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SharpSploit - Quick Command Reference


Command()  - Loads the Mimikatz PE with  PE.Load()  and executes a chosen Mimikatz command.
LogonPasswords()  - Loads the Mimikatz PE with  PE.Load()  and executes the Mimikatz command
to retrieve plaintext passwords from LSASS. Equates to  Command("privilege::debug
sekurlsa::logonPasswords") . (Requires Admin)
SamDump()  - Loads the Mimikatz PE with  PE.Load()  and executes the Mimikatz command to
retrieve password hashes from the SAM database. Equates to  Command("privilege::debug
lsadump::sam") . (Requires Admin)
LsaSecrets()  - Loads the Mimikatz PE with  PE.Load()  and executes the Mimikatz command to
retrieve LSA secrets stored in registry. Equates to  Command("privilege::debug lsadump::secrets") .
(Requires Admin)
LsaCache()  - Loads the Mimikatz PE with  PE.Load()  and executes the Mimikatz command to
retrieve Domain Cached Credentials hashes from registry. Equates to  Command("privilege::debug
lsadump::cache") . (Requires Admin)
Wdigest()  - Loads the Mimikatz PE with  PE.Load()  and executes the Mimikatz command to
retrieve Wdigest credentials from registry. Equates to  Command("sekurlsa::wdigest") .
All()  - Loads the Mimikatz PE with  PE.Load()  and executes each of the above builtin, local
credential dumping commands. (Requires Admin)
DCSync()  - Loads the Mimikatz PE with  PE.Load()  and executes the "dcsync" module to retrieve
the NTLM hash of a specified (or all) Domain user. (Requires Domain Admin (or equivalent rights))
PassTheHash()  - Loads the Mimikatz PE with  PE.Load()  and executes the "pth" module to start a
new process as a user using an NTLM password hash for authentication. (Requires Admin)

WhoAmI()  - Gets the username of the currently used/impersonated token.
ImpersonateUser()  - Impersonate the token of a process owned by the specified user. Used to
execute subsequent commands as the specified user. (Requires Admin)
ImpersonateProcess()  - Impersonate the token of the specified process. Used to execute
subsequent commands as the user associated with the token of the specified process. (Requires
GetSystem()  - Impersonate the SYSTEM user. Equates to  ImpersonateUser("NT
AUTHORITY\SYSTEM") . (Requires Admin)
BypassUAC()  - Bypasses UAC through token duplication and spawns a specified process with high
integrity. (Requires Admin)
RunAs()  - Makes a new token to run a specified function as a specified user with a specified
password. Automatically calls  RevertToSelf()  after executing the function.
MakeToken()  - Makes a new token with a specified username and password, and impersonates it
to conduct future actions as the specified user.
RevertToSelf()  - Ends the impersonation of any token, reverting back to the initial token
associated with the current process. Useful in conjuction with functions that impersonate a token
and do not automatically RevertToSelf, such
as:  ImpersonateUser() ,  ImpersonateProcess() ,  GetSystem() , and  MakeToken() .
EnableTokenPrivilege()  - Enables a specified security privilege for a specified token. (Requires


GetProcessList()  - Gets a list of running processes on the system.
CreateProcessDump()  - Creates a minidump of the memory of a running process. Useful for
offline Mimikatz if dumping the LSASS process. (Requires Admin)
GetHostname()  - Gets the hostname of the system.
GetUsername()  - Gets the current Domain and username of the process running.
GetCurrentDirectory()  - Gets the current working directory full path.
GetDirectoryListing()  - Gets a directory listing of the current working directory.
ChangeCurrentDirectory()  - Changes the current directory by appending a specified string to the
current working directory.

PortScan()  - Conducts a port scan of specified computer(s) and port(s) and reports open ports.
Ping()  - Pings specified computer(s) to identify live systems.


GetDomainUsers()  - Gets a list of specified (or all) user  DomainObject s in the current Domain.
GetDomainGroups()  - Gets a list of specified (or all) group  DomainObject s in the current Domain.
GetDomainComputers()  - Gets a list of specified (or all) computer  DomainObject s in the current
GetDomainSPNTickets()  - Gets  SPNTicket s for specified  DomainObject s.
Kerberoast()  - Gets a list of  SPNTicket s for specified (or all) users with a SPN set in the current
GetNetLocalGroups()  - Gets a list of  LocalGroup s from specified remote computer(s).
GetNetLocalGroupMembers()  - Gets a list of  LocalGroupMember s from specified remote computer(s)
for a specified group.
GetNetLoggedOnUsers()  - Gets a list of  LoggedOnUser s from specified remote computer(s).
GetNetSessions()  - Gets a list of  SessionInfo s from specified remote computer(s).


Load()  - Loads a .NET assembly byte array or base64-encoded byte array.
AssemblyExecute()  - Loads a .NET assembly byte array or base64-encoded byte array and
executes a specified method within a specified type with specified parameters using reflection.

Load()  - Loads a PE with a specified byte array. (Requires Admin) **(Currently broken. Works for
Mimikatz, but not arbitrary PEs)
GetFunctionExport()  - Get a pointer to an exported function in a loaded PE. The pointer can then
be used to execute the function in the PE.

PowerShellExecute()  - Executes specified PowerShell code using
System.Management.Automation.dll and bypasses AMSI, ScriptBlock Logging, and Module
Logging (but not Transcription Logging).
ShellExecute()  - Executes a specified Shell command, optionally with an alternative username
and password. Equates to  ShellExecuteWithPath(ShellCommand, "C:\\WINDOWS\\System32")
ShellExecuteWithPath()  - Executes a specified Shell command from a specified directory,
optoinally with an alternative username and password.

The  SharpSploit.Execution.ShellCode  class includes a method for executing shellcode. Shellcode
execution is accomplished by copying it to pinned memory, modifying the memory permissions
with  Win32.Kernel32.VirtualProtect() , and executing with a .NET  delegate .

The  SharpSploit.Execution.ShellCode  class includes the following primary function:

ShellCodeExecute()  - Executes a specified shellcode byte array by copying it to pinned memory,

modifying the memory permissions with  Win32.Kernel32.VirtualProtect() , and executing with a
.NET  delegate .
Win32 contains a large library of PInvoke signatures for Win32 API functions.


WMIExecute()  - Execute a process on a remote system with Win32_Process Create4 with specified

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