian camp. She w ants to go to the M ysterious
River. She m ust go
A EH w est B EH east C EH south
5 The Lost Boys are in the underground home. They want to go to
K id d ’s Creek. They must go
A EHnorth B E ] w est C EH south
6 Captain Hook is on M arooners’ Rock. He wants to go to the Indian
Camp. He m ust go
A EH east B EH w est C EH north

B Now work with your partner and draw a map of your own secret
island. Give it an exciting name. Put mountains, rivers, lagoons,
forests, beaches and deserts on your map. Remember to put North,
South, East and West on your map. Is there a secret underground
home? Show your map to the class and ask questions like those in
exercise 5 A.


jS i' Listen to the first part of Chapter Five and circle the correct word.

1 The underground home is a sa fe /d a n g e ro u s place.

2 Everyone sits in front of the fireplace b e fo re /a fte r dinner.
3 Neverland is a b o rin g /a n e x c itin g place.
4 Wendy s o m e tim e s /n e v e r thinks about her parents.
5 Wendy tells a new bedtim e story about tw o p ira te s /tw o p a re n ts.

A Secret Place
he u n d e rg ro u n d hom e is a sec re t place in th e big forest. It
is a safe place b ecau se no one know s w here it is. T h ere is
only one big room w ith a fireplace. 1 It is a happy, w arm
hom e.
Wendy, Jo h n and M ichael are very happy there. W endy is a w onderful
m other. She cooks and sews for everyone. Every evening after dinner,
everyone sits in front of the firepIacevW endy tells great bedtim e stories.
T he Lost Boys love th ese stories and are happy b ecau se they finally
have a m other. Jo h n and M ichael are happy b ecau se th ere is an
exciting ad v en tu re every day. T hey are never bored.
P eter Pan is the p e rfe ct father. H e brings hom e food and p ro te c ts 2
his family. H e and W endy play gam es w ith th e ch ild ren and laugh
w ith them . Everyone is having a w ond erfu l tim e.
B ut in L ondon, M r and M rs D arling are n o t happy. They are very
sad because they c a n ’t find th e ir th ree ch ild ren . And N ana is sad, too.
‘W h ere are o u r th re e ch ild re n ? ’ they think.
1. Fireplace : rJwKEk 2. Protects : k e e p s th e m sa fe .

A Secret Place

W endy som etim es thinks a b o u t h e r p aren ts.

O ne evening she says, ‘T his evening I’m going to tell you a new
bedtim e story. It takes place in E n g lan d .’ Everyone sits dow n in fro n t
of th e fireplace and listens to her.
‘In the city of L ondon th e re are two p a re n ts. T h ey ’re very sad
because they c a n ’t find th e ir th ree ch ild ren . Every n ig h t they leave
the n u rsery w indow open. T hey w ant th e ir ch ild ren to re tu rn . T hey
wait and w ait, b u t th e ir th ree ch ild ren d o n ’t re tu rn . T hese poor
p aren ts are terribly s a d ...’
‘B ut W endy,’ say Jo h n and M ichael, ‘th a t’s th e story of o u r p a re n ts.’
P eter listens to th e story and says, ‘S om etim es p a re n ts forget th e ir
ch ild ren an d o th e r ch ild ren take th e ir p la c e .’
Wendy, Jo h n and M ichael are surprised. T hey look at Peter.
‘Are you sure, P eter?’ asks Wendy.
‘Yes, I’m su re ,’ says Peter.
‘P erhaps th e re are o th e r ch ild ren in ou r n u rsery an d in o u r beds!’
says Wendy. ‘Jo h n , M ichael, we m u st go hom e im m ediately!’
Jo h n and M ichael look at W endy and say, ‘Do we really have to go?’
‘Yes, we m u st go h o m e ,’ says Wendy. ‘Quickly! We h a v en ’t got
m uch tim e!’
‘B ut w e’re happy h ere in N everland w ith P eter an d th e Lost Boys,’
says Jo hn.
‘T h e re ’s a new adventure every day,’ says M ichael.
‘And w e’re never b o red ,’ says Jo h n . ‘N everland is a w onderful place!’
‘O h, Wendy,’ say the Lost Boys, ‘please do n ’t go away. D on’t leave us!’
W endy looks at the Lost Boys and says, ‘Please, d o n ’t be sad. You can
com e to London and live w ith us! You can be p art of the D arling family.’
‘O h, W endy,’ say the Lost Boys, ‘th a n k you! T h a t’s w onderful! We
can have a real fam ily in L o n d o n .’
N ibs and Tootles ju m p up and dow n and laugh. T h e o th e r Lost
Boys d ance a ro u n d the room . T hey are very happy.

P eter is n o t happy. T m n o t com ing w ith you to L o n d o n .’
Everyone is surprised and looks at him .
‘W hy?’ asks Wendy.
‘I d o n ’t w an t to grow u p ,’ says Peter. ‘I d o n ’t w ant to becom e an
ad u lt. I w an t to be a boy forever.’
‘B ut P eter,’ says W endy, ‘all boys an d girls grow up. They becom e
a d u lts.’
‘N o!’ says P eter angrily. ‘I d o n ’t w ant to grow up! You can go, b u t
I’m n o t co m in g .’ H e tu rn s a ro u n d and looks at th e wall.
Wendy, Jo h n , M ichael and the Lost Boys say goodbye to Peter, and
leave th e u n d e rg ro u n d H om e. They sta rt to w alk in th e forest. B ut
they d o n ’t know th a t th e pirates are h id in g b e h in d th e trees. T hey are
w aiting for them .
S uddenly th e pirates ju m p ou t of th e forest. T he ch ild ren are very
surprised an d try to ru n away. B ut th e re are a lot of p irates and they
take th e ch ild ren to th e Jolly Roger.
P eter is inside th e u n d e rg ro u n d hom e an d he does n o t h ear
anything. H e sits in fro n t of the fireplace and thinks ab o u t Wendy,
t ^

Jo h n and M ichael an d th e Lost Boys. H e is sad w ith o u t them .

‘Tap, tap, tap !’ T h ere is som eone at th e door.
P eter goes to th e door and asks, ‘W h o ’s th e re ? ’
H e hears th e sound of little bells and opens th e door. T inker Bell
flies in and says, ‘T he ch ild ren are w ith th e p irates!’
‘W h at do you m ean, T ink?’ asks Peter.
‘Wendy, Jo h n , M ichael and the Lost Boys are on th e Jolly Roger
w ith C ap tain H ook!’ says T inker Bell. ‘T hey’re in dan g er!’
‘O h, no!’ says Peter. ‘We m u st save th em . L e t’s go to th e Jolly Roger,
quickly! I w ant to fight H ook!’
P eter and T inker Bell leave the u n d e rg ro u n d hom e an d fly to th e
Jolly Roger.


Are these sentences ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)? If there is not enough
information to answer (A) or (B), choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C). There is an
example at the beginning (0).
0 Tinker Bell lives in the underground home. [7 \[
1 There are three big rooms in the underground home.
2 Wendy cooks dinner at six o ’clock.
3 John and Michael have a lot of fun every day.
4 Mr and Mrs Darling always close the nursery window at night.
5 Wendy tells a funny bedtim e story that takes place
in Neverland.
6 Wendy never thinks about her parents.
7 Wendy decides to go home immediately.
8 Peter Pan stays in Neverland because he does not want
to grow up.
9 Captain Hook takes the children to the J o lly R oger.
10 Peter Pan and Tinker Bell want to save the children.

‘ I D O N ’T W A N T T O B E C O M E A N A D U L T ,’ S A Y S P E T E R .
We form the negative of the Present Sim ple of most verbs by using don’t
(do not) and doesn’t (does not).
I/y o u /w e /th e y d o n ’t live
H e /s h e /it doesn’t live ■

Complete these sentences using the verb in brackets. Decide if
the sentence is positive or negative and add don’t or doesn’t when
necessary. There is an example at the beginning (0).

0 Peter ... doesn't w a n t... (want) to go to London.

1 M ic h a e l .......... (like) having baths.
2 W e n d y .............................. (tell) wonderful bedtim e stories.
3 The Darling c h ild re n ............................ (go) to school during the summer.
4 The p ira te s ............................ (know) where the underground home is.
5 John (wear) glasses.
6 W e n d y .............................. (cook) dinner for the Lost Boys.
A Circle the word in each group that is different from the others.

1 A sitting room B kitchen C nursery D fireplace

2 A England B Italy C London D Turkey
3 A party B breakfast C lunch D dinner
4 A tall B short C thin D sad
5 A dress B shoes C coat D jacket
6 A hair B eyes C nose D ears

B Now complete the sentences with the odd words.

1 John has a new pair of b ro w n .........................

2 Mr and Mrs Darling go to a d in n e r.........................
3 Everyone sits in front of t h e ........................ and listens to the bedtime
4 Wendy has got long b lo n d .........................
5 Mr and Mrs Darling are v e r y w ithout their children.
6 has alot of beautiful parks.

W E D O N ’T H A V E M U C H F U N IN L O N D O N ,’ S A Y S M IC H A E L .

We can’t count fun (uncountable).

• We use m u ch for uncountable nouns.
They have m uch fun in the park.
We can count p ira te s (countable)
There are m any p ira te s in the forest.

• We use m an y for countable nouns.

We usually use much and many in negative sentences, questions or
sentences with too.

Decide if the noun is countable (C) or uncountable (U). There is an
example at the beginning (0).

0 fairy ....r?.... 5 hair

1 w ater ........... 6 milk
2 apple ........... 7 ticket
3 sugar ........... 8 music
4 noise ........... 9 inform ation
Tke Great Ormond. Street
Hospital (or Child ren
In London there is a hospital for sick children called G reat O rm ond
Street Hospital for C hildren. J. M. Barrie likes children very m uch.
He wants children to be well and happy. He often visits this hospital
because he wants to help the children.
Barrie is a kind man. In 1929 he decides th at all the money from book
sales, films and theatre plays of Peter Pan goes to the hospital. And
this continues today.
This money helps the
hospital, the children,
the doctors and the
The children at the

G reat O r m o n d S t r e e t
hospital can w atch the
H ospital
play Peter Pan once a
* Main entrance ^
year. This is a very happy
& Am bulance Entrance ^
The entrance of the hospital. m om ent for them .

Match each word with the correct picture.

flag 3 plank
skull 4 sword

S Listedto 'the"first part of Chapter Six and choose the correct answer
A, B, or C.
1 Where is the Jolly R o g e r1
A [] in the M erm aids’ Lagoon.
B □ at M arooners’ Rock.
C E in the bay near K id d ’s Creek.
2 W hat colour is the pirates’ flag?
A E black and white
B E red
C E yellow
3 How many pirates does Captain Hook want?
A E five
B E tw o
C E ] one
4 Who wants to becom e a pirate?
A E Michael
BE Tootles
C E J ° hn
5 W hat happens when Captain Hook hears the alarm clock?
A Q He jum ps into the sea.
B [ ] He hides in his cabin.
G Q He wants to fight the crocodile.

The Pirate Ship

he Jolly Roger is a big p irate ship in th e bay n ear K idd’s
C reek. O n th e ship th e re is a black flag w ith a w hite skull
on it. It is th e p ira te s’ flag. It is n ig h t tim e and th ere is a
yell ow m oon in the dark sky. P eter sees th e ch ild ren on the
p irate ship. T hey are p risoners 1 of C ap tain H ook and they are afraid
of him . C ap tain H ook looks at th e ch ild ren alid says, ‘P eter Pan c a n ’t
save you now! You’re my priso n ers!’. H e starts to laugh an d th e o th e r
pirates laugh too.
‘Sm ee, com e h e re !’ says C ap tain Hook.
‘Yes sir!’ says Sm ee.
‘G et the p lank ready for th ese c h ild re n !’ says C ap tain H ook.
‘A lright, sir!’ says Sm ee. H e goes to get th e long plank.
‘W h a t’s the plank?’ asks Jo h n , looking at Wendy.
‘H a, ha!’ laughs C ap tain H ook. ‘You d o n ’t know w hat th e p lan k is.

1 . Prisoner : th is p e r so n is n o t fr e e .

The Pirate Ship

You m ust all w alk the p la n k 2 to n ig h t!’

‘I d o n ’t u n d e rs ta n d / says John.
‘F irst you w alk the p lank and th e n you fall into th e s e a / says
C ap tain H ook. ‘And in th e sea th e re ’s a hungry crocodile. H e w ants
to eat you! H a, h a ’.
‘O h, no!’ sh o u t the children. T hey are afraid.
‘B ut p erhaps I can save two of y o u ,’ says C ap tain H ook, looking at
the ch ildren. ‘I w ant two young pirates. W ho w ants to be a p ira te ? ’
T he Lost Boys look at John. And Jo h n looks at M ichael and says,
‘I d o n ’t w ant to w alk the plank. I d o n ’t w ant to be food for th a t hungry
c ro c o d ile ...’
‘W h at do you m ean, Jo h n ? ’ asks M ichael.
‘W ell,’ says Jo h n , ‘th e life of a p irate is exciting. T h ere are a lot of
adventures. L et’s be pirates, M ichael!’
M ichael does n o t know w hat to say. H e and Jo h n look at Wendy.
‘T h a t’s a terrible idea, J o h n ,’ says Wendy. ‘I’m su rp rised at you!’
C ap tain H ook moves his hook in fro n t of th e ir faces and laughs
‘I w ant an answ er from y o u ,’ says C ap tain H ook. ‘Do you w an t to
be p irates, yes or no?’
Jo h n and M ichael look at each o th e r and th e n say, ‘N ever!’
‘W h at!’ says C ap tain H ook angrily. ‘T h en you m u st w alk th e p lan k
and die!’
W endy is afraid. She loves h e r b ro th ers and th e Lost Boys. She
has tears in h e r eyes.
A p irate sh o u ts, ‘W h o ’s the first to w alk th e p lan k ?’
At th a t m om ent everyone hears a loud noise. ‘Tick! Tock! Tick!!

2 . Walk the plank : p ir a te s m a k e th e ir p r is o n e r s w a lk o n th e lo n g p la n k a n d

fa ll in to th e se a .

‘O h, no! I t’s the crocodile!’ says C ap tain Hook. ‘H e w ants to eat
m e!’ H is face is w hite and he ru n s to his c a b in 3 an d hides th ere.
‘T he crocodile is hungry to n ig h t,’ says a p irate. ‘Som eone m u st
w alk th e p la n k ...’
‘W h o ’s th e first to w alk th e p lank?’ asks Sm ee, looking at Jo h n and
M ichael. ‘L e t’s go!’
Suddenly P eter Pan arrives, and T inker Bell follows him . Wendy,
Jo h n , M ichael and th e Lost Boys c h ee r happily. T hey are very happy
to see him .
‘P e te r’s h e re !’ they say. ‘H e ’s going to save us!’
C ap tain H ook com es o ut of his cabin and sees P eter Pan. H e and
his pirates are very angry. H ook takes his long sword an d says, ‘I’m
going to fight you, P eter Pan! T his is your last fight, b ecau se to n ig h t
y ou’re going to die!’
H ook fights w ith his long sw ord and w ith his big hook. P eter is
very brave and fights w ith his sm all sword. H e p u sh es H ook to the
b ack of the ship. It is a terrible fight. Jo h n , M ichael an d th e Lost
Boys fight th e pirates. A fter a long fight they throw th e p irates into
th e sea.
P eter and C ap tain H ook fight all over th e ship. T h eir swords m ake
a lot of noise. Suddenly P eter p u sh es C ap tain H ook in to th e sea!
H ook sh o u ts, ‘O h, noV H e falls into th e sea an d into th e m o
hungry crocodile. Everyone cheers.
‘O h, P eter!’ says W endy happily. ‘You’re a very brave boy!’ She
sm iles and kisses him on th e cheek.
P eter is happy and says, ‘N ow the Jolly Roger is ours! We can go
hom e!’
‘H om e!’ everyone shouts. ‘L e t’s go!’

3. Cabin : (h e r e ) a sm a ll ro o m o n a sh ip .


Complete the sentences (1-9) with the correct endings (A-l) to make a
summary of Chapter Six.

1 Q ] The Jolly Roger is

2 Q The pirates’ flag
3 Q ] Wendy, John, Michael and the Lost Boys
4 Q Captain Hook says that
5 Q ] Captain Hook runs to his cabin
6 Q Peter Pan and Tinker Bell
7 Q ] Peter Pan is brave and fights Captain Hook
8 Q Peter Pan wins the terrible fight
9 Q ] Captain Hook falls into the sea

A are prisoners of Captain Hook.

B because he is afraid of the crocodile.
C is black with a white skull on it.
D against Captain Hook.
E in the bay near K id d ’s Creek.
F and into the mouth of the crocodile.
G with his small sword.
H want to save the children.
I the children must walk the plank.


In this sentence and is a conjunction.

Conjunctions join different ideas in a sentence.
Come here and look at this!
They sit in the sun and talk and laugh.
She opens the window and looks around.
□ C O N J U N C T IO N S
Complete each of the following sentences with one of the conjunctions
from the box. You can use the conjunctions more than once.

or but and because

1 Mr and Mrs Darling are s a d .......................tltheir children are not at home.

2 ‘You can choose: you can have an apple an orange,’ says
Wendy to Michael.
3 ‘I like N everland,’ says Wendy, ‘ we must go back to
4 Michael is tir e d ,............. he does not want to go to bed.
5 ‘You can walk the plank you can becom e a pirate!’
says Captain Hook.
6 Wendy c o o k s ......... sews in the underground home.

□ C O N V E R S A T IO N
Complete the conversation. What does John say to Wendy? Write the
correct letter next to the number. There is an example at the beginning (0).

John: Do you want to go swim m ing in the M erm aids’ Lagoon?

Wendy: (0 )..... ® .......
John: When can we go?
Wendy: ( 1 ).................
John : At what time?
Wendy: ( 2 ) ................
John : Can Michael com e with us?
Wendy: ( 3 ) .................
John: Why?
Wendy: (4 ).................
John: I can teach him.
Wendy: ( 5 ) .................

A Tomorrow afternoon
B Early
C At half past tw o
D No, he isn’t.
E Because he ca n ’t swim.
F No, he can’t.
G Yes, I do.
H Alright, then he can come.

Loudly is an adverb. It describes how Captain Hook laughs.

We use adverbs to describe how w e do something.

Change the adjectives in the box below to adverbs, and complete the

angry sad soft quick happy slow

1 ‘Peter is going to help us!’ the children c r y .........................

2 ‘We’re late for sch oo l!’ says Wendy. ‘ Let’s g o ....................... ’.
3 John and Michael are tired and they w a lk .........................
4 Wendy s p e a k s ........................ because the Lost Boys are sleeping.
5 ‘Where are my children?’ asks Mrs D a rlin g .........................
6 ‘ I want to fight Peter Pan!’ says Captain H o o k .........................


Listen to Chapter Seven and choose the correct answer - A, B or C.

1 How many em pty chairs are there at breakfast?

A Q five B Q tw o C D l three
2 Who tries to com fort Mrs Darling?
A Q Mr Darling B Q Nana C Q Wendy
3 How many Lost Boys enter the nursery?
A six B | | tw o C Q four

4 Who wants to go back to Neverland?

A Q John and Michael B Q The Lost Boys C Q Peter Pan
5 When can Wendy go to visit Peter Pan?
A Q Next year B Q Every spring C Q In the summer


Back in London
he D arling hom e in L ondon is a very sad place. M r an d M rs
D arling never sm ile or laugh. T hey always th in k ab o u t
Wendy, Jo h n and M ichael. Every m o rn in g at b reak fast M rs
D arling looks at th e th re e em pty chairs and says, W h e re
are my c h ild re n ? ’ She has tears in h er eyes.
N ana goes to the n ursery and sees th re e em pty beds. In the
evening, M r D arling com es hom e after w ork and he does n o t h e ar his
ch ild ren talking and laughing. M rs D arling o ften sits in th e silent
n u rsery and cries.
She thinks of h e r ch ild ren , th e ir gam es and th e ir happy voices.
N ana tries to com fort her, b u t n o th in g can m ake M rs D arling happy.
She always leaves th e n ursery w indow open.
T h en one n ight som ething w onderful h ap p en s. Wendy, Jo h n and
M ichael fly into the nursery! M rs D arling is sittin g n e ar th e fireplace
and th in k in g a b o u t h e r ch ildren. She hears a voice and tu rn s around.
‘M other, m o th er!’ cries W endy happily. ‘W e’re hom e!’

M rs D arling sees Wendy, Jo h n and M ichael. She is very surprised.
She c a n n o t believe h e r eyes.
‘O h!’ she cries. ‘Is this tru e or is it a d ream ?’
‘M o th er,’ the c h ild re n say, ‘it’s true! W e’re hom e!’
They hug 1 th e ir m o th e r and kiss her.
‘I t’s w onderful to see you!’ says M rs D arling, looking at h e r th ree
ch ildren. ‘Let m e look a t you! H ow w onderful to h e ar your sw eet
N ana ru n s into th e nursery and barks happily. T h e ch ild ren are
very pleased to see her.
‘I m u st call your fa th e r !’says M rs D arling. ‘G eorge, George! C om e
to th e n u rsery im m ediately.’
M r D arling com es to the n ursery an d sees his th re e ch ild ren . ‘This
is a w onderful nig h t!’ he says happily. ‘O u r ch ild ren are finally hom e!’
‘M o th er,’ says Wendy, ‘P eter Pan an d th e Lost Boys are h ere too.
T hey’re w aiting o u tsid e .’
‘Ask th em to com e in sid e ,’ says M rs D arling.
T he six Lost Boys slowly e n te r the n u rsery an d look at M r an d M rs
D arling and N ana.
‘M o th er,’ says Wendy, ‘th ese are the Lost Boys. T hey h a v en ’t got a
fam ily or a m other. C an they stay w ith us?’
‘O h, th ese d ear little boys h av en ’t got a fam ily or a m o th er!’ says
M rs D arling. ‘O f course they can stay w ith us. W e’re th e ir new fam ily!’
‘T h a n k you, M rs D arling,’ say the Lost Boys.
‘B ut w here is P eter P an?’ asks M rs D arling, looking aro u n d th e
P eter Pan com es into the n u rsery an d says, ‘H ere I am! B ut I d o n ’t
w ant to stay h e re .’

1. H u g :

Everyone is surprised and M rs D arling asks, ‘W hy d o n ’t you w ant
to stay h ere?’
‘I d o n ’t w an t to go to school and learn th in g s,’ says Peter. ‘I d o n ’t
w an t to grow up! I w ant to be a young boy an d have lots of fun
‘B ut P e te r...’ says W endy sadly.
‘I m u st go b ack to N ev erlan d ,’ says Peter. ‘My hom e an d my friends
are th ere. I’m happy w ith th e Indians an d th e fairies.’
W endy is surprised and asks, ‘W h en can I see you, th e n ? ’
M rs D arling thinks for a m o m en t an d says, ‘I have a good idea.
Wendy, you can visit P eter in N everland every spring! You can stay
th e re for a w eek.’
‘C an I really go to N everland every spring, M o th er? ’ asks Wendy.
‘O f course you c a n ,’ says M rs D arling, sm iling.
P eter looks at M rs D arling and asks, ‘Is th a t a p ro m ise?’
‘O f course it is!’ says M rs D arling.
‘T h en I w ant spring to com e quickly,’ says P eter happily.
‘Yes, very quickly,’ says Wendy, laughing.
‘C om e on, Tink!’ says Peter. ‘L e t’s fly hom e an d w ait for sp rin g .’
P eter Pan and T inker Bell fly o u t o P th e n u rsery w indow into the
nig h t sky. They are flying to N everland!


Are these sentences ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)? If there is not enough
information to answer (A) or (B), choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C). There is an
example at the beginning (0).
0 The Darling home is not a happy place. [/If
1 Mrs Darling is very unhappy w ithout her children.
2 Wendy, John and Michael fly into the nursery at m idnight.
3 The Lost Boys do not want to stay in London with the
Darling family.
4 Peter Pan does not want to go to school.
5 Wendy can visit Peter for a week every spring.
6 Peter Pan returns to Neverland, but Tinker Bell stays
in London.

Complete these two letters. Write one word for each space (1-10). There
is an example at the beginning (0).

Wendy invites her best friend Elizabeth to her birthday party.

O e a r E lizabeth,
My birthday 13 (0) P.P. W edne3day. Can (1)
cotwe -to tv\y birthday party? X t 3-tart3 (2) -four o ’clock in
-the a-fternoon. The party i3 (3) .......................-the garden. My twother
(4 ) Making <3 bi^ c h oco la te c a k e . T h e re a re a lo t o-f -fon
^atwe3. E>rin^ (5) ....................... li-ttle 3i3-ter -too.
W rite -to twe 3oonl

TkflruK 01A (6) tWe- i'nvitdfio'n to Vcow birtWdc*,^ pa.rt'W. Ye-S,

(7) ......................... c.oi'n O'n \aie^d'ne^sdnyr. M'Vt l i t t l e s is te r ca.'H'hot ac
(8) sine* is i l l . Ca.'H X bri'yi^ (9) Rove-r?
( 10 ) ................. ....... W&d'n&sdoi'^!


" Wendy is takin9 the Lost Boys on a short tour of London. She is giving
them some information about the city. Listen to her and then choose the
correct answer below - A, B or C.

1 W hat is on top of Big Ben?

2 How do Wendy and The Lost Boys travel on the River Thames?

4 W hat tim e do Wendy and the Lost Boys, have lunch?

5 Where are they going after lunch?

Tke Dariin£ Home
W hat does the Darling hom e in London look like? It is a com fortable
hom e with a nice garden.
On the ground floor there is a dining room. The family has its meals
here. There is a long table with a lot of chairs around it. There are also
pictures on the walls.
O n the ground floor there is also a large sitting room, with a big sofa
and com fortable chairs. People sit here in the evening and read or talk.
They also listen to music. Families like singing together. O ften som eone
plays the piano. W hen friends come to visit, they sit in the sitting room.
At the back of the house there is a big kitchen. Next to the kitchen there
is a small room called the scullery. This is w here the servants wash up.
Some big houses have breakfast rooms and libraries.
On the first floor there are the bedroom s, the bathroom and the nursery.
The rooms have open fireplaces.
The servants live in rooms at the top of the house.

Complete the sentences (1-6) with the correct endings (A-F).

1 ] O utside the house

2 ] People have their meals
3 ] In the evening the fam ily meets
4 ] The scullery is a small room
5 ] The bedroom s and the nursery are
6 ] There are fireplaces

A in the sitting room,

B next to the kitchen,
C on the first floor,
D there is a nice garden,
E in the dining room,
F in the rooms.
The wonderful story of Peter Pan is the subject of a lot of films. The first one and
maybe the most famous is the cartoon produced by Walt Disney. More recently
Steven Spielberg produced Hook, with the famous actor Dustin Hoffmann in the
role of the cruel captain. The movie Finding N everland is a very original story, that
talks about the characters of the story but also about Matthew Barrie.

Title: Peter Pan Title: Hook Title: Finding Neverland

Year: 1953 Year: 1991 Year: 2004
Director: Walt Director: Steven Spielberg Director: Marc Foster
Disney Actors: Dustin Hoffmann, Actors: Johnny Depp,
Production: USA Robin Williams, Julia Roberts Kate Winslet, Dustin
Production: USA Hoffmann, Julie Christie
Production: USA

Look at the still of Peter Pan and Wendy. Then answer the questions.
A Where is Wendy and what is she doing? .....................
B What page of the story does this still refer to?............. .....................
C Write your own caption for this still. .....................

y ? Look at the still and answer the questions.

A Who is the pirate in the picture with Captain Hook? .....................
B Which are his main features?.......................................... .....................
C Write your own caption for this still. .....................

Look at the still and answer the questions.

A What are the Darling children doing? .....................
B Where are they going?..........................................................................
C How are the characters feeling? .....................
D What page of the story does this still refer to?............. .....................
The pictures are not in the right order. Put them in the order they appear
in the book.

R oek
I River *W The ^


Jolly Roger
This reader uses the EXPANSIVE READING approach, where the text becomes a springboard
to improve language skills and to explore historical background, cultural connections and other
topics suggested by the text.
The new structures introduced in this step of our GREEN APPLE series are listed below.
Naturally, structures from lower steps are included too. For a complete list of structures used over
all the three steps, see The Black Cat Guide to Graded Readers, which is also downloadable at no
cost from our website, .
The vocabulary used at each step is carefully checked against vocabulary lists used for
internationally recognised examinations.

S tarter A1

Verb tenses
Present Simple
Present Continuous
Future reference: Present Continuous; going to;
Present Simple

Verb forms and patterns

Affirmative, negative, interrogative
Short answers
Imperative: 2nd person; let’s
Infinitives after some very common verbs (e.g. want)
Gerunds (verb + -ing) after some very common verbs
(e.g. like, hate)

Modal verbs
Can: ability; requests; permission
Would ... like: offers, requests
Shall: suggestions; offers
Must: personal obligation
Have (got) to: external obligation
Need: necessity

Types of clause
Co-ordination: but; and; or; and then
Subordination (in the Present Simple or Present
Continuous) after verbs such as: to be sure; to know;
to think; to believe; to hope, to say; to tell
Subordination after: because, when

Zero, definite and indefinite articles
Possessive’s and s’
Countable and uncountable nouns
Some, any; much, many, a lot; (a) little, (a) few;
all, every; etc.
Order of adjectives
rcici ran
Join Wendy, John and Michael as they fly off to Neverland with Peter Pan,
where incredible adventures await them. Meet the Lost Boys in their secret
underground home and swim with the lovely mermaids in Mermaids’ Lagoon.
But watch out for cruel Captain Hook and his pirates, who have terrible plans for
Peter Pan and his friends...

This reader uses the EXPANSIVE READING approach, where the text becomes
a springboard to improve language skills and to explore historical background,
cultural connections and other topics suggested by the text. As well as the story,
this reader contains:
• A wide range of activities practicing the four skills
• Dossiers: The Great O rm ond Street H ospital for ; ; The Darling
Home; Fairies and their M agic
• A map of Neverland
• KEY-style activities and Trinity-style activities (Grades 1 and 2)
• Full recording of the text
• Keys and W e b A c tiv itie s at
a BLOG for a new reading experience.

Black Cat readers are now also available for Sm artphone
and Tablet from the official digital stores for both Android
and iOS devices. For further information on the titles

Starter CEFR A1 Exam preparation Flyers and/or KEY

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